def __init__(self, station, data ):
        self.station = station    = data
        self.ymd     = data[:,daydata.YYYYMMDD]
        self.date_s  = utils.f_to_s(self.ymd[ 0])  # First day data
        self.date_e  = utils.f_to_s(self.ymd[-1])  # Last day data
        self.period  = f'{self.date_s}-{self.date_e}'

        self.tg_gem = stats.average(data,'TG') # Avergae TG
        self.tx_max_sort = stats.sort( data, 'TX')
        self.tx_max      = self.tx_max_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TX')] # Get max is 1st in list
        self.tg_max_sort = stats.sort( data, 'TG')
        self.tg_max      = self.tg_max_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TG')]
        self.tn_max_sort = stats.sort( data, 'TN')
        self.tn_max      = self.tn_max_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TN')]

        self.sq_tot = stats.sum(data,'SQ') # Total sunshine hours
        self.sq_sort = stats.sort(data, 'SQ')
        self.rh_tot = stats.sum(data,'RH') # Total rain
        self.rh_sort = stats.sort( data, 'RH')

        self.days_tx_gte_20 = stats.terms_days(data,'TX','≥',20) # Warm days
        self.days_tx_gte_25 = stats.terms_days(data,'TX','≥',25) # Summer days
        self.days_tx_gte_30 = stats.terms_days(data,'TX','≥',30) # Tropical days
        self.days_tx_gte_35 = stats.terms_days(data,'TX','≥',35) # Tropical days
        self.days_tx_gte_40 = stats.terms_days(data,'TX','≥',40) # Extreme Tropical days
        self.days_tg_gte_18 = stats.terms_days(data,'TG','≥',18) # Warmte getal dag
        self.days_tg_gte_20 = stats.terms_days(data,'TG','≥',20) # Warme gemiddelde
        self.days_tn_gte_20 = stats.terms_days(data,'TN','≥',20) # Tropical nights
        self.days_sq_gte_10 = stats.terms_days(data,'SQ','≥',10) # Sunny days > 10 hours
        self.days_rh_gte_10 = stats.terms_days(data,'RH','≥',10) # Rainy days > 10mm

        self.heat_ndx = stats.heat_ndx(data)
        self.days_heat_ndx = self.days_tg_gte_18
Example #2
def table_days(days, entity, time_ent=''):
    html = ''
    total = np.size(days, axis=0)
    if total > 0:
        # Time th cell yess or no
        b_time_cell  = True if time_ent != '' else False
        th_time_cell = '<th>time</th>' if b_time_cell else ''
        time_ndx = daydata.ndx_ent(time_ent) if b_time_cell else -1
        val_ndx  = daydata.ndx_ent(entity) # Index of value

        # HTML table header
        html += f'''
                <table class="popup">

        pos, max = 1, cfg.html_popup_table_val_10
        if max == -1:
            max = total

        for day in days:
            ymd  = int(day[daydata.YYYYMMDD]) # Get data int format
            symd = utils.ymd_to_txt( ymd ) # Get date string format
            val = fix.ent( day[val_ndx], entity )  # Get value with right output

            # Get a time value or not
            time_val = f'<td>{fix.ent(day[time_ndx], time_ent)}</td>' if b_time_cell else ''

            html += f'''
                            <td title="{symd}">{ymd}</td>
            if pos == max:
                pos += 1

        html += '''
    return html
Example #3
def table_days_count(days, entity, time_ent=''):
    html = ''
    total = np.size(days, axis=0)
    if total > 0:
        # Time th cell yess or no
        b_time_cell  = True if time_ent != '' else False
        th_time_cell = '<th>time</th>' if b_time_cell else ''
        time_ndx = daydata.ndx_ent( time_ent ) if b_time_cell else -1
        val_ndx  = daydata.ndx_ent( entity )  # Index of value

        html += f'''
                <table class="popup">

        pos, max = 1, cfg.html_popup_table_cnt_rows
        if max == -1:
            max = total

        days = np.flip(days, axis=0) # Reverse the matrix. Last day first
        for day in days:
            ymd  = int(day[daydata.YYYYMMDD])
            symd = utils.ymd_to_txt( ymd )
            val  = fix.ent( day[val_ndx], entity )
            tme  = f'<td>{fix.ent(day[time_ndx],time_ent)}</td>' if b_time_cell else ''
            html += f'''
                            <td title="{symd}">{ymd}</td>
            if pos == max:
                total, pos = total - 1, pos + 1

