Example #1
def find_site_python(module_name, paths=None):
    """Find the rez native python package that contains the given module.

    This function is used by python 'native' rez installers to find the native
    rez python package that represents the python installation that this module
    is installed into.

        This function is dependent on the behavior found in the python '_native'
        package found in the 'rez-recipes' repository. Specifically, it expects
        to find a python package with a '_site_paths' list attribute listing
        the site directories associated with the python installation.

        module_name (str): Target python module.
        paths (list of str, optional): paths to search for packages,
            defaults to `config.packages_path`.

        `Package`: Native python package containing the named module.
    from rez.packages import iter_packages
    import subprocess
    import ast
    import os

    py_cmd = 'import {x}; print({x}.__path__)'.format(x=module_name)

    p = Popen(["python", "-c", py_cmd],
    out, err = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode:
        raise InvalidPackageError(
            "Failed to find installed python module '%s':\n%s" %
            (module_name, err))

    module_paths = ast.literal_eval(out.strip())

    def issubdir(path, parent_path):
        return path.startswith(parent_path + os.sep)

    for package in iter_packages("python", paths=paths):
        if not hasattr(package, "_site_paths"):

        contained = True

        for module_path in module_paths:
            if not any(issubdir(module_path, x) for x in package._site_paths):
                contained = False

        if contained:
            return package

    raise InvalidPackageError(
        "Failed to find python installation containing the module '%s'. Has "
        "python been installed as a rez package?" % module_name)
Example #2
def exec_python(attr, src, executable="python"):
    """Runs a python subproc to calculate a package attribute.

        attr (str): Name of package attribute being created.
        src (list of str): Python code to execute, will be converted into
            semicolon-delimited single line of code.

        str: Output of python process.
    import subprocess

    if isinstance(src, basestring):
        src = [src]

    p = popen([executable, "-c", "; ".join(src)],
              stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    out, err = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode:
        from rez.exceptions import InvalidPackageError
        raise InvalidPackageError(
            "Error determining package attribute '%s':\n%s" % (attr, err))

    return out.strip()
Example #3
    def _validate_includes(self):
        if not self.includes:

        definition_python_path = self.config.package_definition_python_path

        if not definition_python_path:
            raise InvalidPackageError(
                "Package %s uses @include decorator, but no include path "
                "has been configured with the 'package_definition_python_path' "
                "setting." % self.filepath)

        for name in self.includes:
            filepath = os.path.join(definition_python_path, name)
            filepath += ".py"

            if not os.path.exists(filepath):
                raise InvalidPackageError(
                    "@include decorator requests module '%s', but the file "
                    "%s does not exist." % (name, filepath))
Example #4
def package_preprocess_function(this, data):
    from rez.utils.formatting import PackageRequest
    from rez.exceptions import InvalidPackageError

    # Ozark profile
    # Must be built with ozark profile build tool

    ozark_profile = getattr(this, "ozark_profile", False)
    if ozark_profile and not bool(os.getenv("REZ_OZARK_BUILD")):
        raise InvalidPackageError("This package is an Ozark profile, please "
                                  "use Ozark profile build tool instead.")

    # Must have variant
    #   Unless explicitly set `no_variant=True`
    #   Or it's the 'default' one

    if this.name != "default":
        no_variants = getattr(this, "no_variants", False)

        if not no_variants and not this.variants:
            # Add "default" if no variant
            data["variants"] = [["default"]]

    # Replacing package requirements

        # Example
        "installing_package_name": {
            "required_request_string": "replacement_request_string",
    if this.name in REQUIREMENT_MAP:

        remapped_requires = list()

        map_ = REQUIREMENT_MAP[this.name]
        for package in this.requires:

            if str(package) in map_:
                package = PackageRequest(map_[str(package)])

            elif package.name in map_:
                package = PackageRequest(map_[package.name])


        data["requires"] = remapped_requires
Example #5
def exec_command(attr, cmd):
    """Runs a subproc to calculate a package attribute.
    import subprocess

    p = popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    out, err = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode:
        from rez.exceptions import InvalidPackageError
        raise InvalidPackageError(
            "Error determining package attribute '%s':\n%s" % (attr, err))

    return out.strip(), err.strip()