Example #1
def test_reproject_celestial_2d_gal2equ(wcsapi, roundtrip_coords):
    Test reprojection of a 2D celestial image, which includes a coordinate
    system conversion.
    with fits.open(get_pkg_data_filename('data/galactic_2d.fits', package='reproject.tests')) as pf:
        hdu_in = pf[0]
        header_out = hdu_in.header.copy()
        header_out['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TAN'
        header_out['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TAN'
        header_out['CRVAL1'] = 266.39311
        header_out['CRVAL2'] = -28.939779

        if wcsapi:  # Enforce a pure wcsapi API
            wcs_in, data_in = as_high_level_wcs(WCS(hdu_in.header)), hdu_in.data
            wcs_out = as_high_level_wcs(WCS(header_out))
            shape_out = header_out['NAXIS2'], header_out['NAXIS1']
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    (data_in, wcs_in), wcs_out, shape_out=shape_out,
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    hdu_in, header_out, roundtrip_coords=roundtrip_coords)

    return array_footprint_to_hdulist(array_out, footprint_out, header_out)
Example #2
def test_celestial_mismatch_3d(roundtrip_coords):
    Make sure an error is raised if the input image has celestial WCS
    information and the output does not (and vice-versa). This example will
    use the _reproject_full route.
    with fits.open(
            get_pkg_data_filename('data/equatorial_3d.fits', package='reproject.tests')) as pf:
        hdu_in = pf[0]

        header_out = hdu_in.header.copy()
        header_out['CTYPE1'] = 'APPLES'
        header_out['CTYPE2'] = 'ORANGES'
        header_out['CTYPE3'] = 'BANANAS'

        data = hdu_in.data
        wcs1 = WCS(hdu_in.header)
        wcs2 = WCS(header_out)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input WCS has celestial components but output WCS "
                           "does not"):
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    (data, wcs1), wcs2, shape_out=(1, 2, 3),

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Output WCS has celestial components but input WCS "
                           "does not"):
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    (data, wcs2), wcs1, shape_out=(1, 2, 3),
Example #3
def test_small_cutout(wcsapi, roundtrip_coords):
    Test reprojection of a cutout from a larger image (makes sure that the
    pre-reprojection cropping works)
    with fits.open(get_pkg_data_filename('data/galactic_2d.fits', package='reproject.tests')) as pf:
        hdu_in = pf[0]
        header_out = hdu_in.header.copy()
        header_out['NAXIS1'] = 10
        header_out['NAXIS2'] = 9
        header_out['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TAN'
        header_out['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TAN'
        header_out['CRVAL1'] = 266.39311
        header_out['CRVAL2'] = -28.939779
        header_out['CRPIX1'] = 5.1
        header_out['CRPIX2'] = 4.7

        if wcsapi:  # Enforce a pure wcsapi API
            wcs_in, data_in = as_high_level_wcs(WCS(hdu_in.header)), hdu_in.data
            wcs_out = as_high_level_wcs(WCS(header_out))
            shape_out = header_out['NAXIS2'], header_out['NAXIS1']
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    (data_in, wcs_in), wcs_out, shape_out=shape_out,
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    hdu_in, header_out, roundtrip_coords=roundtrip_coords)

    return array_footprint_to_hdulist(array_out, footprint_out, header_out)
Example #4
def test_identity_with_offset(roundtrip_coords):

    # Reproject an array and WCS to itself but with a margin, which should
    # end up empty. This is a regression test for a bug that caused some
    # values to extend beyond the original footprint.

    wcs = WCS(naxis=2)
    wcs.wcs.ctype = 'RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN'
    wcs.wcs.crpix = 322, 151
    wcs.wcs.crval = 43, 23
    wcs.wcs.cdelt = -0.1, 0.1
    wcs.wcs.equinox = 2000.

