Example #1
def backup_database(version):
    logger.info("Backing up database before upgrade")
    if not helpers.backupVersionedFile(db.db_full_path(), version):
            "Database backup failed, abort upgrading database")
        logger.info("Proceeding with upgrade")
Example #2
    def execute(self):
        if not self.has_table("tv_shows") and not self.has_table("db_version"):
            queries = [
                "CREATE TABLE db_version(db_version INTEGER, db_minor_version INTEGER);",
                "CREATE TABLE history(action NUMERIC, date NUMERIC, showid NUMERIC, season NUMERIC, episode NUMERIC, quality NUMERIC, resource TEXT, provider TEXT, version NUMERIC DEFAULT -1);",
                "CREATE TABLE imdb_info(indexer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, imdb_id TEXT, title TEXT, year NUMERIC, akas TEXT, runtimes NUMERIC, genres TEXT, countries TEXT, country_codes TEXT, certificates TEXT, rating TEXT, votes INTEGER, last_update NUMERIC);",
                "CREATE TABLE info(last_backlog NUMERIC, last_indexer NUMERIC, last_proper_search NUMERIC);",
                "CREATE TABLE scene_numbering(indexer TEXT, indexer_id INTEGER, season INTEGER, episode INTEGER, scene_season INTEGER, scene_episode INTEGER, absolute_number NUMERIC, scene_absolute_number NUMERIC, PRIMARY KEY(indexer_id, season, episode));",
                "CREATE TABLE tv_shows(show_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, indexer_id NUMERIC, indexer NUMERIC, show_name TEXT, location TEXT, network TEXT, genre TEXT, classification TEXT, runtime NUMERIC, quality NUMERIC, airs TEXT, status TEXT, flatten_folders NUMERIC, paused NUMERIC, startyear NUMERIC, air_by_date NUMERIC, lang TEXT, subtitles NUMERIC, notify_list TEXT, imdb_id TEXT, last_update_indexer NUMERIC, dvdorder NUMERIC, archive_firstmatch NUMERIC, rls_require_words TEXT, rls_ignore_words TEXT, sports NUMERIC, anime NUMERIC, scene NUMERIC, default_ep_status NUMERIC DEFAULT -1, sub_use_sr_metadata NUMERIC DEFAULT 0);",
                "CREATE TABLE tv_episodes(episode_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, showid NUMERIC, indexerid NUMERIC, indexer TEXT, name TEXT, season NUMERIC, episode NUMERIC, description TEXT, airdate NUMERIC, hasnfo NUMERIC, hastbn NUMERIC, status NUMERIC, location TEXT, file_size NUMERIC, release_name TEXT, subtitles TEXT, subtitles_searchcount NUMERIC, subtitles_lastsearch TIMESTAMP, is_proper NUMERIC, scene_season NUMERIC, scene_episode NUMERIC, absolute_number NUMERIC, scene_absolute_number NUMERIC, version NUMERIC DEFAULT -1, release_group TEXT);",
                "CREATE TABLE blacklist (show_id INTEGER, range TEXT, keyword TEXT);",
                "CREATE TABLE whitelist (show_id INTEGER, range TEXT, keyword TEXT);",
                "CREATE TABLE xem_refresh (indexer TEXT, indexer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, last_refreshed INTEGER);",
                "CREATE TABLE indexer_mapping (indexer_id INTEGER, indexer NUMERIC, mindexer_id INTEGER, mindexer NUMERIC, PRIMARY KEY (indexer_id, indexer));",
                "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_indexer_id ON tv_shows(indexer_id);",
                "CREATE INDEX idx_showid ON tv_episodes(showid);",
                "CREATE INDEX idx_sta_epi_air ON tv_episodes(status, episode, airdate);",
                "CREATE INDEX idx_sta_epi_sta_air ON tv_episodes(season, episode, status, airdate);",
                "CREATE INDEX idx_status ON tv_episodes(status,season,episode,airdate);",
                "CREATE INDEX idx_tv_episodes_showid_airdate ON tv_episodes(showid, airdate);",
                "INSERT INTO db_version(db_version, db_minor_version) VALUES (44, 3);"
            for query in queries:

            cur_db_version = self.get_db_version()

            if cur_db_version < MIN_DB_VERSION:
                    "Your database version ({cur_db_version}) is too old to migrate from what this version of SickChill supports ({MIN_DB_VERSION}).\nUpgrade using a previous version (tag) build 496 to build 501 of SickChill first or remove database file to begin fresh.".format(cur_db_version=cur_db_version, MIN_DB_VERSION=MIN_DB_VERSION)))

            if cur_db_version > MAX_DB_VERSION:
                    "Your database version ({cur_db_version}) has been incremented past what this version of SickChill supports ({MAX_DB_VERSION}).\nIf you have used other forks of SickChill, your database may be unusable due to their modifications.".format(cur_db_version=cur_db_version, MAX_DB_VERSION=MAX_DB_VERSION)))
Example #3
def restore_database(version):
    Restores a database to a previous version (backup file of version must still exist)

