def home(request): context = {} context['query'] = False context['search_query'] = '' if request.method == 'GET': return render(request, 'hue/home.html', context) if 'search_q' in request.POST: search_query = request.POST['search_q'] context['search_query'] = search_query print(search_query) context['query'] = True # twitter.twitter_query(search_query) r = RedditParser() r.reddit_query(search_query, 25, 25) path = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.split(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe() ))[0],"datumbox"))) ifile = cmd_subfolder + '/data.json' ofile = path + '/sentiment.csv' print ifile print ofile sentiment.analyze_sentiment(ifile, ofile, 0.1) path = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.split(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe() ))[0],"semantic-similarity-master"))) cofile = path + '/reddit_senti.json' os.system(path + "/similar" + ' ' + ifile + ' ' + ofile + ' ' + cofile) with open(cofile) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) context['data'] = json.dumps(data) return render(request, 'hue/home.html', context)
def discord_response(user, message_contents): """Returns the result of detect intent with texts as inputs. Using the same `session_id` between requests allows continuation of the conversation.""" session_path = f"{agent}/sessions/{session_id}" #print(f"Session path: {session_path}\n") client_options = None agent_components = AgentsClient.parse_agent_path(agent) location_id = agent_components["location"] if location_id != "global": api_endpoint = f"{location_id}" print(f"API Endpoint: {api_endpoint}\n") client_options = {"api_endpoint": api_endpoint} session_client = SessionsClient(client_options=client_options) input_string = message_contents image_float = analyze_sentiment(user, input_string) text_input = session.TextInput(text=input_string) query_input = session.QueryInput(text=text_input, language_code=language_code) request = session.DetectIntentRequest( session=session_path, query_input=query_input ) response = session_client.detect_intent(request=request) #print("=" * 20) #print(f"Query text: {response.query_result.text}") response_messages = [ " ".join(msg.text.text) for msg in response.query_result.response_messages ] return ((os.getcwd() + find_emotion_gif(image_float)), f"{' '.join(response_messages)}\n")
def review_highlights_(reviews): reviews_texts = " ".join([r['text'] for r in reviews]) review_sentences = mining.to_sentences(reviews_texts) #pre-process text and find features review_words = mining.to_words(amazon_reviews) review_words = mining.pos_tag(review_words) review_words = [w for w in review_words if w[0] not in mining.stopwords()] review_bigrams = mining.find_bigram_collocations(review_words) review_features = mining.amazon_features_from_collocations( review_bigrams) #find sentences that contain our features, summarize sentence groups #and score features for sentiment feature_sentences = {} feature_sentiments = {f:0 for f in amazon_features} for f in amazon_features: sentences = [s for s in review_sentences if f in s] cleaned_sentences = [mining.remove_stopwords(mining.to_words(s)) for s in sentences] #pick most central sentence central = summarize.rank_by_centrality(cleaned_sentences) feature_sentences[f] = sentences[central[0]] feature_sentiments[f] += sum([sentiment.analyze_sentiment(s, amazon_features)[f] for s in sentences]) content = {f:(feature_sentences[f], feature_sentiments[f])} return content
def run_app(): all_articles = load_articles( 'generated_data/recent_political_articles.json') sentiments: typing.Dict[str, dict] = {} print("Examining sentiments...") for article in all_articles: if article['document_type'] != 'article': continue article_path = 'generated_data/articles/%s.html' % str( article['_id'])[len("nyt://article/"):] print("Examining: %s" % article['headline']['main']) sentiment = analyze_sentiment( extract_article_text(article_path)).document_sentiment sentiments[article['_id']] = { 'score': sentiment.score, 'magnitude': sentiment.magnitude } print("Saving sentiments...") with open('generated_data/article_sentiments.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as sentiments_file: json.dump(sentiments, sentiments_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) print("Done!")
def detect_intent(user): #, agent, session_id, language_code """Returns the result of detect intent with texts as inputs. Using the same `session_id` between requests allows continuation of the conversation.""" session_path = f"{agent}/sessions/{session_id}" print(f"Session path: {session_path}\n") client_options = None agent_components = AgentsClient.parse_agent_path(agent) location_id = agent_components["location"] if location_id != "global": api_endpoint = f"{location_id}" print(f"API Endpoint: {api_endpoint}\n") client_options = {"api_endpoint": api_endpoint} session_client = SessionsClient(client_options=client_options) input_string = input("Enter your prompt for bitberg") while(input_string != 'close'): image_float = analyze_sentiment(user, input_string) text_input = session.TextInput(text=input_string) query_input = session.QueryInput(text=text_input, language_code=language_code) request = session.DetectIntentRequest( session=session_path, query_input=query_input ) response = session_client.detect_intent(request=request) #display image somehow # # ### display_gif(find_emotion_gif(image_float)) # # if -1.0 < image_float < -0.5: __display_gif('angry') #display angry elif image_float < 0.0: __display_gif('sad') #display sad elif image_float < 0.5: __display_gif('bored') #display bored else: __display_gif('happy') #display happy print("=" * 20) print(f"Query text: {response.query_result.text}") response_messages = [ " ".join(msg.text.text) for msg in response.query_result.response_messages ] print(f"Response text: {' '.join(response_messages)}\n") input_string = input()
def addComment(comment): # BASE_URL = "http://localhost:3000/comments" isDict = type(comment) == dict # awards = '' if (isDict): text = comment['body'] id = comment['id'] time = comment['created_utc'] score = comment['score'] parent_post = comment['link_id'] parent_comment = "t_0 " if comment[ 'parent_id'] == parent_post else comment['parent_id'] # if parent_post.startswith("t"): # parent_post = parent_post[3:] author = comment['author'] else: text = comment.body time = comment.created_utc id = score = comment.score parent_post = comment.link_id[3:] # parent_comment = "top_level" if comment.link_id[3:] == comment.parent_id[3:] else comment.parent_id[3:] parent_comment = "t_0" if comment.link_id == comment.parent_id else comment.parent_id author = # awards = item.all_awardings r = requests.get(url=BASE_URL + "/id/" + id) sentiment = s.analyze_sentiment(text) data = { "comment_id": id, "comment_date": time, "ticker": "TEST", "parent_post": parent_post, "parent_comment": parent_comment, "body": text, "score": score, "sentiment": sentiment, "author": author } r = + "/comments", data=data)
f.write(text) if __name__ == "__main__": download() convert() csv_folder = "csv" if not os.path.exists(csv_folder): os.makedirs(csv_folder) txts = glob.glob("text/*.txt") for i, txtfile in enumerate(txts): author, results = sentiment.analyze_sentiment(txtfile) fname = author.replace(" ", "") # Remove spaces np.savetxt( f"{csv_folder}/{fname}.csv", results, delimiter=",", header="window #, polarity, subjectivity", ) print(f"Data saved to {csv_folder}/{fname}.csv [{i+1}/{len(txts)}]") print("\nDone!")