Example #1
async def test_events(event_graph_db: EventGraphDB, foo_model: Model,
                      event_sender: InMemoryEventSender) -> None:
    await event_graph_db.create_node(foo_model, "some_other",
                                     to_json(Foo("some_other", "foo")), "root")
    await event_graph_db.update_node(foo_model, "some_other", {"name": "bla"},
                                     False, "reported")
    await event_graph_db.delete_node("some_other")
    await event_graph_db.merge_graph(create_graph("yes or no", width=1),
    await event_graph_db.merge_graph(create_graph("maybe", width=1), foo_model,
                                     "batch1", True)
    # make sure all events will arrive
    await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
    # ensure the correct count and order of events
    assert [a.kind for a in event_sender.events] == [
    merge_event = AccessJson(event_sender.events[3].context)
    assert merge_event.graph == event_graph_db.graph_name
    assert merge_event.providers == ["collector"]
    assert merge_event.batch is False
Example #2
 async def get_node(self, graph: str, node_id: str) -> AccessJson:
     async with self.session.get(
             self.base_path + f"/graph/{graph}/node/{node_id}") as response:
         if response.status == 200:
             return AccessJson(await response.json())
             raise AttributeError(await response.text())
Example #3
 async def create_node(self, graph: str, parent_node_id: str, node_id: str,
                       node: Json) -> AccessJson:
     async with self.session.post(
             self.base_path +
             json=node) as response:
         if response.status == 200:
             return AccessJson(await response.json())
             raise AttributeError(await response.text())
Example #4
 async def patch_node(self,
                      graph: str,
                      node_id: str,
                      node: Json,
                      section: Optional[str] = None) -> AccessJson:
     section_path = f"/section/{section}" if section else ""
     async with self.session.patch(
             self.base_path +
             json=node) as response:
         if response.status == 200:
             return AccessJson(await response.json())
             raise AttributeError(await response.text())
Example #5
def test_resolve_graph_data() -> None:
    g = multi_cloud_graph("account")
    graph = GraphAccess(g)

    # ancestor data should be stored in metadata
    n1 = AccessJson(graph.node("child_parent_region_account_cloud_gcp_1_europe_1_0"))  # type: ignore
    assert n1.refs.region_id == "region_account_cloud_gcp_1_europe"
    assert n1.ancestors.account.reported.id == "id_account_cloud_gcp_1"
    assert n1.ancestors.account.reported.name == "name_account_cloud_gcp_1"
    assert n1.ancestors.region.reported.id == "id_region_account_cloud_gcp_1_europe"
    assert n1.ancestors.region.reported.name == "name_region_account_cloud_gcp_1_europe"
    # make sure there is no summary
    assert n1.descendant_summary == AccessNone(None)

    r1 = AccessJson(graph.node("region_account_cloud_gcp_1_europe"))  # type: ignore
    assert r1.metadata.descendant_summary == {"child": 9}
    assert r1.metadata.descendant_count == 9
    r2 = AccessJson(graph.node("account_cloud_gcp_1"))  # type: ignore
    assert r2.metadata.descendant_summary == {"child": 54, "region": 6}
    assert r2.metadata.descendant_count == 60
    r3 = AccessJson(graph.node("cloud_gcp"))  # type: ignore
    assert r3.metadata.descendant_summary == {"child": 162, "region": 18, "account": 3}
    assert r3.metadata.descendant_count == 183
Example #6
async def test_query_merge(filled_graph_db: ArangoGraphDB,
                           foo_model: Model) -> None:
    q = parse_query("is(foo) --> is(bla) { "
                    "foo.bar.parents[]: <-[1:]-, "
                    "foo.child: -->, "
                    "walk: <-- -->, "
                    "bla.agg: aggregate(sum(1) as count): <-[0:]- "
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(QueryModel(q, foo_model),
                                                 with_count=True) as cursor:
        assert cursor.count() == 100
        async for bla in cursor:
            b = AccessJson(bla)
            assert b.reported.kind == "bla"
            assert len(b.foo.bar.parents) == 4
            for parent in b.foo.bar.parents:
                assert parent.reported.kind in ["foo", "cloud", "graph_root"]
            assert b.walk.reported.kind == "bla"
            assert b.foo.child == AccessNone()
            assert b.bla.agg == [{"count": 5}]
Example #7
def test_access_json() -> None:
    js = {"a": "a", "b": {"c": "c", "d": {"e": "e", "f": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}}}
    access = AccessJson(js, "null")

