Example #1
    def __init__(self, query: Query, settings: RequestSettings,) -> None:
        # Clickhouse query structure
        # Referencing them here directly since it makes it easier
        # to process this query independently from the Clickhouse Query
        # and there is no risk in doing so since they are immutable.
        self.__selected_columns = query.get_selected_columns_from_ast()
        self.__condition = query.get_condition_from_ast()
        self.__groupby = query.get_groupby_from_ast()
        self.__having = query.get_having_from_ast()
        self.__orderby = query.get_orderby_from_ast()
        self.__data_source = query.get_data_source()
        self.__arrayjoin = query.get_arrayjoin_from_ast()
        self.__granularity = query.get_granularity()
        self.__limit = query.get_limit()
        self.__limitby = query.get_limitby()
        self.__offset = query.get_offset()

        if self.__having:
            assert self.__groupby, "found HAVING clause with no GROUP BY"

        self.__turbo = settings.get_turbo()
        self.__final = query.get_final()
        self.__sample = query.get_sample()
        self.__hastotals = query.has_totals()
        self.__prewhere = query.get_prewhere_ast()

        self.__settings = settings
        self.__sql_data_list: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]] = None
        self.__formatted_query: Optional[str] = None
        self.__sql_data: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None
Example #2
    def process_query(self, query: Query,
                      request_settings: RequestSettings) -> None:
        missing_checkers = {checker for checker in self.__condition_checkers}

        def inspect_expression(condition: Expression) -> None:
            top_level = get_first_level_and_conditions(condition)
            for condition in top_level:
                for checker in self.__condition_checkers:
                    if checker in missing_checkers:
                        if checker.check(condition):

        condition = query.get_condition()
        if condition is not None:

        prewhere = query.get_prewhere_ast()
        if prewhere is not None:

        missing_ids = {checker.get_id() for checker in missing_checkers}
        if get_config("mandatory_condition_enforce", 0):
            assert (
                not missing_checkers
            ), f"Missing mandatory columns in query. Missing {missing_ids}"
            if missing_checkers:
                    "Query is missing mandatory columns",
                    extra={"missing_checkers": missing_ids},
    def process_query(self, query: Query, request_settings: RequestSettings) -> None:
        condition = query.get_condition_from_ast()
        if condition:

        prewhere = query.get_prewhere_ast()
        if prewhere:

        if self.formatted:
            metrics.increment("query_processed", tags={"type": self.formatted})