def parse_rpn_value(value, variable_list):
    variables = {x['name']: x['value'] for x in variable_list}
    depends = build_variable_dependency(value, variables, [])
    #TODO(robnagler) scan variable values for strings. Need to be parsable
    var_list = ' '.join(
        map(lambda x: '{} sto {}'.format(variables[x], x), depends))
    #TODO(pjm): security - need to scrub field value
    #     execn  send top of string stack to UNIX and put result on numerical stack
    #     execs     send top of string stack to UNIX and put output on string stack
    # csh                       start and enter C shell subprocess
    # cshs                       send top of string stack to C shell
    # gets                       get string from input file
    # seems like this would be bad, because you could construct a string that could be executed
    # mudf    make user defined function from string stack (name commands mudf)
    # open                       open input/output file
    # puts                       put string to file
    # sleep                       sleep for number of seconds
    # @                       push command input file
    pkdc('rpn variables={} expr="{}"', var_list, value)
    out = elegant_common.subprocess_output(
        ['rpnl', '{} {}'.format(var_list, value)])
    if out is None:
        return None, 'invalid'
    if len(out):
        return float(out.strip()), None
    return None, 'empty'
Example #2
 def _sdds(filename):
     path = run_dir.join(filename)
     assert path.check(file=True, exists=True), \
         '{}: not found'.format(path)
     if not options.suffix:
         with open(str(path)) as f:
             return path.basename,, 'application/octet-stream'
     if options.suffix == 'csv':
         out = elegant_common.subprocess_output(['sddsprintout', '-columns', '-spreadsheet=csv', str(path)])
         assert out, \
             '{}: invalid or empty output from sddsprintout'.format(path)
         return path.purebasename + '.csv', out, 'text/csv'
     raise AssertionError('{}: invalid suffix for download path={}'.format(options.suffix, path))
Example #3
 def _sdds(filename):
     path = run_dir.join(filename)
     assert path.check(file=True, exists=True), \
         '{}: not found'.format(path)
     if not options.suffix:
         with open(str(path)) as f:
             return path.basename,, 'application/octet-stream'
     if options.suffix == 'csv':
         out = elegant_common.subprocess_output(
             ['sddsprintout', '-columns', '-spreadsheet=csv',
         assert out, \
             '{}: invalid or empty output from sddsprintout'.format(path)
         return path.purebasename + '.csv', out, 'text/csv'
     raise AssertionError('{}: invalid suffix for download path={}'.format(
         options.suffix, path))
Example #4
 def _sdds(filename):
     path = run_dir.join(filename)
     assert path.check(file=True, exists=True), \
         '{}: not found'.format(path)
     if not options.suffix:
         return path
     if options.suffix == 'csv':
         out = elegant_common.subprocess_output(
             ['sddsprintout', '-columns', '-spreadsheet=csv',
         assert out, \
             '{}: invalid or empty output from sddsprintout'.format(path)
         return PKDict(
             uri=path.purebasename + '.csv',
     raise AssertionError('{}: invalid suffix for download path={}'.format(
         options.suffix, path))
def parse_rpn_value(value, variable_list):
    variables = {x['name']: x['value'] for x in variable_list}
    depends = build_variable_dependency(value, variables, [])
    #TODO(robnagler) scan variable values for strings. Need to be parsable
    var_list = ' '.join(map(lambda x: '{} sto {}'.format(variables[x], x), depends))
    #TODO(pjm): security - need to scrub field value
    #     execn  send top of string stack to UNIX and put result on numerical stack
    #     execs     send top of string stack to UNIX and put output on string stack
    # csh                       start and enter C shell subprocess
    # cshs                       send top of string stack to C shell
    # gets                       get string from input file
    # seems like this would be bad, because you could construct a string that could be executed
    # mudf    make user defined function from string stack (name commands mudf)
    # open                       open input/output file
    # puts                       put string to file
    # sleep                       sleep for number of seconds
    # @                       push command input file
    pkdc('rpn variables={} expr="{}"', var_list, value)
    out = elegant_common.subprocess_output(['rpnl', '{} {}'.format(var_list, value)])
    if out is None:
        return None, 'invalid'
    if len(out):
        return float(out.strip()), None
    return None, 'empty'