def handle(args): files = [abspath(f) for f in args.path] if not cmd.find_config(missing_ok = True): # Import into appropriate registry for this feed with open(files[0], 'rb') as stream: doc = qdom.parse(stream) master = incoming.get_feed_url(doc, files[0]) from_registry = registry.lookup(master) assert from_registry['type'] == 'local', 'Unsupported registry type in %s' % from_registry os.chdir(from_registry['path']) print("Adding to registry '{path}'".format(path = from_registry['path'])) config = cmd.load_config() messages = [] for feed in files: print("Adding", feed) msg = incoming.process(config, feed, delete_on_success = False) if msg: messages.append(msg) update.do_update(config, messages = messages)
def handle(args): cmd.find_config() config = cmd.load_config() path = join(basedir.save_config_path('', '0repo'), 'repositories.json') if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'rb') as stream: db = json.load(stream) else: db = {} existing = db.get(config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL, None) entry = {'type': 'local', 'path': os.getcwd()} if existing and existing == entry: print("Already registered in {path} (no changes made):\n{base}: {json}".format( path = path, base = config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL, json = json.dumps(entry))) return db[config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL] = entry with open(path + '.new', 'wb') as stream: json.dump(db, stream) os.rename(path + '.new', path) if existing: print("Updated entry in {path} to:".format(path = path)) else: print("Created new entry in {path}:".format(path = path)) print("{base}: {json}".format(base = config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL, json = json.dumps(entry)))
def handle(args): files = [abspath(f) for f in args.path] if not cmd.find_config(missing_ok=True): # Import into appropriate registry for this feed with open(files[0], 'rb') as stream: doc = qdom.parse(stream) master = incoming.get_feed_url(doc, files[0]) from_registry = registry.lookup(master) assert from_registry[ 'type'] == 'local', 'Unsupported registry type in %s' % from_registry os.chdir(from_registry['path']) print("Adding to registry '{path}'".format(path=from_registry['path'])) config = cmd.load_config() messages = [] for feed in files: print("Adding", feed) msg = incoming.process(config, feed, delete_on_success=False) if msg: messages.append(msg) update.do_update(config, messages=messages)
def handle(args): cmd.find_config() config = cmd.load_config() # Only serve files under these prefixes public_prefix = os.path.realpath('public') + os.path.sep archives_prefix = os.path.realpath('archives') + os.path.sep DOCUMENT_ROOTS = [ public_prefix, archives_prefix ] os.chdir(public_prefix) class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): pass class Proxy(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): try: def send(src, headers): self.send_response(200) for name, val in headers: self.send_header(name, val) self.end_headers() try: self.copyfile(src, self.wfile) finally: src.close() if self.path.startswith(config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL): rel_path = self.path[len(config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL):] full_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(rel_path)) if not any (full_path.startswith(prefix) for prefix in DOCUMENT_ROOTS): self.send_error(403, "Forbidden: %s" % rel_path) raise Exception("Attempt to fetch file outside of '%s': %s'" % (public_prefix, full_path)) try: headers = [('Content-Length', os.stat(rel_path).st_size)] send(open(rel_path), headers) except OSError: traceback.print_exc() self.send_error(404, "GET Not Found: %s" % rel_path) else: stream = urllib2.urlopen(self.path) send(stream, stream.headers.items()) except: traceback.print_exc() self.send_response(500) httpd = ThreadedHTTPServer(('', args.port), Proxy) print("To use:\nenv http_proxy='http://localhost:%s/' 0install [...]" % (args.port,)) try: httpd.serve_forever() except: httpd.socket.close() raise
def handle(args): cmd.find_config() config = cmd.load_config() path = join(basedir.save_config_path('', '0repo'), 'repositories.json') if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'rb') as stream: db = json.load(stream) else: db = {} existing = db.get(config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL, None) entry = {'type': 'local', 'path': os.getcwd()} if existing and existing == entry: print( "Already registered in {path} (no changes made):\n{base}: {json}". format(path=path, base=config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL, json=json.dumps(entry))) return db[config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL] = entry with open(path + '.new', 'w') as stream: json.dump(db, stream) support.portable_rename(path + '.new', path) if existing: print("Updated entry in {path} to:".format(path=path)) else: print("Created new entry in {path}:".format(path=path)) print("{base}: {json}".format(base=config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL, json=json.dumps(entry)))
def handle(args): if not cmd.find_config(missing_ok=True): from_registry = registry.lookup(args.uri) assert from_registry[ 'type'] == 'local', 'Unsupported registry type in %s' % from_registry os.chdir(from_registry['path']) config = cmd.load_config() rel_uri = args.uri[len(config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL):] feed_path = join('feeds', config.get_feeds_rel_path(rel_uri)) with open(feed_path, 'rb') as stream: doc = minidom.parse(stream) messages = [] for impl in merge.find_impls(doc.documentElement): impl_id = impl.getAttribute("id") impl_version = impl.getAttribute("version") impl_stability = impl.getAttribute("stability") if impl_id == or impl_version == if args.stability and impl_stability != args.stability: messages.append( 'Implementation {id} (version {version}) stability set to {stability}' .format(id=impl_id, version=impl_version, stability=args.stability)) impl.setAttribute("stability", args.stability) if len(messages) > 0: commit_msg = 'Modified {uri}\n\n{messages}'.format( uri=args.uri, messages='\n'.join(messages)) new_xml = formatting.format_doc(doc) incoming.write_to_git(feed_path, new_xml, commit_msg, config) update.do_update(config) else: print("No changes made.")