    assert access.a == "a"
    assert access.b.d.f[2] == 2
    assert str(access.foo.bla.bar[23].now) is "null"
    assert json.dumps(access.b.d,
                      sort_keys=True) == '{"e": "e", "f": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}'

    assert access["a"] == "a"
    assert access["b"]["d"]["f"][2] == 2
    assert str(access["foo"]["bla"]["bar"][23]["now"]) is "null"
    assert json.dumps(access["b"]["d"],
                      sort_keys=True) == '{"e": "e", "f": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}'

    assert [a for a in access] == ["a", "b"]
    assert [a for a in access.doesnt.exist] == []
    assert [a for a in access.b.d.items()] == [("e", "e"),
                                               ("f", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])]
Example #8
async def test_query_with_merge(filled_graph_db: ArangoGraphDB,
                                foo_model: Model) -> None:
    query = parse_query(
        '(merge_with_ancestors="foo as foobar,bar"): is("bla")')
    async with await filled_graph_db.search_list(QueryModel(query, foo_model)
                                                 ) as cursor:
        async for bla in cursor:
            js = AccessJson(bla)
            assert "bar" in js.reported  # key exists
            assert "bar" in js.desired  # key exists
            assert "bar" in js.metadata  # key exists
            assert js.reported.bar.is_none  # bla is not a parent of this node
            assert js.desired.bar.is_none  # bla is not a parent of this node
            assert js.metadata.bar.is_none  # bla is not a parent of this node
            assert js.reported.foobar is not None  # foobar is merged into reported
            assert js.desired.foobar is not None  # foobar is merged into reported
            assert js.metadata.foobar is not None  # foobar is merged into reported
            # make sure the correct parent is merged (foobar(1) -> bla(1_xxx))
            assert js.reported.identifier.startswith(
            assert js.reported.identifier.startswith(js.desired.foobar.node_id)
            assert js.reported.identifier.startswith(
Example #9
async def test_cli(core_client: ApiClient) -> None:
    # make sure we have a clean slate
    with suppress(Exception):
    graph_update = graph_to_json(create_graph("test"))
    core_client.merge_graph(graph_update, g)

    # evaluate search with count
    result = core_client.cli_evaluate("search all | count kind", g)
    assert len(result) == 1
    parsed, to_execute = result[0]
    assert len(parsed.commands) == 2
    assert (parsed.commands[0].cmd, parsed.commands[1].cmd) == ("search", "count")
    assert len(to_execute) == 2
    assert (to_execute[0].get("cmd"), to_execute[1].get("cmd")) == ("execute_search", "aggregate_to_count")

    # execute search with count
    executed = list(core_client.cli_execute("search is(foo) or is(bla) | count kind", g))
    assert executed == ["cloud: 1", "foo: 11", "bla: 100", "total matched: 112", "total unmatched: 0"]

    # list all cli commands
    info = AccessJson(core_client.cli_info())
    assert len(info.commands) == 37
Example #10
async def test_graph_api(core_client: ApiClient) -> None:
    # make sure we have a clean slate
    with suppress(Exception):

    # create a new graph
    graph = AccessJson(core_client.create_graph(g))
    assert graph.id == "root"
    assert graph.reported.kind == "graph_root"

    # list all graphs
    graphs = core_client.list_graphs()
    assert g in graphs

    # get one specific graph
    graph: AccessJson = AccessJson(core_client.get_graph(g))  # type: ignore
    assert graph.id == "root"
    assert graph.reported.kind == "graph_root"

    # wipe the data in the graph
    assert core_client.delete_graph(g, truncate=True) == "Graph truncated."
    assert g in core_client.list_graphs()

    # create a node in the graph
    uid = rnd_str()
    node = AccessJson(core_client.create_node("root", uid, {"identifier": uid, "kind": "child", "name": "max"}, g))
    assert node.id == uid
    assert node.reported.name == "max"

    # update a node in the graph
    node = AccessJson(core_client.patch_node(uid, {"name": "moritz"}, "reported", g))
    assert node.id == uid
    assert node.reported.name == "moritz"