        html += '''

    return html
Example #4
def sort(data, entity, reverse=False):
    '''Function sorts data based on entity'''
    data = process_list(data, entity)  # Remove nan values
    ndx = daydata.ndx_ent(entity)  # Get index of entity in matrix
    data = data[
        data[:, ndx].argsort()]  # Sort the matrix based on ndx. Low to high
    if not reverse:
        data = np.flip(data, axis=0)  # Reverse the matrix (if asked)

    return data
Example #5
def table_hellmann(days, entity='TG'):
    html = ''
    total = np.size(days, axis=0)
    if total > 0:
        # HTML table header
        html += f'''
                <table class="popup">

        # Prepare values
        l, sum, cnt = list(), 0.0, 1
        ndx_ent  = daydata.ndx_ent(entity) # Index of value
        for day in days:
            ymd  = int(day[daydata.YYYYMMDD]) # Get data int format
            symd = utils.ymd_to_txt( ymd ) # Get date string format
            raw  = day[daydata.TG]
            hman = abs(raw)
            sum += hman
            l.append( f'''
                            <td title="{symd}">{ymd}</td>
                            <td>{fix.ent(raw,  entity)}</td>
                            <td>{fix.rounding(hman, entity)}</td>
                            <td>{fix.rounding(sum,  entity)}</td>
                    ''' )
            cnt += 1

        l.reverse() # Reverse list
        # Put to html until max
        cnt, max = 1, cfg.html_popup_table_val_10
        if max == -1: max = total
        for el in l:
            html += el
            if cnt == max:
                cnt += 1

        html += '''
    return html
    def __init__(self, station, data, year):
        self.station = station = data
        self.ymd = data[:, daydata.YYYYMMDD]
        self.year = year
        self.p_start = utils.f_to_s(self.ymd[0])  # First day data
        self.p_end = utils.f_to_s(self.ymd[-1])  # Last day data
        self.period = f'{self.p_start}-{self.p_end}'

        self.tg_max_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TG')
        self.tg_max = cfg.no_data_given if self.tg_max_sort.size == 0 else self.tg_max_sort[
            0, daydata.ndx_ent('TG')]
        self.tg_min = cfg.no_data_given if self.tg_max_sort.size == 0 else self.tg_max_sort[
            -1, daydata.ndx_ent('TG')]

        self.tx_max_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TX')
        self.tx_max = cfg.no_data_given if self.tx_max_sort.size == 0 else self.tx_max_sort[
            0, daydata.ndx_ent('TX')]
        self.tx_min = cfg.no_data_given if self.tx_max_sort.size == 0 else self.tx_max_sort[
            -1, daydata.ndx_ent('TX')]

        self.tn_max_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TN')
        self.tn_max = cfg.no_data_given if self.tn_max_sort.size == 0 else self.tn_max_sort[
            0, daydata.ndx_ent('TN')]
        self.tn_min = cfg.no_data_given if self.tn_max_sort.size == 0 else self.tn_max_sort[
            -1, daydata.ndx_ent('TN')]

        self.tn10_max_sort = stats.sort(data, 'T10N')
        self.tn10_max = cfg.no_data_given if self.tn10_max_sort.size == 0 else self.tn10_max_sort[
            0, daydata.ndx_ent('T10N')]
        self.tn10_min = cfg.no_data_given if self.tn10_max_sort.size == 0 else self.tn10_max_sort[
            -1, daydata.ndx_ent('T10N')]

        self.sq_max_sort = stats.sort(data, 'SQ')
        self.sq_max = cfg.no_data_given if self.sq_max_sort.size == 0 else self.sq_max_sort[
            0, daydata.ndx_ent('SQ')]

        self.rh_max_sort = stats.sort(data, 'RH')
        self.rh_max = cfg.no_data_given if self.rh_max_sort.size == 0 else self.rh_max_sort[
            0, daydata.ndx_ent('RH')]
Example #7
def frost_sum(data):
    '''Function calculates frost sum:
       Add min and max temp during a day only if TX < 0 or TN < 0
       IE: TX=-1.0 and TN=-5.0 => 6.0 '''
    TN = process_list(data, 'TN')  # Remove nan values in TN
    TX = process_list(data, 'TX')  # Remove nan values in TX
    tn_0 = terms_days(TN, 'TN', '<', 0.0)  # All days TN < 0
    tx_0 = terms_days(TX, 'TX', '<', 0.0)  # All days TX < 0
    tn_cnt = np.size(tn_0, axis=0)  # Count tn days < 0
    tx_cnt = np.size(tx_0, axis=0)  # Count tx days < 0

