def ifolder2tmp(self):
        # copy input image
        if self.fname_mask is not None:
            copy(self.fname_mask, self.tmp_dir)
            self.fname_mask = ''.join(extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[1:])
            printv('ERROR: No input image', self.verbose, 'error')

        # copy seg image
        if self.fname_sc is not None:
            copy(self.fname_sc, self.tmp_dir)
            self.fname_sc = ''.join(extract_fname(self.fname_sc)[1:])

        # copy ref image
        if self.fname_ref is not None:
            copy(self.fname_ref, self.tmp_dir)
            self.fname_ref = ''.join(extract_fname(self.fname_ref)[1:])

        # copy registered template
        if self.path_template is not None:
            copy(self.path_levels, self.tmp_dir)
            self.path_levels = ''.join(extract_fname(self.path_levels)[1:])

            self.atlas_roi_lst = []
            for fname_atlas_roi in os.listdir(self.path_atlas):
                if fname_atlas_roi.endswith('.nii.gz'):
                    tract_id = int(
                    if tract_id < 36:  # Not interested in CSF
                        copy(os.path.join(self.path_atlas, fname_atlas_roi),

        os.chdir(self.tmp_dir)  # go to tmp directory
Example #2
def main(argv=None):
    parser = get_parser()
    arguments = parser.parse_args(argv)
    verbose = arguments.v

    # create param objects
    param = Param()

    # set param arguments ad inputted by user
    list_fname_src = arguments.i
    fname_dest = arguments.d
    list_fname_warp = arguments.w
    param.fname_out = arguments.o

    # if arguments.ofolder is not None
    #     path_results = arguments.ofolder
    if arguments.x is not None:
        param.interp = arguments.x
    if arguments.r is not None:
        param.rm_tmp = arguments.r

    # check if list of input files and warping fields have same length
    assert len(list_fname_src) == len(
        list_fname_warp), "ERROR: list of files are not of the same length"

    # merge src images to destination image
        merge_images(list_fname_src, fname_dest, list_fname_warp, param)
    except Exception as e:
        printv(str(e), 1, 'error')

    display_viewer_syntax([fname_dest, os.path.abspath(param.fname_out)])
    def _measure_volume(self, im_data, p_lst, idx):
        for zz in range(im_data.shape[2]):
            self.volumes[zz, idx - 1] = np.sum(im_data[:, :, zz]) * p_lst[0] * p_lst[1] * p_lst[2]

        vol_tot_cur = np.sum(self.volumes[:, idx - 1])
        self.measure_pd.loc[idx, 'volume [mm3]'] = vol_tot_cur
        printv('  Volume : ' + str(np.round(vol_tot_cur, 2)) + ' mm^3', self.verbose, type='info')
def main(args=None):
    Main function
    :param args:
    # get parser args
    if args is None:
        args = None if sys.argv[1:] else ['--help']
    parser = get_parser()
    arguments = parser.parse_args(args=args)

    param = Param()
    param.fname_data = os.path.abspath(arguments.i)

    if arguments.p is not None:
        param.process = (arguments.p).split(',')
        if param.process[0] not in param.process_list:
            printv(parser.error('ERROR: Process ' + param.process[0] + ' is not recognized.'))
    if arguments.size is not None:
        param.size = arguments.size
    if arguments.f is not None:
        param.shape = arguments.f
    if arguments.o is not None:
        param.fname_out = os.path.abspath(arguments.o)
    if arguments.r is not None:
        param.remove_temp_files = arguments.r

    param.verbose = arguments.v
    init_sct(log_level=param.verbose, update=True)  # Update log level

    # run main program
Example #5
 def update(self, param_user):
     # list_objects = param_user.split(',')
     for object in param_user:
         if len(object) < 2:
             printv('ERROR: Wrong usage.', 1, type='error')
         obj = object.split('=')
         setattr(self, obj[0], obj[1])
Example #6
    def mean_angle(self):

        im_metric_lst = [
            self.fname_metric_lst[f].split('_' +
                                           str(self.param_glcm.distance) +
                                           '_')[0] + '_'
            for f in self.fname_metric_lst
        im_metric_lst = list(set(im_metric_lst))

        printv('\nMean across angles...', self.param.verbose, 'normal')
        extension = extract_fname(self.param.fname_im)[2]
        for im_m in im_metric_lst:  # Loop across GLCM texture properties
            # List images to mean
            im2mean_lst = [
                im_m + str(self.param_glcm.distance) + '_' + a + extension
                for a in self.param_glcm.angle.split(',')

            # Average across angles and save it as wrk_folder/fnameIn_feature_distance_mean.extension
            fname_out = im_m + str(
                self.param_glcm.distance) + '_mean' + extension
            run_proc('sct_image -i ' + ' '.join(im2mean_lst) +
                     ' -concat t -o ' + fname_out)
            run_proc('sct_maths -i ' + fname_out + ' -mean t -o ' + fname_out)
            self.fname_metric_lst[im_m + str(self.param_glcm.distance) +
                                  '_mean'] = fname_out
Example #7
def main(argv):
    parser = get_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args(argv if argv else ['--help'])

    # Deal with task
    if args.list_tasks:

    if args.install_task is not None:
        for name_model in deepseg.models.TASKS[args.install_task]['models']:

    # Deal with input/output
    if not os.path.isfile(args.i):
        parser.error("This file does not exist: {}".format(args.i))

    # Check if at least a model or task has been specified
    if args.task is None:
        parser.error("You need to specify a task.")

