def test_plot_box_data(self):
     """_plot_box_data() should return a dictionary for Line2D's."""
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     result = _plot_box_data(ax, [0, 0, 7, 8, -3, 44], 'blue', 0.33, 55,
                             1.5, 'stdv')
     self.assertEqual(result.__class__.__name__, "dict")
     self.assertEqual(len(result['boxes']), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(result['medians']), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(result['whiskers']), 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(result['fliers']), 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(result['caps']), 2)
 def test_plot_box_data(self):
     """_plot_box_data() should return a dictionary for Line2D's."""
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     result = _plot_box_data(ax, [0, 0, 7, 8, -3, 44], 'blue', 0.33, 55,
                             1.5, 'stdv')
     self.assertEqual(result.__class__.__name__, "dict")
     self.assertEqual(len(result['boxes']), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(result['medians']), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(result['whiskers']), 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(result['fliers']), 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(result['caps']), 2)
    def test_plot_box_data(self):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        result = _plot_box_data(ax, [0, 0, 7, 8, -3, 44], "blue", 0.33, 55, 1.5, "stdv")
        self.assertEqual(result.__class__.__name__, "dict")
        self.assertEqual(len(result["boxes"]), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(result["medians"]), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(result["whiskers"]), 2)

        # mpl < 1.4.0 creates two Line2D instances, mpl 1.4.0 creates one,
        # though the resulting plot looks identical between the two versions.
        # see:
        self.assertTrue(len(result["fliers"]) == 1 or len(result["fliers"]) == 2)

        self.assertEqual(len(result["caps"]), 2)
Example #4
    def test_plot_box_data(self):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        result = _plot_box_data(ax, [0, 0, 7, 8, -3, 44], 'blue', 0.33, 55,
                                1.5, 'stdv')
        self.assertEqual(result.__class__.__name__, "dict")
        self.assertEqual(len(result['boxes']), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(result['medians']), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(result['whiskers']), 2)

        # mpl < 1.4.0 creates two Line2D instances, mpl 1.4.0 creates one,
        # though the resulting plot looks identical between the two versions.
        # see:
            len(result['fliers']) == 1 or len(result['fliers']) == 2)

        self.assertEqual(len(result['caps']), 2)
Example #5
 def test_plot_box_data_empty(self):
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     result = _plot_box_data(ax, [], 'blue', 0.33, 55, 1.5, 'stdv')
     self.assertTrue(result is None)
 def test_plot_box_data_empty(self):
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     result = _plot_box_data(ax, [], 'blue', 0.33, 55, 1.5, 'stdv')
     self.assertTrue(result is None)
 def test_plot_box_data_empty(self):
     """Should ignore empty distribution."""
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     result = _plot_box_data(ax, [], 'blue', 0.33, 55, 1.5, 'stdv')
     self.assertTrue(result is None)
 def test_plot_box_data_empty(self):
     """Should ignore empty distribution."""
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     result = _plot_box_data(ax, [], 'blue', 0.33, 55, 1.5, 'stdv')
     self.assertTrue(result is None)