Example #1
    def find_starting_pixels(Iskel):
        Finds an endpoint pixel to begin walking to resolve network.

        Iskel : np.array
            Image of skeletonized mask.

        startpoints : list
            Possible starting points for the walk.

        # Get skeleton connectivity
        eps = imu.skel_endpoints(Iskel)
        eps = set(np.ravel_multi_index(eps, Iskel.shape))

        # Get one endpoint per connected component in network
        rp, _ = imu.regionprops(Iskel, ['coords'])
        startpoints = []
        for ni in rp['coords']:
            idcs = set(np.ravel_multi_index((ni[:, 0], ni[:, 1]), Iskel.shape))
            # Find a valid endpoint for each connected component network
            poss_id = idcs.intersection(eps)
            if len(poss_id) > 0:
                for pid in poss_id:
                    if check_startpoint(pid, Iskel) is True:

        return startpoints
Example #2
def test_regionprops_big():
    """Bigger test of regionprops()."""
    I = np.zeros((20, 20))
    I[1:3, 1:3] = 1.0
    I[15:20, 15:20] = 1.0
    I[7:10, 4:12] = 1.0
    props = ['centroid', 'mean', 'perim_len', 'eccentricity']
    info, _ = im_utils.regionprops(I, props)
    # make bunch of assertions
    assert [*info] == props
    assert np.all(
        info['centroid'] == np.array([[1.5, 1.5], [8., 7.5], [17., 17.]]))
    assert np.all(info['mean'] == np.array([1., 1., 1.]))
    assert np.all(info['perim_len'] == np.array([4., 18., 16.]))
    assert pytest.approx(
        info['eccentricity'] == np.array([0., 0.93435318, 0.]))
Example #3
def test_regionprops_small():
    """Small test of regionprops()."""
    I = np.zeros((3, 3))
    I[1, 1] = 1.0
    props = [
        'centroid', 'mean', 'perim_len', 'convex_area', 'eccentricity',
        'equivalent_diameter', 'major_axis_length', 'minor_axis_length',
    info, _ = im_utils.regionprops(I, props)
    # make bunch of assertions
    assert np.all(info['centroid'] == [1., 1.])
    assert info['mean'] == 1.
    assert info['perim_len'] == 0.
    assert info['convex_area'] == 1
    assert info['eccentricity'] == 0
    assert info['equivalent_diameter'] == pytest.approx(1.12837917)
    assert info['major_axis_length'] == 0.
    assert info['minor_axis_length'] == 0.
Example #4
def test_regionprops_perimeter():
    """Test of regionprops() 'perimeter' property."""
    I = np.zeros((20, 20))
    I[1:3, 1:3] = 1.0
    I[15:20, 15:20] = 1.0
    I[7:10, 4:12] = 1.0
    props = ['perimeter']
    info, _ = im_utils.regionprops(I, props)
    # make bunch of assertions
    assert [*info] == props
    assert info['perimeter'].shape == (3, )
    assert np.all(
        info['perimeter'][0] == np.array([[1, 1], [2, 1], [2, 2], [1, 2]]))
    assert np.all(info['perimeter'][1] ==
                  np.array([[7, 4], [8, 4], [9, 4], [9, 5], [9, 6], [9, 7],
                            [9, 8], [9, 9], [9, 10], [9, 11], [8, 11], [7, 11],
                            [7, 10], [7, 9], [7, 8], [7, 7], [7, 6], [7, 5]]))
    assert np.all(info['perimeter'][2] == np.array(
        [[15, 15], [16, 15], [17, 15], [18, 15], [19, 15], [19, 16], [19, 17],
         [19, 18], [19, 19], [18, 19], [17, 19], [16, 19], [15, 19], [15, 18],
         [15, 17], [15, 16]]))
Example #5
    def find_starting_pixels(Iskel):
        Finds an endpoint pixel to begin network resolution

        # Get skeleton connectivity
        eps = iu.skel_endpoints(Iskel)
        eps = set(np.ravel_multi_index(eps, Iskel.shape))

        # Get one endpoint per connected component in network
        rp = iu.regionprops(Iskel, ['coords'])
        startpoints = []
        for ni in rp['coords']:
            idcs = set(np.ravel_multi_index((ni[:, 0], ni[:, 1]), Iskel.shape))
            # Find a valid endpoint for each connected component network
            poss_id = idcs.intersection(eps)
            if len(poss_id) > 0:
                for pid in poss_id:
                    if check_startpoint(pid, Iskel) is True:

        return startpoints
Example #6
def get_island_properties(Imask,
    """Get island properties."""

