Example #1
def assign_hilbert_keys(nets, machine):
    """Return a dictionary mapping a net to a unique key indicating the
    position of the originating chip along a Hilbert curve mapped to the
    SpiNNaker machine.
    # Create the Hilbert-formatted bit field
    hilbert_bf = BitField()
    hilbert_bf.add_field("index", length=16, start_at=16)
    hilbert_bf.add_field("p", length=5, start_at=3)
    hilbert_bf.assign_fields()  # Fix the bitfield sizing

    # Prepare to store the nets and keys
    net_keys = dict()

    # Generate an appropriately scaled Hilbert curve
    curve = {(x, y): i
             for i, (x, y) in enumerate(chip
                                        for chip in hilbert_chip_order(machine)
                                        if chip in machine)}

    # For each net look at the placement of the source vertex and hence
    # generate a key.
    for net in nets:
        # Get the originating co-ordinates
        x, y, p = net.source

        # Generate the key and mask
        bf = hilbert_bf(index=curve[(x, y)], p=p)
        net_keys[net] = bf.get_value(), bf.get_mask()

    return net_keys
Example #2
    def test_eq(self):
        # Create several SignalParameters and ensure that they only
        # report equal when they are actually equal.
        ks = BitField()

        params = ((False, 5, ks(x=2)),
                  (True, 5, ks(x=2)),
                  (False, 4, ks(x=2)),
                  (False, 5, ks(x=3)),

        tps = tuple(model.SignalParameters(*args) for args in params)

        # None of these transmission parameters should test as equivalent.
        for a in tps:
            for b in tps:
                if a is not b:
                    assert a != b

        # Create a whole new set of transmission parameters using the same set
        # of parameters and ensure that they all test equivalent to their
        # counterparts in the original list.
        for a, b in zip(tps, tuple(model.SignalParameters(*args)
                                   for args in params)):
            assert a is not b
            assert a == b
Example #3
def assign_random_keys(nets, machine, seed, n_bits):
    """Return a dictionary mapping a net to a unique randomly-assigned key.
    # Ensure sufficient bits available
    assert n_bits >= np.ceil(np.log2(machine.width * machine.height * 17))

    # Create the RND-formatted bit field
    rnd_bf = BitField()
    rnd_bf.add_field("index", length=n_bits)
    rnd_bf.assign_fields()  # Fix the bitfield sizing

    # Prepare to store the nets and keys
    net_keys = dict()

    # Assign a unique random ID to each core
    ids = random.sample(range(1 << n_bits),
                        machine.width * machine.height * 17)

    # For each net look at the placement of the source vertex and hence
    # generate a key.
    for net, index in zip(nets, ids):
        # Generate the key and mask
        bf = rnd_bf(index=index)
        net_keys[net] = bf.get_value(), bf.get_mask()

    return net_keys
Example #4
def assign_xyzp_keys(nets):
    """Return a dictionary mapping a net to a unique key indicating the XYZP
    co-ordinate of the source of the net.
    # Create the XYZP-formatted bit field
    xyzp_bf = BitField()
    xyzp_bf.add_field("x", length=8, start_at=24)
    xyzp_bf.add_field("y", length=8, start_at=16)
    xyzp_bf.add_field("z", length=8, start_at=8)
    xyzp_bf.add_field("p", length=5, start_at=3)
    xyzp_bf.assign_fields()  # Fix the bitfield sizing

    # Prepare to store the nets and keys
    net_keys = dict()

    # For each net look at the placement of the source vertex and hence
    # generate a key.
    for net in nets:
        # Get the originating co-ordinates
        x, y, p = net.source

        # Get the minimal xyz co-ordinate
        x, y, z = minimise_xyz(to_xyz((x, y)))

        # Generate the key and mask
        bf = xyzp_bf(x=x, y=y, z=abs(z), p=p)
        net_keys[net] = bf.get_value(), bf.get_mask()

    return net_keys
Example #5
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new keyspace container with the given tags for routing and
        filter routing.
        # The tags
        self._routing_tag = routing_tag
        self._filter_routing_tag = filter_routing_tag

        # The keyspaces
        self._master_keyspace = _master_keyspace = BitField(length=32)
            "user", tags=[self.routing_tag, self.filter_routing_tag])

