Example #1
 def test_various_nans(self):
     # check patterns that should preserve the mantissa across nan conversions
     maxmant64 = (1 << 52) - 1 # maximum double mantissa
     maxmant16 = (1 << 10) - 1 # maximum float16 mantissa
     assert maxmant64 >> 42 == maxmant16
     exp = 0xfff << 52
     for i in range(20):
         val_to_preserve = exp | ((maxmant16 - i) << 42)
         a = ieee.float_unpack(val_to_preserve, 8)
         assert isnan(a), 'i %d, maxmant %s' % (i, hex(val_to_preserve))
         b = ieee.float_pack(a, 8)
         assert b == val_to_preserve, 'i %d, val %s b %s' % (i, hex(val_to_preserve), hex(b)) 
         b = ieee.float_pack(a, 2)
         assert b == 0xffff - i, 'i %d, b%s' % (i, hex(b))
Example #2
 def test_various_nans(self):
     # check patterns that should preserve the mantissa across nan conversions
     maxmant64 = (1 << 52) - 1  # maximum double mantissa
     maxmant16 = (1 << 10) - 1  # maximum float16 mantissa
     assert maxmant64 >> 42 == maxmant16
     exp = 0xfff << 52
     for i in range(20):
         val_to_preserve = exp | ((maxmant16 - i) << 42)
         a = ieee.float_unpack(val_to_preserve, 8)
         assert isnan(a), 'i %d, maxmant %s' % (i, hex(val_to_preserve))
         b = ieee.float_pack(a, 8)
         assert b == val_to_preserve, 'i %d, val %s b %s' % (
             i, hex(val_to_preserve), hex(b))
         b = ieee.float_pack(a, 2)
         assert b == 0xffff - i, 'i %d, b%s' % (i, hex(b))
Example #3
 def test_halffloat_inexact(self):
     # testcases generated from numpy.float16(x).view('uint16')
     cases = [[10.001, 18688, 10.0], [-10.001, 51456, -10], [0.027588, 10000, 0.027587890625], [22001, 30047, 22000]]
     for c, h, f in cases:
         hbit = ieee.float_pack(c, 2)
         assert hbit == h
         assert f == ieee.float_unpack(h, 2)
Example #4
 def test_halffloat_exact(self):
     # testcases generated from numpy.float16(x).view('uint16')
     cases = [[0, 0], [10, 18688], [-10, 51456], [10e3, 28898], [float("inf"), 31744], [-float("inf"), 64512]]
     for c, h in cases:
         hbit = ieee.float_pack(c, 2)
         assert hbit == h
         assert c == ieee.float_unpack(h, 2)
Example #5
    def check_float(self, x):
        # check roundtrip
        for size in [10, 12, 16]:
            for be in [False, True]:
                Q = []
                ieee.pack_float80(Q, x, size, be)
                Q = Q[0]
                y = ieee.unpack_float80(Q, be)
                assert repr(x) == repr(y), '%r != %r, Q=%r' % (x, y, Q)

        for be in [False, True]:
            Q = []
            ieee.pack_float(Q, x, 8, be)
            Q = Q[0]
            y = ieee.unpack_float(Q, be)
            assert repr(x) == repr(y), '%r != %r, Q=%r' % (x, y, Q)

        # check that packing agrees with the struct module
        struct_pack8 = struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', x))[0]
        float_pack8 = ieee.float_pack(x, 8)
        assert struct_pack8 == float_pack8

        # check that packing agrees with the struct module
            struct_pack4 = struct.unpack('<L', struct.pack('<f', x))[0]
        except OverflowError:
            struct_pack4 = "overflow"
            float_pack4 = ieee.float_pack(x, 4)
        except OverflowError:
            float_pack4 = "overflow"
        assert struct_pack4 == float_pack4

        if float_pack4 == "overflow":

        # if we didn't overflow, try round-tripping the binary32 value
        roundtrip = ieee.float_pack(ieee.float_unpack(float_pack4, 4), 4)
        assert float_pack4 == roundtrip

            float_pack2 = ieee.float_pack(x, 2)
        except OverflowError:

        roundtrip = ieee.float_pack(ieee.float_unpack(float_pack2, 2), 2)
        assert (float_pack2, x) == (roundtrip, x)
Example #6
    def check_float(self, x):
        # check roundtrip
        for size in [10, 12, 16]:
            for be in [False, True]:
                Q = []
                ieee.pack_float80(Q, x, size, be)
                Q = Q[0]
                y = ieee.unpack_float80(Q, be)
                assert repr(x) == repr(y), '%r != %r, Q=%r' % (x, y, Q)

        for be in [False, True]:
            Q = []
            ieee.pack_float(Q, x, 8, be)
            Q = Q[0]
            y = ieee.unpack_float(Q, be)
            assert repr(x) == repr(y), '%r != %r, Q=%r' % (x, y, Q)