    frostie = 0.0
    if tn_cnt > 0:
        ndx = daydata.ndx_ent('TN')  # Get index for TN in matrix
        tn = tn_0[:, ndx]  #  Make TN list only
        frostie += abs(np.sum(tn))
    if tx_cnt > 0:
        ndx = daydata.ndx_ent('TX')  # Get index for TX in matrix
        tx = tx_0[:, ndx]  #  Make TX list only
        frostie += abs(np.sum(tx))

    return frostie
    def __init__(self, station, data):
        self.station = station = data
        self.ymd = data[:, daydata.YYYYMMDD]
        self.date_s = utils.f_to_s(self.ymd[0])  # First day data
        self.date_e = utils.f_to_s(self.ymd[-1])  # Last day data
        self.period = f'{self.date_s}-{self.date_e}'

        # Average calculations
        self.tg_gem = stats.average(data, 'TG')

        # Min extremes
        self.tx_min_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TX', reverse=True)
        self.tx_min = self.tx_min_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TX')]
        self.tg_min_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TG', reverse=True)
        self.tg_min = self.tg_min_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TG')]
        self.tn_min_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TN', reverse=True)
        self.tn_min = self.tn_min_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TN')]

        self.rh_sort = stats.sort(data, 'RH')
        self.rh_sum = stats.sum(data, 'RH')
        self.sq_sort = stats.sort(data, 'SQ')
        self.sq_sum = stats.sum(data, 'SQ')

        # Days lists
        self.days_tx_lt_0 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TX', '<', 0)
        self.days_tg_lt_0 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TG', '<', 0)
        self.days_tn_lt_0 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '<', 0)
        self.days_tn_lt__5 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '<', -5)
        self.days_tn_lt__10 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '<', -10)
        self.days_tn_lt__15 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '<', -15)
        self.days_tn_lt__20 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '<', -20)

        self.days_hellmann = self.days_tg_lt_0
        self.sum_hellmann = stats.hellmann(data)
        self.frost_sum = stats.frost_sum(data)
        self.frost_sum_data = self.days_tn_lt_0  # All days with a T < 0
        self.ijnsen = stats.ijnsen(data)
Example #9
def heat_ndx(data):
    '''Function calculates heat-ndx in given data'''
    ent = 'TG'  # Entity for average temp
    ndx = daydata.ndx_ent(ent)  # Get index for TG in matrix
    data = process_list(data, ent)  # Remove nan values
    data = terms_days(data, ent, '≥', 18)  # All days with TG >= 18
    tg = data[:, ndx]  #  Make TG list only

    heat = 0.0
    tg_cnt = np.size(tg, axis=0)  # Count tg days >= 18
    if tg_cnt > 0:
        heat = np.sum(tg - 180)  # Sum heat above 18 degress

    return heat
Example #10
def terms_days(data, entity, operator, value):
    '''Function select days based on terms like TX > 30 for example'''
    ndx = daydata.ndx_ent(entity)  # Get index for entity in data matrix
    op = operator.lower()  #  Make operator lowercase
    f = df(value, entity)  #  Make input value equal to data in matrix
    if is_operator(op):  # Check for allowed operator
        if op in ['gt', '>']: sel = np.where(data[:, ndx] > f)
        elif op in ['ge', '>=', '≥']: sel = np.where(data[:, ndx] >= f)
        elif op in ['eq', '==']: sel = np.where(data[:, ndx] == f)
        elif op in ['lt', '<']: sel = np.where(data[:, ndx] < f)
        elif op in ['le', '<=', '≤']: sel = np.where(data[:, ndx] <= f)
        elif op in ['ne', '!=', '<>']: sel = np.where(data[:, ndx] != f)
            console.log(f'Error in operator {op} in terms for day...')
    else:  # Wrong input
        console.log(f'Error. Operator {op} is unknown...')