    # get the node
    node = AccessJson(core_client.get_node(uid, g))
    assert node.id == uid
    assert node.reported.name == "moritz"

    # delete the node
    core_client.delete_node(uid, g)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        # node can not be found
        core_client.get_node(uid, g)

    # merge a complete graph
    merged = core_client.merge_graph(graph_to_json(create_graph("test")), g)
    assert merged == rc.GraphUpdate(112, 1, 0, 212, 0, 0)

    # batch graph update and commit
    batch1_id, batch1_info = core_client.add_to_batch(graph_to_json(create_graph("hello")), "batch1", g)
    assert batch1_info == rc.GraphUpdate(0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    assert batch1_id == "batch1"
    batch_infos = AccessJson.wrap_list(core_client.list_batches(g))
    assert len(batch_infos) == 1
    # assert batch_infos[0].id == batch1_id
    assert batch_infos[0].affected_nodes == ["collector"]  # replace node
    assert batch_infos[0].is_batch is True
    core_client.commit_batch(batch1_id, g)

    # batch graph update and abort
    batch2_id, batch2_info = core_client.add_to_batch(graph_to_json(create_graph("bonjour")), "batch2", g)
    assert batch2_info == rc.GraphUpdate(0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    assert batch2_id == "batch2"
    core_client.abort_batch(batch2_id, g)

    # update nodes
    update = [{"id": node["id"], "reported": {"name": "bruce"}} for _, node in create_graph("foo").nodes(data=True)]
    updated_nodes = core_client.patch_nodes(update, g)
    assert len(updated_nodes) == 113
    for n in updated_nodes:
        assert n.get("reported", {}).get("name") == "bruce"

    # create the raw search
    raw = core_client.search_graph_raw('id("3")', g)
    assert raw == {
        "query": "LET filter0 = (FOR m0 in graphtest FILTER m0._key == @b0  RETURN m0) "
        'FOR result in filter0 RETURN UNSET(result, ["flat"])',
        "bind_vars": {"b0": "3"},

    # estimate the search
    cost = core_client.search_graph_explain('id("3")', g)
    assert cost.full_collection_scan is False
    assert cost.rating == rc.EstimatedQueryCostRating.simple

    # search list
    result_list = list(core_client.search_list('id("3") -[0:]->', graph=g))
    assert len(result_list) == 11  # one parent node and 10 child nodes
    assert result_list[0].get("id") == "3"  # first node is the parent node

    # search graph
    result_graph = list(core_client.search_graph('id("3") -[0:]->', graph=g))
    assert len(result_graph) == 21  # 11 nodes + 10 edges
    assert result_list[0].get("id") == "3"  # first node is the parent node

    # aggregate
    result_aggregate = core_client.search_aggregate("aggregate(reported.kind as kind: sum(1) as count): all", g)
    assert {r["group"]["kind"]: r["count"] for r in result_aggregate} == {
        "bla": 100,
        "cloud": 1,
        "foo": 11,
        "graph_root": 1,

    # delete the graph
    assert core_client.delete_graph(g) == "Graph deleted."
    assert g not in core_client.list_graphs()
Example #11
async def test_http_command(
        cli: CLI, echo_http_server: Tuple[int, List[Tuple[Request,
                                                          Json]]]) -> None:
    port, requests = echo_http_server

    def test_arg(
        arg_str: str,
        method: Optional[str] = None,
        url: Optional[str] = None,
        headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        params: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        timeout: Optional[ClientTimeout] = None,
        compress: Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> None:
        def test_if_set(prop: Any, value: Any) -> None:
            if prop is not None:
                assert prop == value, f"{prop} is not {value}"

        arg = HttpCommand.parse_args("https", arg_str)
        test_if_set(method, arg.method)
        test_if_set(url, arg.url)
        test_if_set(headers, arg.headers)
        test_if_set(params, arg.params)
        test_if_set(compress, arg.compress)
        test_if_set(timeout, arg.timeout)

    test_arg(":123", "POST", "https://localhost:123", {}, {},
             ClientTimeout(30), False)
    test_arg("GET :123", "GET", "https://localhost:123")
    test_arg("://foo:123", "POST", "https://foo:123")
    test_arg("foo:123/bla", "POST", "https://foo:123/bla")
    test_arg("foo:123/bla", "POST", "https://foo:123/bla")
    test_arg("foo/bla", "POST", "https://foo/bla")
        '--compress --timeout 24 POST :123 "hdr1: test" qp==123  hdr2:fest "qp2 == 321"',
            "hdr1": "test",
            "hdr2": "fest"
            "qp": "123",
            "qp2": "321"

