Example #1
    def stop(self, immediate=False, fastFade=False):
        if self.isAlive:
            # If video is playing, check to see if it is a theme video
            if self.themePlayer.isPlayingTheme():
                if immediate:
                    log("TunesBackend: Stop playing")
                    while self.themePlayer.isPlaying():
                    log("TunesBackend: Ending playing")

            self.isAlive = False

            # If currently playing a video file, then we have been overridden,
            # and we need to restore all the settings, the player callbacks
            # will not be called, so just force it on stop

        # Clear all the values stored
        # Clear the option used by other add-ons to work out if TvTunes is playing a theme
        # The following value is added for the Confluence skin to not show what is
        # currently playing, maybe change this name when we submit the pull request to
        # Confluence - new name: PlayingBackgroundMedia

        # Clear the Theme Player by resetting it
        self.themePlayer = ThemePlayer()
Example #2
 def _getDownloadInfoUsername(self):
     downloadUser = Settings.getSpecialistDownloadUser()
     if downloadUser in [None, '']:
         downloadUser = self.username
     log("getDownloadInfoUsername: Using username %s for ratings download" %
     return downloadUser
Example #3
    def _getSecondsInTimeString(self, fullTimeString):
        # Some services do not support duration
        if fullTimeString == 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED':
            return -1

        # Start by splitting the time into sections
        hours = 0
        minutes = 0
        seconds = 0

            hours = int(fullTimeString.split(':', 1)[0])
            minutes = int(fullTimeString.split(':')[1])
            seconds = int(fullTimeString.split(':')[2])
            # time sections are not numbers
            log("SonosControllerWindow: Exception Details: %s" % traceback.format_exc())
            hours = 0
            minutes = 0
            seconds = 0

        totalInSeconds = (((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60) + seconds
        log("SonosControllerWindow: Time %s, splits into hours=%d, minutes=%d, seconds=%d, total=%d" % (fullTimeString, hours, minutes, seconds, totalInSeconds))

        # Return the total time in seconds
        return totalInSeconds
Example #4
    def _getSecondsInTimeString(self, fullTimeString):
        # Start by splitting the time into sections
        hours = 0
        minutes = 0
        seconds = 0

            timeParts = list(reversed(fullTimeString.split(':')))
            if len(timeParts) > 2:
                hours = int(timeParts[2])
            if len(timeParts) > 1:
                minutes = int(timeParts[1])
            if len(timeParts) > 1:
                seconds = int(float(timeParts[0]))
            # time sections are not numbers
            log("FfmpegCmd: Exception Details: %s" % traceback.format_exc())
            hours = 0
            minutes = 0
            seconds = 0

        totalInSeconds = (((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60) + seconds
        log("FfmpegCmd: Time %s, splits into hours=%d, minutes=%d, seconds=%d, total=%d"
            % (fullTimeString, hours, minutes, seconds, totalInSeconds))

        # Return the total time in seconds
        return totalInSeconds
Example #5
    def __init__(self, extrasParent, videoType=None, title=None):
        log("VideoExtrasBase: Finding extras for %s" % extrasParent)
        self.videoType = videoType
        self.baseDirectory = extrasParent
        if self.baseDirectory.startswith("stack://"):
            self.baseDirectory = self.baseDirectory.split(" , ")[0]
            self.baseDirectory = self.baseDirectory.replace("stack://", "")
        # There is a problem if some-one is using windows shares with
        # \\SERVER\Name as when the addon gets called the first \ gets
        # removed, making an invalid path, so we add it back here
        elif self.baseDirectory.startswith("\\"):
            self.baseDirectory = "\\" + self.baseDirectory

        # Support special paths like smb:// means that we can not just call
        # os.path.isfile as it will return false even if it is a file
        # (A bit of a shame - but that's the way it is)
        fileExt = os.path.splitext(self.baseDirectory)[1]
        # If this is a file, then get it's parent directory
        if fileExt is not None and fileExt != "":
            self.baseDirectory = (os_path_split(self.baseDirectory))[0]
            self.filename = (os_path_split(extrasParent))[1]
            self.filename = None
        self.title = title
        log("VideoExtrasBase: Root directory: %s" % self.baseDirectory)
Example #6
    def _getCachedCover(self, fileName):
        cachedCover = None
        # check if the directory exists before searching
        dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(Settings.getCoverCacheLocation())
        for aFile in files:
            # Get the filename without extension
            coverSrc, ext = os.path.splitext(aFile)

            # Get the name that the cached cover will have been stored as
            targetSrc, bookExt = os.path.splitext(fileName)

            # Make sure both are utf-8 when comparing
                coverSrc = coverSrc.encode("utf-8")
                targetSrc = targetSrc.encode("utf-8")

            if targetSrc == coverSrc:
                cachedCover = os_path_join(Settings.getCoverCacheLocation(), aFile)
                log("AudioBookHandler: Cached cover found: %s" % cachedCover)

        return cachedCover
Example #7
    def fetchTheme(self, title, path, originaltitle=None, isTvShow=None, year=None, imdb=None):
        # If there is already a theme then start playing it

        if Settings.isThemeDirEnabled() and self._doesThemeExist(path, True):
            # Prompt user if we should move themes in the parent
            # directory into the theme directory
            moveExistingThemes = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(__addon__.getLocalizedString(32105), __addon__.getLocalizedString(32206), __addon__.getLocalizedString(32207))

            # Check if we need to move a theme file
            if moveExistingThemes:
                log("fetchAllMissingThemes: Moving theme for %s" % title)
                # Stop playing any theme that started
                # Now reload the screen to reflect the change

        if originaltitle is not None:
            originaltitle = normalize_string(originaltitle)

        # Perform the fetch
        videoList = []
        normtitle = normalize_string(title)
        videoItem = {'title': normtitle, 'path': path, 'originalTitle': originaltitle, 'isTvShow': isTvShow, 'year': year, 'imdb': imdb}

        # Stop playing any theme that started

        # Now reload the screen to reflect the change
Example #8
    def getTMDB_ids(self, id):
        log("IdLookup: Getting Ids from %s" % id)

        # Use the same request for tmdb as imdb
        url = "%s/%s/%s?api_key=%s" % (self.tmdb_url_prefix, 'movie', id, self.tmdb_api_key)
        json_details = self._makeCall(url)

        tmdb_id = None
        imdb_id = None
        if json_details not in [None, ""]:
            json_response = json.loads(json_details)