    return data[sel]  # Return all days where the selected terms are true
Example #11
def process_list_1d(data, entity):
    '''Function processes data values on false values'''
    ndx = daydata.ndx_ent(entity)  # Get index of entity in matrix
    d1 = data[:, ndx]
    d2 = d1[~np.isnan(d1)]  # Remove nan
    return d2
Example #12
def process_list(data, entity):
    '''Function processes data values on false values'''
    ndx = daydata.ndx_ent(entity)  # Get index of entity in matrix
    d1 = data[:, ndx]
    sel = np.where(d1 != np.isnan(d1))  # Remove false/nan values
    return data[sel]
Example #13
def plot( stations, ent_type_graphs, period, title, ylabel, fname, options ):

    path = utils.mk_path( cfg.dir_period_img, fname + f'.{cfg.plot_image_type}' )

    # Size values are inches. And figure always in front
    plt.figure( figsize=( convert.pixel_to_inch(options['plot_width']),
                          ), dpi=options['plot_dpi'] )

    # Color handling
    rnd_col = True if len(stations) > 1 else False
    if rnd_col:
        col_list = utils.shuffle_list(vcol.save_colors, level=2)
        col_ndx, col_cnt = 0, len(col_list) - 1

    min, max = 999999.9, -9999999.9

    period_extremes, clima_means = list(), list()
    min_max_ave_sum_txt = False
    min_max_ave_sum_mean_txt = False
    for station in stations:
        # console.log(f'Calculate weatherdata for {}', True)
        ok, data =
        if ok:
            days = daydata.period(data, period)
            ymd = days[:, daydata.ndx_ent('YYYYMMDD')].astype(
                  , copy=False ).astype( np.str, copy=False
                            ).tolist() # Convert to list
            s_ymd, e_ymd = ymd[0], ymd[-1]
            sy, sm, sd  = s_ymd[0:4], s_ymd[4:6], s_ymd[6:8]
            ey, em, ed  = e_ymd[0:4], e_ymd[4:6], e_ymd[6:8]

            clima_mean_sub_txt = ''
            for opts in ent_type_graphs:
                ent         = opts[0].upper()
                graph_type  = opts[1]
                line_width  = opts[2]
                marker_size = opts[3]
                marker_text = opts[4]
                min_max_ave = opts[5]
                climate_ave = opts[6]
                climate_ave_marker_txt = opts[7]
                climate_periode = opts[8]
                cs_ymd, ce_ymd = climate_periode.split('-')
                scy, ecy = cs_ymd[0:4], ce_ymd[0:4]
                console.log(f'Process weatherdata {} for {ent}', True)

                # Get the values needed for the graph
                f_val = days[:, daydata.ndx_ent(ent)]
                # console.log(f'{} {ent} data values: {str(f_val)}')

                if utils.is_yes(min_max_ave):
                    min_max_ave_sum_txt = True
                    # Calculate extremes
                    min_per = stats.min(days, ent) # slow
                    max_per = stats.max(days, ent)
                    ave_per = stats.average(days, ent)
                    # Correct output
                    s_max = f'max {fix.ent(max_per, ent)}'
                    s_min = f'min {fix.ent(min_per, ent)}'
                    s_ave = f'mean {fix.ent(ave_per, ent)}'
                    s_ext = f'{ent} ({sy}{sm}{sd}-{ey}{em}{ed})'

                    if ent in ['SQ', 'RH', 'EV24', 'Q']:
                        sum_per = fix.ent(stats.sum(days, ent), ent)
                        s_ext += f'   {s_max}   sum {sum_per}   {s_ave}'
                        s_ext += f'   {s_max}   {s_min}   {s_ave}'

                    period_extremes.append( s_ext )

                # Cumulative sum of values, if chosen
                if utils.is_yes(options['plot_cummul_val']):
                    f_val = np.cumsum( f_val )

                # Min/ max for ranges
                min_act = fix.rounding( np.min(f_val), ent )
                max_act = fix.rounding( np.max(f_val), ent )
                if min_act < min:
                    min = min_act
                if max_act > max:
                    max = max_act

