Example #1
    def fortran(self, line, cell):
        Fortran cell magic.

        This is syntactic sugar on the
        :func:`~sage.misc.inline_fortran.fortran` function.


        - ``line`` -- ignored.

        - ``cell`` -- string. The Cython source code to process.


        None. The Fortran code is compiled and loaded.


            sage: from sage.repl.interpreter import get_test_shell
            sage: shell = get_test_shell()
            sage: shell.run_cell('''
            ....: %%fortran
            ....: C FILE: FIB1.F
            ....:       SUBROUTINE FIB(A,N)
            ....: C
            ....: C
            ....:       INTEGER N
            ....:       REAL*8 A(N)
            ....:       DO I=1,N
            ....:          IF (I.EQ.1) THEN
            ....:             A(I) = 0.0D0
            ....:          ELSEIF (I.EQ.2) THEN
            ....:             A(I) = 1.0D0
            ....:          ELSE
            ....:             A(I) = A(I-1) + A(I-2)
            ....:          ENDIF
            ....:       ENDDO
            ....:       END
            ....: C END FILE FIB1.F
            ....: ''')
            sage: fib
            <fortran object>
            sage: from numpy import array
            sage: a = array(range(10), dtype=float)
            sage: fib(a, 10)
            sage: a
            array([  0.,   1.,   1.,   2.,   3.,   5.,   8.,  13.,  21.,  34.])
        from sage.misc.inline_fortran import fortran
        return fortran(cell)
Example #2
    def fortran(self, line, cell):
        Fortran cell magic.

        This is syntactic sugar on the
        :func:`~sage.misc.inline_fortran.fortran` function.


        - ``line`` -- ignored.

        - ``cell`` -- string. The Cython source code to process.


        None. The Fortran code is compiled and loaded.


            sage: from sage.repl.interpreter import get_test_shell
            sage: shell = get_test_shell()
            sage: shell.run_cell('''
            ....: %%fortran
            ....: C FILE: FIB1.F
            ....:       SUBROUTINE FIB(A,N)
            ....: C
            ....: C
            ....:       INTEGER N
            ....:       REAL*8 A(N)
            ....:       DO I=1,N
            ....:          IF (I.EQ.1) THEN
            ....:             A(I) = 0.0D0
            ....:          ELSEIF (I.EQ.2) THEN
            ....:             A(I) = 1.0D0
            ....:          ELSE
            ....:             A(I) = A(I-1) + A(I-2)
            ....:          ENDIF
            ....:       ENDDO
            ....:       END
            ....: C END FILE FIB1.F
            ....: ''')
            sage: fib
            <fortran object>
            sage: from numpy import array
            sage: a = array(range(10), dtype=float)
            sage: fib(a, 10)
            sage: a
            array([  0.,   1.,   1.,   2.,   3.,   5.,   8.,  13.,  21.,  34.])
        from sage.misc.inline_fortran import fortran
        return fortran(cell)
Example #3
def load(filename, globals, attach=False):
    Execute a file in the scope given by ``globals``. If the name starts with
    ``http://`` or ``https://``, it is treated as a URL and downloaded.

    .. NOTE::

        For Cython files, the situation is more complicated --
        the module is first compiled to a temporary module ``t`` and
        executed via::

            from t import *


    - ``filename`` -- a string denoting a filename or URL.

    - ``globals`` -- a string:object dictionary; the context in which
      to execute the file contents.

    - ``attach`` -- a boolean (default: False); whether to add the
      file to the list of attached files.

    Loading an executable Sage script from the command prompt will run whatever
    code is inside an

        if __name__ == "__main__":

    section, as the condition on ``__name__`` will hold true (code run from the
    command prompt is considered to be running in the ``__main__`` module.)


    Note that ``.py`` files are *not* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print(('hi', 2^3)); z = -2^7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        ('hi', 1)
        sage: z

    A ``.sage`` file *is* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.sage')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print(('hi', 2^3)); z = -2^7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        ('hi', 8)
        sage: z

    Cython files are *not* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.pyx')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print(('hi', 2^3)); z = -2^7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        Compiling ...
        ('hi', 1)
        sage: z

    If the file is not a Cython, Python, or Sage file, a ``ValueError``
    is raised::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load(tmp_filename(ext=".foo"), globals())
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: unknown file extension '.foo' for load or attach (supported extensions: .py, .pyx, .sage, .spyx, .f, .f90, .m)