            # The results of the search come back as an array of entries
            if 'id' in json_response:
                tmdb_id = json_response.get('id', None)
                if tmdb_id not in [None, ""]:
                    tmdb_id = str(tmdb_id)
                    log("IdLookup: Found tmdb Id %s from id" % str(tmdb_id))
                log("IdLookup: No results returned for tmdb search for tmdb from imdb id")

            if 'imdb_id' in json_response:
                imdb_id = json_response.get('imdb_id', None)
                if imdb_id not in [None, ""]:
                    imdb_id = str(imdb_id)
                    log("IdLookup: Found imdb Id %s from id" % str(imdb_id))
                log("IdLookup: No results returned for tmdb search for imdb id")

        return (tmdb_id, imdb_id)
Example #9
    def getCoverImage(filePath, eBookFileName):
        # Check if there is a cached version
        coverTargetName = None
        fullpathLocalImage, bookExt = os.path.splitext(filePath)
        fullpathLocalImage = "%s.jpg" % fullpathLocalImage

        if xbmcvfs.exists(fullpathLocalImage):
            log("EBookBase: Found local cached image %s" % fullpathLocalImage)
            return fullpathLocalImage

        # Check for a cached cover
        coverTargetName = EBookBase.getCachedCover(eBookFileName)

        # If we reach here, then there was no cached cover image, so we need to extract one
        if coverTargetName in [None, ""]:
            ebook = EBookBase.createEBookObject(filePath)
            coverTargetName = ebook.extractCoverImage()
            del ebook

        # If there is still no cover image, check for folder.jpg in the same directory
        if coverTargetName in [None, ""]:
            baseDirectory = (os_path_split(filePath))[0]
            subdirs, filesInDir = xbmcvfs.listdir(baseDirectory)
            for fileInDir in filesInDir:
                if fileInDir.lower() in ['folder.jpg', 'cover.jpg', 'folder.png', 'cover.png']:
                    coverTargetName = os_path_join(baseDirectory, fileInDir)

        return coverTargetName
Example #10
    def endPlaying(self, fastFade=False, slowFade=False):
        if self.isPlayingAudio() and Settings.isFadeOut():
            cur_vol = self._getVolume()

            # Calculate how fast to fade the theme, this determines
            # the number of step to drop the volume in
            numSteps = 10
            if fastFade:
                numSteps = numSteps / 2
            elif slowFade:
                numSteps = numSteps * 4

            vol_step = cur_vol / numSteps
            # do not mute completely else the mute icon shows up
            for step in range(0, (numSteps - 1)):
                # If the system is going to be shut down then we need to reset
                # everything as quickly as possible
                if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu() or xbmc.abortRequested:
                    log("ThemePlayer: Shutdown menu detected, cancelling fade out")
                vol = cur_vol - vol_step
                log("ThemePlayer: fadeOut_vol: %s" % str(vol))
                cur_vol = vol
            # The final stop and reset of the settings will be done
            # outside of this "if"
        # Need to always stop by the end of this
Example #11
    def __init__(self, extrasParent, videoType=None, title=None):
        log("VideoExtrasBase: Finding extras for %s" % extrasParent)
        self.videoType = videoType
        self.baseDirectory = extrasParent
        if self.baseDirectory.startswith("stack://"):
            self.baseDirectory = self.baseDirectory.split(" , ")[0]
            self.baseDirectory = self.baseDirectory.replace("stack://", "")
        # There is a problem if some-one is using windows shares with
        # \\SERVER\Name as when the addon gets called the first \ gets
        # removed, making an invalid path, so we add it back here
        elif self.baseDirectory.startswith("\\"):
            self.baseDirectory = "\\" + self.baseDirectory

        # Support special paths like smb:// means that we can not just call
        # os.path.isfile as it will return false even if it is a file
        # (A bit of a shame - but that's the way it is)
        fileExt = os.path.splitext(self.baseDirectory)[1]
        # If this is a file, then get it's parent directory
        if fileExt is not None and fileExt != "":
            self.baseDirectory = (os_path_split(self.baseDirectory))[0]
            self.filename = (os_path_split(extrasParent))[1]
            self.filename = None
        self.title = title
        log("VideoExtrasBase: Root directory: %s" % self.baseDirectory)
Example #12
    def _getNestedExtrasFiles(self, basepath, filename, exitOnFirst=False, noExtrasDirNeeded=False):
        extras = []
        if dir_exists(basepath):
            dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(basepath)
            for dirname in dirs:
                # Do not search inside Bluray or DVD images
                if (dirname == 'VIDEO_TS') or (dirname == 'BDMV'):

                dirpath = os_path_join(basepath, dirname)
                log("VideoExtrasFinder: Nested check in directory: %s" % dirpath)
                if dirname != Settings.getExtrasDirName():
                    log("VideoExtrasFinder: Check directory: %s" % dirpath)
                    extras.extend(self._getExtrasDirFiles(dirpath, exitOnFirst, noExtrasDirNeeded))
                    # Check if we are only looking for the first entry
                    if files and (exitOnFirst is True):
                    extras.extend(self._getExtrasFiles(dirpath, filename, exitOnFirst))
                    # Check if we are only looking for the first entry
                    if files and (exitOnFirst is True):
                    extras.extend(self._getNestedExtrasFiles(dirpath, filename, exitOnFirst, noExtrasDirNeeded))
                    # Check if we are only looking for the first entry
                    if files and (exitOnFirst is True):
        return extras
Example #13
    def getAddonsToSync(self):
        # Start by getting all the addons installed
        activeAddons = self._getInstalledAddons()

        # Now check for any filter that is applied
        activeAddons = self._filterAddons(activeAddons)

        addonDetails = {}

        # Now loop each of the addons to get the details required
        for addonName in activeAddons.keys():
            settingsDir = self._getAddonSettingsDirectory(addonName)

            # If there are no settings available then we have it installed
            # but no configuration available
            if settingsDir in [None, ""]:
                addonDetails[addonName] = None
                addonDetail = {}
                addonDetail['dir'] = settingsDir
                # Generate the hash
                hash = Hash()
                hashVal = hash.getDirhash(settingsDir)
                del hash

                log("AddonData: addon: %s path: %s hash: %s" % (addonName, settingsDir, str(hashVal)))
                addonDetail['hash'] = hashVal
                addonDetails[addonName] = addonDetail
                addonDetail['version'] = activeAddons[addonName]
        return addonDetails
Example #14
    def stop(self, immediate=False, fastFade=False):
        if self.isAlive:
            # If video is playing, check to see if it is a theme video
            if self.themePlayer.isPlayingTheme():
                if immediate:
                    log("TunesBackend: Stop playing")
                    while self.themePlayer.isPlaying():
                    log("TunesBackend: Ending playing")

            self.isAlive = False

            # If currently playing a video file, then we have been overridden,
            # and we need to restore all the settings, the player callbacks
            # will not be called, so just force it on stop

