Example #1
def dare(A, B, Q, R, S=None, E=None, stabilizing=True):
    """ (X,L,G) = dare(A,B,Q,R) solves the discrete-time algebraic Riccati

        :math:`A^T X A - X - A^T X B (B^T X B + R)^{-1} B^T X A + Q = 0`

    where A and Q are square matrices of the same dimension. Further, Q
    is a symmetric matrix. The function returns the solution X, the gain
    matrix G = (B^T X B + R)^-1 B^T X A and the closed loop eigenvalues L,
    i.e., the eigenvalues of A - B G.

    (X,L,G) = dare(A,B,Q,R,S,E) solves the generalized discrete-time algebraic
    Riccati equation

        :math:`A^T X A - E^T X E - (A^T X B + S) (B^T X B + R)^{-1} (B^T X A + S^T) + Q = 0`

    where A, Q and E are square matrices of the same dimension. Further, Q and
    R are symmetric matrices. The function returns the solution X, the gain
    matrix :math:`G = (B^T X B + R)^{-1} (B^T X A + S^T)` and the closed loop
    eigenvalues L, i.e., the eigenvalues of A - B G , E.
    if S is not None or E is not None or not stabilizing:
        return dare_old(A, B, Q, R, S, E, stabilizing)
        Rmat = asmatrix(R)
        Qmat = asmatrix(Q)
        X = solve_discrete_are(A, B, Qmat, Rmat)
        G = solve(B.T.dot(X).dot(B) + Rmat, B.T.dot(X).dot(A))
        L = eigvals(A - B.dot(G))
        return X, L, G
    def check_case(self, a, b, q, r):
        """Checks if X = A'XA-(A'XB)(R+B'XB)^-1(B'XA)+Q) is true"""

        x = solve_discrete_are(a, b, q, r)
            a.getH() * x * a - (a.getH() * x * b) * inv(r + b.getH() * x * b) * (b.getH() * x * a) + q - x, 0.0
Example #3
    def _test_factory(case, dec):
        """Checks if X = A'XA-(A'XB)(R+B'XB)^-1(B'XA)+Q) is true"""
        a, b, q, r, knownfailure = case
        if knownfailure:

        x = solve_discrete_are(a, b, q, r)
        res = a.conj().T.dot(x.dot(a)) - x + q
        res -= a.conj().T.dot(x.dot(b)).dot(
                    solve(r+b.conj().T.dot(x.dot(b)), b.conj().T).dot(x.dot(a))
        assert_array_almost_equal(res, np.zeros_like(res), decimal=dec)
	def S_riccatti(self):
		Solve for cost-to-go matrix using (discrete-time) Riccatti equation.
		A = self.A
		B = self.B
		Q = self.Q
		R = self.R

		S = solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)
		S = torch.tensor(S).float()

		return S
Example #5
def dkalman(A, C, W, V):
    """Solve the infinite-horizon discrete-time Kalman observer.     
    x[k+1] = A x[k] + B u[k] + w[y]
    y[k]   = C x[k] + v[t]
    #first, try to solve the ricatti equation
    S = la.solve_discrete_are(A.T, C.T, W, V)
    #compute the Kalman gain
    L = la.solve(C.dot(S).dot(C.T) + V, C.dot(S).dot(A.T)).T
    eigVals, eigVecs = la.eig(A - L.dot(C))
    return L, S, eigVals
Example #6
def dlqr(A, B, Q, R):
    """Solve the discrete time lqr controller.
    x[k+1] = A x[k] + B u[k]     
    cost = sum x[k].T*Q*x[k] + u[k].T*R*u[k]
    #ref Bertsekas, p.151
    #first, try to solve the ricatti equation
    X = la.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)
    #compute the LQR gain
    K = la.pinv(
        np.dot((np.dot(np.dot(B.T, X), B) + R), np.dot(np.dot(B.T, X), A)).T)
    eigVals, eigVecs = la.eig(A - np.dot(B, K))
    return K, eigVals
def _dlqr(A, B, Q, R):
    """Solve the discrete time lqr controller.
    x[k+1] = A x[k] + B u[k]
    cost = sum x[k].T*Q*x[k] + u[k].T*R*u[k]
    #first, try to solve the ricatti equation
    X = la.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)
    #compute the LQR gain
    K = la.inv(B.T @ X @ B + R) @ (B.T @ X @ A)

    eigVals, eigVecs = la.eig(A - B @ K)