        # check that packing agrees with the struct module
        struct_pack8 = struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', x))[0]
        float_pack8 = ieee.float_pack(x, 8)
        assert struct_pack8 == float_pack8

        # check that packing agrees with the struct module
            struct_pack4 = struct.unpack('<L', struct.pack('<f', x))[0]
        except OverflowError:
            struct_pack4 = "overflow"
            float_pack4 = ieee.float_pack(x, 4)
        except OverflowError:
            float_pack4 = "overflow"
        assert struct_pack4 == float_pack4

        if float_pack4 == "overflow":

        # if we didn't overflow, try round-tripping the binary32 value
        roundtrip = ieee.float_pack(ieee.float_unpack(float_pack4, 4), 4)
        assert float_pack4 == roundtrip

            float_pack2 = ieee.float_pack(x, 2)
        except OverflowError:

        roundtrip = ieee.float_pack(ieee.float_unpack(float_pack2, 2), 2)
        assert (float_pack2, x) == (roundtrip, x)
Example #7
 def test_halffloat_exact(self):
     #testcases generated from numpy.float16(x).view('uint16')
     cases = [[0, 0], [10, 18688], [-10, 51456], [10e3, 28898],
              [float('inf'), 31744], [-float('inf'), 64512]]
     for c, h in cases:
         hbit = ieee.float_pack(c, 2)
         assert hbit == h
         assert c == ieee.float_unpack(h, 2)
Example #8
 def test_halffloat_inexact(self):
     #testcases generated from numpy.float16(x).view('uint16')
     cases = [[10.001, 18688, 10.], [-10.001, 51456, -10],
              [0.027588, 10000, 0.027587890625], [22001, 30047, 22000]]
     for c, h, f in cases:
         hbit = ieee.float_pack(c, 2)
         assert hbit == h
         assert f == ieee.float_unpack(h, 2)
Example #9
 def fetch(self, space, n0):
     from rpython.rlib.rstruct.ieee import float_pack
     r = float_pack(self.value, 8) # C double
     if n0 == 0:
         return space.wrap_uint(r_uint(intmask(r >> 32)))
         # bounds-check for primitive access is done in the primitive
         assert n0 == 1
         return space.wrap_uint(r_uint(intmask(r)))
Example #10
 def store(self, space, n0, w_obj):
     uint = r_ulonglong(space.unwrap_uint(w_obj))
     r = float_pack(self.getvalue(), 8)
     if n0 == 0:
         r = ((r << 32) >> 32) | (uint << 32)
         assert n0 == 1
         r = ((r >> 32) << 32) | uint
     self.value = float_unpack(r, 8)
Example #11
 def store(self, space, n0, w_obj):
     uint = r_ulonglong(space.unwrap_uint(w_obj))
     r = float_pack(self.getvalue(), 8)
     if n0 == 0:
         r = ((r << 32) >> 32) | (uint << 32)
         assert n0 == 1
         r = ((r >> 32) << 32) | uint
     self.value = float_unpack(r, 8)
Example #12
 def test_halffloat_overunderflow(self):
     cases = [[670000, float('inf')], [-67000, -float('inf')], [1e-08, 0],
              [-1e-8, -0.]]
     for f1, f2 in cases:
             f_out = ieee.float_unpack(ieee.float_pack(f1, 2), 2)
         except OverflowError:
             f_out = math.copysign(float('inf'), f1)
         assert f_out == f2
         assert math.copysign(1., f_out) == math.copysign(1., f2)
Example #13
 def test_halffloat_overunderflow(self):
     import math
     cases = [[670000, float('inf')], [-67000, -float('inf')],
              [1e-08, 0], [-1e-8, -0.]]
     for f1, f2 in cases:
             f_out = ieee.float_unpack(ieee.float_pack(f1, 2), 2)
         except OverflowError:
             f_out = math.copysign(float('inf'), f1)
         assert f_out == f2
         assert math.copysign(1., f_out) == math.copysign(1., f2)
Example #14
    def store(self, space, n0, w_obj):
        from rpython.rlib.rstruct.ieee import float_unpack, float_pack
        from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_ulonglong

