Example #1
def numjac(f, x, dx=1e-8, SO=0, SE=0):
    Numerically compute Jacobian of function

    :param f: the function, returns an m-vector
    :type f: callable
    :param x: function argument
    :type x: ndarray(n)
    :param dx: the numerical perturbation, defaults to 1e-8
    :type dx: float, optional
    :param SO: function returns SO(N) matrix, defaults to 0
    :type SO: int, optional
    :param SE: function returns SE(N) matrix, defaults to 0
    :type SE: int, optional

    :return: Jacobian matrix
    :rtype: ndarray(m,n)

    Computes a numerical approximation to the Jacobian for ``f(x)`` where
    :math:`f: \mathbb{R}^n \mapsto \mathbb{R}^m`.

    Uses first-order difference :math:`J[:,i] = (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx`.

    If ``SO`` is 2 or 3, then it is assumed that the function returns
    an SO(N) matrix and the derivative is converted to a column vector

    .. math:

        \vex \dmat{R} \mat{R}^T

    If ``SE`` is 2 or 3, then it is assumed that the function returns
    an SE(N) matrix and the derivative is converted to a colun vector.

    x = np.array(x)
    Jcol = []
    J0 = f(x)
    I = np.eye(len(x))
    f0 = np.array(f(x))
    for i in range(len(x)):
        fi = np.array(f(x + I[:, i] * dx))
        Ji = (fi - f0) / dx

        if SE > 0:
            t = Ji[:SE, SE]
            r = base.vex(Ji[:SE, :SE] @ J0[:SE, :SE].T)
            Jcol.append(np.r_[t, r])
        elif SO > 0:
            R = Ji[:SO, :SO]
            r = base.vex(R @ J0[:SO, :SO].T)
        # print(Ji)

    return np.c_[Jcol].T
def numjac(f, x, dx=1e-8, tN=0, rN=0):
    Numerically compute Jacobian of function

    :param f: the function, returns an m-vector
    :type f: callable
    :param x: function argument
    :type x: ndarray(n)
    :param dx: the numerical perturbation, defaults to 1e-8
    :type dx: float, optional
    :param N: function returns SE(N) matrix, defaults to 0
    :type N: int, optional
    :return: Jacobian matrix
    :rtype: ndarray(m,n)

    Computes a numerical approximation to the Jacobian for ``f(x)`` where 
    :math:`f: \mathbb{R}^n \mapsto \mathbb{R}^m`.

    Uses first-order difference :math:`J[:,i] = (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx`.

    If ``N`` is 2 or 3, then it is assumed that the function returns
    an SE(N) matrix which is converted into a Jacobian column comprising the
    translational Jacobian followed by the rotational Jacobian.
    x = np.array(x)
    Jcol = []
    J0 = f(x)
    I = np.eye(len(x))
    f0 = np.array(f(x))
    for i in range(len(x)):
        fi = np.array(f(x + I[:, i] * dx))
        Ji = (fi - f0) / dx

        if tN > 0:
            t = Ji[:tN, tN]
            r = base.vex(Ji[:tN, :tN] @ J0[:tN, :tN].T)
            Jcol.append(np.r_[t, r])
        elif rN > 0:
            R = Ji[:rN, :rN]
            r = base.vex(R @ J0[:rN, :rN].T)
        # print(Ji)

    return np.c_[Jcol].T
def trexp2(S, theta=None, check=True):
    Exponential of so(2) or se(2) matrix

    :param S: se(2), so(2) matrix or equivalent velctor
    :type T: ndarray(3,3) or ndarray(2,2)
    :param theta: motion
    :type theta: float
    :return: matrix exponential in SE(2) or SO(2)
    :rtype: ndarray(3,3) or ndarray(2,2)
    :raises ValueError: bad argument

    An efficient closed-form solution of the matrix exponential for arguments
    that are se(2) or so(2).

