Example #1
def package(image_path,output_folder=None,runscript=True,software=True,remove_image=False,verbose=False):
    '''package will take an image and generate a zip (including the image
    to a user specified output_folder.
    :param image_path: full path to singularity image file
    :param runscript: if True, will extract runscript to include in package as runscript
    :param software: if True, will extract files.txt and folders.txt to package
    :param remove_image: if True, will not include original image in package (default,False)
    :param verbose: be verbose when using singularity --export (default,False)
    S = Singularity(verbose=verbose)
    tmptar = S.export(image_path=image_path,pipe=False)
    tar = tarfile.open(tmptar)
    members = tar.getmembers()
    image_name = os.path.basename(image_path)
    zip_name = "%s.zip" %(image_name.replace(" ","_"))

    # Include the image in the package?
    if remove_image:
       to_package = dict()
       to_package = {image_name:image_path}

    # Package the image with an md5 sum as VERSION
    version = get_image_hash(image_path)
    to_package["VERSION"] = version

    # Look for runscript
    if runscript == True:
            runscript_member = tar.getmember("./singularity")
            runscript_file = tar.extractfile("./singularity")
            runscript = runscript_file.read()
            to_package["runscript"] = runscript
            print("Found runscript!")

            # Try to extract input args, only python supported, will return None otherwise
            params_json = get_runscript_parameters(runscript=runscript,
            if params_json != None:
                print('Extracted runscript params!')
                to_package['%s.json' %(image_name)] = params_json

        except KeyError:
            print("No runscript found in image!")
    if software == True:
        print("Adding software list to package!")
        files = [x.path for x in members if x.isfile()]
        folders = [x.path for x in members if x.isdir()]
        to_package["files.txt"] = files
        to_package["folders.txt"] = folders

    # Do zip up here - let's start with basic structures
    zipfile = zip_up(to_package,zip_name=zip_name,output_folder=output_folder)
    print("Package created at %s" %(zipfile))

    # return package to user
    return zipfile
def get_memory_tar(image_path):
    '''get an in memory tar of an image (does not require sudo!)'''
    cli = Singularity()
    if "pancakes" in os.environ:
        del os.environ['pancakes']
    byte_array = cli.export(image_path)
    file_object = io.BytesIO(byte_array)
    tar = tarfile.open(mode="r|*", fileobj=file_object)
    return (file_object, tar)
Example #3
def get_memory_tar(image_path):
    '''get an in memory tar of an image. Use carefully, not as reliable
       as get_image_tar
    cli = Singularity()
    byte_array = cli.export(image_path)
    file_object = io.BytesIO(byte_array)
    tar = tarfile.open(mode="r|*", fileobj=file_object)
    return (file_object, tar)
Example #4
def get_image_tar(image_path, S=None):
    '''get an image tar, either written in memory or to
    the file system. file_obj will either be the file object,
    or the file itself.
    bot.debug('Generate file system tar...')
    if S is None:
        S = Singularity()
    file_obj = S.export(image_path=image_path)
    if file_obj is None:
        bot.error("Error generating tar, exiting.")
    tar = tarfile.open(file_obj)
    return file_obj, tar
# Get general help:

# These are the defaults, which can be specified
S = Singularity(sudo=True,verbose=False)

# Let's define a path to an image
# wget http://www.vbmis.com/bmi/project/singularity/package_image/ubuntu:latest-2016-04-06.img
image_path = 'ubuntu:latest-2016-04-06.img'

# Run singularity --exec
# $'docker2singularity.sh\nget_docker_container_id.sh\nget_docker_meta.py\nmakeBases.py\nsingularity\nubuntu:latest-2016-04-06.img\n'
# These are the defaults, which can be specified

# For any function you can get the docs:

# or return as string
help = S.help(command="exec",stdout=False)

# export an image, default export_type="tar" , pipe=False , output_file = None will produce file in tmp
tmptar = S.export(image_path=image_path)

# create an empty image

# import a docker image - no need to specify the file, the image name works
# still under development
docker_image = S.docker2singularity("ubuntu:latest")
# (Deprecated) create an image and import into it
image = S.create('myimage.simg')
S.importcmd(image, 'docker://ubuntu:latest')

# Execute command to container
result = S.execute(image, command='cat /singularity')
'#!/bin/sh\n\nexec "/bin/bash"\n'

# For any function you can get the docs:

# export an image to tar
tar = S.export(image)

# Show apps and inspect
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "deffile": null,
            "help": null,
            "labels": null,
            "environment": "# Custom environment shell code should follow\n\n",
            "runscript": "#!/bin/sh\n\nexec \"/bin/bash\"\n",
            "test": null
image = S.create('myimage.img')

# Import into it
S.importcmd(image, 'docker://*****:*****@"
elif test -x /bin/sh; then
    exec /bin/sh "$@"
    echo "ERROR: No valid shell within container"
    exit 255

# For any function you can get the docs:

# export an image as a byte array
byte_array = S.export(image)

# Get an in memory tar
from singularity.reproduce import get_memory_tar
tar = get_memory_tar(image)
def package(image_path,
    '''package will take an image and generate a zip (including the image
    to a user specified output_folder.
    :param image_path: full path to singularity image file
    :param runscript: if True, will extract runscript to include in package as runscript
    :param software: if True, will extract files.txt and folders.txt to package
    :param remove_image: if True, will not include original image in package (default,False)
    :param verbose: be verbose when using singularity --export (default,False)
    :param S: the Singularity object (optional) will be created if not required.
    # Run create image and bootstrap with Singularity command line tool.
    if S == None:
        if sudopw != None:
            S = Singularity(sudopw=sudopw, debug=verbose)
            S = Singularity(
                debug=verbose)  # This command will ask the user for sudo

    # Singularity < version 2.3
    if old_version == False:
        file_obj, tar = get_memory_tar(image_path)

    # Singularity 2.3 and up
        tmptar = S.export(image_path=image_path, old_version=True)
        tar = tarfile.open(tmptar)

    members = tar.getmembers()
    image_name = os.path.basename(image_path)
    zip_name = "%s.zip" % (image_name.replace(" ", "_"))

    # Include the image in the package?
    if remove_image:
        to_package = dict()
        to_package = {"files": [image_path]}

    # If the specfile is provided, it should also be packaged
    if spec_path is not None:
        singularity_spec = "".join(read_file(spec_path))
        to_package['Singularity'] = singularity_spec

    # Package the image with an sha1, identical standard, as VERSION
    if old_version == False:
        hashes = get_image_hashes(image_path)
        to_package["HASHES"] = hashes
        to_package["VERSION"] = hashes['IDENTICAL']
        to_package["VERSION"] = get_image_file_hash(image_path)

    # Look for runscript
    if runscript is True:
            to_package["runscript"] = extract_content(image_path,
            bot.logger.debug("Found runscript.")
        except KeyError:
            bot.logger.warning("No runscript found")

    if software == True:
        bot.logger.info("Adding software list to package.")
        files = [x.path for x in members if x.isfile()]
        folders = [x.path for x in members if x.isdir()]
        to_package["files.txt"] = files
        to_package["folders.txt"] = folders

    # Do zip up here - let's start with basic structures
    zipfile = zip_up(to_package,
    bot.logger.debug("Package created at %s" % (zipfile))

    if old_version == False:

    # return package to user
    return zipfile