        uint = r_ulonglong(space.unwrap_uint(w_obj))
        r = float_pack(self.value, 8)
        if n0 == 0:
            r = ((r << 32) >> 32) | (uint << 32)
            assert n0 == 1
            r = ((r >> 32) << 32) | uint
        self.value = float_unpack(r, 8)
Example #15
 def pack_float(space, packer, repetitions):
     if repetitions > len(packer.args_w) - packer.args_index:
         raise space.error(space.w_ArgumentError, "too few arguments")
     for i in xrange(packer.args_index, repetitions + packer.args_index):
         w_item = packer.args_w[i]
         if not (isinstance(w_item, W_FloatObject) or isinstance(w_item, W_FixnumObject)):
             raise space.error(space.w_TypeError,
                 "can't convert %s into Float" % space.obj_to_s(space.getclass(w_item))
         doubleval = space.float_w(w_item)
         l = ["\0"] * size
             unsigned = float_pack(doubleval, size)
         except OverflowError:
             unsigned = float_pack(rfloat.copysign(rfloat.INFINITY, doubleval), size)
         for i in xrange(size):
             l[i] = chr((unsigned >> (i * 8)) & 0xff)
         if bigendian:
     packer.args_index += repetitions
Example #16
 def fetch(self, space, n0):
     r = float_pack(self.getvalue(), 8)  # C double
     if n0 == 0:
         return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r >> 32)))
         # bounds-check for primitive access is done in the primitive
         assert n0 == 1
         if constants.IS_64BIT:
             # mask the bits above 32
             return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r & 0xffffffff)))
             return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r)))
Example #17
 def fetch(self, space, n0):
     r = float_pack(self.getvalue(), 8)  # C double
     if n0 == 0:
         return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r >> 32)))
         # bounds-check for primitive access is done in the primitive
         assert n0 == 1
         if constants.IS_64BIT:
             # mask the bits above 32
             return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r & 0xffffffff)))
             return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r)))
Example #18
 def pack_float(space, packer, repetitions):
     if repetitions > len(packer.args_w) - packer.args_index:
         raise space.error(space.w_ArgumentError, "too few arguments")
     for i in xrange(packer.args_index, repetitions + packer.args_index):
         w_item = packer.args_w[i]
         if not (isinstance(w_item, W_FloatObject) or isinstance(w_item, W_FixnumObject)):
             raise space.error(space.w_TypeError,
                 "can't convert %s into Float" % space.obj_to_s(space.getclass(w_item))
         doubleval = space.float_w(w_item)
         l = ["\0"] * size
             unsigned = float_pack(doubleval, size)
         except OverflowError:
             unsigned = float_pack(math.copysign(special_value.INF, doubleval), size)
         for i in xrange(size):
             l[i] = chr((unsigned >> (i * 8)) & 0xff)
         if bigendian:
     packer.args_index += repetitions
Example #19
def float2bits(flt):
    #data_str = struct.pack  ( 'f', flt      )
    #bits     = struct.unpack( 'I', data_str )[0]

    # float_pack returns an r_int rather than an int, must cast it or
    # arithmetic operations behave differently!
        bits = trim(intmask(ieee.float_pack(flt, 4)))
    # float_pack also will throw an OverflowError if the computed value
    # won't fit in the expected number of bytes, catch this and return
    # the encoding for inf/-inf
    except OverflowError:
        bits = 0x7f800000 if flt > 0 else 0xff800000

    return bits
Example #20
 def toBytes(self):
     # float_pack() takes a double and gives us the packed integer; we need
     # to reinterpret it as packed ASCII and repack into bytes.
     x = float_pack(self._d, 8)
     return "".join([chr(x >> ((7 - i) * 8) & 0xff) for i in range(8)])
Example #21
 def setvalue(self, v):
     # This will only be called if we `become' a W_MutableFloat, should be rare
     r = float_pack(v, 8)
     # just shift and mask
     self.high = r_uint32(r >> 32)
     self.low = r_uint32(r)
Example #22
 def toBytes(self):
     # float_pack() takes a double and gives us the packed integer; we need
     # to reinterpret it as packed ASCII and repack into bytes.
     x = float_pack(self._d, 8)
     return "".join([chr(x >> ((7 - i) * 8) & 0xff) for i in range(8)])
Example #23
 def setvalue(self, v):
     # This will only be called if we `become' a W_MutableFloat, should be rare
     r = float_pack(v, 8)
     # just shift and mask
     self.high = r_uint32(r >> 32)
     self.low = r_uint32(r)