    For se(2) the results is an SE(2) homogeneous transformation matrix:

    - ``trexp2(Σ)`` is the matrix exponential of the se(2) element ``Σ`` which is
      a 3x3 augmented skew-symmetric matrix.
    - ``trexp2(Σ, θ)`` as above but for an se(3) motion of Σθ, where ``Σ``
      must represent a unit-twist, ie. the rotational component is a unit-norm skew-symmetric
    - ``trexp2(S)`` is the matrix exponential of the se(3) element ``S`` represented as
      a 3-vector which can be considered a screw motion.
    - ``trexp2(S, θ)`` as above but for an se(2) motion of Sθ, where ``S``
      must represent a unit-twist, ie. the rotational component is a unit-norm skew-symmetric

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> trexp2(skew(1))
        >>> trexp2(skew(1), 2)  # revolute unit twist
        >>> trexp2(1)
        >>> trexp2(1, 2)  # revolute unit twist

    For so(2) the results is an SO(2) rotation matrix:

    - ``trexp2(Ω)`` is the matrix exponential of the so(3) element ``Ω`` which is a 2x2
      skew-symmetric matrix.
    - ``trexp2(Ω, θ)`` as above but for an so(3) motion of Ωθ, where ``Ω`` is
      unit-norm skew-symmetric matrix representing a rotation axis and a rotation magnitude
      given by ``θ``.
    - ``trexp2(ω)`` is the matrix exponential of the so(2) element ``ω`` expressed as
      a 1-vector.
    - ``trexp2(ω, θ)`` as above but for an so(3) motion of ωθ where ``ω`` is a
      unit-norm vector representing a rotation axis and a rotation magnitude
      given by ``θ``. ``ω`` is expressed as a 1-vector.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> trexp2(skewa([1, 2, 3]))
        >>> trexp2(skewa([1, 0, 0]), 2)  # prismatic unit twist
        >>> trexp2([1, 2, 3])
        >>> trexp2([1, 0, 0], 2)

    :seealso: trlog, trexp2

    if base.ismatrix(S, (3, 3)) or base.isvector(S, 3):
        # se(2) case
        if base.ismatrix(S, (3, 3)):
            # augmentented skew matrix
            if check and not base.isskewa(S):
                raise ValueError("argument must be a valid se(2) element")
            tw = base.vexa(S)
            # 3 vector
            tw = base.getvector(S)

        if base.iszerovec(tw):
            return np.eye(3)

        if theta is None:
            (tw, theta) = base.unittwist2_norm(tw)
        elif not base.isunittwist2(tw):
            raise ValueError("If theta is specified S must be a unit twist")

        t = tw[0:2]
        w = tw[2]

        R = base.rodrigues(w, theta)

        skw = base.skew(w)
        V = np.eye(2) * theta + (1.0 - math.cos(theta)) * skw + (
            theta - math.sin(theta)) * skw @ skw

        return base.rt2tr(R, V @ t)

    elif base.ismatrix(S, (2, 2)) or base.isvector(S, 1):
        # so(2) case
        if base.ismatrix(S, (2, 2)):
            # skew symmetric matrix
            if check and not base.isskew(S):
                raise ValueError("argument must be a valid so(2) element")
            w = base.vex(S)
            # 1 vector
            w = base.getvector(S)

        if theta is not None and not base.isunitvec(w):
            raise ValueError("If theta is specified S must be a unit twist")

        # do Rodrigues' formula for rotation
        return base.rodrigues(w, theta)
        raise ValueError(
            " First argument must be SO(2), 1-vector, SE(2) or 3-vector")
def trlog2(T, check=True, twist=False):
    Logarithm of SO(2) or SE(2) matrix

    :param T: SE(2) or SO(2) matrix
    :type T: ndarray(3,3) or ndarray(2,2)
    :param check: check that matrix is valid
    :type check: bool
    :param twist: return a twist vector instead of matrix [default]
    :type twist: bool
    :return: logarithm
    :rtype: ndarray(3,3) or ndarray(3); or ndarray(2,2) or ndarray(1)
    :raises ValueError: bad argument

    An efficient closed-form solution of the matrix logarithm for arguments that
    are SO(2) or SE(2).