    return K, X, eigVals
Example #8
def inf_cost(A, B, C, Q, Ru, Rv, K, L):
    d, p = B.shape
    a, b = C.shape
    K = K.reshape((p, d))
    L = L.reshape((b, a))
    R = np.linalg.diag((Ru, Rv))
    B_t = np.hstack((B, C))
    cl_map = A + np.matmul(B, K) + np.matmul(C, L)
    if np.amax(np.abs(LA.eigvals(cl_map))) < (1.0 - 1.0e-6):
        cost = np.trace(LA.solve_discrete_are(A, B_t, Q, R))
        #cost = float("inf")
        cost = -20
    return cost
Example #9
def test_solve_generalized_discrete_are():
    mat20170120 = np.load(
        os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'data',

    cases = [
        # Two random examples differ by s term
        # in the absence of any literature for demanding examples.
        (np.array([[2.769230e-01, 8.234578e-01, 9.502220e-01],
                   [4.617139e-02, 6.948286e-01, 3.444608e-02],
                   [9.713178e-02, 3.170995e-01, 4.387444e-01]]),
         np.array([[3.815585e-01, 1.868726e-01], [7.655168e-01, 4.897644e-01],
                   [7.951999e-01, 4.455862e-01]]), np.eye(3), np.eye(2),
         np.array([[6.463130e-01, 2.760251e-01, 1.626117e-01],
                   [7.093648e-01, 6.797027e-01, 1.189977e-01],
                   [7.546867e-01, 6.550980e-01,
                    4.983641e-01]]), np.zeros((3, 2)), None),
        (np.array([[2.769230e-01, 8.234578e-01, 9.502220e-01],
                   [4.617139e-02, 6.948286e-01, 3.444608e-02],
                   [9.713178e-02, 3.170995e-01, 4.387444e-01]]),
         np.array([[3.815585e-01, 1.868726e-01], [7.655168e-01, 4.897644e-01],
                   [7.951999e-01, 4.455862e-01]]), np.eye(3), np.eye(2),
         np.array([[6.463130e-01, 2.760251e-01, 1.626117e-01],
                   [7.093648e-01, 6.797027e-01, 1.189977e-01],
                   [7.546867e-01, 6.550980e-01, 4.983641e-01]]), np.ones(
                       (3, 2)), None),
        # user-reported (under PR-6616) 20-Jan-2017
        # tests against the case where E is None but S is provided
        (mat20170120['A'], mat20170120['B'], mat20170120['Q'],
         mat20170120['R'], None, mat20170120['S'], None),

    min_decimal = (11, 11, 16)

    def _test_factory(case, dec):
        """Checks if X = A'XA-(A'XB)(R+B'XB)^-1(B'XA)+Q) is true"""
        a, b, q, r, e, s, knownfailure = case
        if knownfailure:
            raise KnownFailureTest(knownfailure)

        x = solve_discrete_are(a, b, q, r, e, s)
        if e is None:
            e = np.eye(a.shape[0])
        if s is None:
            s = np.zeros_like(b)
        res = a.conj().T.dot(x.dot(a)) - e.conj().T.dot(x.dot(e)) + q
        res -= (a.conj().T.dot(x.dot(b)) + s).dot(
            solve(r + b.conj().T.dot(x.dot(b)),
                  (b.conj().T.dot(x.dot(a)) + s.conj().T)))
        assert_array_almost_equal(res, np.zeros_like(res), decimal=dec)
Example #10
    def control(self, arm, x_des=None):
        """Generates a control signal to move the
        arm to the specified target.

        arm Arm: the arm model being controlled
        des list: the desired system position
        x_des np.array: desired task-space force,
                        system goes to self.target if None
        if self.u is None:
            self.u = np.zeros(arm.DOF)

        self.Q = np.zeros((arm.DOF * 2, arm.DOF * 2))
        self.Q[:arm.DOF, :arm.DOF] = np.eye(arm.DOF) * 1000.0
        self.R = np.eye(arm.DOF) * 0.001

        # calculate desired end-effector acceleration
        if x_des is None:
            self.x = arm.x
            x_des = self.x - self.target

        self.arm, state = self.copy_arm(arm)
        A, B = self.calc_derivs(state, self.u)

        if self.solve_continuous is True:
            X = sp_linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, self.Q, self.R)
            K = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(self.R), np.dot(B.T, X))
            X = sp_linalg.solve_discrete_are(A, B, self.Q, self.R)
            K = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(self.R + np.dot(B.T, np.dot(X, B))),
                       np.dot(B.T, np.dot(X, A)))