        # Initialise the defaultdict behaviour

        # Add the default keyspace
        nengo_ks = self["nengo"]
                           tags=[self.routing_tag, self.filter_routing_tag])
        nengo_ks.add_field("cluster", tags=[self.routing_tag])
        nengo_ks.add_field("index", start_at=0)
Example #6
 def test_sizeof_partitioned(self):
     r = KeyspacesRegion([(Signal(BitField(32)), {})] * 4,
     assert r.sizeof(slice(1, 2)) == 4
     assert r.sizeof(slice(2, 4)) == 8
Example #7
def ks():
    keyspace = BitField()
    keyspace.add_field("x", length=8, start_at=24, tags="routing")
    keyspace.add_field("y", length=8, start_at=16, tags="routing")
    keyspace.add_field("p", length=5, start_at=11, tags="routing")
    keyspace.add_field("c", length=11, start_at=0)
    return keyspace
Example #8
    def test_sizeof_no_prepends(self, key_bits, n_keys, n_fields, partitioned,
        # Generate the list of keys, prepends and fields
        keys = [(Signal(BitField(key_bits)), {}) for _ in range(n_keys)]
        fields = [mock.Mock() for _ in range(n_fields)]

        # Create the region
        r = KeyspacesRegion(keys, fields, partitioned)

        # Determine the size
        n_atoms = (n_keys if not partitioned else vertex_slice.stop -
        assert r.sizeof(vertex_slice) == n_atoms * n_fields * 4
Example #9
def test_get_derived_keyspaces():
    """Test creation of derived keyspaces."""
    ks = BitField()

    # General usage
    kss = keyspaces.get_derived_keyspaces(ks, (slice(5), 5, 6, 7))
    for i, x in enumerate(kss):
        assert x.index == i

    # Specify a field
    kss = keyspaces.get_derived_keyspaces(ks,
                                          slice(1, 3),
    for x, i in zip(kss, (1, 2)):
        assert x.spam == i

    # Fail when no maximum is specified
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        list(keyspaces.get_derived_keyspaces(ks, (slice(None))))
Example #10
    def test_write_subregion_calls_fields(self):
        """Check that writing a subregion to file calls the field functions
        with each key and that any extra arguments are passed along.
        # Create some keyspaces
        keys = [(Signal(BitField(32)), {}) for _ in range(10)]

        # Create two fields
        fields = [mock.Mock() for _ in range(2)]
        fields[0].return_value = 0
        fields[1].return_value = 0

        # Create an UNPARTITIONED region and write out a slice, check that
        # field methods were called with EACH key and the kwargs.
        r = KeyspacesRegion(keys, fields)
        fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()

        kwargs = {"spam": "and eggs", "green_eggs": "and ham"}
        r.write_subregion_to_file(fp, slice(0, 1), **kwargs)

        for f in fields:
                [mock.call(k.keyspace, **kwargs) for k, _ in keys])

        # Create a PARTITIONED region and write out a slice, check that
        # field methods were called with EACH key IN THE SLICE and the kwargs.
        r = KeyspacesRegion(keys, fields, partitioned_by_atom=True)

        for sl in (slice(0, 1), slice(2, 5)):
            fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()

            kwargs = {"spam": "spam spam spam", "in_a_box": "with a fox"}
            r.write_subregion_to_file(fp, sl, **kwargs)

            for f in fields:
                    [mock.call(k.keyspace, **kwargs) for k, _ in keys[sl]])
Example #11
    def __init__(self, neuron_threshold, neuron_decay, test_data,
                 timer_period_us=20000, sim_ticks=200, num_profile_samples=None):
        # Cache network parameters
        self._neuron_threshold = neuron_threshold
        self._neuron_decay = neuron_decay
        self._test_data = test_data
        self._timer_period_us = timer_period_us
        self._sim_ticks = sim_ticks
        self._num_profile_samples = num_profile_samples

        self._vert_index = 0

        # Create data structures
        self._layers = []
        self._vertex_applications = {}
        self._vertex_resources = {}

        # Create a 32-bit keyspace
        self._keyspace = BitField(32)
        self._keyspace.add_field("vert_index", tags="routing")
        self._keyspace.add_field("z", start_at=16)
        self._keyspace.add_field("y", length=8, start_at=8)
        self._keyspace.add_field("x", length=8, start_at=0)
Example #12
def make_routing_tables():
    # Create a perfect SpiNNaker machine to build against
    machine = Machine(12, 12)

    # Assign a vertex to each of the 17 application cores on each chip
    vertices = OrderedDict(
        ((x, y, p), object()) for x, y in machine for p in range(1, 18))

    # Generate the vertex resources, placements and allocations (required for
    # routing)
    vertices_resources = OrderedDict((vertex, {
        Cores: 1
    }) for vertex in itervalues(vertices))
    placements = OrderedDict(
        (vertex, (x, y)) for (x, y, p), vertex in iteritems(vertices))
    allocations = OrderedDict((vertex, {
        Cores: slice(p, p + 1)
    }) for (x, y, p), vertex in iteritems(vertices))