    - ``trlog2(R)`` is the logarithm of the passed rotation matrix ``R`` which
      will be 2x2 skew-symmetric matrix.  The equivalent vector from ``vex()``
      is parallel to rotation axis and its norm is the amount of rotation about
      that axis.
    - ``trlog(T)`` is the logarithm of the passed homogeneous transformation
      matrix ``T`` which will be 3x3 augumented skew-symmetric matrix. The
      equivalent vector from ``vexa()`` is the twist vector (6x1) comprising [v

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> trlog2(trot2(0.3))
        >>> trlog2(trot2(0.3), twist=True)
        >>> trlog2(rot2(0.3))
        >>> trlog2(rot2(0.3), twist=True)

    :seealso: :func:`~trexp`, :func:`~spatialmath.base.transformsNd.vex`,

    if ishom2(T, check=check):
        # SE(2) matrix

        if base.iseye(T):
            # is identity matrix
            if twist:
                return np.zeros((3, ))
                return np.zeros((3, 3))
            if twist:
                return base.vexa(scipy.linalg.logm(T))
                return scipy.linalg.logm(T)

    elif isrot2(T, check=check):
        # SO(2) rotation matrix
        if twist:
            return base.vex(scipy.linalg.logm(T))
            return scipy.linalg.logm(T)
        raise ValueError("Expect SO(2) or SE(2) matrix")
Example #5
    def __init__(self, arg=None, w=None, check=True):
        Construct a new 2D Twist object
        :type a: 2-element array-like
        :return: 2D prismatic twist
        :rtype: Twist2 instance

        - ``Twist2(R)`` is a 2D Twist object representing the SO(2) rotation expressed as 
          a 2x2 matrix.
        - ``Twist2(T)`` is a 2D Twist object representing the SE(2) rigid-body motion expressed as 
          a 3x3 matrix.
        - ``Twist2(X)`` if X is an SO2 instance then create a 2D Twist object representing the SO(2) rotation,
          and if X is an SE2 instance then create a 2D Twist object representing the SE(2) motion
        - ``Twist2(V)`` is a  2D Twist object specified directly by a 3-element array-like comprising the
          moment vector (1 element) and direction vector (2 elements).

        super().__init__()  # enable UserList superpowers

        if arg is None:
            self.data = [np.r_[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ]]

        elif isinstance(arg, Twist2):
            # clone it
            self.data = [np.r_[arg.v, arg.w]]

        elif argcheck.isvector(arg, 3):
            s = argcheck.getvector(arg)
            self.data = [s]

        elif argcheck.isvector(arg, 2) and argcheck.isvector(w, 1):
            v = argcheck.getvector(arg)
            w = argcheck.getvector(w)
            self.data = [np.r_[v, w]]

        elif isinstance(arg, SE2):
            S = tr.trlog2(arg.A)  # use closed form for SE(2)

            skw, v = tr.tr2rt(S)
            w = tr.vex(skw)
            self.data = [np.r_[v, w]]

        elif Twist2.isvalid(arg):
            # it's an augmented skew matrix, unpack it
            skw, v = tr.tr2rt(arg)
            w = tr.vex(skw)
            self.data = [np.r_[v, w]]

        elif isinstance(arg, list):
            # construct from a list

            if isinstance(arg[0], np.ndarray):
                # possibly a list of numpy arrays
                if check:
                    assert all(
                        map(lambda x: Twist2.isvalid(x), arg)
                    ), 'all elements of list must have valid shape and value for the class'
                self.data = arg
            elif type(arg[0]) == type(self):
                # possibly a list of objects of same type
                assert all(
                    map(lambda x: type(x) == type(self),
                        arg)), 'all elements of list must have same type'
                self.data = [x.S for x in arg]
            elif type(arg[0]) == list:
                # possibly a list of 3-lists
                assert all(
                    map(lambda x: isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == 3,
                        arg)), 'all elements of list must have same type'
                self.data = [np.r_[x] for x in arg]
                raise ValueError('bad list argument to constructor')

            raise ValueError('bad argument to constructor')
Example #6
    def __init__(self, arg=None, w=None, check=True):
        Construct a new Twist object

        TW = Twist(T) is a Twist object representing the SE(2) or SE(3)
        homogeneous transformation matrix T (3x3 or 4x4).

        TW = Twist(V) is a twist object where the vector is specified directly.

        3D CASE:

        TW = Twist('R', A, Q) is a Twist object representing rotation about the
        axis of direction A (3x1) and passing through the point Q (3x1).
        TW = Twist('R', A, Q, P) as above but with a pitch of P (distance/angle).

        TW = Twist('T', A) is a Twist object representing translation in the
        direction of A (3x1).