        # transform the command from end-effector space to joint space
        J = self.arm.gen_jacEE()

        u = np.hstack([np.dot(J.T, x_des), arm.dq])

        self.u = -np.dot(K, u)

        if self.write_to_file is True:
            # feed recorders their signals
            self.u_recorder.record(0.0, self.u)
            self.xy_recorder.record(0.0, self.x)
            self.dist_recorder.record(0.0, self.target - self.x)

        # add in any additional signals
        for addition in self.additions:
            self.u += addition.generate(self.u, arm)

        return self.u
def lqr_gain(A,B,Q,R):
    State transition matrices (A,B)
    LQR Costs (Q,R)
    K: optimal infinite-horizon LQR gain matrix given

  # solve DARE:

  # K=(B'MB + R)^(-1)*(B'MA)
  return np.dot(LA.inv(np.dot(np.dot(B.T,M),B)+R),(np.dot(np.dot(B.T,M),A)))
Example #12
def dlqr(A, B, Q, R):
    """Solve the discrete time lqr controller.     
    x[k+1] = A x[k] + B u[k]
    cost = sum x[k].T*Q*x[k] + u[k].T*R*u[k]
    #ref Bertsekas, p.151
    #first, try to solve the ricatti equation
    X = la.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)
    #compute the LQR gain
    K = la.solve(B.T.dot(X).dot(B) + R, B.T.dot(X).dot(A))
    eigVals, eigVecs = la.eig(A - B.dot(K))
    return K, X, eigVals
Example #13
    def _test_factory(case, dec):
        """Checks if X = A'XA-(A'XB)(R+B'XB)^-1(B'XA)+Q) is true"""
        a, b, q, r, e, s, knownfailure = case
        if knownfailure:
            raise KnownFailureTest(knownfailure)

        x = solve_discrete_are(a, b, q, r, e, s)
        res = a.conj().T.dot(x.dot(a)) - e.conj().T.dot(x.dot(e)) + q
        res -= (a.conj().T.dot(x.dot(b)) + s).dot(
                          (b.conj().T.dot(x.dot(a)) + s.conj().T)
        assert_array_almost_equal(res, np.zeros_like(res), decimal=dec)
Example #14
 def lqr_gain(self, given_q, given_r):
     lqr gain for the system
     :param given_q:
     :param given_r:
     :return: the kernel of the Lyapunov function P and the gain K
         P = LA.solve_discrete_are(self.A, self.B, given_q, given_r)
         K = -LA.inv(self.B.T @ P @ self.B + given_r) @ self.B.T @ P @ self.A
         P = np.zeros((self.n, self.n))
         K = np.zeros((self.m, self.n))
     return P, K
Example #15
    def __init__(self, A, B, Q=None, R=None):
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear%E2%80%93quadratic_regulator#Infinite-horizon,_discrete-time_LQR

        A = np.array(A)
        B = np.array(B)

        # quadratic error matrices
        if Q is None:
            Q = np.eye(A.shape[0])
        if R is None:
            R = np.zeros((B.shape[1], B.shape[1]))

        P = solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)
        self.policy = -np.linalg.inv(R + B.T @ P @ B) @ (B.T @ P @ A)
Example #16
File: LQR.py Project: seong-hun/fym
def dlqr(A: np.array, B: np.array, Q: np.array, R: np.array, with_eigs=False) \
        -> np.array:
    P = lin.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)
    if np.size(R) == 1:
        K = (np.transpose(B).dot(P)) / R
        K = nla.inv(R).dot((np.transpose(B).dot(P)))

    eig_vals, eig_vecs = nla.eig(A - B.dot(K))

    if with_eigs:
        return K, P, eig_vals, eig_vecs
        return K, P
def dlqr(A, B, Q, R):
    Solves for the optimal infinite-horizon, discrete-time LQR controller
    given linear system (A,B) and cost function parameterized by (Q,R)

    S = sl.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)

    F = np.matmul(sl.inv(np.matmul(np.matmul(B.T, S), B) + R),
                  (np.matmul(np.matmul(B.T, S), A)))

    eigVals, eigVecs = sl.eig(A - np.matmul(B, F))

    return F, S, eigVals
Example #18
    def control(self, arm, x_des=None):
        """Generates a control signal to move the 
        arm to the specified target.
        arm Arm: the arm model being controlled
        des list: the desired system position
        x_des np.array: desired task-space force, 
                        system goes to self.target if None
        if self.u is None:
            self.u = np.zeros(arm.DOF)

        self.Q = np.zeros((arm.DOF*2, arm.DOF*2))
        self.Q[:arm.DOF, :arm.DOF] = np.eye(arm.DOF) * 1000.0 
        self.R = np.eye(arm.DOF) * 0.001 