    We load a file given at a remote URL (not tested for security reasons)::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('https://www.sagemath.org/files/loadtest.py', globals())  # not tested
        hi from the net

    We can load files using secure http (https)::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sagemath/sage-patchbot/3.0.0/sage_patchbot/util.py', globals())  # optional - internet

    We attach a file::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print('hello world')")
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals(), attach=True)
        hello world
        sage: t in attached_files()

    You cannot attach remote URLs (yet)::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('https://www.sagemath.org/files/loadtest.py', globals(), attach=True)  # optional - internet
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        NotImplementedError: you cannot attach a URL

    The default search path for loading and attaching files is the
    current working directory, i.e., ``'.'``.  But you can modify the
    path with :func:`load_attach_path`::

        sage: sage.repl.attach.reset(); reset_load_attach_path()
        sage: load_attach_path()
        sage: t_dir = tmp_dir()
        sage: fname = 'test.py'
        sage: fullpath = os.path.join(t_dir, fname)
        sage: with open(fullpath, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print(37 * 3)")
        sage: load_attach_path(t_dir, replace=True)
        sage: attach(fname)
        sage: sage.repl.attach.reset(); reset_load_attach_path() # clean up

    or by setting the environment variable ``SAGE_LOAD_ATTACH_PATH``
    to a colon-separated list before starting Sage::

        $ export SAGE_LOAD_ATTACH_PATH="/path/to/my/library:/path/to/utils"
        $ sage
        sage: load_attach_path()          # not tested
        ['.', '/path/to/my/library', '/path/to/utils']


    Make sure that load handles filenames with spaces in the name or path::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext=' b.sage')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print(2)")
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())

    Non-existing files with spaces give correct messages::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load("this file should not exist", globals())
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        OSError: did not find file 'this file should not exist' to load or attach
    if attach:
        from sage.repl.attach import add_attached_file

    if isinstance(filename, bytes):
        # For Python 3 in particular, convert bytes filenames to str since the
        # rest of this functions operate on filename as a str
        filename = bytes_to_str(filename, FS_ENCODING, 'surrogateescape')

    filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)

    if filename.lower().startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
        if attach:
            # But see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_ETag for how
            # we will do this.
            # http://www.diveintopython.net/http_web_services/etags.html
            raise NotImplementedError("you cannot attach a URL")
        from sage.misc.remote_file import get_remote_file
        filename = get_remote_file(filename, verbose=False)

    from sage.repl.attach import load_attach_path
    for path in load_attach_path():
        fpath = os.path.join(path, filename)
        fpath = os.path.expanduser(fpath)
        if os.path.isfile(fpath):
        raise IOError('did not find file %r to load or attach' % filename)

    ext = os.path.splitext(fpath)[1].lower()
    if ext == '.py':
        if attach:
        with open(fpath) as f:
            code = compile(f.read(), fpath, 'exec')
            exec(code, globals)
    elif ext == '.sage':
        from sage.repl.attach import load_attach_mode
        from sage.repl.preparse import preparse_file_named, preparse_file
        load_debug_mode, attach_debug_mode = load_attach_mode()
        if (attach and attach_debug_mode) or ((not attach) and load_debug_mode):
            # Preparse to a file to enable tracebacks with
            # code snippets. Use preparse_file_named to make
            # the file name appear in the traceback as well.
            # See Trac 11812.
            if attach:
            with open(preparse_file_named(fpath)) as f:
                code = compile(f.read(), preparse_file_named(fpath), 'exec')
                exec(code, globals)
            # Preparse in memory only for speed.
            if attach:
            with open(fpath) as f:
                exec(preparse_file(f.read()) + "\n", globals)
    elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
        if attach:
        exec(load_cython(fpath), globals)
    elif ext == '.f' or ext == '.f90':
        from sage.misc.inline_fortran import fortran
        with open(fpath) as f:
            fortran(f.read(), globals)
    elif ext == '.m':
        # Assume magma for now, though maybe .m is used by maple and
        # mathematica too, and we should really analyze the file
        # further.
        s = globals['magma'].load(fpath)
        i = s.find('\n')
        print(s[i + 1:])
        raise ValueError('unknown file extension %r for load or attach (supported extensions: .py, .pyx, .sage, .spyx, .f, .f90, .m)' % ext)
Example #4
def load(filename, globals, attach=False):
    Executes a file in the scope given by ``globals``.  If the name
    starts with ``http://``, it is treated as a URL and downloaded.