        - The argument 'P' for prismatic is synonymous with 'T'.

        super().__init__()  # enable UserList superpowers

        if arg is None:
            self.data = [np.r_[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

        elif isinstance(arg, Twist):
            # clone it
            self.data = [np.r_[arg.v, arg.w]]

        elif argcheck.isvector(arg, 6):
            s = argcheck.getvector(arg)
            self.data = [s]

        elif argcheck.isvector(arg, 3) and argcheck.isvector(w, 3):
            v = argcheck.getvector(arg)
            w = argcheck.getvector(w)
            self.data = [np.r_[v, w]]

        elif isinstance(arg, SE3):
            S = tr.trlog(arg.A)  # use closed form for SE(3)

            skw, v = tr.tr2rt(S)
            w = tr.vex(skw)
            self.data = [np.r_[v, w]]

        elif Twist.isvalid(arg):
            # it's an augmented skew matrix, unpack it
            skw, v = tr.tr2rt(arg)
            w = tr.vex(skw)
            self.data = [np.r_[v, w]]

        elif isinstance(arg, list):
            # construct from a list

            if isinstance(arg[0], np.ndarray):
                # possibly a list of numpy arrays
                if check:
                    assert all(
                        map(lambda x: Twist.isvalid(x), arg)
                    ), 'all elements of list must have valid shape and value for the class'
                self.data = arg
            elif type(arg[0]) == type(self):
                # possibly a list of objects of same type
                assert all(
                    map(lambda x: type(x) == type(self),
                        arg)), 'all elements of list must have same type'
                self.data = [x.S for x in arg]
            elif type(arg[0]) == list:
                # possibly a list of 6-lists
                assert all(
                    map(lambda x: isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == 6,
                        arg)), 'all elements of list must have same type'
                self.data = [np.r_[x] for x in arg]
                raise ValueError('bad list argument to constructor')

            raise ValueError('bad argument to constructor')
Example #7
    def project(self, P, pose=None, objpose=None, visibility=False):
        Project world points to image plane

        :param P: 3D points to project into camera image plane
        :type P: array_like(3), array_like(3,n)
        :param pose: camera pose with respect to the world frame, defaults to
            camera's ``pose`` attribute
        :type pose: SE3, optional
        :param objpose:  3D point reference frame, defaults to world frame
        :type objpose: SE3, optional
        :param visibility: test if points are visible, default False
        :type visibility: bool
        :raises ValueError: [description]
        :return: image plane points
        :rtype: ndarray(2,n)

        If ``pose`` is specified it is used for the camera pose instead of the
        attribute ``pose``.  The objects attribute is not updated.

        The points ``P`` are by default with respect to the world frame, but 
        they can be transformed 
        If points are behind the camera, the image plane points are set to
        if ``visibility`` is True then check whether the projected point lies in
        the bounds of the image plane.  Return two values: the image plane
        coordinates and an array of booleans indicating if the corresponding
        point is visible.

        If ``P`` is a Plucker object, then each value is projected into a 
        2D line in homogeneous form :math:`p[0] u + p[1] v + p[2] = 0`.

        P = base.getmatrix(P, (3,None))

        if pose is None:
            pose = self.pose

        C = self.getC(pose)

        if isinstance(P, np.ndarray):
            # project 3D points

            if objpose is not None:
                P = objpose * P

            x = C @ base.e2h(P)

            x[2,x[2,:]<0] = np.nan  # points behind the camera are set to NaN

            x = base.h2e(x)

            # if self._distortion is not None:
            #     x = self.distort(x)
            # if self._noise is not None:
            #     # add Gaussian noise with specified standard deviation
            #     x += np.diag(self._noise) * np.random.randn(x.shape)

            #  do visibility check if required
            if visibility:
                visible = ~np.isnan(x[0,:]) \
                    & (x[0,:] >= 0) \
                    & (x[1,:] >= 0) \
                    & (x[0,:] < self.nu) \
                    & (x[1,:] < self.nv)
                return x, visibility
                return x

        elif isinstance(P, Plucker):
            # project Plucker lines

            x = np.empty(shape=(3, 0))
            for p in P:
                l = base.vex( C * p.skew * C.T)
                x = np.c_[x, l / np.max(np.abs(l))] # normalize by largest element
            return x