        # Clear all the values stored
        # Clear the option used by other add-ons to work out if TvTunes is playing a theme
        # The following value is added for the Confluence skin to not show what is
        # currently playing, maybe change this name when we submit the pull request to
        # Confluence - new name: PlayingBackgroundMedia

        # Clear the Theme Player by resetting it
        self.themePlayer = ThemePlayer()
Example #15
    def _moveToThemeFolder(self, directory):
        log("moveToThemeFolder: path = %s" % directory)

        # Handle the case where we have a disk image
        if (os_path_split(directory)[1] == 'VIDEO_TS') or (os_path_split(directory)[1] == 'BDMV'):
            directory = os_path_split(directory)[0]

        dirs, files = list_dir(directory)
        for aFile in files:
            m = re.search(Settings.getThemeFileRegEx(directory), aFile, re.IGNORECASE)
            if m:
                srcpath = os_path_join(directory, aFile)
                log("fetchAllMissingThemes: Found match: %s" % srcpath)
                targetpath = os_path_join(directory, Settings.getThemeDirectory())
                # Make sure the theme directory exists
                if not dir_exists(targetpath):
                        log("fetchAllMissingThemes: Failed to create directory: %s" % targetpath, True, xbmc.LOGERROR)
                    log("moveToThemeFolder: directory already exists %s" % targetpath)
                # Add the filename to the path
                targetpath = os_path_join(targetpath, aFile)
                if not xbmcvfs.rename(srcpath, targetpath):
                    log("moveToThemeFolder: Failed to move file from %s to %s" % (srcpath, targetpath))
Example #16
    def getSelection(self, narrowSearch=True):
        typeFilter = 'movie'
        if self.isTvShow:
            typeFilter = 'tv'
        # Generate the URL and get the page
        search_url = "https://www.commonsensemedia.org/search/%s?f[0]=field_reference_review_ent_prod%%253Atype%%3Acsm_" + typeFilter
        url = search_url % urllib.quote_plus(self.videoTitle)
        html = self._getHtmlSource(url)

        soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(html))

        searchResults = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "views-field views-field-field-reference-review-ent-prod-title result-title"})

        searchMatches = []

        # Check each of the entries found
        for entries in searchResults:
            for link in entries.findAll('a'):
                # Get the link
                videoName = self._convertHtmlIntoKodiText(link.string)
                videoUrl = "https://www.commonsensemedia.org%s" % link['href']
                searchMatches.append({"name": videoName, "link": videoUrl})
                log("CommonSenseMediaScraper: Initial Search Match: %s {%s}" % (videoName, videoUrl))

        # The Common Sense Media search can often return lots of entries that do not
        # contain the words in the requested video, so we can try and narrow it down
        if narrowSearch:
            searchMatches = self._narrowDownSearch(searchMatches)

        return searchMatches
Example #17
    def getUnsupportedScreensavers(screensavers):

        # Ideally we would check each addon we have already identified using the Addons.GetAddonDetails
        # API, however that will only return the primary type, and we are actually looking for
        # the script option as just one of the supported types
        json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Addons.GetAddons", "params": { "type": "xbmc.python.script" }, "id": 1}')

        json_response = json.loads(json_query)

        scriptaddons = []
        # Extract the addon ids from the response
        if ("result" in json_response) and ('addons' in json_response['result']):
            # Check each of the screensavers that are installed on the system
            for addonItem in json_response['result']['addons']:
                addonName = addonItem['addonid']

        # Now check each of the addons we have to see if they support being launched as a script
        unsupportedScreensavers = []
        for screensaverAddon in screensavers:
            if screensaverAddon not in scriptaddons:
                log("RandomScreensaver: Screensaver %s does not support launching as a script" % screensaverAddon)

        return unsupportedScreensavers
Example #18
    def _getThemes(self, itemId, isTvShow):
        if itemId in [None, ""]:
            return None

        details = None
        # Check if it is in the library
        if isTvShow:
            log("ThemeLibrary: Getting TV Show theme for %s" % itemId)
            for tvTheme in self.tvShowList:
                if (tvTheme['id'] == itemId) or (tvTheme['imdb']
                                                 == itemId) or (tvTheme['tvdb']
                                                                == itemId):
                    details = tvTheme
                    # Only need one entry
            log("ThemeLibrary: Getting Movie theme for %s" % itemId)
            for movieTheme in self.movieList:
                if (movieTheme['id']
                        == itemId) or (movieTheme['imdb']
                                       == itemId) or (movieTheme['tmdb']
                                                      == itemId):
                    details = movieTheme
                    # Only need one entry

        return details
Example #19
    def refresh(self):
        # Check if there is anything to do for lyrics
        if not Settings.isLyricsInfoLayout() or (self.listControl is None):

        if not self.hasLyrics():

        timeLines = self.track['lyrics']

        cur_time = self.track['position_seconds']
        nums = self.listControl.size()
        pos = self.listControl.getSelectedPosition()
        # Make sure that we don't exceed the index
        if pos >= len(timeLines):
            log("Lyrics: Current Position exceeds number of entries")

        # Check if we need to roll the lyrics backwards
        if (cur_time < timeLines[pos][0]):
            while ((pos > 0) and (timeLines[pos - 1][0] > cur_time)):
                pos = pos - 1
            # Going forwards
            while ((pos < nums - 1) and (timeLines[pos + 1][0] < cur_time)):
                pos = pos + 1
            # Now we have the correct position, but we want that to sit in the
            # middle of the dialog, so add on the offset
            if (pos + self.lyricListOffset > nums - 1):
                # As it's near the end - set the focus to the last one
                self.listControl.selectItem(nums - 1)
                self.listControl.selectItem(pos + self.lyricListOffset)
Example #20
 def __init__(self):
     # Start by getting the database location
     self.configPath = xbmc.translatePath(ADDON.getAddonInfo('profile'))
     self.databasefile = os_path_join(self.configPath, "ebooks_database.db")
     log("EbooksDB: Database file location = %s" % self.databasefile)
     # Check to make sure the DB has been created
Example #21
 def clearLyricRequest(self):
     log("Lyrics: Clearing lyric request")
     # Clear the lyrics that were stored so that the lyrics addon does not keep looking
Example #22
    def _loadDetailsFromFfmpeg(self, includeCover=True):
        # check if the cover is required
        coverTargetName = None
        if includeCover:
            coverTargetName = self._getMainCoverLocation()

        info = self._runFFmpegCommand(self.filePath, coverTargetName)