        # calculate desired end-effector acceleration
        if x_des is None:
            self.x = arm.x 
            x_des = self.x - self.target 

        self.arm, state = self.copy_arm(arm)
        A, B = self.calc_derivs(state, self.u)

        if self.solve_continuous is True:
            X = sp_linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, self.Q, self.R)
            K = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(self.R), np.dot(B.T, X))
            X = sp_linalg.solve_discrete_are(A, B, self.Q, self.R)
            K = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(self.R + np.dot(B.T, np.dot(X, B))), np.dot(B.T, np.dot(X, A)))

        # transform the command from end-effector space to joint space
        J = self.arm.gen_jacEE()

        u = np.hstack([np.dot(J.T, x_des), arm.dq])

        self.u = -np.dot(K, u)

        if self.write_to_file is True:
            # feed recorders their signals
            self.u_recorder.record(0.0, self.u)
            self.xy_recorder.record(0.0, self.x)
            self.dist_recorder.record(0.0, self.target - self.x)

        # add in any additional signals 
        for addition in self.additions:
            self.u += addition.generate(self.u, arm)

        return self.u
Example #19
    def compute_gains(self, position_weight=1.0, pitch_weight=1.0, control_weight=1.0, dt=0.01):

        Q = np.diag([position_weight, 0, pitch_weight, 0.0])
        R = np.diag([control_weight])

        A_de, B_de, C_de, D_de, dt = signal.cont2discrete((self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D), dt)
          # solve Discrete Ricatti Equation
        P = linalg.solve_discrete_are(A_de, B_de, Q, R)

        # compute optimum controller gains
        Bp = np.linalg.multi_dot([B_de.T, P, B_de])
        Bp = np.linalg.inv((R+Bp))
        gains = np.linalg.multi_dot([Bp, B_de.T, P, A_de])

        return gains
Example #20
def test_solve_generalized_discrete_are():
    cases = [
        # Two random examples differ by s term
        # in the absence of any literature for demanding examples.
        (np.array([[2.769230e-01, 8.234578e-01, 9.502220e-01],
                   [4.617139e-02, 6.948286e-01, 3.444608e-02],
                   [9.713178e-02, 3.170995e-01, 4.387444e-01]]),
         np.array([[3.815585e-01, 1.868726e-01],
                   [7.655168e-01, 4.897644e-01],
                   [7.951999e-01, 4.455862e-01]]),
         np.array([[6.463130e-01, 2.760251e-01, 1.626117e-01],
                   [7.093648e-01, 6.797027e-01, 1.189977e-01],
                   [7.546867e-01, 6.550980e-01, 4.983641e-01]]),
         np.zeros((3, 2)),
        (np.array([[2.769230e-01, 8.234578e-01, 9.502220e-01],
                   [4.617139e-02, 6.948286e-01, 3.444608e-02],
                   [9.713178e-02, 3.170995e-01, 4.387444e-01]]),
         np.array([[3.815585e-01, 1.868726e-01],
                   [7.655168e-01, 4.897644e-01],
                   [7.951999e-01, 4.455862e-01]]),
         np.array([[6.463130e-01, 2.760251e-01, 1.626117e-01],
                   [7.093648e-01, 6.797027e-01, 1.189977e-01],
                   [7.546867e-01, 6.550980e-01, 4.983641e-01]]),
         np.ones((3, 2)),

    min_decimal = (11, 11)

    def _test_factory(case, dec):
        """Checks if X = A'XA-(A'XB)(R+B'XB)^-1(B'XA)+Q) is true"""
        a, b, q, r, e, s, knownfailure = case
        if knownfailure:
            raise KnownFailureTest(knownfailure)

        x = solve_discrete_are(a, b, q, r, e, s)
        res = a.conj().T.dot(x.dot(a)) - e.conj().T.dot(x.dot(e)) + q
        res -= (a.conj().T.dot(x.dot(b)) + s).dot(
            solve(r + b.conj().T.dot(x.dot(b)),
                  (b.conj().T.dot(x.dot(a)) + s.conj().T)
        assert_array_almost_equal(res, np.zeros_like(res), decimal=dec)
Example #21
def LQR_control():
    # Cost matrices for LQR
    Q = np.diag(np.array([1, 1, 1, 1]))  # state_dimension = 4
    R = np.eye(1)  # control_dimension = 1

    A, B = computeAB(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), np.array([0.0]))

    # Use if discrete forward dynamics is used
    X = sp_linalg.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)
    K = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(R + np.dot(B.T, np.dot(X, B))),
               np.dot(B.T, np.dot(X, A)))

