Example #1
 def _get_acq_time_visir(self, dataset_id):
     band_idx = list(CHANNEL_NAMES.values()).index(dataset_id['name'])
     day_key = 'channel_data_visir_data_l10_line_mean_acquisition_time_day'
     msec_key = 'channel_data_visir_data_l10_line_mean_acquisition_msec'
     days = self.nc[day_key].isel(channels_vis_ir_dim=band_idx)
     msecs = self.nc[msec_key].isel(channels_vis_ir_dim=band_idx)
     return days, msecs
Example #2
    def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, dataset_info):

        channel = dataset_id.name
        i = list(CHANNEL_NAMES.values()).index(channel)

        if (channel == 'HRV'):
            self.nc = self.nc.rename({
                'num_columns_hrv': 'x',
                'num_rows_hrv': 'y'
            # the first channel of a composite will rename the dimension variable
            # but the later channels will raise a value error as its already been renamed
            # we can just ignore these exceptions
                self.nc = self.nc.rename({
                    'num_columns_vis_ir': 'x',
                    'num_rows_vis_ir': 'y'
            except ValueError:

        dataset = self.nc[dataset_info['nc_key']]


        # Calibrate the data as needed
        # MPEF MSG calibration coeffiencts (gain and count)
        offset = dataset.attrs['add_offset'].astype('float32')
        gain = dataset.attrs['scale_factor'].astype('float32')
        self.platform_id = int(self.nc.attrs['satellite_id'])
        cal_type = self.nc['planned_chan_processing'].values[i]

        # Correct for the scan line order
        dataset = dataset.sel(y=slice(None, None, -1))

        if dataset_id.calibration == 'counts':
            dataset.attrs['_FillValue'] = 0

        if dataset_id.calibration in [
                'radiance', 'reflectance', 'brightness_temperature'
            dataset = dataset.where(dataset != 0).astype('float32')
            dataset = self._convert_to_radiance(dataset, gain, offset)

        if dataset_id.calibration == 'reflectance':
            solar_irradiance = CALIB[int(self.platform_id)][channel]["F"]
            dataset = self._vis_calibrate(dataset, solar_irradiance)

        elif dataset_id.calibration == 'brightness_temperature':
            dataset = self._ir_calibrate(dataset, channel, cal_type)

        dataset.attrs['platform_name'] = "Meteosat-" + SATNUM[self.platform_id]
        dataset.attrs['sensor'] = 'seviri'
        return dataset
Example #3
    def calibrate(self, data, dataset_id):
        """Calibrate the data."""
        tic = datetime.now()

        data15hdr = self.header['15_DATA_HEADER']
        calibration = dataset_id['calibration']
        channel = dataset_id['name']

        # even though all the channels may not be present in the file,
        # the header does have calibration coefficients for all the channels
        # hence, this channel index needs to refer to full channel list
        i = list(CHANNEL_NAMES.values()).index(channel)

        if calibration == 'counts':
            return data

        if calibration in [
                'radiance', 'reflectance', 'brightness_temperature'
            # determine the required calibration coefficients to use
            # for the Level 1.5 Header
            if (self.calib_mode.upper() != 'GSICS'
                    and self.calib_mode.upper() != 'NOMINAL'):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Unknown Calibration mode : Please check')

            # NB GSICS doesn't have calibration coeffs for VIS channels
            if (self.calib_mode.upper() != 'GSICS' or channel in VIS_CHANNELS):
                coeffs = data15hdr['RadiometricProcessing'][
                gain = coeffs['CalSlope'][i]
                offset = coeffs['CalOffset'][i]
                coeffs = data15hdr['RadiometricProcessing']['MPEFCalFeedback']
                gain = coeffs['GSICSCalCoeff'][i]
                offset = coeffs['GSICSOffsetCount'][i]
                offset = offset * gain
            res = self._convert_to_radiance(data, gain, offset)

        if calibration == 'reflectance':
            solar_irradiance = CALIB[self.platform_id][channel]["F"]
            res = self._vis_calibrate(res, solar_irradiance)

        elif calibration == 'brightness_temperature':
            cal_type = data15hdr['ImageDescription']['Level15ImageProduction'][
            res = self._ir_calibrate(res, channel, cal_type)

        logger.debug("Calibration time " + str(datetime.now() - tic))
        return res
Example #4
    def calibrate(self, data, dsid):
        """Calibrate the data."""
        tic = datetime.now()

        data15hdr = self.header['15_DATA_HEADER']
        calibration = dsid.calibration
        channel = dsid.name

        # even though all the channels may not be present in the file,
        # the header does have calibration coefficients for all the channels
        # hence, this channel index needs to refer to full channel list
        i = list(CHANNEL_NAMES.values()).index(channel)

        if calibration == 'counts':
            return data

        if calibration in ['radiance', 'reflectance', 'brightness_temperature']:
            # you cant apply GSICS values to the VIS channels
            visual_channels = ['HRV', 'VIS006', 'VIS008', 'IR_016']

