Example #1
    def kws(self, offset, aZi, aXi):
        Finds 2D source terms to approximate a band-limited point source, based on
        Hicks, Graham J. (2002) Arbitrary source and receiver positioning in finite-difference
            schemes using Kaiser windowed sinc functions. Geophysics (67) 1, 156-166.
        KaiserWindowedSinc(ireg, offset) --> 2D ndarray of size (2*ireg+1, 2*ireg+1)
        Input offset is the 2D offsets in fractional gridpoints between the source location and
        the nearest node on the modelling grid.

            offset (tuple): Distance of the centre of the source region from the true source
                            point (in 2D coordinates, in units of cells).

            np.ndarray: Interpolated source region of size (2*ireg+1, 2*ireg+1)

            b = self.HC_KAISER.get(self.ireg)
        except KeyError:
            print('Kaiser windowed sinc function not implemented for half-width of %d!'%(self.ireg,))

        freg = 2*self.ireg+1

        xOffset, zOffset = offset

        # Grid from 0 to freg-1
        Zi, Xi = np.mgrid[:freg,:freg]

        Zi, Xi = self.modifyGrid(Zi, Xi, aZi, aXi)

        # Distances from source point
        dZi = (zOffset + self.ireg - Zi)
        dXi = (xOffset + self.ireg - Xi)

        # Taper terms for decay function
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            tZi = np.nan_to_num(np.sqrt(1 - (dZi / self.ireg)**2))
            tXi = np.nan_to_num(np.sqrt(1 - (dXi / self.ireg)**2))
            tZi[tZi == np.inf] = 0
            tXi[tXi == np.inf] = 0

        # Actual tapers for Kaiser window
        taperZ = bessi0(b*tZi) / bessi0(b)
        taperX = bessi0(b*tXi) / bessi0(b)

        # Windowed sinc responses in Z and X
        responseZ = np.sinc(dZi) * taperZ
        responseX = np.sinc(dXi) * taperX

        # Combined 2D source response
        result = responseX * responseZ

        return result
Example #2
def KaiserWindowedSinc(ireg, offset):
    Finds 2D source terms to approximate a band-limited point source, based on

    Hicks, Graham J. (2002) Arbitrary source and receiver positioning in finite-difference
        schemes using Kaiser windowed sinc functions. Geophysics (67) 1, 156-166.

    KaiserWindowedSince(ireg, offset) --> 2D ndarray of size (2*ireg+1, 2*ireg+1)
    Input offset is the 2D offsets in fractional gridpoints between the source location and
    the nearest node on the modelling grid.

    from scipy.special import i0 as bessi0
    import warnings

    ireg = int(ireg)
        b = HC_KAISER.get(ireg)
    except KeyError:
            'Kaiser windowed sinc function not implemented for half-width of %d!'
            % (ireg, ))

    freg = 2 * ireg + 1

    xOffset, zOffset = offset

    # Grid from 0 to freg-1
    Zi, Xi = numpy.mgrid[:freg, :freg]

    # Distances from source point
    dZi = (zOffset + ireg - Zi)
    dXi = (xOffset + ireg - Xi)

    # Taper terms for decay function
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        tZi = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.sqrt(1 - (dZi / ireg)**2))
        tXi = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.sqrt(1 - (dXi / ireg)**2))
        tZi[tZi == numpy.inf] = 0
        tXi[tXi == numpy.inf] = 0

    # Actual tapers for Kaiser window
    taperZ = bessi0(b * tZi) / bessi0(b)
    taperX = bessi0(b * tXi) / bessi0(b)

    # Windowed sinc responses in Z and X
    responseZ = numpy.sinc(dZi) * taperZ
    responseX = numpy.sinc(dXi) * taperX

    # Combined 2D source response
    result = responseX * responseZ

    return result
Example #3
def KaiserWindowedSinc(ireg, offset):
    Finds 2D source terms to approximate a band-limited point source, based on

    Hicks, Graham J. (2002) Arbitrary source and receiver positioning in finite-difference
        schemes using Kaiser windowed sinc functions. Geophysics (67) 1, 156-166.

    KaiserWindowedSinc(ireg, offset) --> 2D ndarray of size (2*ireg+1, 2*ireg+1)
    Input offset is the 2D offsets in fractional gridpoints between the source location and
    the nearest node on the modelling grid.
    from scipy.special import i0 as bessi0
    import warnings

        b = HC_KAISER.get(ireg)
    except KeyError:
        print('Kaiser windowed sinc function not implemented for half-width of %d!'%(ireg,))

    freg = 2*ireg+1

    xOffset, zOffset = offset

    # Grid from 0 to freg-1
    Zi, Xi = numpy.mgrid[:freg,:freg] 

    # Distances from source point
    dZi = (zOffset + ireg - Zi)
    dXi = (xOffset + ireg - Xi)

    # Taper terms for decay function
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        tZi = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.sqrt(1 - (dZi / ireg)**2))
        tXi = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.sqrt(1 - (dXi / ireg)**2))
        tZi[tZi == numpy.inf] = 0
        tXi[tXi == numpy.inf] = 0

    # Actual tapers for Kaiser window
    taperZ = bessi0(b*tZi) / bessi0(b)
    taperX = bessi0(b*tXi) / bessi0(b)

    # Windowed sinc responses in Z and X
    responseZ = numpy.sinc(dZi) * taperZ
    responseX = numpy.sinc(dXi) * taperX

    # Combined 2D source response
    result = responseX * responseZ

    return result
    return 0.5-Ae*u+np.sqrt((0.5-Ae*u)**2+Be*u)

GMsun_kpc = 4.300917248e-6 # G*M_sun/kpc (km/s)^2
GMsun_kpc2 = 1.3938e-19 # G*M_sun/kpc^2 m/s^2

Md = 1.e11   #  mass of the disk in solar masses
a0 = 1.2e-10   # MOND critical acceleration in m/s^2
Rd = 5.        # disk scale length in kpc
R = np.logspace(-2.,1.7,100)   #  radius in units of kpc
M_R = Md*(1-np.exp(-R/Rd)*(1+R/Rd))
Vsphere = np.sqrt(GMsun_kpc*M_R/R)
y = R/(2*Rd)
bess = bessi0(y)*bessk0(y)-bessi1(y)*bessk1(y)
Vd = np.sqrt(2*GMsun_kpc*(Md/Rd)*y**2*bess)

Mb = 2.e10
R_H=1.5/(1.+np.sqrt(2.))       # Hernquist radius in kpc
Vb=1.e-3*np.sqrt(Mb)*np.sqrt(4.3)*(R/(R+R_H)**2)**0.5  # rotation velocity due to the bulge (km/s)

Vtot_mond = np.sqrt(fEFE([a0,0.],gtot/a0))*Vtot

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(10,10) 