    .. NOTE::

        For Cython files, the situation is more complicated --
        the module is first compiled to a temporary module ``t`` and
        executed via::

            from t import *


    - ``filename`` -- a string denoting a filename or URL.

    - ``globals`` -- a string:object dictionary; the context in which
      to execute the file contents.

    - ``attach`` -- a boolean (default: False); whether to add the
      file to the list of attached files.


    Note that ``.py`` files are *not* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print(('hi', 2^3)); z = -2^7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        ('hi', 1)
        sage: z

    A ``.sage`` file *is* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.sage')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print(('hi', 2^3)); z = -2^7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        ('hi', 8)
        sage: z

    Cython files are *not* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.pyx')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print(('hi', 2^3)); z = -2^7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        Compiling ...
        ('hi', 1)
        sage: z

    If the file isn't a Cython, Python, or a Sage file, a ValueError
    is raised::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load(tmp_filename(ext=".foo"), globals())
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: unknown file extension '.foo' for load or attach (supported extensions: .py, .pyx, .sage, .spyx, .f, .f90, .m)

    We load a file given at a remote URL::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('http://wstein.org/loadtest.py', globals())  # optional - internet
        hi from the net

    We can load files using secure http (https)::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('https://github.com/jasongrout/minimum_rank/raw/minimum_rank_1_0_0/minrank.py', globals())  # optional - internet

    We attach a file::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print('hello world')")
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals(), attach=True)
        hello world
        sage: t in attached_files()

    You can't attach remote URLs (yet)::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('http://wstein.org/loadtest.py', globals(), attach=True)  # optional - internet
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        NotImplementedError: you can't attach a URL

    The default search path for loading and attaching files is the
    current working directory, i.e., ``'.'``.  But you can modify the
    path with :func:`load_attach_path`::

        sage: sage.repl.attach.reset(); reset_load_attach_path()
        sage: load_attach_path()
        sage: t_dir = tmp_dir()
        sage: fname = 'test.py'
        sage: fullpath = os.path.join(t_dir, fname)
        sage: with open(fullpath, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print(37 * 3)")
        sage: load_attach_path(t_dir)
        sage: attach(fname)
        sage: sage.repl.attach.reset(); reset_load_attach_path() # clean up

    or by setting the environment variable ``SAGE_LOAD_ATTACH_PATH``
    to a colon-separated list before starting Sage::

        $ export SAGE_LOAD_ATTACH_PATH="/path/to/my/library:/path/to/utils"
        $ sage
        sage: load_attach_path()          # not tested
        ['.', '/path/to/my/library', '/path/to/utils']


    Make sure that load handles filenames with spaces in the name or path::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext=' b.sage')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     _ = f.write("print(2)")
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())

    Non-existing files with spaces give correct messages::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load("this file should not exist", globals())
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IOError: did not find file 'this file should not exist' to load or attach
    if attach:
        from sage.repl.attach import add_attached_file

    if isinstance(filename, bytes):
        # For Python 3 in particular, convert bytes filenames to str since the
        # rest of this functions operate on filename as a str
        filename = bytes_to_str(filename, FS_ENCODING, 'surrogateescape')

    filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)

    if filename.lower().startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
        if attach:
            # But see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_ETag for how
            # we will do this.
            # http://www.diveintopython.net/http_web_services/etags.html
            raise NotImplementedError("you can't attach a URL")
        from sage.misc.remote_file import get_remote_file
        filename = get_remote_file(filename, verbose=False)

    from sage.repl.attach import load_attach_path
    for path in load_attach_path():
        fpath = os.path.join(path, filename)
        fpath = os.path.expanduser(fpath)
        if os.path.isfile(fpath):
        raise IOError('did not find file %r to load or attach' % filename)