        # If we needed the cover, then save the details
        if includeCover:
            if xbmcvfs.exists(coverTargetName):
                self.coverImage = coverTargetName

        if info not in [None, ""]:
            self.title = info['title']

            # Check if the title should start with the artist name
            if Settings.isShowArtistInBookList() and (self.title not in [None, ""]):
                artist = info['artist']
                if artist not in [None, ""]:
                    # Make sure the artist name is not already in the title
                    if (not self.title.startswith(artist)) and (not self.title.endswith(artist)):
                            self.title = "%s - %s" % (artist, self.title)
                            log("M4BHandler: Failed to add artist to title")

            self.chapters = info['chapters']
            self.totalDuration = info['duration']
Example #23
    def _getSecondsInTimeString(self, fullTimeString):
        # Some services do not support duration
        if fullTimeString == 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED':
            return -1

        # Start by splitting the time into sections
        hours = 0
        minutes = 0
        seconds = 0

            hours = int(fullTimeString.split(':', 1)[0])
            minutes = int(fullTimeString.split(':')[1])
            seconds = int(fullTimeString.split(':')[2])
            # time sections are not numbers
            log("SonosControllerWindow: Exception Details: %s" %
            hours = 0
            minutes = 0
            seconds = 0

        totalInSeconds = (((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60) + seconds
        log("SonosControllerWindow: Time %s, splits into hours=%d, minutes=%d, seconds=%d, total=%d"
            % (fullTimeString, hours, minutes, seconds, totalInSeconds))

        # Return the total time in seconds
        return totalInSeconds
Example #24
    def isClose(self):
        # Check if the base class has detected a need to close
        needToClose = SonosControllerWindow.isClose(self)

        # There are cases where the user could have changed the screen being
        # displayed, for example, if they have the following in their keymap:
        #   <keymap>
        #     <global>
        #       <keyboard>
        #         <f5>ActivateWindow(0)</f5>
        #       </keyboard>
        #     </global>
        #   </keymap>
        # This could cause a change in window, such as loading the home screen
        # however we do not get a call to close - as the Sonos window will be
        # still running in the back-ground - just not showing on the screen
        # If the user then exits, the keymap file will be left, so we will
        # automatically close the window in this case
        # Note: This is not an issue with the normal controller - as it is a
        # dialog window, so will always remain in view
        if (not needToClose) and (self.windowId != -1):
            # Get the current window
            showingWindowId = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId()
            # Check if the window is no longer showing
            if showingWindowId != self.windowId:
                log("SonosArtistSlideshow: Detected change in window, sonos window = %d, new window = %d" % (self.windowId, showingWindowId))
                return True

        return needToClose
Example #25
    def createSonosArtistSlideshow(sonosDevice):
        # Check the ArtistSlideshow setting to see if the biography field is set
            artistslideshow = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='script.artistslideshow')
            if artistslideshow.getSetting('artistinfo') != 'true':
                # Biography is not set, prompt the use to see if we should set it
                if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(
                        "  \"%s\"" % artistslideshow.getLocalizedString(32005),
                    artistslideshow.setSetting('artistinfo', 'true')
            if artistslideshow.getSetting('transparent') != 'true':
                # Transparent image is not set, prompt the use to see if we should set it
                if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(
                        "  \"%s\"" % artistslideshow.getLocalizedString(32107),
                    artistslideshow.setSetting('transparent', 'true')
                "SonosArtistSlideshow: Exception Details: %s" %
                traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGERROR)

        return SonosArtistSlideshow(Settings.getArtistInfoLayout(),
Example #26
	def download_by_selenium(self, url):
		# TODO: log
			dcap = dict(DesiredCapabilities.PHANTOMJS)
			user_agent = UserAgent().random

			dcap["phantomjs.page.settings.userAgent"] = user_agent
			# dcap["phantomjs.page.settings.resourceTimeout"] = 5000

			driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(desired_capabilities = dcap)
			# driver.implicitly_wait(20)
		except Exception as e:
			settings.logg.warning("Error while Downloading url {} \nRetrying...\n".format(url))
			# to catch the error if phantomjs shutsdowns unexpectedly

			if (self.max_tries > 0):
				self.max_tries -= 1
				settings.log("Number of retries left = {}".format(self.max_tries))
				return self.download_by_selenium(url)
				return -1

		soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, "lxml") 

		return soup
Example #27
    def isClose(self):
        # Check if the base class has detected a need to close
        needToClose = SonosControllerWindow.isClose(self)

        # There are cases where the user could have changed the screen being
        # displayed, for example, if they have the following in their keymap:
        #   <keymap>
        #     <global>
        #       <keyboard>
        #         <f5>ActivateWindow(0)</f5>
        #       </keyboard>
        #     </global>
        #   </keymap>
        # This could cause a change in window, such as loading the home screen
        # however we do not get a call to close - as the Sonos window will be
        # still running in the back-ground - just not showing on the screen
        # If the user then exits, the keymap file will be left, so we will
        # automatically close the window in this case
        # Note: This is not an issue with the normal controller - as it is a
        # dialog window, so will always remain in view
        if (not needToClose) and (self.windowId != -1):
            # Get the current window
            showingWindowId = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId()
            # Check if the window is no longer showing
            if showingWindowId != self.windowId:
                log("SonosArtistSlideshow: Detected change in window, sonos window = %d, new window = %d"
                    % (self.windowId, showingWindowId))
                return True

        return needToClose
Example #28
    def __init__(self, rawPath, pathList=None, videotitle=None, debug_logging_enabled=True, audioOnly=False):
        self.debug_logging_enabled = debug_logging_enabled
        self.forceShuffle = False
        self.doNotShuffle = False
        self.audioOnly = audioOnly
        self.rawPath = rawPath
        if rawPath in [None, ""]:
            # Check for the case where there is a custom path set so we need to use
            # the custom location rather than the rawPath
            if Settings.isCustomPathEnabled() and (videotitle not in [None, ""]):
                customRoot = Settings.getCustomPath()
                # Make sure that the path passed in has not already been converted
                if customRoot not in self.rawPath:
                    self.rawPath = os_path_join(customRoot, normalize_string(videotitle))
                    log("ThemeFiles: Setting custom path to %s" % self.rawPath, self.debug_logging_enabled)

            if (pathList is not None) and (len(pathList) > 0):
                self.themeFiles = []
                for aPath in pathList:
                    subThemeList = self._generateThemeFilelistWithDirs(aPath)
                    # add these files to the existing list
                    self.themeFiles = self._mergeThemeLists(self.themeFiles, subThemeList)
                # If we were given a list, then we should shuffle the themes
                # as we don't always want the first path playing first
                self.forceShuffle = True
                self.themeFiles = self._generateThemeFilelistWithDirs(self.rawPath)