    # Compute the distance dependent probabilities - this is a geometric
    # distribution such that each core has a 50% chance of being connected to
    # each core on the same chip, 25% on chips one hop away, 12.5% on chips two
    # hops away, etc.
    p = 0.5
    probs = {
        d: p * (1 - p)**d
        for d in range(max(machine.width, machine.height))

    p = 0.3
    dprobs = {
        d: p * (1 - p)**d
        for d in range(max(machine.width, machine.height))

    # Compute offsets to get to centroids
    vector_centroids = list()
    for d in (5, 6, 7):
        for i in range(d + 1):
            for j in range(d + 1 - i):
                vector_centroids.append((i, j, d - i - j))

    # Make the nets, each vertex is connected with distance dependent
    # probability to other vertices.
    nets = OrderedDict()
    for source_coord, source in iteritems(vertices):
        # Convert source_coord to xyz form
        source_coord_xyz = minimise_xyz(to_xyz(source_coord[:-1]))

        # Add a number of centroids
        x, y, z = source_coord_xyz
        possible_centroids = [
            minimise_xyz((x + i, y + j, z + k)) for i, j, k in vector_centroids
        n_centroids = random.choice(17 * (0, ) + (1, 1) + (2, ))
        centroids = random.sample(possible_centroids, n_centroids)

        # Construct the sinks list
        sinks = list()
        for sink_coord, sink in iteritems(vertices):
            # Convert sink_coord to xyz form
            sink_coord = minimise_xyz(to_xyz(sink_coord[:-1]))

            # Get the path length to the original source
            dist = shortest_torus_path_length(source_coord_xyz, sink_coord,
                                              machine.width, machine.height)
            if random.random() < probs[dist]:

            # See if the sink is connected to the centre of any of the
            # centroids.
            for coord in centroids:
                dist = shortest_torus_path_length(coord, sink_coord,

                if random.random() < dprobs[dist]:

        # Add the net
        nets[source_coord] = Net(source, sinks)

    rig_nets = list(itervalues(nets))  # Just the nets

    # Determine how many bits to use in the keys
    xyp_fields = BitField(32)
    xyp_fields.add_field("x", length=8, start_at=24)
    xyp_fields.add_field("y", length=8, start_at=16)
    xyp_fields.add_field("p", length=5, start_at=11)

    xyzp_fields = BitField(32)
    xyzp_fields.add_field("x", length=8, start_at=24)
    xyzp_fields.add_field("y", length=8, start_at=16)
    xyzp_fields.add_field("z", length=8, start_at=8)
    xyzp_fields.add_field("p", length=5, start_at=3)

    hilbert_fields = BitField(32)
    hilbert_fields.add_field("index", length=16, start_at=16)
    hilbert_fields.add_field("p", length=5, start_at=11)

    rnd_fields = BitField(32)
    rnd_fields.add_field("rnd", length=12, start_at=20)
    rnd_seen = set()

    # Generate the routing keys
    net_keys_xyp = OrderedDict()
    net_keys_xyzp = OrderedDict()
    net_keys_hilbert = OrderedDict()
    net_keys_rnd = OrderedDict()
    for i, (x, y) in enumerate(chip for chip in hilbert_chip_order(machine)
                               if chip in machine):
        # Add the key for each net from each processor
        for p in range(1, 18):
            # Get the net
            net = nets[(x, y, p)]

            # Construct the xyp key/mask
            net_keys_xyp[net] = xyp_fields(x=x, y=y, p=p)

            # Construct the xyzp mask
            x_, y_, z_ = minimise_xyz(to_xyz((x, y)))
            net_keys_xyzp[net] = xyzp_fields(x=x_, y=y_, z=abs(z_), p=p)

            # Construct the Hilbert key/mask
            net_keys_hilbert[net] = hilbert_fields(index=i, p=p)

            # Construct the random 12 bit value field
            val = None
            while val is None or val in rnd_seen:
                val = random.getrandbits(12)
            net_keys_rnd[net] = rnd_fields(rnd=val)

    # Route the network and then generate the routing tables
    constraints = list()
    routing_tree = route(vertices_resources, rig_nets, machine, constraints,
                         placements, allocations)

    # Write the routing tables to file
    for fields, desc in ((net_keys_xyp, "xyp"), (net_keys_xyzp, "xyzp"),
                         (net_keys_hilbert, "hilbert"), (net_keys_rnd, "rnd")):
        print("Getting keys and masks...")
        keys = OrderedDict((net, (bf.get_value(), bf.get_mask()))
                           for net, bf in iteritems(fields))

        print("Constructing routing tables for {}...".format(desc))
        tables = routing_tree_to_tables(routing_tree, keys)
        print([len(x) for x in itervalues(tables)])

        print("Writing to file...")
        fn = "uncompressed/centroid_{}_{}_{}.bin".format(
            machine.width, machine.height, desc)
        with open(fn, "wb+") as f:
            dump_routing_tables(f, tables)
Example #13
def make_routing_tables():
    # Create a perfect SpiNNaker machine to build against
    machine = Machine(12, 12)