    # maxwidth is an additional property
    if 'maxwidth' in props:
        do_maxwidth = True
        do_maxwidth = False

    # Need perimeter to make island polygons
    if 'perimeter' not in props:

    # Pad by one pixel to help identify and remove the outer portion of
    # the channel netowrk
    Imaskpad = np.array(np.pad(Imask, 1, mode='constant'), dtype=bool)
    Imp_invert = np.invert(Imaskpad)

    rp_islands, Ilabeled = iu.regionprops(Imp_invert,

    # Make polygons of the island perimeters
    # Also get ids to match the labeled image
    pgons = []
    ids = []
    for ip, p in enumerate(rp_islands['perimeter']):
        ids.append(Ilabeled[p[0][0], p[0][1]])  # Store the index

        p = np.vstack((p, p[0]))  # Close the polygon
        # Adjust for the single-pixel padding we added to the image
        cr = gu.xy_to_coords(p[:, 1] - 1, p[:, 0] - 1, gt)

        # Special cases: where the island is two pixels or less, we use the
        # corner coordinates rather than the center coordinates to define
        # the polygon.
        if len(cr[0]) <= 2:
            pixgon = [pixagon(cc, rc, pixlen) for cc, rc, in zip(cr[0], cr[1])]
            if len(pixgon) > 1:
                pixgon = cascaded_union(pixgon)
            pgons.append(Polygon(zip(cr[0], cr[1])))

    # Do maximum width if requested
    if do_maxwidth:
        Idist = distance_transform_edt(Imp_invert)
        maxwids = []
        for i in ids:
            maxwids.append(np.max(Idist[Ilabeled == i]) * 2 * pixlen)

    # Convert requested properties to proper units
    if 'area' in props:
        rp_islands['area'] = rp_islands['area'] * pixarea
    if 'major_axis_length' in props:
            'major_axis_length'] = rp_islands['major_axis_length'] * pixlen
    if 'minor_axis_length' in props:
            'minor_axis_length'] = rp_islands['minor_axis_length'] * pixlen
    if 'perim_len' in props:
        rp_islands['perim_len'] = rp_islands['perim_len'] * pixlen
    if 'convex_area' in props:
        rp_islands['convex_area'] = rp_islands['convex_area'] * pixarea

    # Need to change 'area' key as it's a function in geopandas
    if 'area' in rp_islands:
        rp_islands['Area'] = rp_islands.pop('area')

    # Create islands geodataframe
    gdf_dict = {
        k: rp_islands[k]
        for k in rp_islands if k not in ['coords', 'perimeter', 'centroid']
    gdf_dict['geometry'] = pgons
    gdf_dict['id'] = ids
    if do_maxwidth:
        gdf_dict['maxwid'] = maxwids
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(gdf_dict)
    gdf.crs = crs

    # Identify and remove the border blob
    border_id = Ilabeled[0][0]
    Ilabeled[Ilabeled == border_id] = 0
    gdf = gdf[gdf.id.values != border_id]

    # Put 'id' column in front
    colnames = [k for k in gdf.keys()]
    colnames.insert(0, 'id')
    gdf = gdf[colnames]

    return gdf, Ilabeled[1:-1, 1:-1]
Example #7
def surrounding_link_properties(links, nodes, Imask, islands, Iislands, pixlen,
    Find the links surrounding each island and computes their properties. This
    function is useful for filtering; e.g. when it is desired to remove islands
    surrounded by very large channels.

    links : dict
        Network links.
    nodes : dict
        Network nodes.
    Imask : np.array
        Binary mask of the channel network.
    islands : geopandas.GeoDataframe
        Contains island boundaries and associated properties. Created by
    Iislands : np.array
        Image wherein each island has a unique integer ID.
    pixlen : numeric
        Nominal length of a pixel (i.e. its resolution).
    pixarea : numeric
        Nominal area of a pixel.