    array_in = np.random.random((233, 123))

    wcs_out = wcs.deepcopy()
    wcs_out.wcs.crpix += 1
    shape_out = (array_in.shape[0] + 2, array_in.shape[1] + 2)

    array_out, footprint = reproject_interp(
            (array_in, wcs), wcs_out, shape_out=shape_out,

    expected = np.pad(array_in, 1, 'constant', constant_values=np.nan)

    assert_allclose(expected, array_out, atol=1e-10)
Example #5
def test_mwpan_car_to_mol(roundtrip_coords):
    Test reprojection of the Mellinger Milky Way Panorama from CAR to MOL,
    which was returning all NaNs due to a regression that was introduced in
    reproject 0.3 (https://github.com/astrofrog/reproject/pull/124).
    hdu_in = fits.Header.fromtextfile(
            get_pkg_data_filename('data/mwpan2_RGB_3600.hdr', package='reproject.tests'))
    with pytest.warns(FITSFixedWarning):
        wcs_in = WCS(hdu_in, naxis=2)
    data_in = np.ones((hdu_in['NAXIS2'], hdu_in['NAXIS1']), dtype=float)
    header_out = fits.Header()
    header_out['NAXIS'] = 2
    header_out['NAXIS1'] = 360
    header_out['NAXIS2'] = 180
    header_out['CRPIX1'] = 180
    header_out['CRPIX2'] = 90
    header_out['CRVAL1'] = 0
    header_out['CRVAL2'] = 0
    header_out['CDELT1'] = -2 * np.sqrt(2) / np.pi
    header_out['CDELT2'] = 2 * np.sqrt(2) / np.pi
    header_out['CTYPE1'] = 'GLON-MOL'
    header_out['CTYPE2'] = 'GLAT-MOL'
    header_out['RADESYS'] = 'ICRS'
    array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
            (data_in, wcs_in), header_out, roundtrip_coords=roundtrip_coords)
    assert np.isfinite(array_out).any()
Example #6
def test_reproject_with_output_array(roundtrip_coords):
    Test both full_reproject and slicewise reprojection. We use a case where the
    non-celestial slices are the same and therefore where both algorithms can
    header_in = fits.Header.fromtextfile(
        get_pkg_data_filename('data/cube.hdr', package='reproject.tests'))

    array_in = np.ones((3, 200, 180))
    shape_out = (3, 160, 170)
    out_full = np.empty(shape_out)

    wcs_in = WCS(header_in)
    wcs_out = wcs_in.deepcopy()
    wcs_out.wcs.ctype = ['GLON-SIN', 'GLAT-SIN', wcs_in.wcs.ctype[2]]
    wcs_out.wcs.crval = [158.0501, -21.530282, wcs_in.wcs.crval[2]]
    wcs_out.wcs.crpix = [50., 50., wcs_in.wcs.crpix[2] + 0.4]

    # TODO when someone learns how to do it: make sure the memory isn't duplicated...
    returned_array = reproject_interp((array_in, wcs_in), wcs_out,

    assert out_full is returned_array
Example #7
def test_reproject_celestial_3d_equ2gal(wcsapi, axis_order, roundtrip_coords):
    Test reprojection of a 3D cube with celestial components, which includes a
    coordinate system conversion (the original header is in equatorial
    coordinates). We test using both the 'fast' method which assumes celestial
    slices are independent, and the 'full' method. We also scramble the input
    dimensions of the data and header to make sure that the reprojection can
    deal with this.

    # Read in the input cube
    with fits.open(
            get_pkg_data_filename('data/equatorial_3d.fits', package='reproject.tests')) as pf:
        hdu_in = pf[0]

        # Define the output header - this should be the same for all versions of
        # this test to make sure we can use a single reference file.
        header_out = hdu_in.header.copy()
        header_out['NAXIS1'] = 10
        header_out['NAXIS2'] = 9
        header_out['CTYPE1'] = 'GLON-SIN'
        header_out['CTYPE2'] = 'GLAT-SIN'
        header_out['CRVAL1'] = 163.16724
        header_out['CRVAL2'] = -15.777405
        header_out['CRPIX1'] = 6
        header_out['CRPIX2'] = 5

        # We now scramble the input axes
        if axis_order != (0, 1, 2):
            wcs_in = WCS(hdu_in.header)
            wcs_in = wcs_in.sub((3 - np.array(axis_order)[::-1]).tolist())
            hdu_in.header = wcs_in.to_header()
            hdu_in.data = np.transpose(hdu_in.data, axis_order)

        if wcsapi:  # Enforce a pure wcsapi API
            wcs_in, data_in = as_high_level_wcs(WCS(hdu_in.header)), hdu_in.data
            wcs_out = as_high_level_wcs(WCS(header_out))
            shape_out = header_out['NAXIS3'], header_out['NAXIS2'], header_out['NAXIS1']
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    (data_in, wcs_in), wcs_out, shape_out=shape_out,
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    hdu_in, header_out, roundtrip_coords=roundtrip_coords)

    return array_footprint_to_hdulist(array_out, footprint_out, header_out)
Example #8
def test_reproject_roundtrip(file_format):

    # Test the reprojection with solar data, which ensures that the masking of
    # pixels based on round-tripping works correctly. Using asdf is not just
    # about testing a different format but making sure that GWCS works.