    # take 3 instance of type bla and send it to the echo server
    result = await cli.execute_cli_command(
        f"search is(bla) limit 3 | http :{port}/test", stream.list)
    # one line is returned to the user with a summary of the response types.
    assert result == [["3 requests with status 200 sent."]]
    # make sure all 3 requests have been received - the body is the complete json node
    assert len(requests) == 3
    for ar in (AccessJson(content) for _, content in requests):
        assert is_node(ar)
        assert ar.reported.kind == "bla"

    # failing requests are retried
    await cli.execute_cli_command(
        f"search is(bla) limit 1 | http --backoff-base 0.001 :{port}/fail",
    # 1 request + 3 retries => 4 requests
    assert len(requests) == 4
Example #12
async def test_tag_command(cli: CLI, performed_by: Dict[str, List[str]],
                           incoming_tasks: List[WorkerTask],
                           caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None:
    counter = 0

    def nr_of_performed() -> int:
        nonlocal counter
        performed = len(performed_by)
        increase = performed - counter
        counter = performed
        return increase

    nr_of_performed()  # reset to 0

    assert await cli.execute_cli_command(
        "echo id_does_not_exist | tag update foo bla", stream.list) == [[]]
    assert nr_of_performed() == 0
    res1 = await cli.execute_cli_command(
        'json ["root", "collector"] | tag update foo "bla_{reported.some_int}"',
    assert nr_of_performed() == 2
    assert {a["id"] for a in res1[0]} == {"root", "collector"}
    assert len(incoming_tasks) == 2
    # check that the worker task data is correct
    data = AccessJson(incoming_tasks[0].data)
    assert data["update"] is not None  # tag update -> data.update is defined
    assert not data.node.reported.is_none  # the node reported section is defined
    assert not data.node.metadata.is_none  # the node metadata section is defined
    assert not data.node.ancestors.cloud.reported.is_none  # the ancestors cloud section is defineda
    assert data[
        "update"].foo == "bla_0"  # using the renderer bla_{reported.some_int}

    res2 = await cli.execute_cli_command(
        'search is("foo") | tag update foo bla', stream.list)
    assert nr_of_performed() == 11
    assert len(res2[0]) == 11
    res2_tag_no_val = await cli.execute_cli_command(
        'search is("foo") | tag update foobar', stream.list)
    assert nr_of_performed() == 11
    assert len(res2_tag_no_val[0]) == 11
    res3 = await cli.execute_cli_command('search is("foo") | tag delete foo',
    assert nr_of_performed() == 11
    assert len(res3[0]) == 11
    with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING):
        res4 = await cli.execute_cli_command(
            'search is("bla") limit 2 | tag delete foo', stream.list)
        assert nr_of_performed() == 2
        assert len(res4[0]) == 2
        # make sure that 2 warnings are emitted
        assert len(caplog.records) == 2
        for res in caplog.records:
            assert res.message.startswith(
                "Tag update not reflected in db. Wait until next collector run."
    # tag updates can be put into background
    res6 = await cli.execute_cli_command(
        'json ["root", "collector"] | tag update --nowait foo bla',
    assert cli.dependencies.forked_tasks.qsize() == 2
    for res in res6[0]:
        # in this case a message with the task id is emitted
        assert res.startswith("Spawned WorkerTask tag:")  # type:ignore
        # and the real result is found when the forked task is awaited, which happens by the CLI reaper
        awaitable, info = await cli.dependencies.forked_tasks.get()
        assert (await awaitable)["id"] in ["root", "collector"]  # type:ignore
Example #13
 async def create_graph(self, name: str) -> AccessJson:
     async with self.session.post(self.base_path +
                                  f"/graph/{name}") as response:
         # root node
         return AccessJson(await response.json())
Example #14
 async def get_graph(self, name: str) -> Optional[AccessJson]:
     async with self.session.post(self.base_path +
                                  f"/graph/{name}") as response:
         return AccessJson(
             await response.json()) if response.status == 200 else None