    # Use for continuous version of LQR
    # X = sp_linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
    # K = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(R), np.dot(B.T, X))
    return np.squeeze(K, 0)
def dlqr(A,B,Q,R):
    """Solve the discrete time lqr controller.
    x[k+1] = A x[k] + B u[k]
    cost = sum x[k].T*Q*x[k] + u[k].T*R*u[k]
    #ref Bertsekas, p.151
    #first, try to solve the ricatti equation
    X = np.matrix(la.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R))
    #compute the LQR gain
    K = np.matrix(la.inv(B.T*X*B+R)*(B.T*X*A))
    eigVals, eigVecs = la.eig(A-B*K)
    return K, X, eigVals
Example #23
def dlqr(a, b, q, r):
    """ Get the feedback controls from linearized system at the current time step

    for a discrete time system Ax+Bu
    find the infinite horizon optimal feedback controller
    to steer the system to the origin
    u = -K*x
    x = np.matrix(sLa.solve_discrete_are(a, b, q, r))

    k = np.matrix(sLa.inv(b.T * x * b + r) * (b.T * x * a))

    eigVals, eigVecs = sLa.eig(a - b * k)

    return np.asarray(k), np.asarray(x), eigVals
Example #24
 def __init__(self, Y, A0, A1, U0, U1, Q, Phi, initV='unconditional', X0 = None, V0 = None, statevar_names = None):
     self.Y, self.A0, self.A1, self.U0, self.U1, self.Q, self.Phi, self.initV, self.X0, self.V0, self.statevar_names = Y, A0, A1, U0, U1, \
                                                                                                  Q, Phi, initV, X0, V0, statevar_names
     n = self.U0.size
     if self.X0 is None: # initialize X0 at unconditional mean
         self.X0 = np.mat(np.linalg.inv(np.identity(n) - self.U1)*self.U0)
     if self.V0 is None:
         if initV == 'steady_state':  # solve discrete Ricatti equation
             self.V0 = np.mat(solve_discrete_are(np.array(self.U1.T), np.array(self.A1.T), np.array(self.Q), np.array(self.Phi.T)))
         elif initV == 'unconditional':  # solve discrete Lyapunov equation
             self.V0 = np.mat(solve_discrete_lyapunov(np.array(self.U1.T), np.array(self.Q)))
         elif initV == 'identity':
             self.V0 = np.mat(np.identity(n))
     if statevar_names is None:
         self.statevar_names = np.arange(len(self.X0))
     Kalman.kalmanCount += 1
Example #25
    def compute_steady_state_P(self):
        Computes the process to get P (covariance matrix on state) in steady
        state as the solution of a discrete Ricatti equation.

        ss_P: matrix
            Covariance matrix on state when the system is on steady state.

        This function should be used if the system is equiped with some kind of
        feedback linearization.
        ss_P = solve_discrete_are(self.kf.F.T, self.kf.H.T, self.kf.Q, self.kf.R)
        return ss_P
def GetLQRController(A, B, C, ro):
    """Solve the discrete time lqr controller.
  x[k+1] = A*x[k] + B*u[k]
  cost = sum x[k].T*Q*x[k] + u[k].T*R*u[k]
    #ref Bertsekas, p.151

    Q = numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(C), C)
    R = ro * numpy.eye(len(B[0]))
    #first, try to solve the ricatti equation
    X = linalg.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)
    #compute the LQR gain
    G = linalg.inv(numpy.transpose(B) @ X @ B +
                   R) @ (numpy.transpose(B) @ X @ A)

    return G
    def calc_NN_LQR(self, Kw, Cw, Bw, Q=None, R=None):
        N = len(Kw)
        if Q == None:
            Q = np.zeros((N + 1, N + 1))
            Q[-1, -1] = 100
        if R == None: R = np.array([[1]])
        #Linearised model
        A = np.concatenate([Kw, -Cw * self.dt * self.xmax[1]], axis=0)
        A = np.concatenate([A, np.zeros((N + 1, 1))], axis=1)
        A[-1, -1] = 1

        B = np.concatenate([Bw, np.zeros((1, 1))], axis=0)

        S = la.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)

        self.Knn = np.matmul(la.inv(R + np.matmul(np.matmul(B.T, S), B)),
                             np.matmul(np.matmul(B.T, S), A))
        return self.Knn
Example #28
    def _test_factory(case, dec):
        """Checks if X = A'XA-(A'XB)(R+B'XB)^-1(B'XA)+Q) is true"""
        a, b, q, r, e, s, knownfailure = case
        if knownfailure:

        x = solve_discrete_are(a, b, q, r, e, s)
        if e is None:
            e = np.eye(a.shape[0])
        if s is None:
            s = np.zeros_like(b)
        res = a.conj().T.dot(x.dot(a)) - e.conj().T.dot(x.dot(e)) + q
        res -= (a.conj().T.dot(x.dot(b)) + s).dot(
                          (b.conj().T.dot(x.dot(a)) + s.conj().T)
        assert_array_almost_equal(res, np.zeros_like(res), decimal=dec)
Example #29
def LQR_discrete_gain(dt):
    A = np.array([
        [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, g, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -g, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