    # The observer handling changed in 2.1.
    pytest.importorskip('sunpy', minversion='2.1.0')
    from sunpy.map import Map
    from sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris import get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst

    if file_format == 'fits':
        map_aia = Map(get_pkg_data_filename('data/aia_171_level1.fits', package='reproject.tests'))
        data = map_aia.data
        wcs = map_aia.wcs
        date = map_aia.date
        target_wcs = wcs.deepcopy()
    elif file_format == 'asdf':
        pytest.importorskip('astropy', minversion='4.0')
        pytest.importorskip('gwcs', minversion='0.12')
        asdf = pytest.importorskip('asdf')
        aia = asdf.open(
            get_pkg_data_filename('data/aia_171_level1.asdf', package='reproject.tests'))
        data = aia['data'][...]
        wcs = aia['wcs']
        date = wcs.output_frame.reference_frame.obstime
        target_wcs = Map(
        raise ValueError('file_format should be fits or asdf')

    # Reproject to an observer on Venus

    target_wcs.wcs.cdelt = ([24, 24]*u.arcsec).to(u.deg)
    target_wcs.wcs.crpix = [64, 64]
    venus = get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst('venus', date)
    target_wcs.wcs.aux.hgln_obs = venus.lon.to_value(u.deg)
    target_wcs.wcs.aux.hglt_obs = venus.lat.to_value(u.deg)
    target_wcs.wcs.aux.dsun_obs = venus.radius.to_value(u.m)

    output, footprint = reproject_interp((data, wcs), target_wcs, (128, 128))

    header_out = target_wcs.to_header()

    # ASTROPY_LT_40: astropy v4.0 introduced new default header keywords,
    # once we support only astropy 4.0 and later we can update the reference
    # data files and remove this section.
    for key in ('CRLN_OBS', 'CRLT_OBS', 'DSUN_OBS', 'HGLN_OBS', 'HGLT_OBS',
                'MJDREFF', 'MJDREFI', 'MJDREF', 'MJD-OBS', 'RSUN_REF'):
        header_out.pop(key, None)
    header_out['DATE-OBS'] = header_out['DATE-OBS'].replace('T', ' ')

    return array_footprint_to_hdulist(output, footprint, header_out)
Example #9
def test_naxis_mismatch(roundtrip_coords):
    Make sure an error is raised if the input and output WCS have a different
    number of dimensions.
    data = np.ones((3, 2, 2))
    wcs_in = WCS(naxis=3)
    wcs_out = WCS(naxis=2)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Number of dimensions between input and output WCS "
                       "should match"):
        array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                (data, wcs_in), wcs_out, shape_out=(1, 2),
Example #10
def test_spectral_mismatch_3d(roundtrip_coords):
    Make sure an error is raised if there are mismatches between the presence
    or type of spectral axis.
    with fits.open(
            get_pkg_data_filename('data/equatorial_3d.fits', package='reproject.tests')) as pf:
        hdu_in = pf[0]

        header_out = hdu_in.header.copy()
        header_out['CTYPE3'] = 'FREQ'
        header_out['CUNIT3'] = 'Hz'

        data = hdu_in.data
        wcs1 = WCS(hdu_in.header)
        wcs2 = WCS(header_out)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"The input \(VOPT\) and output \(FREQ\) spectral "
                           r"coordinate types are not equivalent\."):
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    (data, wcs1), wcs2, shape_out=(1, 2, 3),

        header_out['CTYPE3'] = 'BANANAS'
        wcs2 = WCS(header_out)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input WCS has a spectral component but output WCS "
                           "does not"):
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    (data, wcs1), wcs2, shape_out=(1, 2, 3),

