Example #1
 def __init__(self, model_file, gold_standard_file, arguments):
   self.model_file = model_file
   self.gold_standard_file = gold_standard_file
   self.gold_standard = get_gold_standard_timeseries(gold_standard_file)
   self.solver_config = arguments
   self.solver = solve_model.get_solver(model_file, arguments)
   self.cost_function = None
  def test_check_biopepa_cvodes(self):
    """Simply check the solving of a biopepa model, using the cvodes
       solver, by first converting the biopepa to xml"""
    filename = "test_data/mm/mm.biopepa"
    arguments = self.arg_parser.parse_args(["--solver", "cvodes"])

    arguments.stop_time = 1.0

    solver = solve_model.get_solver(filename, arguments)
    timecourse = solver.solve_model(arguments)
    # And now we actually need something to assert
    expected_final_time = 1.0
    final_time = timecourse.get_final_time()
    self.assertEqual(expected_final_time, final_time)

    expected_column_names = ["E", "ES", "P", "S" ]
    column_names = timecourse.get_column_names()
    self.assertEqual(expected_column_names, column_names)