    A = np.eye(12) + A*dt

    B = np.array([
        [0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0],
        [1/mass, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1/Ix, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 1/Iy, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 1/Iz],

    B = B*dt

    # Q = np.eye(12)*1.0
    Q = np.diag([0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])*4
    R = np.diag([0.1,0.2,0.2,0.2])*0.001
    # Q = np.diag([1, 1.0, 3.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
    # R = np.eye(4)*0.001

    P = solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)
    K = np.linalg.inv(R + B.T @ P @ B) @ (B.T @ P @ A)
    return K
Example #30
    def control(self, arm):
        x_desired = self.x - self.target

        self.arm, x = self.copy_arm(arm)
        self.Q = np.zeros((arm.DOF * 2, arm.DOF * 2))
        self.Q[:arm.DOF, :arm.DOF] = np.eye(arm.DOF) * 1000.0
        self.R = np.eye(arm.DOF) * 0.001

        A, B = self.finite_diff_method(x, self.u)
        P = linalg.solve_discrete_are(A, B, self.Q, self.R)
        K = -np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(self.R + np.dot(B.T, np.dot(P, B))),
                    np.dot(B.T, np.dot(P, A)))

        J = self.arm.gen_jacEE()
        x = np.hstack([np.dot(J.T, x_desired)], arm.dq)

        self.u = np.dot(K, x)

        return self.u
Example #31
File: test.py Project: dtbinh/MAS-2
def kalGain(f):
  L = kalGain(f) solves the Discrete-time Algebraic Riccatti 
  Equation (DARE) for X:
    X = AXA' - (AXC') * (R+CXC')^-1 * (CXA') + Q
  Then computes and returns the steady-state Kalman gain, L:
    L = XC' * (CXC'+R)^-1
  f : agent
  Q : covariance of state error
  R : covariance of measurement error
  Q = np.matrix( f.stateCov   )
  R = np.matrix( f.sensorCov1 )
  X = linalg.solve_discrete_are( f.A.T, f.C.T, Q, R )
  L = X * f.C.T * linalg.inv( f.C * X * f.C.T + R )
  return L
Example #32
def dlqr(A, B, Q, R):
    """Solve the discrete time lqr controller.
    x[k+1] = A x[k] + B u[k]
    cost = sum x[k].T*Q*x[k] + u[k].T*R*u[k]
    #ref Bertsekas, p.151

    #first, try to solve the ricatti equation
    X = np.array(solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R))

    #compute the LQR gain
    K = np.array(inv(B.T @ X @ B + R) * (B.T @ X @ A))

    eigVals, _ = eig(A - B @ K)

    return K, X, eigVals
Example #33
    def __init__(self):
        self.dt = 0.1   # sampling time (should prob use dw timestamp)

        self.xhat = np.transpose(np.array([[4., 0., 2., 0.]]))  # state est 
        self.yt = np.transpose(np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0.]]))    # residual
        self.u = np.transpose(np.array([[0., 0.]]))             # input

        self.z = np.transpose(np.array([[0., 0.]])) # dw measurement 

        # Statespace matrices
        self.A = np.array([[1., self.dt, 0., 0.],
                            [0., 1., 0., 0],
                            [0., 0., 1., self.dt],
                            [0., 0., 0., 1.]])
        self.B = np.array([[0, 0],
                            [self.dt, 0],
                            [0, 0],
                            [0, self.dt]])

        self.AT = np.transpose(self.A)

        self.C = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.],
                            [0., 0., 1., 0]])

        self.CT = np.transpose(self.C)

        # Kalman matrices        
        self.Q = np.array([[10., 0., 1., 0.],
                            [0., 0.1, 0., 0],
                            [1., 0., 1., 0.],
                            [0., 0., 0., 0.1]])
        self.R = np.array([[10000., 100.], 
                            [100., 10000.]])

        self.S = np.array([[0., 0.], 
                            [0., 0.]])