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Output WCS has a spectral component but input WCS "
                           "does not"):
            array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                    (data, wcs2), wcs1, shape_out=(1, 2, 3),
Example #11
def test_inequal_wcs_dims(roundtrip_coords):
    inp_cube = np.arange(3, dtype='float').repeat(4 * 5).reshape(3, 4, 5)
    header_in = fits.Header.fromtextfile(
        get_pkg_data_filename('data/cube.hdr', package='reproject.tests'))

    header_out = header_in.copy()
    header_out['CTYPE3'] = 'VRAD'
    header_out['CUNIT3'] = 'm/s'
    header_in['CTYPE3'] = 'STOKES'
    header_in['CUNIT3'] = ''

    wcs_out = WCS(header_out)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Output WCS has a spectral component but input WCS "
                       "does not"):
        out_cube, out_cube_valid = reproject_interp(
                (inp_cube, header_in), wcs_out, shape_out=(2, 4, 5),
Example #12
def test_4d_fails(roundtrip_coords):

    header_in = fits.Header.fromtextfile(
        get_pkg_data_filename('data/cube.hdr', package='reproject.tests'))

    header_in['NAXIS'] = 4

    header_out = header_in.copy()
    w_in = WCS(header_in)
    w_out = WCS(header_out)

    array_in = np.zeros((2, 3, 4, 5))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Length of shape_out should match number of dimensions "
                       "in wcs_out"):
        x_out, y_out, z_out = reproject_interp(
                (array_in, w_in), w_out, shape_out=[2, 4, 5, 6],
Example #13
def test_different_wcs_types(roundtrip_coords):

    inp_cube = np.arange(3, dtype='float').repeat(4 * 5).reshape(3, 4, 5)
    header_in = fits.Header.fromtextfile(
        get_pkg_data_filename('data/cube.hdr', package='reproject.tests'))

    header_out = header_in.copy()
    header_out['CTYPE3'] = 'VRAD'
    header_out['CUNIT3'] = 'm/s'
    header_in['CTYPE3'] = 'VELO'
    header_in['CUNIT3'] = 'm/s'

    wcs_out = WCS(header_out)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"The input \(VELO\) and output \(VRAD\) spectral "
                                         r"coordinate types are not equivalent\."):
        out_cube, out_cube_valid = reproject_interp(
                (inp_cube, header_in), wcs_out, shape_out=(2, 4, 5),
Example #14
def test_slice_reprojection(roundtrip_coords):
    Test case where only the slices change and the celestial projection doesn't
    inp_cube = np.arange(3, dtype='float').repeat(4 * 5).reshape(3, 4, 5)

    header_in = fits.Header.fromtextfile(
        get_pkg_data_filename('data/cube.hdr', package='reproject.tests'))

    header_in['NAXIS1'] = 5
    header_in['NAXIS2'] = 4
    header_in['NAXIS3'] = 3

    header_out = header_in.copy()
    header_out['NAXIS3'] = 2
    header_out['CRPIX3'] -= 0.5

    wcs_in = WCS(header_in)
    wcs_out = WCS(header_out)

    out_cube, out_cube_valid = reproject_interp(
            (inp_cube, wcs_in), wcs_out, shape_out=(2, 4, 5),

    # we expect to be projecting from
    # inp_cube = np.arange(3, dtype='float').repeat(4*5).reshape(3,4,5)
    # to
    # inp_cube_interp = (inp_cube[:-1]+inp_cube[1:])/2.
    # which is confirmed by
    # map_coordinates(inp_cube.astype('float'), new_coords, order=1, cval=np.nan, mode='constant')
    # np.testing.assert_allclose(inp_cube_interp, map_coordinates(inp_cube.astype('float'),
    # new_coords, order=1, cval=np.nan, mode='constant'))

    assert out_cube.shape == (2, 4, 5)
    assert out_cube_valid.sum() == 40.

    # We only check that the *valid* pixels are equal
    # but it's still nice to check that the "valid" array works as a mask
                               ((inp_cube[:-1] + inp_cube[1:]) / 2.)[out_cube_valid.astype('bool')])

    # Actually, I fixed it, so now we can test all
    np.testing.assert_allclose(out_cube, ((inp_cube[:-1] + inp_cube[1:]) / 2.))
Example #15
def test_small_cutout_outside(roundtrip_coords):
    Test reprojection of a cutout from a larger image - in this case the
    cutout is completely outside the region of the input image so we should
    take a shortcut that returns arrays of NaNs.
    with fits.open(get_pkg_data_filename('data/galactic_2d.fits', package='reproject.tests')) as pf:
        hdu_in = pf[0]
        header_out = hdu_in.header.copy()
        header_out['NAXIS1'] = 10
        header_out['NAXIS2'] = 9
        header_out['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TAN'
        header_out['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TAN'
        header_out['CRVAL1'] = 216.39311
        header_out['CRVAL2'] = -21.939779
        header_out['CRPIX1'] = 5.1
        header_out['CRPIX2'] = 4.7
        array_out, footprint_out = reproject_interp(
                hdu_in, header_out, roundtrip_coords=roundtrip_coords)
    assert np.all(np.isnan(array_out))
    assert np.all(footprint_out == 0)
Example #16
def test_reproject_3d_celestial_correctness_ra2gal(roundtrip_coords):