        # Check if we need to handle the ordering for video themes
        if not audioOnly:
            self.doNotShuffle = self._filterForVideoThemesRule()
            self.forceShuffle = False
Example #29
 def __init__(self):
     # Start by getting the database location
     self.configPath = xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getAddonInfo('profile'))
     self.databasefile = os_path_join(self.configPath, "audiobooks_database.db")
     log("AudioBooksDB: Database file location = %s" % self.databasefile)
     # Check to make sure the DB has been created
    def saveState(self):
        # Do not save the state on DVD Images as
        # this will be incorrect
        if not self.shouldStoreProgress():

        if self.extrasDb is None:
            log("ExtrasItem: Database not enabled")

        log("ExtrasItem: Saving state for %s" % self.getFilename())

        rowId = -1
        # There are some cases where we want to remove the entries from the database
        # This is the case where the resume point is 0, watched is 0
        if (self.resumePoint == 0) and (self.watched == 0):
            # There are some media files that we can only get the duration from if they have been played
            # so just make sure we can get the duration again before we blat this entry
            origDuration = self.duration
            if (self.totalDuration > 0) and (self.getDuration() < 1):
                self.duration = origDuration
                # We currently have a duration and can't calculate it, so just do the update
                rowId = self.extrasDb.insertOrUpdate(self.getFilename(), self.resumePoint, self.totalDuration, self.getWatched())
            self.duration = origDuration
            rowId = self.extrasDb.insertOrUpdate(self.getFilename(), self.resumePoint, self.totalDuration, self.getWatched())
        return rowId
Example #31
    def _create_model(self, format_dict, prefix=""):
        """ generating a sql sequence to create the spefic fields for a table based on a model 
			it should not be called by something else than itself or _create_table """
            sql = ""
            for k, v in format_dict.items():
                if type(v) != list:
                    # Value is a single element with can extract the model

                    # Complete previous element with comma or not
                    if sql == "":
                        comma = ""
                        comma = ","
                    sql = sql + comma + " "

                    # add a prefix when we are actually called recursively
                    if prefix != "":
                        sql = sql + prefix + "_"
                    # add the actual info as upper case
                    sql = sql + k.upper() + " " + self.MODEL_TO_SQLITE[
                    if k == "id":
                        # We have a primary key
                        sql = sql + " PRIMARY KEY"
                    # we have a list so we will add the elements in the list with the prefix given by the current parent element
                    for el in v:
                        sql = sql + self._create_model(el, prefix=k.upper())

            return sql
        except Exception as e:
            log("Error in " + str(e))
            return ""
Example #32
    def getSelection(self, narrowSearch=True):
        # Generate the URL and get the page
        search_url = "http://www.kids-in-mind.com/cgi-bin/search/search.pl?q=%s"
        url = search_url % urllib.quote_plus(self.videoTitle)
        html = self._getHtmlSource(url)

        soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(html))

        # findAll('p', {"style": "font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height:19px"})
        searchResults = soup.findAll('p', {"start": "1"})

        searchMatches = []
        # Check each of the entries found
        for entries in searchResults:
            for link in entries.findAll('a'):
                # Get the link
                videoName = self._convertHtmlIntoKodiText(link.string)
                videoUrl = link['href']
                searchMatches.append({"name": videoName, "link": videoUrl})
                log("KidsInMindScraper: Initial Search Match: %s {%s}" % (videoName, videoUrl))

        # The kids in mind search can often return lots of entries that do not
        # contain the words in the requested video, so we can try and narrow it down
        if narrowSearch:
            searchMatches = self._narrowDownSearch(searchMatches)

        return searchMatches
Example #33
    def _updatePlaylistForSettings(self, playlist):
        if playlist.size() < 1:
            return playlist

        filename = playlist[0].getfilename()
        duration = self._getVideoDuration(filename)
        log("Duration is %d for file %s" % (duration, filename))

        startTime = 0

        # Check if we have a random start time
        if Settings.isRandomStart():
            startTime = random.randint(0, int(duration * 0.75))

        clockStart = Settings.getTimeForClock(filename, duration)
        if clockStart > 0:
            startTime = clockStart

        # Set the random start
        if (startTime > 0) and (duration > 10):
            listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
            # Record if the theme should start playing part-way through
            listitem.setProperty('StartOffset', str(startTime))

            log("Setting start of %d for %s" % (startTime, filename))

            # Remove the old item from the playlist
            # Add the new item at the start of the list
            playlist.add(filename, listitem, 0)

        return playlist
Example #34
    def getSelection(self, narrowSearch=True):
        # Generate the URL and get the page
        search_url = "https://www.movieguide.org/?s=%s"
        url = search_url % urllib.quote_plus(self.videoTitle)
        html = self._getHtmlSource(url)

        soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(html))

        searchResults = soup.findAll('h2')

        searchMatches = []

        # Check each of the entries found
        for entries in searchResults:
            for link in entries.findAll('a'):
                # Get the link
                videoName = self._convertHtmlIntoKodiText(link.string)
                    videoName = videoName.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                videoUrl = link['href']
                searchMatches.append({"name": videoName, "link": videoUrl})
                log("MovieGuideOrgScraper: Initial Search Match: %s {%s}" % (videoName, videoUrl))

        # The kids in mind search can often return lots of entries that do not
        # contain the words in the requested video, so we can try and narrow it down
        if narrowSearch:
            searchMatches = self._narrowDownSearch(searchMatches)

        return searchMatches
Example #35
    def check(self):
        # Check to see if we should be changing the video for the schedule
        scheduleEntry = self.scheduler.getScheduleEntry()
        # There is an item scheduled, so check to see if the item has actually changed
        if scheduleEntry == self.currentScheduleItem:
            return None

        log("Old Schedule %d different from new: %d" % (self.currentScheduleItem, scheduleEntry))

        # Check to see if there needs to be a change in what is playing
        # This will also update the schedule item so we know what has been selected
        newPlaylist = self._getPlaylist()

        # If we reach here, there is a change of some sort
        if newPlaylist is not None:
            # Update the playlist with any settings such as random start time