                # Make correct output values
                l_val = [ fix.rounding(v, ent) for v in f_val.tolist() ]
                label = f'{} {vt.ent_to_title(ent)}'
                color = col_list[col_ndx] if rnd_col else vcol.ent_to_color(ent)

                if utils.is_yes( climate_ave ):
                    min_max_ave_sum_mean_txt = True
                    label_clima = f'Day climate {} {vt.ent_to_title(ent)}'
                    clima_ymd = days[:, daydata.YYYYMMDD ].tolist()

                    cli_txt = f'Calculate climate value {ent} for {} (might take a while...)'
                    console.log(cli_txt, True)

                    l_clima = []
                    for d in clima_ymd:
                        ds =  utils.f_to_s(d)
                        mmdd = ds[4:8] # What day it is ?
                        sdat = datetime.strptime(ds, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%B %d').lower()
                        val  = stats.climate_average_for_day( station, mmdd, ent, climate_periode )
                        s_clima = fix.rounding(val, ent)
                        console.log(f'Climate value {ent} for {sdat} is {s_clima}')
                        # Append raw data without correct rounding

                    if utils.is_yes(min_max_ave):
                        # Clima average round correctly based on entity
                        if len(l_clima) > 0:
                            # Calculate average
                            sum = 0.0
                            for el in l_clima:
                                sum += el
                            ave = sum / len(l_clima)
                            s_ave = f'Climate mean ({scy}-{ecy}) {ent} is {fix.ent(ave, ent)}'
                            clima_mean_sub_txt = s_ave
                            console.log( s_ave )

                            console.log('List with clima values is empthy.')

                    # Round correctly al climate values based on ent
                    for ndx, val in enumerate(l_clima):
                        l_clima[ndx] = fix.rounding( val, ent )

                    console.log(' ')

                if graph_type == 'line':
                    plt.plot(ymd, l_val,
                             label      = label,
                             color      = color,
                             marker     = cfg.plot_marker_type,
                             linestyle  = cfg.plot_line_style,
                             linewidth  = line_width,
                             markersize = marker_size,
                             alpha      = 0.6 )

                    if utils.is_yes(climate_ave):
                        plt.plot(ymd, l_clima,
                                 label = label_clima,
                                 color      = color,
                                 marker     = cfg.plot_clima_marker_type,
                                 linestyle  = cfg.plot_clima_line_style,
                                 linewidth  = line_width,
                                 markersize = marker_size,
                                 alpha      = 0.6 )

                elif graph_type == 'bar':
           ymd, l_val, label = label, color = color, alpha = 0.5 )

                    if utils.is_yes(climate_ave):
              , l_clima, label=label_clima, color=color)

                # Marker texts
                diff = 0.2 if graph_type == 'line' else 0.1
                if utils.is_yes(marker_text):
                    # TODO No negative values for when graph is a bar
                    text = l_val

                    for d, v, t in zip( ymd, l_val, text ):
                        plt.text( d, v+diff, t,
                                  alpha=cfg.plot_marker_alpha )

                if  utils.is_yes(climate_ave_marker_txt):
                    for d, v, t in zip( ymd, l_clima, l_clima ):
                        plt.text( d, v+diff, t,
                                  alpha=cfg.plot_marker_alpha )

                if rnd_col:
                    col_ndx = 0 if col_ndx == col_cnt else col_ndx + 1


            console.log('Read not oke in -> plot')

    max = round(math.ceil(max), 1)
    min = round(math.floor(min), 1)
    # diff_val = max - min
    add_multi = (len(stations) * len(ent_type_graphs)) * 0.08
    add_space = 1.0 + add_multi # Get legend some space above
    max_tick  = math.ceil( max * add_space )  # upperrange extra
    min_tick  = min  #  % underrange extra unused

    # Update steps
    diff_tick = max_tick - min_tick
    step_calc = math.floor( diff_tick / 10 )
    step_end  = 1 if step_calc < 1 else step_calc  # min step = 1
    pos_txt   = max_tick - 0.3  # Under the edge
    yticks    = np.arange( min_tick, max_tick + step_end, step_end )  # 1-10 % ranges
    xticks    = ymd

    # print('max: '       + str(max))
    # print('min: '       + str(min))
    # print('diff_val: '  + str(diff_val))
    # print('add_multi: ' + str(add_multi))
    # print('!add_space: ' + str(add_space))
    # print('max_tick: '  + str(max_tick))
    # print('min_tick: '  + str(min_tick))
    # print('diff_tick: ' + str(diff_tick))
    # print('step_calc: ' + str(step_calc))
    # print('step_end: '  + str(step_end))
    # print('pos_txt: '   + str(pos_txt))
    # print('xticks: '    + str(xticks))
    # print('yticks: '    + str(yticks))
    # input('')

    if min_max_ave_sum_txt:
        # Add min.max/sum
        t = ''
        for el in period_extremes:
            t += el + '\n'
        # Add clima calculations
        if min_max_ave_sum_mean_txt:
            for el in clima_means:
                t += el + '\n'
        # Add text to plot
        plt.text( ymd[0], pos_txt, # Most left and at the top
                  t, **cfg.plot_add_txt_font, color='#555555',
                  horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top' )