    ext = os.path.splitext(fpath)[1].lower()
    if ext == '.py':
        if attach:
        with open(fpath) as f:
            code = compile(f.read(), fpath, 'exec')
            exec(code, globals)
    elif ext == '.sage':
        from sage.repl.attach import load_attach_mode
        from sage.repl.preparse import preparse_file_named, preparse_file
        load_debug_mode, attach_debug_mode = load_attach_mode()
        if (attach and attach_debug_mode) or ((not attach) and load_debug_mode):
            # Preparse to a file to enable tracebacks with
            # code snippets. Use preparse_file_named to make
            # the file name appear in the traceback as well.
            # See Trac 11812.
            if attach:
            with open(preparse_file_named(fpath)) as f:
                code = compile(f.read(), preparse_file_named(fpath), 'exec')
                exec(code, globals)
            # Preparse in memory only for speed.
            if attach:
            with open(fpath) as f:
                exec(preparse_file(f.read()) + "\n", globals)
    elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
        if attach:
        exec(load_cython(fpath), globals)
    elif ext == '.f' or ext == '.f90':
        from sage.misc.inline_fortran import fortran
        with open(fpath) as f:
            fortran(f.read(), globals)
    elif ext == '.m':
        # Assume magma for now, though maybe .m is used by maple and
        # mathematica too, and we should really analyze the file
        # further.
        s = globals['magma'].load(fpath)
        i = s.find('\n'); s = s[i+1:]
        raise ValueError('unknown file extension %r for load or attach (supported extensions: .py, .pyx, .sage, .spyx, .f, .f90, .m)' % ext)
Example #5
def load(filename, globals, attach=False):
    Executes a file in the scope given by ``globals``.  If the name
    starts with ``http://``, it is treated as a URL and downloaded.

    .. NOTE::

        For Cython files, the situation is more complicated --
        the module is first compiled to a temporary module ``t`` and
        executed via::

            from t import *


    - ``filename`` -- a string denoting a filename or URL.

    - ``globals`` -- a string:object dictionary; the context in which
      to execute the file contents.

    - ``attach`` -- a boolean (default: False); whether to add the
      file to the list of attached files.


    Note that ``.py`` files are *not* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: open(t,'w').write("print 'hi', 2/3; z = -2/7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())  # optional - python2
        hi 0
        sage: z  # optional - python2

    A ``.sage`` file *is* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.sage')
        sage: open(t,'w').write("print 'hi', 2/3; z = -2/7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        hi 2/3
        sage: z

    Cython files are *not* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.pyx')
        sage: open(t,'w').write("print 'hi', 2/3; z = -2/7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        Compiling ...
        hi 0
        sage: z

    If the file isn't a Cython, Python, or a Sage file, a ValueError
    is raised::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load(tmp_filename(ext=".foo"), globals())
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: unknown file extension '.foo' for load or attach (supported extensions: .py, .pyx, .sage, .spyx, .f, .f90, .m)

    We load a file given at a remote URL::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('http://wstein.org/loadtest.py', globals())  # optional - internet
        hi from the net

    We can load files using secure http (https)::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('https://github.com/jasongrout/minimum_rank/raw/minimum_rank_1_0_0/minrank.py', globals())  # optional - internet

    We attach a file::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: open(t,'w').write("print 'hello world'")
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals(), attach=True)
        hello world
        sage: t in attached_files()

    You can't attach remote URLs (yet)::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('http://wstein.org/loadtest.py', globals(), attach=True)  # optional - internet
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        NotImplementedError: you can't attach a URL

    The default search path for loading and attaching files is the
    current working directory, i.e., ``'.'``.  But you can modify the
    path with :func:`load_attach_path`::

        sage: sage.repl.attach.reset(); reset_load_attach_path()
        sage: load_attach_path()
        sage: t_dir = tmp_dir()
        sage: fullpath = os.path.join(t_dir, 'test.py')
        sage: open(fullpath, 'w').write("print 37 * 3")
        sage: load_attach_path(t_dir)
        sage: attach('test.py')
        sage: sage.repl.attach.reset(); reset_load_attach_path() # clean up

    or by setting the environment variable ``SAGE_LOAD_ATTACH_PATH``
    to a colon-separated list before starting Sage::

        $ export SAGE_LOAD_ATTACH_PATH="/path/to/my/library:/path/to/utils"
        $ sage
        sage: load_attach_path()          # not tested
        ['.', '/path/to/my/library', '/path/to/utils']


    Make sure that load handles filenames with spaces in the name or path::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext=' b.sage'); open(t,'w').write("print 2")
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())