            # determine the required calibration coefficients to use
            # for the Level 1.5 Header
            calMode = os.environ.get('CAL_MODE', 'NOMINAL')

            # NB GSICS doesn't have calibration coeffs for VIS channels
            if (calMode.upper() != 'GSICS' or channel in visual_channels):
                coeffs = data15hdr[
                gain = coeffs['CalSlope'][i]
                offset = coeffs['CalOffset'][i]
                coeffs = data15hdr[
                gain = coeffs['GSICSCalCoeff'][i]
                offset = coeffs['GSICSOffsetCount'][i]
                offset = offset * gain
            res = self._convert_to_radiance(data, gain, offset)

        if calibration == 'reflectance':
            solar_irradiance = CALIB[self.mda['platform_id']][channel]["F"]
            res = self._vis_calibrate(res, solar_irradiance)

        elif calibration == 'brightness_temperature':
            cal_type = data15hdr['ImageDescription'][
            res = self._ir_calibrate(res, channel, cal_type)

        logger.debug("Calibration time " + str(datetime.now() - tic))
        return res
Example #5
 def _get_calib_coefs(self, dataset, channel):
     """Get coefficients for calibration from counts to radiance."""
     band_idx = list(CHANNEL_NAMES.values()).index(channel)
     offset = dataset.attrs['add_offset'].astype('float32')
     gain = dataset.attrs['scale_factor'].astype('float32')
     # Only one calibration available here
     return {
         'coefs': {
             'NOMINAL': {
                 'gain': gain,
                 'offset': offset
             'EXTERNAL': self.ext_calib_coefs.get(channel, {})
         'radiance_type': self.nc['planned_chan_processing'].values[band_idx]
Example #6
    def _get_calib_coefs(self, channel_name):
        """Get coefficients for calibration from counts to radiance."""
        # even though all the channels may not be present in the file,
        # the header does have calibration coefficients for all the channels
        # hence, this channel index needs to refer to full channel list
        band_idx = list(CHANNEL_NAMES.values()).index(channel_name)

        coefs_nominal = self.header['15_DATA_HEADER']['RadiometricProcessing'][
        coefs_gsics = self.header['15_DATA_HEADER']['RadiometricProcessing'][
        radiance_types = self.header['15_DATA_HEADER']['ImageDescription'][
        return create_coef_dict(
            ext_coefs=self.ext_calib_coefs.get(channel_name, {}),
Example #7
    def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, dataset_info):

        channel = dataset_id.name
        i = list(CHANNEL_NAMES.values()).index(channel)
        dataset = self.nc[dataset_info['nc_key']]


        # Calibrate the data as needed
        # MPEF MSG calibration coeffiencts (gain and count)
        offset = dataset.attrs['add_offset'].astype('float32')
        gain = dataset.attrs['scale_factor'].astype('float32')
        self.platform_id = int(self.nc.attrs['satellite_id'])
        cal_type = self.nc['planned_chan_processing'].values[i]

        # Correct for the scan line order
        dataset = dataset.sel(y=slice(None, None, -1))

        if dataset_id.calibration == 'counts':
            dataset.attrs['_FillValue'] = 0

        if dataset_id.calibration in [
                'radiance', 'reflectance', 'brightness_temperature'
            dataset = dataset.where(dataset != 0).astype('float32')
            dataset = self._convert_to_radiance(dataset, gain, offset)

        if dataset_id.calibration == 'reflectance':
            solar_irradiance = CALIB[int(self.platform_id)][channel]["F"]
            dataset = self._vis_calibrate(dataset, solar_irradiance)

        elif dataset_id.calibration == 'brightness_temperature':
            dataset = self._ir_calibrate(dataset, channel, cal_type)

        dataset.attrs['platform_name'] = "Meteosat-" + SATNUM[self.platform_id]
        dataset.attrs['sensor'] = 'seviri'
        return dataset
Example #8
    def _read_header(self):
        """Read the header info."""
        data = np.fromfile(self.filename,
                           dtype=native_header, count=1)


        data15hd = self.header['15_DATA_HEADER']
        sec15hd = self.header['15_SECONDARY_PRODUCT_HEADER']

