Example #1
def new(request, authInfo, convType, richText=False):
    if convType not in plugins:
        raise errors.BaseError('Unsupported item type', 400)
    myId = authInfo.username
    orgId = authInfo.organization
    entities = base.EntitySet([myId, orgId])
    yield entities.fetchData(['basic', 'admins'])

    plugin = plugins[convType]
    convId = utils.getUniqueKey()
    conv = yield plugin.create(request, entities[myId], convId, richText)
    orgAdminIds = entities[orgId].admins.keys()
    if orgAdminIds:
        text = ''
        monitoredFields = getattr(plugin, 'monitoredFields', {})
        for superColumnName in monitoredFields:
            for columnName in monitoredFields[superColumnName]:
                if columnName in conv[superColumnName]:
                    text = " ".join([text, conv[superColumnName][columnName]])
        matchedKeywords = yield utils.watchForKeywords(orgId, text)

        if matchedKeywords:
            reviewOK = utils.getRequestArg(request, "_review") == "1"
            if reviewOK:
                # Add conv to list of items that matched this keyword
                # and notify the administrators about it.
                orgAdmins = base.EntitySet(orgAdminIds)
                yield orgAdmins.fetchData()
                for keyword in matchedKeywords:
                    yield db.insert(orgId + ":" + keyword, "keywordItems",
                                    convId, conv['meta']['uuid'])
                    yield notifications.notify(orgAdminIds, ':KW:' + keyword,
                                               myId, entities=entities)
                # This item contains a few keywords that are being monitored
                # by the admin and cannot be posted unless reviewOK is set.
                defer.returnValue((None, None, matchedKeywords))

    # Save the new item to database and index it.
    yield db.batch_insert(convId, "items", conv)
    yield files.pushfileinfo(myId, orgId, convId, conv)
    search.solr.updateItemIndex(convId, conv, orgId)

    # Push item to feeds and userItems
    timeUUID = conv["meta"]["uuid"]
    convACL = conv["meta"]["acl"]
    deferreds = []
    responseType = 'I'

    # Push to feeds
    feedUpdateVal = "I:%s:%s" % (myId, convId)
    d = Feed.push(myId, orgId, convId, conv, timeUUID,
                  feedUpdateVal, promoteActor=True)

    # Save in user items.
    userItemValue = ":".join([responseType, convId, convId, convType, myId, ''])
    d = db.insert(myId, "userItems", userItemValue, timeUUID)
    if plugins[convType].hasIndex:
        d = db.insert(myId, "userItems_%s" % (convType), userItemValue, timeUUID)

    yield defer.DeferredList(deferreds)
    defer.returnValue((convId, conv, None))
Example #2
def _comment(convId, conv, comment, snippet, myId, orgId, richText, reviewed, fids=None):
    convType = conv["meta"].get("type", "status")

    # 1. Create the new item
    timeUUID = uuid.uuid1().bytes
    meta = {"owner": myId, "parent": convId, "comment": comment,
            "timestamp": str(int(time.time())), "org": orgId,
            "uuid": timeUUID, "richText": str(richText)}
    item = {'meta':meta}
    followers = {myId: ''}
    itemId = utils.getUniqueKey()
    if snippet:
        meta['snippet'] = snippet

    # 1.5. Check if the comment matches any of the keywords
    entities = base.EntitySet([myId, orgId])
    yield entities.fetchData(['basic', 'admins'])
    orgAdmins = entities[orgId].admins.keys()
    if orgAdmins:
        matchedKeywords = yield utils.watchForKeywords(orgId, comment)
        if matchedKeywords:
            if reviewed:
                # Add item to list of items that matched this keyword
                # and notify the administrators about it.
                for keyword in matchedKeywords:
                    yield db.insert(orgId + ":" + keyword, "keywordItems",
                                    itemId + ":" + convId, timeUUID)
                    yield notifications.notify(orgAdmins, ':KW:' + keyword,
                                               myId, entities=entities)

                # This item contains a few keywords that are being monitored
                # by the admin and cannot be posted unless reviewOK is set.
                defer.returnValue((None, convId, {convId: conv}, matchedKeywords))

    # 1.9. Actually store the item
    if fids:
        attachments = yield utils._upload_files(myId, fids)
        if attachments:
            item['attachments'] = {}
        for attachmentId in attachments:
            fileId, name, size, ftype = attachments[attachmentId]
            item["attachments"][attachmentId] = "%s:%s:%s" % (name, size, ftype)

    yield db.batch_insert(itemId, "items", item)
    yield files.pushfileinfo(myId, orgId, itemId, item, conv)

    # 2. Update response count and add myself to the followers of conv
    convOwnerId = conv["meta"]["owner"]
    convType = conv["meta"]["type"]
    responseCount = int(conv["meta"].get("responseCount", "0"))
    if responseCount % 5 == 3:
        responseCount = yield db.get_count(convId, "itemResponses")

    responseCount += 1
    conv['meta']['responseCount'] = responseCount
    convUpdates = {"responseCount": str(responseCount)}
    yield db.batch_insert(convId, "items", {"meta": convUpdates,
                                            "followers": followers})

    # 3. Add item as response to parent
    yield db.insert(convId, "itemResponses",
                    "%s:%s" % (myId, itemId), timeUUID)

    # 4. Update userItems and userItems_*
    responseType = "Q" if convType == "question" else 'C'
    commentSnippet = utils.toSnippet(comment, 35, richText)
    userItemValue = ":".join([responseType, itemId, convId, convType,
                              convOwnerId, commentSnippet])
    yield db.insert(myId, "userItems", userItemValue, timeUUID)
    if convType in plugins and plugins[convType].hasIndex:
        yield db.insert(myId, "userItems_" + convType, userItemValue, timeUUID)

    # 5. Update my feed.
    feedItemVal = "%s:%s:%s" % (responseType, myId, itemId)
    yield Feed.push(myId, orgId, convId, conv, timeUUID, feedItemVal)

    yield _notify("C", convId, timeUUID, convType=convType,
                  convOwnerId=convOwnerId, myId=myId, me=entities[myId],
                  comment=comment, richText=richText)
    search.solr.updateItemIndex(itemId, {'meta': meta}, orgId, conv=conv)
    items = {itemId: item, convId: conv}
    defer.returnValue((itemId, convId, items, None))