        # Riccatti
        self.P = linalg.solve_discrete_are(a=np.transpose(self.A), 
                b=np.transpose(self.C), q=self.Q, r=self.R)
Example #34
    def control_mpc(self, x0):
        # LQR-MPC parameters
        if not hasattr(self, "Q"):
            self.Q = np.eye(2)
        if not hasattr(self, "R"):
            self.R = 1
        if not hasattr(self, "Pinf"):
            self.Pinf = solve_discrete_are(self.At, self.bt, self.Q, self.R)

        return control_mpc(
            self.u_limits[:, 0],
            self.u_limits[:, 1],
Example #35
def control_systems(request):
    ct_sys, ref = request.param
    Ac, Bc, Cc = ct_sys.data
    Dc = np.zeros((Cc.shape[0], 1))

    Q = np.eye(Ac.shape[0])
    R = np.eye(Bc.shape[1] if len(Bc.shape) > 1 else 1)

    Sc = linalg.solve_continuous_are(
        Bc.reshape(-1, 1),
    Kc = linalg.solve(R, Bc.T @ Sc).reshape(1, -1)
    ct_ctr = LTISystem(Kc)

    evals = np.sort(
        np.abs(linalg.eig(Ac, left=False, right=False, check_finite=False)))
    dT = 1 / (2 * evals[-1])

    Tsim = (8 / np.min(evals[~np.isclose(evals, 0)])
            if np.sum(np.isclose(evals[np.nonzero(evals)], 0)) > 0 else 8)

    dt_data = signal.cont2discrete((Ac, Bc.reshape(-1, 1), Cc, Dc), dT)
    Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd = dt_data[:-1]
    Sd = linalg.solve_discrete_are(
        Bd.reshape(-1, 1),
    Kd = linalg.solve(Bd.T @ Sd @ Bd + R, Bd.T @ Sd @ Ad)

    dt_sys = LTISystem(Ad, Bd, dt=dT)
    dt_sys.initial_condition = ct_sys.initial_condition
    dt_ctr = LTISystem(Kd, dt=dT)

    yield ct_sys, ct_ctr, dt_sys, dt_ctr, ref, Tsim
Example #36
def defVfin(x, xs, **Tcost):
    It constructs the terminal cost for the dynamic optimisation objective function
    assignment = defVfin(x, **Tcost):
    + x             - State symbolic variable
    + Tcost         - Terminal weigth specified by the user/ Matrices to calculate Riccati equation
    + Vfin          - terminal cost for the dynamic optimisation objective function       

    if Tcost == {}:
        vfin = 0.0
        for key in Tcost:
            if key == 'A':  # Linear system & QP problem
                A = Tcost['A']
                B = Tcost['B']
                Q = Tcost['Q']
                R = Tcost['R']
                ## Solution to Riccati Equation
                P = DM(scla.solve_discrete_are(np.array(A), np.array(B), \
                      np.array(Q), np.array(R)))

                vfin = 0.5 * (xQx(x, P))
            elif key == 'vfin_F':
                vfin_F = Tcost['vfin_F']
                vfin = vfin_F(x, xs)
    Vfin = Function('Vfin', [x, xs], [vfin])

    return Vfin
Example #37
File: test.py Project: dtbinh/MAS-2
def fbGain(f, Q=cfg.Q, R=cfg.R):
  K = fbGain(f, Q, R) solves the Discrete time
  Algebraic Riccatti Equation (DARE) for X:
    X = A'XA - (A'XB) * (R+B'XB)^-1 * (B'XA) + Q
  Then computes and returns the feedback gain, K:
    K = (B'XB + R)^-1 * (B'XA)
  The feedback gain can be  used to find the control input:
    u = -K * (f.X - (leader.X - r))
  which is the control input required for the followers to 
  track a leader to within a pre-specified distance, r,
  f : agent
  Q : cost matrix
  R : cost matrix
  X = linalg.solve_discrete_are( f.A, f.B, Q, R )
  K = linalg.inv( f.B.T * X * f.B + R ) * ( f.B.T * X * f.A )
  return K
Example #38
    def propagate(self, vector):
        :param vector: the current deviation of the goal state
        :param idx: the current horizon at which the dynamics are estimated
        :return: the next state of the system and an update to control matrix
        deviation_from_goal = vector.T[0] - self.vehicle.goal.T[0]
        theta = vector[-1]

        b = self.vehicle.control_matrix(theta)
        A = self.vehicle.system_matrix()
        P = LA.solve_discrete_are(A, b, self.Q, self.R)
        K = np.linalg.inv(self.R).dot(np.dot(b.T, P))
        eigVals, eigVecs = LA.eig(A - np.matmul(b, K))

