Example #1
    def to_msg(self):
          Converts this app definition to ros msg format.

          :returns: ros message format of Rapp
          :rtype: rocon_app_manager_msgs.Rapp
        a = rapp_manager_msgs.Rapp()
        a.name = self.data['name']
        a.display_name = self.data['display_name']
        a.description = self.data['description']
        a.compatibility = self.data['compatibility']
        a.status = self.data['status']
        a.icon = rocon_python_utils.ros.icon_to_msg(self.data['icon'])
        a.implementations = []

        key = 'public_interface'
        if key in self.data:
            a.public_interface = [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(key, str(val)) for key, val in self.data[key].items()]

        key = 'public_parameters'
        if key in self.data:
            a.public_parameters = [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(str(key), str(val)) for key, val in self.data[key].items()]

        return a
Example #2
    def request_turtle(self, x_vel=0.1, z_vel=0.1, scale=1.0):
         Request a turtle.
        resource = scheduler_msgs.Resource()
        resource.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        resource.rapp = 'turtle_concert/turtle_stroll'
        resource.uri = 'rocon:/'
        resource_request_id = self.requester.new_request([resource], priority=self.service_priority)
        resource.parameters = [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue('turtle_x_vel', str(x_vel)), rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue('turtle_z_vel', str(z_vel)), rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue('square_scale', str(scale))]

Example #3
    def _load_profile(self):
        load profile from filepath
        msg  = concert_msgs.SoftwareProfile()

        with open(self._filepath) as f:
            loaded_profile = yaml.load(f)

        if not 'launch' in loaded_profile:
            raise InvalidSoftwareprofileException("'launch' field does not exist!!!")
        msg.resource_name = loaded_profile['resource_name'] = self.resource_name
        msg.name          = loaded_profile['name'] = loaded_profile['name'].lower().replace(" ", "_")
        msg.description   = loaded_profile['description'] if 'description' in  loaded_profile else ""
        msg.author        = loaded_profile['author'] if 'author' in loaded_profile else ""
        msg.max_count     = loaded_profile['max_count'] if 'max_count' in loaded_profile else -1
        msg.launch        = loaded_profile['launch'] 
        msg.parameters    = []
        if 'parameters' in loaded_profile:
            for kv in loaded_profile['parameters']:
                msg.parameters.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(str(kv['name']), str(kv['value'])))

        # generate message
        self.msg = msg 
        self.name = msg.name
Example #4
    def validate_parameters(self, given):
          validates the given parameter is usable for this software.

          :param given rocon_std_msgs/KeyValue[]: parameter to validate

          :returns: whether it is successful or not, the updated parameters, msg
          :rtypes: bool, [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue], str
        default = self.msg.parameters
        default_dict = { i.key:i.value for i in default}
        given_dict = {i.key:i.value for i in given}

        # Check if given parameters are invalid
        d_keys = default_dict.keys()
        is_invalid = False
        invalid_params = []
        for k in given_dict.keys():
            if not k in d_keys:
                is_invalid = True

        if is_invalid:
            msg = "Invalid parameter is given. %s"%str(invalid_params)
            return False, [], msg

        # Assign
        params = {}
        for key, value in default_dict.items():
            params[key] = given_dict[key] if key in given_dict else value
        params_keyvalue = [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(key, value) for key, value in params.items()]
        return True, params_keyvalue, "Success"
Example #5
def dict_to_KeyValue(d):
      Converts a dictionary to key value ros msg type.
    l = []
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        l.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(k, str(v)))
    return l
Example #6
def dict_to_key_value_msg(d):
      Converts a dictionary to key value ros msg type.
      :param d: dictionary
      :type d: dict
      :returns: KeyValue ros message
      :rtype: [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue]
    l = []
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        l.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(k, str(v)))
    return l
    def _prepare_start_rapp(self):
        parameters = []
        for name, box in self._parameters_items:
            if isinstance(box, QCheckBox):
                value = "true" if box.isChecked() else "false"
                value = box.toPlainText().strip()
            parameters.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(name, value))
        remappings = [(k, v.toPlainText().strip())
                      for k, v in self._remappings_items
                      if k != v.toPlainText().strip()]
        impl = self.rapp_impls.currentText()