    inp_cube = np.arange(3, dtype='float').repeat(7 * 8).reshape(3, 7, 8)

    header_in = fits.Header.fromtextfile(
        get_pkg_data_filename('data/cube.hdr', package='reproject.tests'))

    header_in['NAXIS1'] = 8
    header_in['NAXIS2'] = 7
    header_in['NAXIS3'] = 3

    header_out = header_in.copy()
    header_out['CTYPE1'] = 'GLON-TAN'
    header_out['CTYPE2'] = 'GLAT-TAN'
    header_out['CRVAL1'] = 158.5644791
    header_out['CRVAL2'] = -21.59589875
    # make the cube a cutout approximately in the center of the other one, but smaller
    header_out['NAXIS1'] = 4
    header_out['CRPIX1'] = 2
    header_out['NAXIS2'] = 3
    header_out['CRPIX2'] = 1.5

    header_out['NAXIS3'] = 2
    header_out['CRPIX3'] -= 0.5

    wcs_in = WCS(header_in)
    wcs_out = WCS(header_out)

    out_cube, out_cube_valid = reproject_interp(
            (inp_cube, wcs_in), wcs_out, shape_out=(2, 3, 4),

    assert out_cube.shape == (2, 3, 4)
    assert out_cube_valid.sum() == out_cube.size

    # only compare the spectral axis
    np.testing.assert_allclose(out_cube[:, 0, 0], ((inp_cube[:-1] + inp_cube[1:]) / 2.)[:, 0, 0])
Example #17
def make_cutouts(data, catalog, wcs=None, origin=0, verbose=True):
    """Make cutouts of catalog targets from a 2D image array.
    Expects input image WCS to be in the TAN projection.

    data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.nddata.NDData`
        The 2D cutout array.
    catalog : `~astropy.table.table.Table`
        Catalog table defining the sources to cut out. Must contain
        unit information as the cutout tool does not assume default units.
    wcs : `~astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS`
        WCS if the input image is `~numpy.ndarray`.
    origin : int
        Whether SkyCoord.from_pixel should use 0 or 1-based pixel coordinates.
    verbose : bool
        Print extra info. Default is `True`.

    cutouts : list
        A list of NDData. If cutout failed for a target,
       `None` will be added as a place holder. Output WCS
       will in be in Tan projection.

    The input Catalog must have the following columns, which MUST have
    units information where applicable:

        * ``'id'`` - ID string; no unit necessary.
        * ``'coords'`` - SkyCoord (Overrides ra, dec, x and y columns).
        * ``'ra'`` or ``'x'``- RA (angular units e.g., deg, H:M:S, arcsec etc..)
          or pixel x position (only in `~astropy.units.pix`).
        * ``'dec'`` or ``'y'`` - Dec (angular units e.g., deg, D:M:S, arcsec etc..)
          or pixel y position (only in `~astropy.units.pix`).
        * ``'cutout_width'`` - Cutout width (e.g., in arcsec, pix).
        * ``'cutout_height'`` - Cutout height (e.g., in arcsec, pix).

    Optional columns:
        * ``'cutout_pa'`` - Cutout angle (e.g., in deg, arcsec). This is only
          use if user chooses to rotate the cutouts. Positive value
          will result in a clockwise rotation.

    If saved to fits, cutouts are organized as follows:

    Each cutout image is a simple single-extension FITS with updated WCS.
    Its header has the following special keywords:

        * ``OBJ_RA`` - RA of the cutout object in degrees.
        * ``OBJ_DEC`` - DEC of the cutout object in degrees.
        * ``OBJ_ROT`` - Rotation of cutout object in degrees.