    # Assign a vertex to each of the 17 application cores on each chip
    vertices = OrderedDict(
        ((x, y, p), object()) for x, y in machine for p in range(1, 18)

    # Generate the vertex resources, placements and allocations (required for
    # routing)
    vertices_resources = OrderedDict(
        (vertex, {Cores: 1}) for vertex in itervalues(vertices)
    placements = OrderedDict(
        (vertex, (x, y)) for (x, y, p), vertex in iteritems(vertices)
    allocations = OrderedDict(
        (vertex, {Cores: slice(p, p+1)}) for (x, y, p), vertex in

    # Compute the distance dependent probabilities
    probs = {d: .5*math.exp(-.65*d) for d in
             range(max(machine.width, machine.height))}

    # Make the nets, each vertex is connected with distance dependent
    # probability to other vertices.
    nets = OrderedDict()
    for source_coord, source in iteritems(vertices):
        # Convert source_coord to xyz form
        source_coord_xyz = minimise_xyz(to_xyz(source_coord[:-1]))

        # Construct the sinks list
        sinks = list()
        for sink_coord, sink in iteritems(vertices):
            # Convert sink_coord to xyz form
            sink_coord = minimise_xyz(to_xyz(sink_coord[:-1]))

            # Get the path length
            dist = shortest_torus_path_length(source_coord_xyz, sink_coord,
                                              machine.width, machine.height)

            if random.random() < probs[dist]:

        # Add the net
        nets[source_coord] = Net(source, sinks)

    rig_nets = list(itervalues(nets))  # Just the nets

    # Determine how many bits to use in the keys
    xyp_fields = BitField(32)
    xyp_fields.add_field("x", length=8, start_at=24)
    xyp_fields.add_field("y", length=8, start_at=16)
    xyp_fields.add_field("p", length=5, start_at=11)

    xyzp_fields = BitField(32)
    xyzp_fields.add_field("x", length=8, start_at=24)
    xyzp_fields.add_field("y", length=8, start_at=16)
    xyzp_fields.add_field("z", length=8, start_at=8)
    xyzp_fields.add_field("p", length=5, start_at=3)

    hilbert_fields = BitField(32)
    hilbert_fields.add_field("index", length=16, start_at=16)
    hilbert_fields.add_field("p", length=5, start_at=11)

    rnd_fields = BitField(32)
    rnd_fields.add_field("rnd", length=12, start_at=20)
    rnd_seen = set()

    # Generate the routing keys
    net_keys_xyp = OrderedDict()
    net_keys_xyzp = OrderedDict()
    net_keys_hilbert = OrderedDict()
    net_keys_rnd = OrderedDict()
    for i, (x, y) in enumerate(chip for chip in hilbert_chip_order(machine) if
                               chip in machine):
        # Add the key for each net from each processor
        for p in range(1, 18):
            # Get the net
            net = nets[(x, y, p)]

            # Construct the xyp key/mask
            net_keys_xyp[net] = xyp_fields(x=x, y=y, p=p)

            # Construct the xyzp mask
            x_, y_, z_ = minimise_xyz(to_xyz((x, y)))
            net_keys_xyzp[net] = xyzp_fields(x=x_, y=y_, z=abs(z_), p=p)

            # Construct the Hilbert key/mask
            net_keys_hilbert[net] = hilbert_fields(index=i, p=p)

            # Construct the random 12 bit value field
            val = None
            while val is None or val in rnd_seen:
                val = random.getrandbits(12)
            net_keys_rnd[net] = rnd_fields(rnd=val)

    # Route the network and then generate the routing tables
    constraints = list()
    routing_tree = route(vertices_resources, rig_nets, machine, constraints,
                         placements, allocations)

    # Write the routing tables to file
    for fields, desc in ((net_keys_xyp, "xyp"),
                         (net_keys_xyzp, "xyzp"),
                         (net_keys_hilbert, "hilbert"),
                         (net_keys_rnd, "rnd")):
        print("Getting keys and masks...")
        keys = {net: (bf.get_value(), bf.get_mask()) for net, bf in

        print("Constructing routing tables for {}...".format(desc))
        tables = routing_tree_to_tables(routing_tree, keys)
        print([len(x) for x in itervalues(tables)])

        print("Writing to file...")
        fn = "uncompressed/gaussian_{}_{}_{}.bin".format(
            machine.width, machine.height, desc)
        with open(fn, "wb+") as f:
            dump_routing_tables(f, tables)
Example #14
 def test_sizeof_with_prepends(self):
     r = KeyspacesRegion([(Signal(BitField(32)), {})],
     assert r.sizeof(slice(None)) == 4