    islands : geopandas.GeoDataframe

    # obj = d
    # links = obj.links
    # nodes = obj.nodes
    # Imask = obj.Imask
    # pixlen = obj.pixlen
    # pixarea = obj.pixarea
    # gt = obj.gt
    # crs = obj.crs
    # props=['area', 'maxwidth', 'major_axis_length', 'minor_axis_length']
    # islands, Iislands = get_island_properties(obj.Imask, pixlen, pixarea, obj.crs, obj.gt, props)
    # islands.to_file(r"C:\Users\Jon\Desktop\Research\John Shaw\Deltas\GBM\GBM_islands.shp")
    # np.save(r'C:\Users\Jon\Desktop\Research\John Shaw\Deltas\GBM\GBM_Iislands.npy', Iislands)
    # # islands = gpd.read_file(r"C:\Users\Jon\Desktop\Research\eBI\Results\Indus\Indus_islands.shp")
    # # Iislands = np.load(r'C:\Users\Jon\Desktop\Research\eBI\Results\Indus\Indus_Iislands.npy')

    # Rasterize the links and nodes
    Iln = np.zeros(Imask.shape, dtype=int)

    # Burn links into raster
    for lidcs in links['idx']:
        rcidcs = np.unravel_index(lidcs, Iln.shape)
        Iln[rcidcs] = 1
    # Burn nodes into raster, but use their negative so we can find them later
    for nid, nidx in zip(nodes['id'], nodes['idx']):
        rc = np.unravel_index(nidx, Iln.shape)
        Iln[rc] = -nid

    # Pad Ilids and Imask to avoid edge effects later
    npad = 8
    Iln = np.pad(Iln, npad, mode='constant')
    Imask = np.array(np.pad(Imask, npad, mode='constant'), dtype=bool)
    Iislands = np.pad(Iislands, npad, mode='constant')

    # Make a binary version of the network skeleton
    Iskel = np.array(Iln, dtype=bool)
    # Invert the skeleton
    Iskel = np.invert(Iskel)

    # Find the regions of the inverted map
    regions, Ireg = im.regionprops(Iskel,
                                   props=['coords', 'area', 'label'],
    regions['area'] = regions['area'] * pixarea

    # Dilate each region and get the link ids that encompass it
    # Ensure the set of link ids forms a closed loop; remove link ids that don't
    # Use the loop links to compute the average river width around the island
    # Finally, map the region to its corresponding island and compute the island
    # properties to determine whether or not to fill it
    keys = ['sur_area', 'sur_avg_wid', 'sur_max_wid', 'sur_min_wid']
    for k in keys:
        islands[k] = [np.nan for r in range(len(islands))]
    islands['sur_link_ids'] = ['' for r in range(len(islands))]

    # # Can speed up the calculation by skipping huge regions
    # max_area = np.mean(links['wid_adj'])**2 * 20

    imshape = Ireg.shape
    for idx in range(len(islands)):

        # Identify the region associated with the island
        i_id = islands.id.values[idx]
        r_id = stats.mode(Ireg[Iislands == i_id])[0][0]

        # It is possible that the corresponding region is a 0 pixel, or one
        # that comprises the network. This usually happens only when the island
        # is one or two pixels. Skip these islands
        if r_id == 0:
        r_idx = np.where(regions['label'] == r_id)[0][0]

        # Get the region's properties
        ra = regions['area'][r_idx]
        rc = regions['coords'][r_idx]

        # if ra > max_area:
        #     continue

        # Make region blob
        Irblob, cropped = im.crop_binary_coords(rc)

        # Pad and dilate the blob
        Irblob = np.pad(Irblob, npad, mode='constant')
        Irblob = np.array(im.dilate(Irblob, n=2, strel='disk'), dtype=bool)

        # Adjust padded image in case pads extend beyond original image boundary
        if cropped[0] - npad < 0:
            remove = npad - cropped[0]
            Irblob = Irblob[:, remove:]
            cropped[0] = 0
            cropped[0] = cropped[0] - npad
        if cropped[1] - npad < 0:
            remove = npad - cropped[1]
            Irblob = Irblob[abs(remove):, :]
            cropped[1] = 0
            cropped[1] = cropped[1] - npad
        if cropped[2] + npad > imshape[1]:
            remove = (cropped[2] + npad) - imshape[1]
            Irblob = Irblob[:, :(-remove - 1)]
            cropped[2] = imshape[1]
            cropped[2] = cropped[2] + npad
        if cropped[3] + npad > imshape[0]:
            remove = (cropped[3] + npad) - imshape[0]
            Irblob = Irblob[:(-remove - 1), :]
            cropped[3] = imshape[0]
            cropped[3] = cropped[3] + npad

