Example #1
def create_or_edit_event(request, calendar_slug, event_id=None, next=None,
    template_name='event/edit.html', form_class = EventForm):
    date = coerce_date_dict(request.GET)
    initial_data = None
    if date:
            start = datetime.datetime(**date)
            initial_data = {
                "start": start,
                "end": start + datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)
        except TypeError:
            raise Http404
        except ValueError:
            raise Http404

    instance = None
    if event_id is not None:
        instance = get_object_or_404(Event, id=event_id)

    calendar = get_object_or_404(Calendar, slug=calendar_slug)
    data = request.POST.copy()
    if data:
        data["title"] = data["oncall"]+","+data["fallback"]
    form = form_class(data=data or None, instance=instance, initial=initial_data)
    users = User.objects.all();
    if form.is_valid():
        event = form.save(commit=False)
        if instance is None:
            event.creator = request.user
            event.calendar = calendar
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('calendar_details', kwargs={'calendar_slug': calendar.slug}))
    if instance is not None:
        officers = instance.title.split(",")
        data["oncall"] = officers[0]
        data["fallback"] = officers[1]
        data["start_ymd"] = instance.start.date().isoformat()
        data["start_hour"] = instance.start.time().strftime("%H:%M")
        data["end_ymd"] = instance.end.date().isoformat()
        data["end_hour"] = instance.end.time().strftime("%H:%M")
        if instance.end_recurring_period:
            data["recurr_ymd"] = instance.end_recurring_period.date().isoformat()
        data["description"] = instance.description
        data["rule"] = instance.rule and instance.rule.id or ""

    next = get_next_url(request, next)
    return render_to_response(template_name, {
        "data": data,
        "calendar": calendar,
        "form": form,
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Example #2
def create_or_edit_session(request, calendar_slug, event_id=None, next=None, template_name='create_session.html', form_class=SessionEventForm):
    This function, if it receives a GET request or if given an invalid form in a
    POST request it will generate the following response
    Context Variables:
        an instance of EventForm
        a Calendar with id=calendar_id
    if this function gets a GET request with ``year``, ``month``, ``day``,
    ``hour``, ``minute``, and ``second`` it will auto fill the form, with
    the date specifed in the GET being the start and 30 minutes from that
    being the end.
    If this form receives an event_id it will edit the event with that id, if it
    recieves a calendar_id and it is creating a new event it will add that event
    to the calendar with the id calendar_id
    If it is given a valid form in a POST request it will redirect with one of
    three options, in this order
    # Try to find a 'next' GET variable
    # If the key word argument redirect is set
    # Lastly redirect to the event detail of the recently create event

    date = coerce_date_dict(request.GET)
    initial_data = None
    if date:
            start = datetime.datetime(**date)
            initial_data = {
                "start": start,
                "end": start + datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)
        except TypeError:
            raise Http404
        except ValueError:
            raise Http404

    instance = None
    if event_id is not None:
            instance = get_object_or_404(SessionEvent, id=event_id)
        except Http404:
            return s_views.create_or_edit_event(request, calendar_slug, event_id, next)

    calendar = get_object_or_404(Calendar, slug=calendar_slug)

    form = form_class(data=request.POST or None, instance=instance, initial=initial_data, user=request.user)

    if form.is_valid():
        event = form.save(commit=False)
        if instance is None:
            event.creator = request.user
            event.calendar = calendar
        next = next or reverse('event', args=[event.id])
        next = s_views.get_next_url(request, next)
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)

    next = s_views.get_next_url(request, next)
    return render_to_response(template_name, {
        "form": form,
        "calendar": calendar,
        "next": next
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Example #3
def create_or_edit_event(request,
    This function, if it receives a GET request or if given an invalid form in a
    POST request it will generate the following response


    Context Variables:

        an instance of EventForm

        a Calendar with id=calendar_id

    if this function gets a GET request with ``year``, ``month``, ``day``,
    ``hour``, ``minute``, and ``second`` it will auto fill the form, with
    the date specifed in the GET being the start and 30 minutes from that
    being the end.

    If this form receives an event_id it will edit the event with that id, if it
    recieves a calendar_id and it is creating a new event it will add that event
    to the calendar with the id calendar_id

    If it is given a valid form in a POST request it will redirect with one of
    three options, in this order

    # Try to find a 'next' GET variable
    # If the key word argument redirect is set
    # Lastly redirect to the event detail of the recently create event
    date = coerce_date_dict(request.GET)
    initial_data = None
    if date:
            start = datetime(**date)
            initial_data = {
                "start": start,
                "end": start + timedelta(minutes=30)
        except TypeError:
            raise Http404
        except ValueError:
            raise Http404

    instance = None
    if event_id is not None:
        instance = get_object_or_404(Event, id=event_id)

    calendar = get_object_or_404(Calendar, slug=calendar_slug)

    form = form_class(data=request.POST or None,

    if form.is_valid():
        event = form.save(commit=False)
        if instance is None:
            event.creator = request.user
            event.calendar = calendar
            event.title = request.user.username

        (repeats, repeats_on, repeats_until) = [
            form.cleaned_data.get(x) for x in (
        if repeats:
            params = "byweekday:%s;" % ','.join(repeats_on)
            from officehours.forms import WEEKDAY_CHOICES
            weekdays = dict(WEEKDAY_CHOICES)
            name = "Weekly on " + ", ".join(weekdays[int(daynumchar)][:3] + '.'
                                            for daynumchar in repeats_on)
            rule, created = Rule.objects.get_or_create(name=name,
            event.rule = rule

        next = next or reverse('event', args=[event.id])
        next = get_next_url(request, next)
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)

    next = get_next_url(request, next)
    return render_to_response(template_name, {
        "form": form,
        "calendar": calendar,
        "next": next