    Non-existing files with spaces give correct messages::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load("this file should not exist", globals())
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IOError: did not find file 'this file should not exist' to load or attach
    if attach:
        from sage.repl.attach import add_attached_file

    filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)

    if filename.lower().startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
        if attach:
            # But see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_ETag for how
            # we will do this.
            # http://www.diveintopython.net/http_web_services/etags.html
            raise NotImplementedError("you can't attach a URL")
        from sage.misc.remote_file import get_remote_file
        filename = get_remote_file(filename, verbose=False)

    from sage.repl.attach import load_attach_path
    for path in load_attach_path():
        fpath = os.path.join(path, filename)
        fpath = os.path.expanduser(fpath)
        if os.path.isfile(fpath):
        raise IOError('did not find file %r to load or attach' % filename)

    ext = os.path.splitext(fpath)[1].lower()
    if ext == '.py':
        if attach:
        with open(fpath) as f:
            code = compile(f.read(), fpath, 'exec')
            exec(code, globals)
    elif ext == '.sage':
        from sage.repl.attach import load_attach_mode
        from sage.repl.preparse import preparse_file_named, preparse_file
        load_debug_mode, attach_debug_mode = load_attach_mode()
        if (attach and attach_debug_mode) or ((not attach)
                                              and load_debug_mode):
            # Preparse to a file to enable tracebacks with
            # code snippets. Use preparse_file_named to make
            # the file name appear in the traceback as well.
            # See Trac 11812.
            if attach:
            with open(preparse_file_named(fpath)) as f:
                code = compile(f.read(), preparse_file_named(fpath), 'exec')
                exec(code, globals)
            # Preparse in memory only for speed.
            if attach:
            exec(preparse_file(open(fpath).read()) + "\n", globals)
    elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
        if attach:
        exec(load_cython(fpath), globals)
    elif ext == '.f' or ext == '.f90':
        from sage.misc.inline_fortran import fortran
        with open(fpath) as f:
            fortran(f.read(), globals)
    elif ext == '.m':
        # Assume magma for now, though maybe .m is used by maple and
        # mathematica too, and we should really analyze the file
        # further.
        s = globals['magma'].load(fpath)
        i = s.find('\n')
        s = s[i + 1:]
        raise ValueError(
            'unknown file extension %r for load or attach (supported extensions: .py, .pyx, .sage, .spyx, .f, .f90, .m)'
            % ext)
Example #6
def load(filename, globals, attach=False):
    Executes a file in the scope given by ``globals``.  If the name
    starts with ``http://``, it is treated as a URL and downloaded.

    .. NOTE::

        For Cython files, the situation is more complicated --
        the module is first compiled to a temporary module ``t`` and
        executed via::

            from t import *


    - ``filename`` -- a string denoting a filename or URL.

    - ``globals`` -- a string:object dictionary; the context in which
      to execute the file contents.

    - ``attach`` -- a boolean (default: False); whether to add the
      file to the list of attached files.


    Note that ``.py`` files are *not* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: open(t,'w').write("print 'hi', 2/3; z = -2/7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        hi 0
        sage: z

    A ``.sage`` file *is* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.sage')
        sage: open(t,'w').write("print 'hi', 2/3; z = -2/7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        hi 2/3
        sage: z

    Cython files are *not* preparsed::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.pyx')
        sage: open(t,'w').write("print 'hi', 2/3; z = -2/7")
        sage: z = 1
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())
        Compiling ...
        hi 0
        sage: z

    If the file isn't a Cython, Python, or a Sage file, a ValueError
    is raised::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load(tmp_filename(ext=".foo"), globals())
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: unknown file extension '.foo' for load or attach (supported extensions: .py, .pyx, .sage, .spyx, .f, .f90, .m)

    We load a file given at a remote URL::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('http://wstein.org/loadtest.py', globals())  # optional - internet
        hi from the net

    We can load files using secure http (https)::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('https://github.com/jasongrout/minimum_rank/raw/minimum_rank_1_0_0/minrank.py', globals())  # optional - internet

    We attach a file::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: open(t,'w').write("print 'hello world'")
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals(), attach=True)
        hello world
        sage: t in attached_files()

    You can't attach remote URLs (yet)::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load('http://wstein.org/loadtest.py', globals(), attach=True)  # optional - internet
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        NotImplementedError: you can't attach a URL

    The default search path for loading and attaching files is the
    current working directory, i.e., ``'.'``.  But you can modify the
    path with :func:`load_attach_path`::

        sage: sage.repl.attach.reset(); reset_load_attach_path()
        sage: load_attach_path()
        sage: t_dir = tmp_dir()
        sage: fullpath = os.path.join(t_dir, 'test.py')
        sage: open(fullpath, 'w').write("print 37 * 3")
        sage: load_attach_path(t_dir)
        sage: attach('test.py')
        sage: sage.repl.attach.reset(); reset_load_attach_path() # clean up

    or by setting the environment variable ``SAGE_LOAD_ATTACH_PATH``
    to a colon-separated list before starting Sage::