    # Do not rotate if column is missing.
    if 'cutout_pa' in catalog.colnames:
        if catalog['cutout_pa'].unit is None:
            raise u.UnitsError("Units not specified for cutout_pa.")
        apply_rotation = True
        apply_rotation = False

    # Optional dependencies...
    if apply_rotation:
            from reproject.interpolation.high_level import reproject_interp
        except ImportError as e:
            raise ImportError("Optional requirement not met: " + e.msg)

    # Search for wcs:
    if isinstance(data, NDData):
        if wcs is not None:
            raise Exception("Ambiguous: WCS defined in NDData and parameters.")
        wcs = data.wcs
    elif not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError("Input image should be a 2D `~numpy.ndarray` "
                        "or `~astropy.nddata.NDData")
    elif wcs is None:
        raise Exception("WCS information was not provided.")

    if wcs.wcs.ctype[0] != 'RA---TAN' or wcs.wcs.ctype[1] != 'DEC--TAN':
        raise Exception("Expected  WCS to be in the TAN projection.")

    # Calculate the pixel scale of input image:
    pixel_scales = proj_plane_pixel_scales(wcs)
    pixel_scale_width = pixel_scales[0] * u.Unit(wcs.wcs.cunit[0]) / u.pix
    pixel_scale_height = pixel_scales[1] * u.Unit(wcs.wcs.cunit[1]) / u.pix

    # Check if `SkyCoord`s are available:
    if 'coords' in catalog.colnames:
        coords = catalog['coords']
        if not isinstance(coords, SkyCoord):
            raise TypeError('The coords column is not a SkyCoord')
    elif 'ra' in catalog.colnames and 'dec' in catalog.colnames:
        if 'x' in catalog.colnames and 'y' in catalog.colnames:
            raise Exception(
                "Ambiguous catalog: Both (ra, dec) and pixel positions provided."
        if catalog['ra'].unit is None or catalog['dec'].unit is None:
            raise u.UnitsError(
                "Units not specified for ra and/or dec columns.")
        coords = SkyCoord(catalog['ra'],
                          unit=(catalog['ra'].unit, catalog['dec'].unit))
    elif 'x' in catalog.colnames and 'y' in catalog.colnames:
        coords = SkyCoord.from_pixel(catalog['x'].astype(float),
            coords = SkyCoord.guess_from_table(catalog)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    coords = coords.transform_to(wcs_to_celestial_frame(wcs))

    # Figure out cutout size:
    if 'cutout_width' in catalog.colnames:
        if catalog['cutout_width'].unit is None:
            raise u.UnitsError("Units not specified for cutout_width.")
        if catalog['cutout_width'].unit == u.pix:
            width = catalog['cutout_width'].astype(float)  # pix
            width = (catalog['cutout_width'] /
                     pixel_scale_width).decompose().value  # pix
        raise Exception("cutout_width column not found in catalog.")

    if 'cutout_height' in catalog.colnames:
        if catalog['cutout_height'].unit is None:
            raise u.UnitsError("Units not specified for cutout_height.")
        if catalog['cutout_height'].unit == u.pix:
            height = catalog['cutout_height'].astype(float)  # pix
            height = (catalog['cutout_height'] /
                      pixel_scale_height).decompose().value  # pix
        raise Exception("cutout_height column not found in catalog.")

    cutcls = partial(Cutout2D, data.data, wcs=wcs, mode='partial')
    cutouts = []
    for position, x_pix, y_pix, row in zip(coords, width, height, catalog):

        if apply_rotation:
            pix_rot = row['cutout_pa'].to(u.degree).value

            # Construct new rotated WCS:
            cutout_wcs = WCS(naxis=2)
            cutout_wcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN']
            cutout_wcs.wcs.crval = [position.ra.deg, position.dec.deg]
            cutout_wcs.wcs.crpix = [(x_pix + 1) * 0.5, (y_pix + 1) * 0.5]

                cutout_wcs.wcs.cd = wcs.wcs.cd
            except AttributeError:
                cutout_wcs.wcs.cdelt = wcs.wcs.cdelt
                cutout_wcs.wcs.crota = [0, -pix_rot]

            cutout_hdr = cutout_wcs.to_header()

            # Rotate the image using reproject
                cutout_arr = reproject_interp(
                    (data, wcs),
                    shape_out=(math.floor(y_pix + math.copysign(0.5, y_pix)),
                               math.floor(x_pix + math.copysign(0.5, x_pix))),
            except Exception:
                if verbose:
                    log.info('reproject failed: '
                             'Skipping {0}'.format(row['id']))

            cutout_arr = cutout_arr[0]  # Ignore footprint
            cutout_hdr['OBJ_ROT'] = (pix_rot, 'Cutout rotation in degrees')
            # Make cutout or handle exceptions by adding None to output list
                cutout = cutcls(position, size=(y_pix, x_pix))
            except NoConvergence:
                if verbose:
                    log.info('WCS solution did not converge: '
                             'Skipping {0}'.format(row['id']))
            except NoOverlapError:
                if verbose:
                    log.info('Cutout is not on image: '
                             'Skipping {0}'.format(row['id']))
                cutout_hdr = cutout.wcs.to_header()
                cutout_arr = cutout.data