            # Start playing the new file, just override the existing one that is playing

            # Also update the overlay

            # Now set the repeat option

            # Update any settings that need to be done after the video is playing
Example #36
    def getImdbId_from_tvdbId(self, tvdbId):
        # http://thetvdb.com/api/2B8557E0CBF7D720/series/75565/en.xml
        url = '%s/%s/series/%s/en.xml' % (self.tvdb_url_prefix, self.tvdb_api_key, tvdbId)
        resp_details = self._makeCall(url)

        imdbId = None
        # The response is XML
        if resp_details not in [None, ""]:
                respData = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(resp_details))

                rootElement = respData.getroot()
                if rootElement not in [None, ""]:
                    if rootElement.tag == 'Data':
                        series = rootElement.findall('Series')
                        # Only want to process anything if there is just a single series
                        if (series not in [None, ""]) and (len(series) > 0):
                            # There should only be one series as we selected by Id
                            selectedSeries = series[0]

                            if selectedSeries not in [None, ""]:
                                imdbIdElem = selectedSeries.find('IMDB_ID')
                                if imdbIdElem not in [None, ""]:
                                    imdbId = imdbIdElem.text
                                    log("IdLookup: Found IMDB_ID = %s" % imdbId)
                log("IdLookup: Failed to process data %s: %s" % (resp_details, traceback.format_exc()))

        return imdbId
Example #37
    def _doesThemeExist(self, directory):
        log("doesThemeExist: Checking directory: %s" % directory)
        # Check for custom theme directory
        if Settings.isThemeDirEnabled():
            themeDir = os_path_join(directory, Settings.getThemeDirectory())
            # Check if this directory exists
            if not dir_exists(themeDir):
                workingPath = directory
                # If the path currently ends in the directory separator
                # then we need to clear an extra one
                if (workingPath[-1] == os.sep) or (workingPath[-1]
                                                   == os.altsep):
                    workingPath = workingPath[:-1]
                # If not check to see if we have a DVD VOB
                if (os_path_split(workingPath)[1]
                        == 'VIDEO_TS') or (os_path_split(workingPath)[1]
                                           == 'BDMV'):
                    # Check the parent of the DVD Dir
                    themeDir = os_path_split(workingPath)[0]
                    themeDir = os_path_join(themeDir,
            directory = themeDir

        # check if the directory exists before searching
        if dir_exists(directory):
            # Generate the regex
            themeFileRegEx = Settings.getThemeFileRegEx(audioOnly=True)

            dirs, files = list_dir(directory)
            for aFile in files:
                m = re.search(themeFileRegEx, aFile, re.IGNORECASE)
                if m:
                    log("doesThemeExist: Found match: " + aFile)
                    return True
        return False
Example #38
    def _getNestedExtrasFiles(self, basepath, filename, exitOnFirst=False, noExtrasDirNeeded=False):
        extras = []
        if dir_exists(basepath):
            dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(basepath)
            for dirname in dirs:
                # Do not search inside Bluray or DVD images
                if (dirname == 'VIDEO_TS') or (dirname == 'BDMV'):

                dirpath = os_path_join(basepath, dirname)
                log("VideoExtrasFinder: Nested check in directory: %s" % dirpath)
                if dirname != Settings.getExtrasDirName():
                    log("VideoExtrasFinder: Check directory: %s" % dirpath)
                    extras.extend(self._getExtrasDirFiles(dirpath, exitOnFirst, noExtrasDirNeeded))
                    # Check if we are only looking for the first entry
                    if files and (exitOnFirst is True):
                    extras.extend(self._getExtrasFiles(dirpath, filename, exitOnFirst))
                    # Check if we are only looking for the first entry
                    if files and (exitOnFirst is True):
                    extras.extend(self._getNestedExtrasFiles(dirpath, filename, exitOnFirst, noExtrasDirNeeded))
                    # Check if we are only looking for the first entry
                    if files and (exitOnFirst is True):
        return extras
Example #39
    def _addSecurityFlags(self, type, items):
        # Make sure we have some items to append the details to
        if len(items) < 1:
            return items

        # Make the call to the DB to get all the specific security settings
        pinDB = PinSentryDB()

        securityDetails = {}
        if type == MenuNavigator.TVSHOWS:
            securityDetails = pinDB.getAllTvShowsSecurity()
        elif type == MenuNavigator.MOVIES:
            securityDetails = pinDB.getAllMoviesSecurity()
        elif type == MenuNavigator.MOVIESETS:
            securityDetails = pinDB.getAllMovieSetsSecurity()
        elif type == MenuNavigator.MUSICVIDEOS:
            securityDetails = pinDB.getAllMusicVideosSecurity()
        elif type == MenuNavigator.PLUGINS:
            securityDetails = pinDB.getAllPluginsSecurity()
        elif type == MenuNavigator.FILESOURCE:
            securityDetails = pinDB.getAllFileSourcesSecurity()

        for item in items:
            # Default security to 0 (Not Set)
            securityLevel = 0
            if item['title'] in securityDetails:
                title = item['title']
                securityLevel = securityDetails[title]
                log("PinSentryPlugin: %s has security level %d" % (title, securityLevel))

            item['securityLevel'] = securityLevel

        del pinDB
        return items
Example #40
 def __init__(self):
     # Start by getting the database location
     self.configPath = xbmc.translatePath(ADDON.getAddonInfo('profile'))
     self.databasefile = os_path_join(self.configPath, "extras_database.db")
     log("ExtrasDB: Database file location = %s" % self.databasefile)
     # Make sure that the database exists if this is the first time
Example #41
    def _setPluginList(self):
        # Make the call to find out all the addons that are installed
        json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Addons.GetAddons", "params": { "type": "xbmc.python.pluginsource", "enabled": true, "properties": ["name", "thumbnail", "fanart"] }, "id": 1}')
        json_query = unicode(json_query, 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
        json_response = simplejson.loads(json_query)
        plugins = []
        if ("result" in json_response) and ('addons' in json_response['result']):
            # Check each of the plugins that are installed on the system
            for addonItem in json_response['result']['addons']:
                addonId = addonItem['addonid']
                # Need to skip ourselves
                if addonId in ['script.pinsentry']:
                    log("setPluginList: Skipping PinSentry Plugin")

                pluginDetails = {}
                pluginDetails['title'] = addonItem['name']
                pluginDetails['dbid'] = addonId

                if addonItem['thumbnail'] in [None, ""]:
                    pluginDetails['thumbnail'] = 'DefaultAddon.png'
                    pluginDetails['thumbnail'] = addonItem['thumbnail']

                if addonItem['fanart'] in [None, ""]:
                    pluginDetails['fanart'] = __fanart__
                    pluginDetails['fanart'] = addonItem['fanart']

        return plugins
Example #42
    def _getListItem(self, title, startTime=-1, chapterTitle=''):
            log("AudioBookHandler: Getting listitem for %s (Chapter: %s)" % (title, chapterTitle))

        listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
        # Set the display title on the music player
        # Have to set this as video otherwise it will not start the audiobook at the correct Offset place
        listitem.setInfo('video', {'Title': title})

        if chapterTitle not in [None, ""]:
            listitem.setInfo('music', {'album': chapterTitle})