def handle(args): cmd.find_config() config = cmd.load_config() messages = incoming.process_incoming_dir(config) do_update(config, messages)
def handle(args): cmd.find_config() config = cmd.load_config() # Only serve files under these prefixes public_prefix = os.path.realpath('public') + os.path.sep archives_prefix = os.path.realpath('archives') + os.path.sep DOCUMENT_ROOTS = [public_prefix, archives_prefix] os.chdir(public_prefix) class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): pass class Proxy(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): try: def send(src, headers): self.send_response(200) for name, val in headers: self.send_header(name, val) self.end_headers() try: self.copyfile(src, self.wfile) finally: src.close() if self.path.startswith(config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL): rel_path = self.path[len(config.REPOSITORY_BASE_URL):] full_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(rel_path)) if not any( full_path.startswith(prefix) for prefix in DOCUMENT_ROOTS): self.send_error(403, "Forbidden: %s" % rel_path) raise Exception( "Attempt to fetch file outside of '%s': %s'" % (public_prefix, full_path)) try: headers = [('Content-Length', os.stat(rel_path).st_size)] with open(rel_path, 'rb') as stream: send(stream, headers) except OSError: traceback.print_exc() self.send_error(404, "GET Not Found: %s" % rel_path) else: stream = urllib.request.urlopen(self.path) send(stream, list(stream.headers.items())) except: traceback.print_exc() self.send_response(500) httpd = ThreadedHTTPServer(('', args.port), Proxy) print("To use:\nenv http_proxy='http://localhost:%s/' 0install [...]" % (args.port, )) try: httpd.serve_forever() except: httpd.socket.close() raise
def handle(args): cmd.find_config() config = cmd.load_config() assert config.LOCAL_ARCHIVES_BACKUP_DIR, "No LOCAL_ARCHIVES_BACKUP_DIR!" db = config.archive_db old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(config.LOCAL_ARCHIVES_BACKUP_DIR) missing = set(db.entries.keys()) seen = set() changes = 0 need_backup = False for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'): for f in files: if f.startswith('.'): continue rel_path = relpath(join(root, f), '.') sha1 = archives.get_sha1(rel_path) new = archives.StoredArchive(url = config.ARCHIVES_BASE_URL + rel_path, sha1 = sha1) existing = db.entries.get(f, None) if f in seen: raise SafeException("{}: DUPLICATE basename - not allowed!\nFirst:{}\nSecord:{}".format(f, existing, new)) seen.add(f) if existing: missing.remove(f) if existing != new: need_backup = True changes += 1 print("{}:".format(rel_path)) if existing.sha1 != new.sha1: print(" Old SHA1: {old}\n New SHA1: {new}".format(file = rel_path, old = existing.sha1, new = new.sha1)) if existing.url != new.url: print(" Old URL: {old}\n New URL: {new}".format(file = rel_path, old = existing.url, new = new.url)) else: changes += 1 print("{}: added to database: {url}".format(rel_path, url = new.url)) db.entries[f] = new if missing: print("These archives were missing (but were not removed from the database)") for m in sorted(missing): print(" " + m) os.chdir(old_dir) if need_backup: backup_path = db.path + '.old' print("Old database saved as {}".format(backup_path)) shutil.copyfile(db.path, backup_path) if changes: db.save_all() print("Updated {} (changes: {})".format(db.path, changes)) if need_backup: print("Run '0repo update' to update public feeds.") else: print("No changes found")