Example #1
    def test_toatomicorbital_q0(self):
        rf = r_f(6)
        orb = SphericalOrbital(0, rf, 2.)
        ao = orb.toAtomicOrbital()
        assert len(ao) == 1
        assert ao[0].q0 == 2.

        # Check m and l
        for l in range(1, 5):
            orb = SphericalOrbital(l, rf, 2.)
            ao = orb.toAtomicOrbital()
            assert ao[0].q0 == pytest.approx(2. / (2 * l + 1))
Example #2
    def read_basis(self):
        """ Returns data associated with the ion.xml file """
        # Get the element-tree
        ET = ElementTree(None, self.file)
        root = ET.getroot()

        # Get number of orbitals
        label = root.find('label').text.strip()
        Z = int(root.find('z').text)  # atomic number
        mass = float(root.find('mass').text)

        # Read in the PAO's
        paos = root.find('paos')

        # Now loop over all orbitals
        orbital = []

        # All orbital data
        Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')
        for orb in paos:

            n = int(orb.get('n'))
            l = int(orb.get('l'))
            z = int(orb.get('z'))  # zeta

            q0 = float(orb.get('population'))

            P = not int(orb.get('ispol')) == 0

            # Radial components
            rad = orb.find('radfunc')
            npts = int(rad.find('npts').text)

            # Grid spacing in Bohr (conversion is done later
            # because the normalization is easier)
            delta = float(rad.find('delta').text)

            # Read in data to a list
            dat = list(map(float, rad.find('data').text.split()))

            # Since the readed data has fewer significant digits we
            # might as well re-create the table of the radial component.
            r = aranged(npts) * delta

            # To get it per Ang**3
            # TODO, check that this is correct.
            # The fact that we have to have it normalized means that we need
            # to convert psi /sqrt(Bohr**3) -> /sqrt(Ang**3)
            # \int psi^\dagger psi == 1
            psi = arrayd(dat[1::2]) * r**l / Bohr2Ang**(3. / 2.)

            # Create the sphericalorbital and then the atomicorbital
            sorb = SphericalOrbital(l, (r * Bohr2Ang, psi), q0)

            # This will be -l:l (this is the way siesta does it)
            orbital.extend(sorb.toAtomicOrbital(n=n, Z=z, P=P))

        # Now create the atom and return
        return Atom(Z, orbital, mass=mass, tag=label)
Example #3
    def read_basis(self):
        """ Returns data associated with the ion.xml file """
        no = len(self._dimension('norbs'))

        # Get number of orbitals
        label = self.Label.strip()
        Z = int(self.Atomic_number)
        mass = float(self.Mass)

        # Retrieve values
        orb_l = self._variable('orbnl_l')[:]  # angular quantum number
        orb_n = self._variable('orbnl_n')[:]  # principal quantum number
        orb_z = self._variable('orbnl_z')[:]  # zeta
        orb_P = self._variable(
            'orbnl_ispol')[:] > 0  # polarization shell, or not
        orb_q0 = self._variable('orbnl_pop')[:]  # q0 for the orbitals
        orb_delta = self._variable('delta')[:]  # delta for the functions
        orb_psi = self._variable('orb')[:, :]

        # Now loop over all orbitals
        orbital = []

        # All orbital data
        Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')
        for io in range(no):

            n = orb_n[io]
            l = orb_l[io]
            z = orb_z[io]
            P = orb_P[io]

            # Grid spacing in Bohr (conversion is done later
            # because the normalization is easier)
            delta = orb_delta[io]

            # Since the readed data has fewer significant digits we
            # might as well re-create the table of the radial component.
            r = aranged(orb_psi.shape[1]) * delta

            # To get it per Ang**3
            # TODO, check that this is correct.
            # The fact that we have to have it normalized means that we need
            # to convert psi /sqrt(Bohr**3) -> /sqrt(Ang**3)
            # \int psi^\dagger psi == 1
            psi = orb_psi[io, :] * r**l / Bohr2Ang**(3. / 2.)

            # Create the sphericalorbital and then the atomicorbital
            sorb = SphericalOrbital(l, (r * Bohr2Ang, psi), orb_q0[io])

            # This will be -l:l (this is the way siesta does it)
            orbital.extend(sorb.toAtomicOrbital(n=n, Z=z, P=P))

        # Now create the atom and return
        return Atom(Z, orbital, mass=mass, tag=label)
Example #4
    def test_toatomicorbital1(self):
        rf = r_f(6)
        orb = SphericalOrbital(0, rf)
        ao = orb.toAtomicOrbital()
        assert len(ao) == 1
        assert ao[0].l == orb.l
        assert ao[0].m == 0

        # Check m and l
        for l in range(1, 5):
            orb = SphericalOrbital(l, rf)
            ao = orb.toAtomicOrbital()
            assert len(ao) == 2 * l + 1
            m = -l
            for a in ao:
                assert a.l == orb.l
                assert a.m == m
                m += 1

        orb = SphericalOrbital(1, rf)
        ao = orb.toAtomicOrbital(1)
        assert ao.l == orb.l
        assert ao.m == 1
        ao = orb.toAtomicOrbital(-1)
        assert ao.l == orb.l
        assert ao.m == -1
        ao = orb.toAtomicOrbital(0)
        assert ao.l == orb.l
        assert ao.m == 0
        ao = orb.toAtomicOrbital([0, -1, 1])
        for a in ao:
            assert a.l == orb.l
        assert ao[0].m == 0
        assert ao[1].m == -1
        assert ao[2].m == 1
Example #5
 def test_toatomicorbital2(self):
     rf = r_f(6)
     orb = SphericalOrbital(1, rf)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         ao = orb.toAtomicOrbital(2)
Example #6
 def test_toatomicorbital2(self):
     rf = r_f(6)
     orb = SphericalOrbital(1, rf)
     ao = orb.toAtomicOrbital(2)