        # If both the Icon and Thumbnail is set, the list screen will choose to show
        # the thumbnail
        coverImage = self.getCoverImage()
        if coverImage in [None, ""]:
            coverImage = ADDON.getAddonInfo('icon')


        # Record if the video should start playing part-way through
        startPoint = startTime
        if startTime < 0:
            startPoint = self.getPosition()
        if startPoint > 0:
            listitem.setProperty('StartOffset', str(startPoint))

        # Stop the Lyrics addon trying to get lyrics for audiobooks
        listitem.setProperty('do_not_analyze', 'true')

        return listitem
Example #43
 def __init__(self):
     # Start by getting the database location
     self.configPath = xbmc.translatePath(ADDON.getAddonInfo('profile'))
     self.databasefile = os_path_join(self.configPath, "pinsentry_database.db")
     log("PinSentryDB: Database file location = %s" % self.databasefile)
     # Check to make sure the DB has been created
Example #44
    def _getMainCoverLocation(self):
        coverFileName, oldExt = os.path.splitext(self.fileName)
        targetCoverName = "%s.jpg" % coverFileName
        coverTargetName = os_path_join(Settings.getCoverCacheLocation(), targetCoverName)

        log("AudioBookHandler: Cached cover target location is %s" % coverTargetName)
        return coverTargetName
Example #45
    def _getThemesToUpload(self, id, themes):
        themeList = []
        for theme in themes:
            maxFileSize = 104857600
            if Settings.isVideoFile(theme):
                # Check if all videos are disabled
                if not self.isVideoEnabled:
                # Check if all audio are disabled
                if not self.isAudioEnabled:

                # Audio files have a smaller limit
                maxFileSize = 20971520

            # Check to make sure the theme file is not too large, anything over 100 megabytes
            # is too large for a theme
            stat = xbmcvfs.Stat(theme)
            themeFileSize = stat.st_size()
            if themeFileSize > maxFileSize:
                log("UploadThemes: Theme %s too large %s" %
                    (theme, themeFileSize))
            if themeFileSize < 19460:
                log("UploadThemes: Theme %s too small %s" %
                    (theme, themeFileSize))

            # If we reach here it is not in either exclude list
        return themeList
Example #46
    def getPlayList(self, startTime=-1, startChapter=0):
        log("FolderHandler: Getting playlist to start for time %d" % startTime)

        # Wrap the audiobook up in a playlist
        playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_MUSIC)

        # Add each chapter file
        idx = 0
        startPosition = 0
        if startTime > 0:
            startPosition = startTime

        # Start on the correct chapter
        if startChapter > 1:
            idx = startChapter - 1

        while idx < len(self.getChapterDetails()):
            chapterDetail = self.chapters[idx]
            listitem = self._getListItem(self.getTitle(), startPosition, chapterDetail['title'])
            playlist.add(self.chapterFiles[idx], listitem)
            # Once we set the correct starting position for the main chapter, reset it
            # that that the next chapters start at the beginning
            startPosition = 0
            idx += 1

        return playlist
Example #47
 def performAction(self, actionType, itemId, title):
         if (actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_PLAY) or (actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_PLAY_NOW):
         elif actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_ADD_TO_QUEUE:
         elif actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_REPLACE_QUEUE:
         # Operations for the QueueIcon View
         elif actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_QUEUE_PLAY_ITEM:
         elif actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_QUEUE_REMOVE_ITEM:
         elif actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_QUEUE_CLEAR:
         # Radio Operations
         elif actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_RADIO_PLAY:
             self.performPlayURI(itemId, title)
         # Speech Operations
         elif actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_SPEECH_SAY_PHRASE:
         elif actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_SPEECH_REMOVE_PHRASE:
         elif actionType == ActionManager.ACTION_UPDATE_LIBRARY:
             # This should never be shown, so no need to translate, enabled for debug
                 __addon__.getLocalizedString(32068), "Operation %s not currently supported" % actionType
         log("SonosPlugin: %s" % traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGERROR)
         xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(__addon__.getLocalizedString(32068), __addon__.getLocalizedString(32073) % actionType)
Example #48
 def runArtistSlideshow(self):
     log("SonosArtistSlideshow: runArtistSlideshow")
     # startup artistslideshow
     xbmcgui.Window(self.windowId).setProperty("ArtistSlideshow.ExternalCall", "True")
     # assumes addon is using suggested infolabel name of CURRENTARTIST and CURRENTTITLE
     artistslideshow = "RunScript(script.artistslideshow,windowid=%s&artistfield=%s&titlefield=%s&albumfield=%s&mbidfield=%s)" % (xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId(), "CURRENTARTIST", "CURRENTTITLE", "CURRENTALBUM", "CURRENTMBID")
Example #49
    def getLibraryTracks(self):
        json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(
            '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "AudioLibrary.GetSongs", "params": {"properties": ["albumartist", "musicbrainztrackid", "rating"%s]  }, "id": "libSongs"}'
            % self.additionalTrackValues)
        json_response = json.loads(json_query)

        libraryTracks = []
        if ("result" in json_response) and ('songs'
                                            in json_response['result']):
            libraryTracks = json_response['result']['songs']
            # Check for the case where there is no artist, but there is an album artist
            for track in libraryTracks:
                if ('artist' not in track) or (len(track['artist']) < 1) or (
                        len(''.join(track['artist'])) < 1):
                    if ('albumartist'
                            in track) and (len(track['albumartist']) > 0):
                        track['artist'] = track['albumartist']
                # We don't want the album artist left in the data
                if ('albumartist' in track):
                    del track['albumartist']
                # If we are running on a version earlier than v17, populate the rating
                if (self.kodiMajorVersion < 17) and (
                        'userrating' not in track) and ('rating' in track):
                    track['userrating'] = int(track['rating'] *

        log("MusicLibrary: Retrieved a total of %d tracks" %
        return libraryTracks
Example #50
    def _getMetadata(self, meta):
        if meta in [None, ""]:
            return {}

        done = False
        metaDict = {}
        tag = POINTER(AVDictionaryEntry)()

        while not done:
                tag = self.av_dict_get(meta, ''.encode('ascii'), tag, 2)
                    "FFMpegLib: Failed to get metadata with error: %s" %
                    traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGERROR)
                tag = None

            if tag:
                log("FFMpegLib: Found key %s" % str(tag.contents.key))
                # make sure all the keys are lower case
                metaDict[tag.contents.key.lower()] = tag.contents.value
                done = True