    :param version: Version to restore to
    :return: True if restore succeeds, False if it fails
    logger.info("Restoring database before trying upgrade again")
    if not sickchill.oldbeard.helpers.restoreVersionedFile(db_full_path(suffix="v" + str(version)), version):
        logger.log_error_and_exit("Database restore failed, abort upgrading database")
        return False
        return True
Example #4
    def migrate_config(self):
        Calls each successive migration until the config is the same version as SB expects

        if self.config_version > self.expected_config_version:
                """Your config version ({0:d}) has been incremented past what this version of SickChill supports ({1:d}).
                If you have used other forks or a newer version of SickChill, your config file may be unusable due to their modifications."""
                .format(self.config_version, self.expected_config_version))

        settings.CONFIG_VERSION = self.config_version

        while self.config_version < self.expected_config_version:
            next_version = self.config_version + 1

            if next_version in self.migration_names:
                migration_name = ": " + self.migration_names[next_version]
                migration_name = ""

            logger.info("Backing up config before upgrade")
            if not helpers.backupVersionedFile(settings.CONFIG_FILE,
                    "Config backup failed, abort upgrading config")
                logger.info("Proceeding with upgrade")

            # do the migration, expect a method named _migrate_v<num>
            logger.info("Migrating config up to version " + str(next_version) +
            getattr(self, "_migrate_v" + str(next_version))()
            self.config_version = next_version

            # save new config after migration
            settings.CONFIG_VERSION = self.config_version
            logger.info("Saving config file to disk")
Example #5
    def daemonize(self):
        Fork off as a daemon

        # An object is accessed for a non-existent member.
        # Access to a protected member of a client class
        # Make a non-session-leader child process
            pid = os.fork()  # @UndefinedVariable - only available in UNIX
            if pid != 0:
        except OSError as error:
            sys.stderr.write('fork #1 failed: {error_num}: {error_message}\n'.format
                             (error_num=error.errno, error_message=error.strerror))

        os.setsid()  # @UndefinedVariable - only available in UNIX

        # https://github.com/SickChill/SickChill/issues/2969
        # http://www.microhowto.info/howto/cause_a_process_to_become_a_daemon_in_c.html#idp23920
        # https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/python-cookbook/0596001673/ch06s08.html
        # Previous code simply set the umask to whatever it was because it was ANDing instead of OR-ing
        # Daemons traditionally run with umask 0 anyways and this should not have repercussions

        # Make the child a session-leader by detaching from the terminal
            pid = os.fork()  # @UndefinedVariable - only available in UNIX
            if pid != 0:
        except OSError as error:
            sys.stderr.write('fork #2 failed: Error {error_num}: {error_message}\n'.format
                             (error_num=error.errno, error_message=error.strerror))

        # Write pid
        if self.create_pid:
            pid = os.getpid()
            logger.info('Writing PID: {pid} to {filename}'.format(pid=pid, filename=self.pid_file))

                with os.fdopen(os.open(self.pid_file, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, 0o644), 'w') as f_pid:
            except EnvironmentError as error:
                logger.log_error_and_exit('Unable to write PID file: {filename} Error {error_num}: {error_message}'.format
                                          (filename=self.pid_file, error_num=error.errno, error_message=error.strerror))

        # Redirect all output

        devnull = getattr(os, 'devnull', '/dev/null')
        stdin = open(devnull)
        stdout = open(devnull, 'a+')
        stderr = open(devnull, 'a+')

        os.dup2(stdin.fileno(), getattr(sys.stdin, 'device', sys.stdin).fileno())
        os.dup2(stdout.fileno(), getattr(sys.stdout, 'device', sys.stdout).fileno())
        os.dup2(stderr.fileno(), getattr(sys.stderr, 'device', sys.stderr).fileno())