    plt.yticks( yticks, **cfg.plot_yas_font, color=cfg.plot_yas_color )
    plt.xticks( xticks, **cfg.plot_xas_font, color=cfg.plot_xas_color,
                rotation=cfg.plot_xas_rotation )
    plt.title( title, **cfg.plot_title_font, color=cfg.plot_title_color )
    plt.xlabel( cfg.plot_xlabel_text, **cfg.plot_xlabel_font, color=cfg.plot_xlabel_color )
    plt.ylabel( ylabel, **cfg.plot_ylabel_font, color=cfg.plot_ylabel_color )
    plt.legend( loc=cfg.plot_legend_loc,
                fancybox=cfg.plot_legend_fancybox )

    if cfg.plot_grid_on:
        plt.grid( color=cfg.plot_grid_color,
                  linewidth=cfg.plot_grid_linewidth )

    if utils.is_yes(cfg.plot_tight_layout):

    plt.savefig( path, dpi=options['plot_dpi'], format=options['plot_image_type'] )

    if utils.is_yes(cfg.plot_show):

    return path
Example #14
    def __init__(self, station, data):
        self.station = station = data
        self.ymd = data[:, daydata.YYYYMMDD]
        self.p_start = utils.f_to_s(self.ymd[0])  # First day data
        self.p_end = utils.f_to_s(self.ymd[-1])  # Last day data
        self.period = f'{self.p_start}-{self.p_end}'
        self.tg_ave = stats.average(data, 'TG')
        self.tx_max_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TX')
        self.tx_max = self.tx_max_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TX')]
        self.tg_max_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TG')
        self.tg_max = self.tg_max_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TG')]

        self.tn_max_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TN')
        self.tn_max = self.tn_max_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TN')]
        self.tx_min_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TX', reverse=True)
        self.tx_min = self.tx_min_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TX')]
        self.tg_min_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TG', reverse=True)
        self.tg_min = self.tg_min_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TG')]
        self.tn_min_sort = stats.sort(data, 'TN', reverse=True)
        self.tn_min = self.tn_min_sort[0, daydata.ndx_ent('TN')]

        self.sq_sum = stats.sum(data, 'SQ')  # Total sunshine hours
        self.sq_sort = stats.sort(data, 'SQ')
        self.rh_sum = stats.sum(data, 'RH')  # Total rain
        self.rh_sort = stats.sort(data, 'RH')

        # Days lists
        self.days_tx_lt_0 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TX', '<', 0)
        self.days_tg_lt_0 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TG', '<', 0)
        self.days_tn_lt_0 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '<', 0)
        self.days_tn_lt__5 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '<', -5)
        self.days_tn_lt__10 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '<', -10)
        self.days_tn_lt__15 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '<', -15)
        self.days_tn_lt__20 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '<', -20)
        self.days_tx_gte_20 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TX', '≥',
                                               20)  # Warm days
        self.days_tx_gte_25 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TX', '≥',
                                               25)  # Summer days
        self.days_tx_gte_30 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TX', '≥',
                                               30)  # Tropical days
        self.days_tx_gte_35 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TX', '≥',
                                               35)  # Tropical days
        self.days_tx_gte_40 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TX', '≥',
                                               40)  # Tropical days
        self.days_tg_gte_18 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TG', '≥',
                                               18)  # Warmte getal dag
        self.days_tg_gte_20 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TG', '≥',
                                               20)  # Warme gemiddelde
        self.days_tn_gte_20 = stats.terms_days(data, 'TN', '≥',
                                               20)  # Tropical nights
        self.days_sq_gte_10 = stats.terms_days(data, 'SQ', '≥',
                                               10)  # Sunny days > 10 hours
        self.days_rh_gte_10 = stats.terms_days(data, 'RH', '≥',
                                               10)  # Rainy days > 10mm

        self.heat_ndx = stats.heat_ndx(data)
        self.days_heat_ndx = self.days_tg_gte_18
        self.hellmann = stats.hellmann(data)
        self.days_hellmann = self.days_tg_lt_0
        self.ijnsen = stats.ijnsen(data)
        self.frost_sum = stats.frost_sum(data)
        self.frost_sum_data = self.days_tn_lt_0  # All days with a T < 0