        $ export SAGE_LOAD_ATTACH_PATH="/path/to/my/library:/path/to/utils"
        $ sage
        sage: load_attach_path()          # not tested
        ['.', '/path/to/my/library', '/path/to/utils']


    Make sure that load handles filenames with spaces in the name or path::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext=' b.sage'); open(t,'w').write("print 2")
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t, globals())

    Non-existing files with spaces give correct messages::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load("this file should not exist", globals())
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IOError: did not find file 'this file should not exist' to load or attach

    Evaluating a filename is deprecated::

        sage: sage.repl.load.load("tmp_filename(ext='.py')", globals())
        doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: using unevaluated expressions as argument to load() is dangerous and deprecated
        See http://trac.sagemath.org/17654 for details.

    Test filenames separated by spaces (deprecated)::

        sage: t = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: with open(t, 'w') as f:
        ....:     f.write("print 'hello'\n")
        sage: sage.repl.load.load(t + " " + t, globals())
        doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: using multiple filenames separated by spaces as load() argument is dangerous and deprecated
        See http://trac.sagemath.org/17654 for details.
    if attach:
        from sage.repl.attach import add_attached_file

    filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
            # Try *evaluating* the filename
            filename = eval(filename, globals).strip()
        except Exception:
            # Handle multiple input files separated by spaces, which was
            # maybe a bad idea, but which we have to handle for backwards
            # compatibility.
            v = filename.split()
            if len(v) > 1:
                    for f in v:
                        load(f, globals, attach=attach)
                except IOError:
                    # Splitting the filename didn't work, pretend it
                    # didn't happen :-)
                    # Only show deprecation message if the filename
                    # splitting worked.
                    from sage.misc.superseded import deprecation
                    deprecation(17654, 'using multiple filenames separated by spaces as load() argument is dangerous and deprecated')
            from sage.misc.superseded import deprecation
            deprecation(17654, 'using unevaluated expressions as argument to load() is dangerous and deprecated')

    if filename.lower().startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
        if attach:
            # But see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_ETag for how
            # we will do this.
            # http://www.diveintopython.net/http_web_services/etags.html
            raise NotImplementedError("you can't attach a URL")
        from sage.misc.remote_file import get_remote_file
        filename = get_remote_file(filename, verbose=False)

    from sage.repl.attach import load_attach_path
    for path in load_attach_path():
        fpath = os.path.join(path, filename)
        fpath = os.path.expanduser(fpath)
        if os.path.isfile(fpath):
        raise IOError('did not find file %r to load or attach' % filename)

    ext = os.path.splitext(fpath)[1].lower()
    if ext == '.py':
        if attach:
        with open(fpath) as f:
            code = compile(f.read(), fpath, 'exec')
            exec(code, globals)
    elif ext == '.sage':
        from sage.repl.attach import load_attach_mode
        from sage.repl.preparse import preparse_file_named, preparse_file
        load_debug_mode, attach_debug_mode = load_attach_mode()
        if (attach and attach_debug_mode) or ((not attach) and load_debug_mode):
            # Preparse to a file to enable tracebacks with
            # code snippets. Use preparse_file_named to make
            # the file name appear in the traceback as well.
            # See Trac 11812.
            if attach:
            with open(preparse_file_named(fpath)) as f:
                code = compile(f.read(), preparse_file_named(fpath), 'exec')
                exec(code, globals)
            # Preparse in memory only for speed.
            if attach:
            exec(preparse_file(open(fpath).read()) + "\n", globals)
    elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
        if attach:
        exec(load_cython(fpath), globals)
    elif ext == '.f' or ext == '.f90':
        from sage.misc.inline_fortran import fortran
        with open(fpath) as f:
            fortran(f.read(), globals)
    elif ext == '.m':
        # Assume magma for now, though maybe .m is used by maple and
        # mathematica too, and we should really analyze the file
        # further.
        s = globals['magma'].load(fpath)
        i = s.find('\n'); s = s[i+1:]
        raise ValueError('unknown file extension %r for load or attach (supported extensions: .py, .pyx, .sage, .spyx, .f, .f90, .m)' % ext)