        return impl, remappings, parameters
Example #8
 def _convert_to_device_msgs(self, device_raw_data):
     msgs = []
     for dev_id in device_raw_data:
         device = device_raw_data[dev_id]
         if device['has_subdevice_count'] is 1:
             for sdev_id in device['subDevices']:
                 sub_device = device['subDevices'][sdev_id]
                 dev = rocon_device_msgs.Device()
                 dev.label = sub_device['shortName']
                 dev.type = self._type_converter(dev.label)
                 dev.uuid = str(dev_id) + '_' + str(sub_device['data'])
                     rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue('guid', str(dev_id)))
                 dev.data.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue('data', ''))
             dev = rocon_device_msgs.Device()
             dev.label = device['shortName'].replace(' ', '_').lower()
             dev.type = device['device_type']
             dev.uuid = str(dev_id)
             dev.data.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue('data', ''))
             dev.data.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue('guid', str(dev_id)))
     return msgs
 def set_srv_parameters(self, srv_name, param_data):
     result = False
     message = ""
         srv_profile_msg = concert_msgs.ServiceProfile()
         srv_profile_msg.name = srv_name
         parameter_detail = []
         for key in param_data.keys():
             parameter = rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(key, param_data[key])
         srv_profile_msg.parameters_detail = parameter_detail
         (result, message) = self.update_service_config(srv_profile_msg)
     except Exception, e:
         message = str(e)            
         result = False
Example #10
def _node_to_resource(node, linkgraph):
      Convert linkgraph information for a particular node to a scheduler_msgs.Resource type.

      @param node : a node from the linkgraph
      @type concert_msgs.LinkNode

      @param linkgraph : the entire linkgraph (used to lookup the node's edges)
      @type concert_msgs.LinkGraph

      @return resource
      @rtype scheduler_msgs.Resource
    resource = scheduler_msgs.Resource()
    resource.rapp = rocon_uri.parse(node.resource).rapp
    resource.uri = node.resource
    resource.remappings = [rocon_std_msgs.Remapping(e.remap_from, e.remap_to) for e in linkgraph.edges if e.start == node.id or e.finish == node.id]
    resource.parameters = [rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(key,str(val)) for key, val in node.parameters.items()]
    return resource
Example #11
    def convert_post_to_devices_msg(self, post):
        device = post['topic']
        device_data = post['data']
        dev_label, dev_type, dev_uuid = device.split("/")

        dev = rocon_device_msgs.Device()
        dev.label = str(dev_label)
        dev.type = str(dev_type)
        dev.uuid = str(dev_uuid)
        dev.data = [
            rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(str(key), str(value))
            for key, value in device_data.items()

        msg = rocon_device_msgs.Devices()
        msg.devices = []

        return msg
Example #12
def rapp_msg_to_dict(msg):
    rapp = {}
    rapp["status"] = msg.status
    rapp["name"] = msg.name
    rapp["display_name"] = msg.display_name
    rapp["description"] = msg.description
    rapp["compatibility"] = msg.compatibility
    rapp["preferred"] = msg.preferred
    rapp["icon"] = msg.icon
    rapp["implementations"] = msg.implementations
    rapp["public_interface"] = msg.public_interface
    rapp["public_parameters"] = []
    for parameter in msg.public_parameters:
        if parameter.value.lower() == "false":
            value = False
        elif parameter.value.lower() == "true":
            value = True
            value = parameter.value
        rapp["public_parameters"].append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(parameter.key, value))
    return rapp
    def _service_profile_to_msg(self, loaded_profile):
        Change service proflies data to ros message

        :returns: generated service profile message
        :rtype: [concert_msgs.ServiceProfile]

        msg = concert_msgs.ServiceProfile()
        msg.uuid = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        # todo change more nice method
        if 'resource_name' in loaded_profile:
            msg.resource_name = loaded_profile['resource_name']
        if 'name' in loaded_profile:
            msg.name = loaded_profile['name']
        if 'description' in loaded_profile:
            msg.description = loaded_profile['description']
        if 'author' in loaded_profile:
            msg.author = loaded_profile['author']
        if 'priority' in loaded_profile:
            msg.priority = loaded_profile['priority']
        if 'launcher_type' in loaded_profile:
            msg.launcher_type = loaded_profile['launcher_type']
        if 'icon' in loaded_profile:
            msg.icon = rocon_python_utils.ros.icon_resource_to_msg(loaded_profile['icon'])
        if 'launcher' in loaded_profile:
            msg.launcher = loaded_profile['launcher']
        if 'interactions' in loaded_profile:
            msg.interactions = loaded_profile['interactions']
        if 'parameters' in loaded_profile:
            msg.parameters = loaded_profile['parameters']
        if 'parameters_detail' in loaded_profile:
            for param_key in loaded_profile['parameters_detail'].keys():
                msg.parameters_detail.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(param_key, str(loaded_profile['parameters_detail'][param_key])))
                # t = type(loaded_profile['parameters_detail'][param_key])
                # if t is list or t is dict:
                #     msg.parameters_detail.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(param_key, eval(loaded_profile['parameters_detail'][param_key])))
                # else:
                #     msg.parameters_detail.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue(param_key, str(loaded_profile['parameters_detail'][param_key])))
        return msg
Example #14
def create_web_video_parameters(address, port):
    params = []
    params.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue('address', str(address)))
    params.append(rocon_std_msgs.KeyValue('port', str(port)))
    return params