        # If cutout result is empty, skip that target
        if np.array_equiv(cutout_arr, 0):
            if verbose:
                log.info('No data in cutout: Skipping {0}'.format(row['id']))

        # Finish constructing header.
        cutout_hdr['OBJ_RA'] = (position.ra.deg, 'Cutout object RA in deg')
        cutout_hdr['OBJ_DEC'] = (position.dec.deg, 'Cutout object DEC in deg')

            NDData(data=cutout_arr, wcs=WCS(cutout_hdr), meta=cutout_hdr))

    return cutouts
Example #18
def make_cutouts(data, catalog, wcs=None, origin=0, verbose=True):
    """Make cutouts of catalog targets from a 2D image array.
    Expects input image WCS to be in the TAN projection.

    data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.nddata.NDData`
        The 2D cutout array.
    catalog : `~astropy.table.table.Table`
        Catalog table defining the sources to cut out. Must contain
        unit information as the cutout tool does not assume default units.
    wcs : `~astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS`
        WCS if the input image is `~numpy.ndarray`.
    origin : int
        Whether SkyCoord.from_pixel should use 0 or 1-based pixel coordinates.
    verbose : bool
        Print extra info. Default is `True`.

    cutouts : list
        A list of NDData. If cutout failed for a target,
       `None` will be added as a place holder. Output WCS
       will in be in Tan projection.

    The input Catalog must have the following columns, which MUST have
    units information where applicable:

        * ``'id'`` - ID string; no unit necessary.
        * ``'coords'`` - SkyCoord (Overrides ra, dec, x and y columns).
        * ``'ra'`` or ``'x'``- RA (angular units e.g., deg, H:M:S, arcsec etc..)
          or pixel x position (only in `~astropy.units.pix`).
        * ``'dec'`` or ``'y'`` - Dec (angular units e.g., deg, D:M:S, arcsec etc..)
          or pixel y position (only in `~astropy.units.pix`).
        * ``'cutout_width'`` - Cutout width (e.g., in arcsec, pix).
        * ``'cutout_height'`` - Cutout height (e.g., in arcsec, pix).

    Optional columns:
        * ``'cutout_pa'`` - Cutout angle (e.g., in deg, arcsec). This is only
          use if user chooses to rotate the cutouts. Positive value
          will result in a clockwise rotation.

    If saved to fits, cutouts are organized as follows:

    Each cutout image is a simple single-extension FITS with updated WCS.
    Its header has the following special keywords:

        * ``OBJ_RA`` - RA of the cutout object in degrees.
        * ``OBJ_DEC`` - DEC of the cutout object in degrees.
        * ``OBJ_ROT`` - Rotation of cutout object in degrees.

    # Do not rotate if column is missing.
    if 'cutout_pa' in catalog.colnames:
        if catalog['cutout_pa'].unit is None:
            raise u.UnitsError("Units not specified for cutout_pa.")
        apply_rotation = True
        apply_rotation = False

    # Optional dependencies...
    if apply_rotation:
            from reproject.interpolation.high_level import reproject_interp
        except ImportError as e:
            raise ImportError("Optional requirement not met: " + e.msg)

    # Search for wcs:
    if isinstance(data, NDData):
            if wcs is not None:
                raise Exception("Ambiguous: WCS defined in NDData and parameters.")
            wcs = data.wcs
    elif not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError("Input image should be a 2D `~numpy.ndarray` "
                        "or `~astropy.nddata.NDData")
    elif wcs is None:
        raise Exception("WCS information was not provided.")

    if wcs.wcs.ctype[0] != 'RA---TAN' or  wcs.wcs.ctype[1] != 'DEC--TAN':
        raise Exception("Expected  WCS to be in the TAN projection.")