        # Get node ids that overlap the dilated blob
        Iln_crop = Iln[cropped[1]:cropped[3] + 1, cropped[0]:cropped[2] + 1]
        lids = Iln_crop[Irblob]
        overlap_nodes = -np.unique(lids[lids < 0])

        # Get the links connected to the overlap nodes so we can construct the
        # mini-graph
        overlap_links = [
            li for l in
            [nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(nid)] for nid in overlap_nodes]
            for li in l

        # Try to find a loop using the identified link ids
        G = nx.Graph()
        lconn = [
            links['conn'][links['id'].index(lid)] for lid in overlap_links
        for lc in lconn:
            G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1])
        surrounding_nodes = nx.cycle_basis(G)

        # Check if we're dealing with a parallel loop
        if len(surrounding_nodes) == 0:
            if len(overlap_nodes) == 2:
                if sum([
                        l in nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(overlap_nodes[1])]
                        for l in nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(
                ]) > 1:
                    surrounding_nodes = [[o for o in overlap_nodes]]
            else:  # We assume that if no loops were found, this must be a parallel loop
                for on in overlap_nodes:
                    conn = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(on)]
                    for on2 in overlap_nodes:
                        if on2 == on:
                            conn2 = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(on2)]
                            if sum([c in conn2 for c in conn]) == 2:
                                surrounding_nodes = [[on, on2]]

        # # Check if links are at outlet or inlet
        # if len(surrounding_nodes) == 0:
        #     poss_nodes = np.array([links['conn'][links['id'].index(lid)] for lid in lids]).flatten()
        #     if any(np.in1d(poss_nodes, nodes['inlets'])) or any(np.in1d(poss_nodes, nodes['outlets'])):
        #         # Only keep link ids that have 3 or more occurrences
        #         surrounding_nodes = [[lid for lid, ct in zip(cts[0], cts[1]) if ct > 2]]
        #         print('io:{}'.format(ic))

        if len(surrounding_nodes) == 0:
            Warning('Cant find surrounding links for region {}.'.format(idx))

        # If multiple loops were found
        if len(surrounding_nodes) > 1:
            # Choose the surrounding nodes that contain the highest
            # fraction of overlap with the overlap_nodes
            fracs = []
            for sn in surrounding_nodes:
                in_or_out = [s in overlap_nodes for s in sn]
                fracs.append(sum(in_or_out) / len(overlap_nodes))
            surrounding_nodes = [surrounding_nodes[fracs.index(max(fracs))]]

        # At this point, only one loop should be present
        # if len(surrounding_nodes) != 1:
        #     import pdb
        #     pdb.set_trace()
        assert (len(surrounding_nodes) == 1)
        surrounding_nodes = surrounding_nodes[0]

        # Get the links of the loop
        surrounding_links = []
        for i in range(len(surrounding_nodes) - 1):
            n1 = surrounding_nodes[i]
            n2 = surrounding_nodes[i + 1]
            for lid in overlap_links:
                lconn = links['conn'][links['id'].index(lid)]
                if n1 in lconn and n2 in lconn:
        surrounding_links = list(set(surrounding_links))
        islands.sur_link_ids.values[idx] = str(surrounding_links)

        # Now that links surrounding the island are known, can compute some
        # of their morphologic metrics.
        # Use a length-weighted width. Could alternatively use the 'wid_pix' but
        # that includes the misleading connector pixels
        wids = np.array([
            for lid in surrounding_links
        lens = np.array([
            for lid in surrounding_links
        avg_wid = np.sum(wids * lens) / np.sum(lens)
        islands.sur_avg_wid.values[idx] = avg_wid
        islands.sur_max_wid.values[idx] = np.max(wids)
        islands.sur_min_wid.values[idx] = np.min(wids)
        islands.sur_area.values[idx] = ra  # already converted to pixarea

    return islands