        # return: a dict with key, value = metadata key, metadata value
        return metaDict
Example #51
    def _getSecondsInTimeString(self, fullTimeString):
        # Start by splitting the time into sections
        hours = 0
        minutes = 0
        seconds = 0

            timeParts = list(reversed(fullTimeString.split(':')))
            if len(timeParts) > 2:
                hours = int(timeParts[2])
            if len(timeParts) > 1:
                minutes = int(timeParts[1])
            if len(timeParts) > 1:
                seconds = int(float(timeParts[0]))
            # time sections are not numbers
            log("FfmpegCmd: Exception Details: %s" % traceback.format_exc())
            hours = 0
            minutes = 0
            seconds = 0

        totalInSeconds = (((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60) + seconds
        log("FfmpegCmd: Time %s, splits into hours=%d, minutes=%d, seconds=%d, total=%d" % (fullTimeString, hours, minutes, seconds, totalInSeconds))

        # Return the total time in seconds
        return totalInSeconds
Example #52
def main():
    count = 1
    all_lines = read_file(filename)  
    p = r"(([0-9]{0,}[a-zA-Z\_\-\!\.\:]+[0-9]{0,}\s?)+[;\s]?)+"
    res_com = re.compile(p)
    for each_line in all_lines:
        result = res_com.search(each_line)
        if result:
            movie_names = result.group()
            movie_name_list = [i.strip() for i in movie_names.split(";") if i.strip()]
            log("not find movie name")
            movie_name_list = []
        chinese_name = re.split(r"\s\d+", each_line.strip())[0].strip().strip()
        record2 = get_movie_id("movie_trailer_movie_name_zh", chinese_name)
        for name in movie_name_list:
            record1 = get_movie_id("movie_trailer_movie_name", name)
            flag = True
            if record1 or record2:
                flag = has_url(record1, "movie_trailer_movie_info", flag)
                if flag:
                    flag = has_url(record2, "movie_trailer_movie_info_zh", flag)
                if flag:
                    if chinese_name:
                        print chinese_name
                        record_download_name(not_found_name, name)
                if chinese_name:
                    print chinese_name
                    record_download_name(not_found_name, name)
            del chinese_name
            del name        
Example #53
 def restoreVolume(self):
         # Don't change the volume unless requested to
         if self.screensaverVolume > -1:
         log("VolumeDrop: %s" % traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGERROR)
    def __init__(self, rawPath, pathList=None, videotitle=None, debug_logging_enabled=True, audioOnly=False):
        self.debug_logging_enabled = debug_logging_enabled
        self.forceShuffle = False
        self.doNotShuffle = False
        self.audioOnly = audioOnly
        self.rawPath = rawPath
        if rawPath in [None, ""]:
            # Check for the case where there is a custom path set so we need to use
            # the custom location rather than the rawPath
            if Settings.isCustomPathEnabled() and (videotitle not in [None, ""]):
                customRoot = Settings.getCustomPath()
                # Make sure that the path passed in has not already been converted
                if customRoot not in self.rawPath:
                    self.rawPath = os_path_join(customRoot, normalize_string(videotitle))
                    log("ThemeFiles: Setting custom path to %s" % self.rawPath, self.debug_logging_enabled)

            if (pathList is not None) and (len(pathList) > 0):
                self.themeFiles = []
                for aPath in pathList:
                    subThemeList = self._generateThemeFilelistWithDirs(aPath)
                    # add these files to the existing list
                    self.themeFiles = self._mergeThemeLists(self.themeFiles, subThemeList)
                # If we were given a list, then we should shuffle the themes
                # as we don't always want the first path playing first
                self.forceShuffle = True
                self.themeFiles = self._generateThemeFilelistWithDirs(self.rawPath)

        # Check if we need to handle the ordering for video themes
        if not audioOnly:
            self.doNotShuffle = self._filterForVideoThemesRule()
            self.forceShuffle = False
    def getDisabledVideos(self):
        disabledVideos = []
        # Check if the disabled videos file exists
        if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.disabledVideosFile):
            log("CollectSets: No disabled videos file exists")
            return disabledVideos

            # Load the file as a string
            disabledVideosFileRef = xbmcvfs.File(self.disabledVideosFile, 'r')
            disabledVideosStr = disabledVideosFileRef.read()

            disabledVideosElem = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(disabledVideosStr))

            # Expected XML format:
            # <disabled_screensaver>
            #     <filename></filename>
            # </disabled_screensaver>

            # Get the videos that are in the disabled list
            for filenameItem in disabledVideosElem.getroot().findall('filename'):
                disabledFile = filenameItem.text

                log("CollectSets: Disabled video file: %s" % disabledFile)
            log("CollectSets: Failed to read collection file %s" % self.disabledVideosFile, xbmc.LOGERROR)
            log("CollectSets: %s" % traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGERROR)

        log("CollectSets: Number of disabled videos is %d" % len(disabledVideos))
        return disabledVideos
Example #56
    def _getThemesToUpload(self, id, themes):
        themeList = []
        for theme in themes:
            maxFileSize = 104857600
            if Settings.isVideoFile(theme):
                # Check if all videos are disabled
                if not self.isVideoEnabled:
                # Check if all audio are disabled
                if not self.isAudioEnabled:

                # Audio files have a smaller limit
                maxFileSize = 20971520

            # Check to make sure the theme file is not too large, anything over 100 megabytes
            # is too large for a theme
            stat = xbmcvfs.Stat(theme)
            themeFileSize = stat.st_size()
            if themeFileSize > maxFileSize:
                log("UploadThemes: Theme %s too large %s" % (theme, themeFileSize))
            if themeFileSize < 19460:
                log("UploadThemes: Theme %s too small %s" % (theme, themeFileSize))

            # If we reach here it is not in either exclude list
        return themeList
Example #57
	def save_currencies(cls):
			file = open(settings.DataDir("currencies.key"), "wb") # write mode
			file.write(pickle.dumps(ExchangeRate.currencies, 2))
			settings.log("Could not save currency data. Will try again on restart")