    # Calculate the pixel scale of input image:
    pixel_scales = proj_plane_pixel_scales(wcs)
    pixel_scale_width = pixel_scales[0] * u.Unit(wcs.wcs.cunit[0]) / u.pix
    pixel_scale_height = pixel_scales[1] * u.Unit(wcs.wcs.cunit[1]) / u.pix

    # Check if `SkyCoord`s are available:
    if 'coords' in catalog.colnames:
        coords = catalog['coords']
        if not isinstance(coords, SkyCoord):
            raise TypeError('The coords column is not a SkyCoord')
    elif 'ra' in catalog.colnames and 'dec' in catalog.colnames:
        if 'x' in catalog.colnames and 'y' in catalog.colnames:
            raise Exception("Ambiguous catalog: Both (ra, dec) and pixel positions provided.")
        if catalog['ra'].unit is None or catalog['dec'].unit is None:
            raise u.UnitsError("Units not specified for ra and/or dec columns.")
        coords = SkyCoord(catalog['ra'], catalog['dec'], unit=(catalog['ra'].unit,
    elif 'x' in catalog.colnames and 'y' in catalog.colnames:
        coords = SkyCoord.from_pixel(catalog['x'].astype(float), catalog['y'].astype(float), wcs, origin=origin)
            coords = SkyCoord.guess_from_table(catalog)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    coords = coords.transform_to(wcs_to_celestial_frame(wcs))

    # Figure out cutout size:
    if 'cutout_width' in catalog.colnames:
        if catalog['cutout_width'].unit is None:
            raise u.UnitsError("Units not specified for cutout_width.")
        if catalog['cutout_width'].unit == u.pix:
            width = catalog['cutout_width'].astype(float)  # pix
            width = (catalog['cutout_width'] / pixel_scale_width).decompose().value  # pix
        raise Exception("cutout_width column not found in catalog.")

    if 'cutout_height' in catalog.colnames:
        if catalog['cutout_height'].unit is None:
            raise u.UnitsError("Units not specified for cutout_height.")
        if catalog['cutout_height'].unit == u.pix:
            height = catalog['cutout_height'].astype(float)  # pix
            height = (catalog['cutout_height'] / pixel_scale_height).decompose().value  # pix
        raise Exception("cutout_height column not found in catalog.")

    cutcls = partial(Cutout2D, data.data, wcs=wcs, mode='partial')
    cutouts = []
    for position, x_pix, y_pix, row in zip(coords, width, height, catalog):

        if apply_rotation:
            pix_rot = row['cutout_pa'].to(u.degree).value

            # Construct new rotated WCS:
            cutout_wcs = WCS(naxis=2)
            cutout_wcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN']
            cutout_wcs.wcs.crval = [position.ra.deg, position.dec.deg]
            cutout_wcs.wcs.crpix = [(x_pix + 1) * 0.5, (y_pix + 1) * 0.5]

                cutout_wcs.wcs.cd = wcs.wcs.cd
            except AttributeError:
                cutout_wcs.wcs.cdelt = wcs.wcs.cdelt
                cutout_wcs.wcs.crota = [0, -pix_rot]

            cutout_hdr = cutout_wcs.to_header()

            # Rotate the image using reproject
                cutout_arr = reproject_interp(
                    (data, wcs), cutout_hdr, shape_out=(math.floor(y_pix + math.copysign(0.5, y_pix)),
                                                        math.floor(x_pix + math.copysign(0.5, x_pix))), order=1)
            except Exception:
                if verbose:
                    log.info('reproject failed: '
                             'Skipping {0}'.format(row['id']))

            cutout_arr = cutout_arr[0]  # Ignore footprint
            cutout_hdr['OBJ_ROT'] = (pix_rot, 'Cutout rotation in degrees')
            # Make cutout or handle exceptions by adding None to output list
                cutout = cutcls(position, size=(y_pix, x_pix))
            except NoConvergence:
                if verbose:
                    log.info('WCS solution did not converge: '
                             'Skipping {0}'.format(row['id']))
            except NoOverlapError:
                if verbose:
                    log.info('Cutout is not on image: '
                             'Skipping {0}'.format(row['id']))
                cutout_hdr = cutout.wcs.to_header()
                cutout_arr = cutout.data

        # If cutout result is empty, skip that target
        if np.array_equiv(cutout_arr, 0):
            if verbose:
                log.info('No data in cutout: Skipping {0}'.format(row['id']))

        # Finish constructing header.
        cutout_hdr['OBJ_RA'] = (position.ra.deg, 'Cutout object RA in deg')
        cutout_hdr['OBJ_DEC'] = (position.dec.deg, 'Cutout object DEC in deg')

        cutouts.append(NDData(data=cutout_arr, wcs=WCS(cutout_hdr), meta=cutout_hdr))

    return cutouts