        # Set the list of available channels:
        self.mda['available_channels'] = get_available_channels(self.header)
        self.mda['channel_list'] = [i for i in CHANNEL_NAMES.values()
                                    if self.mda['available_channels'][i]]

        self.platform_id = data15hd[
        self.mda['platform_name'] = "Meteosat-" + SATNUM[self.platform_id]

        equator_radius = data15hd['GeometricProcessing'][
            'EarthModel']['EquatorialRadius'] * 1000.
        north_polar_radius = data15hd[
            'GeometricProcessing']['EarthModel']['NorthPolarRadius'] * 1000.
        south_polar_radius = data15hd[
            'GeometricProcessing']['EarthModel']['SouthPolarRadius'] * 1000.
        polar_radius = (north_polar_radius + south_polar_radius) * 0.5
        ssp_lon = data15hd['ImageDescription'][

        self.mda['projection_parameters'] = {'a': equator_radius,
                                             'b': polar_radius,
                                             'h': 35785831.00,
                                             'ssp_longitude': ssp_lon}

        north = int(sec15hd['NorthLineSelectedRectangle']['Value'])
        east = int(sec15hd['EastColumnSelectedRectangle']['Value'])
        south = int(sec15hd['SouthLineSelectedRectangle']['Value'])
        west = int(sec15hd['WestColumnSelectedRectangle']['Value'])

        ncolumns = west - east + 1
        nrows = north - south + 1

        # check if the file has less rows or columns than
        # the maximum, if so it is an area of interest file
        if (nrows < VISIR_NUM_LINES) or (ncolumns < VISIR_NUM_COLUMNS):
            self.mda['is_full_disk'] = False

        # If the number of columns in the file is not divisible by 4,
        # UMARF will add extra columns to the file
        modulo = ncolumns % 4
        padding = 0
        if modulo > 0:
            padding = 4 - modulo
        cols_visir = ncolumns + padding

        # Check the VISIR calculated column dimension against
        # the header information
        cols_visir_hdr = int(sec15hd['NumberColumnsVISIR']['Value'])
        if cols_visir_hdr != cols_visir:
                "Number of VISIR columns from the header is incorrect!")
            logger.warning("Header: %d", cols_visir_hdr)
            logger.warning("Calculated: = %d", cols_visir)

        # HRV Channel - check if the area is reduced in east west
        # direction as this affects the number of columns in the file
        cols_hrv_hdr = int(sec15hd['NumberColumnsHRV']['Value'])
        if ncolumns < VISIR_NUM_COLUMNS:
            cols_hrv = cols_hrv_hdr
            cols_hrv = int(cols_hrv_hdr / 2)

        # self.mda represents the 16bit dimensions not 10bit
        self.mda['number_of_lines'] = int(sec15hd['NumberLinesVISIR']['Value'])
        self.mda['number_of_columns'] = cols_visir
        self.mda['hrv_number_of_lines'] = int(sec15hd["NumberLinesHRV"]['Value'])
        self.mda['hrv_number_of_columns'] = cols_hrv
Example #9
    def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, dataset_info):
        """Get the dataset."""
        channel = dataset_id['name']
        i = list(CHANNEL_NAMES.values()).index(channel)

        if (channel == 'HRV'):
            self.nc = self.nc.rename({
                'num_columns_hrv': 'x',
                'num_rows_hrv': 'y'
            # the first channel of a composite will rename the dimension variable
            # but the later channels will raise a value error as its already been renamed
            # we can just ignore these exceptions
                self.nc = self.nc.rename({
                    'num_columns_vis_ir': 'x',
                    'num_rows_vis_ir': 'y'
            except ValueError:

        dataset = self.nc[dataset_info['nc_key']]


        # Calibrate the data as needed
        # MPEF MSG calibration coeffiencts (gain and count)
        offset = dataset.attrs['add_offset'].astype('float32')
        gain = dataset.attrs['scale_factor'].astype('float32')
        self.platform_id = int(self.nc.attrs['satellite_id'])
        cal_type = self.nc['planned_chan_processing'].values[i]

        # Correct for the scan line order
        dataset = dataset.sel(y=slice(None, None, -1))

        if dataset_id['calibration'] == 'counts':
            dataset.attrs['_FillValue'] = 0

        if dataset_id['calibration'] in [
                'radiance', 'reflectance', 'brightness_temperature'
            dataset = dataset.where(dataset != 0).astype('float32')
            dataset = self._convert_to_radiance(dataset, gain, offset)

        if dataset_id['calibration'] == 'reflectance':
            solar_irradiance = CALIB[int(self.platform_id)][channel]["F"]
            dataset = self._vis_calibrate(dataset, solar_irradiance)

        elif dataset_id['calibration'] == 'brightness_temperature':
            dataset = self._ir_calibrate(dataset, channel, cal_type)

        dataset.attrs['platform_name'] = "Meteosat-" + SATNUM[self.platform_id]
        dataset.attrs['sensor'] = 'seviri'
        dataset.attrs['orbital_parameters'] = {

        # remove attributes from original file which don't apply anymore
        strip_attrs = [
            "comment", "long_name", "nc_key", "scale_factor", "add_offset",
            "valid_min", "valid_max"
        for a in strip_attrs:

        return dataset