        # Project the solver
        span = np.linspace(self.t0, self.tf, self.num_pts)
        # Drive deviation to zero by solving xdot = (A-BK)x
        sol = integrate.solve_ivp(fun=self.sys_func,
                                  args=(A, b, K),
        # Optimal Trajectory and Control
        optimal_trajectory = sol.y
        optimal_control = np.matmul(-K, optimal_trajectory)
        # Only take the first action and limit the entries
        v_clipped = np.clip(optimal_control[0, [0]], self.vehicle.v_min,
        omega_clipped = np.clip(optimal_control[1, [0]],
                                self.vehicle.omega_min, self.vehicle.omega_max)

        # Apply control to current state
        control = np.array([v_clipped, omega_clipped], dtype=float)
        du = self.dT * np.matmul(b, control)
        return du, control
Example #39
File: test.py Project: davidkun/MAS
def leaderEst(*agents):
  xh_new = leaderEst(*agents) is the leader's estimation method.
  If only the leader is passed, the leader will estimate its state
  only based on its own observation.
  If leader and followers are passed, the leader will estimate its 
  state using its own observations AND the followers' observation.
  # Simple Estimation
  if len(agents)==1:
    l = agents[0]
    xh_new = l.A * l.xh_old + l.B * l.u_old + \
             l.Ls * ( l.y11 - l.C * l.A * l.xh_old - l.C * l.B * l.u_old )
  # Advanced Estimation
  if len(agents)>1:
    l  = agents[0]
    f  = agents[1][0]
    if cfg.leaderEstSwitch:
      # Obtain Leader's and Follower's Data
      K2  = fbGain(f)
      L2  = kalGain(f)
      Q1  = np.matrix( l.stateCov   )
      Q2  = np.matrix( f.stateCov   )
      R21 = np.matrix( f.sensorCov1 )
      R22 = np.matrix( f.sensorCov2 )
      X   = linalg.solve_discrete_are( f.A.T, f.C.T, Q2, R21 ) # fix this R2
      P   = (np.matrix(np.identity(4)) - L2*f.C) * X
      # Build Augment Matrices
      cfg.Abar = np.r_[ np.c_[ l.A        , np.zeros_like(l.A) ],
                        np.c_[ f.B*K2*f.C, f.A-f.B*K2*f.C     ] ]
      cfg.Bbar = np.r_[ np.c_[ l.B               , np.zeros((4,4)) ],
                        np.c_[ np.zeros_like(l.B), f.B*K2         ] ]
      cfg.Cbar = np.r_[ np.c_[ l.C               , np.zeros_like(l.C) ],
                        np.c_[ np.zeros_like(l.C), l.C                ] ]
      cfg.Qbar = np.r_[ np.c_[ Q1               , np.zeros_like(Q1)                ],
                        np.c_[ np.zeros_like(Q1), Q2+f.B*K2*f.C*P*f.C.T*\
                                K2.T*f.B.T+f.B*K2*R22*K2.T*f.B.T ] ]
      cfg.Rbar = np.r_[ np.c_[ R21               , np.zeros_like(R21) ],
                        np.c_[ np.zeros_like(R21), R22                ] ]
      # Compute the Augmented Kalman Gain
      Xbar = linalg.solve_discrete_are( cfg.Abar.T, cfg.Cbar.T, cfg.Qbar, cfg.Rbar )
      l.Lbar = Xbar * cfg.Cbar.T * linalg.inv( cfg.Cbar*Xbar*cfg.Cbar.T + cfg.Rbar )
      # Initialize Augmented Estimate
      l.xh_old_bar = np.matrix(np.zeros((8,1)))
      # Turn Off Switch
      cfg.leaderEstSwitch = 0
    # Calculate New Estimate
    ubar = np.r_[ l.u_old, cfg.r[:,0], np.matrix(np.zeros((2,1))) ]
    l.xh_new_bar = cfg.Abar * l.xh_old_bar + \
                   cfg.Bbar * ubar + \
                   l.Lbar   * ( np.r_[ l.y11, l.y12 ] - 
                   cfg.Cbar * cfg.Abar * l.xh_old_bar - 
                   cfg.Cbar * cfg.Bbar * ubar )
    # Update Old Estimate
    l.xh_old_bar = l.xh_new_bar
    xh_new = l.xh_new_bar[0:4,0]
  return xh_new
Example #40
 def dlqr(self, A, B, Q, R):
     P = np.matrix(sp_linalg.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R))#solve discrete time ricatti equation
     K = np.matrix(sp_linalg.inv(B.T*P*B+R)*(B.T*P*A))#compute the LQR gain
     eigVals, eigVecs = sp_linalg.eig(A-B*K)
     return K, eigVals