    # Get pipeline model names
    name_models = deepseg.models.TASKS[args.task]['models']

    # Run pipeline by iterating through the models
    fname_prior = None
    for name_model in name_models:
        # Check if this is an official model
        if name_model in list(deepseg.models.MODELS.keys()):
            # If it is, check if it is installed
            path_model = deepseg.models.folder(name_model)
            if not deepseg.models.is_valid(path_model):
                printv("Model {} is not installed. Installing it now...".format(name_model))
        # If it is not, check if this is a path to a valid model
            path_model = os.path.abspath(name_model)
            if not deepseg.models.is_valid(path_model):
                parser.error("The input model is invalid: {}".format(path_model))

        # Call segment_nifti
        options = {**vars(args), "fname_prior": fname_prior}
        nii_seg = imed.utils.segment_volume(path_model, args.i, options=options)

        # Save output seg
        if 'o' in options and options['o'] is not None:
            fname_seg = options['o']
            fname_seg = ''.join([sct.image.splitext(args.i)[0], '_seg.nii.gz'])

        # If output folder does not exist, create it
        path_out = os.path.dirname(fname_seg)
        if not (path_out == '' or os.path.exists(path_out)):
            os.makedirs(path_out), fname_seg)

        # Use the result of the current model as additional input of the next model
        fname_prior = fname_seg

    display_viewer_syntax([args.i, fname_seg], colormaps=['gray', 'red'], opacities=['', '0.7'])
Example #8
def vertebral_detection_param(string):
    """Custom parser for vertebral_detection advanced parameters."""
    param = param_default.copy()
    for key_value in string.split(','):
            key, value = key_value.split('=', maxsplit=1)
        except ValueError:
            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
                f'advanced parameters should be of the form "parameter=value", got "{key_value}" instead'
        if key in param:
                param[key] = int(value)
            except ValueError:
                raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
                    f'advanced parameter "{key}" needs an integer value, got "{value}" instead'
        elif key == 'gaussian_std':
            # TODO(issue#3706): remove 'gaussian_std' completely for v5.7
                'WARNING: gaussian_std parameter is currently ignored, '
                'and will be removed in a later version.',
            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
                f'Unknown advanced parameter: {key}')
    return param
Example #9
def main():
    # create param objects
    param = Param()

    # get parser
    parser = get_parser()
    arguments = parser.parse_args(args=None if sys.argv[1:] else ['--help'])

    # set param arguments ad inputted by user
    list_fname_src = arguments.i
    fname_dest = arguments.d
    list_fname_warp = arguments.w
    param.fname_out = arguments.o

    # if arguments.ofolder is not None
    #     path_results = arguments.ofolder
    if arguments.x is not None:
        param.interp = arguments.x
    if arguments.r is not None:
        param.rm_tmp = arguments.r
    param.verbose = arguments.v
    init_sct(log_level=param.verbose, update=True)  # Update log level

    # check if list of input files and warping fields have same length
    assert len(list_fname_src) == len(
        list_fname_warp), "ERROR: list of files are not of the same length"

    # merge src images to destination image
        merge_images(list_fname_src, fname_dest, list_fname_warp, param)
    except Exception as e:
        printv(str(e), 1, 'error')

    display_viewer_syntax([fname_dest, os.path.abspath(param.fname_out)])
def main(argv=None):
    Main function
    :param argv:
    parser = get_parser()
    arguments = parser.parse_args(argv)
    verbose = arguments.v

    param = Param()
    param.fname_data = os.path.abspath(arguments.i)

    if arguments.p is not None:
        param.process = (arguments.p).split(',')
        if param.process[0] not in param.process_list:
                parser.error('ERROR: Process ' + param.process[0] +
                             ' is not recognized.'))
    if arguments.size is not None:
        param.size = arguments.size
    if arguments.f is not None:
        param.shape = arguments.f
    if arguments.o is not None:
        param.fname_out = os.path.abspath(arguments.o)
    if arguments.r is not None:
        param.remove_temp_files = arguments.r

    # run main program
Example #11
def normalize_slice(data, data_gm, data_wm, val_gm, val_wm, val_min=None, val_max=None):
    Function to normalize the intensity of data to the GM and WM values given by val_gm and val_wm.
    All parameters are arrays
    data : ndarray: data to normalized
    data_gm : ndarray: data to get slice GM value from
    data_wm : ndarray: data to get slice WM value from
    val_gm : GM value to normalize data on
    val_wm : WM value to normalize data on

    assert data.size == data_gm.size, "Data to normalized and GM data do not have the same shape."
    assert data.size == data_wm.size, "Data to normalized and WM data do not have the same shape."
    # avoid shape error because of 3D-like shape for 2D (x, x, 1) instead of (x,x)
    data_gm = data_gm.reshape(data.shape)
    data_wm = data_wm.reshape(data.shape)

    # put almost zero background to zero
    data[data < 0.01] = 0

    # binarize GM and WM data if needed
    if np.min(data_gm) != 0 or np.max(data_gm) != 1:
        data_gm[data_gm < 0.5] = 0
        data_gm[data_gm >= 0.5] = 1
    if np.min(data_wm) != 0 or np.max(data_wm) != 1:
        data_wm[data_wm < 0.5] = 0
        data_wm[data_wm >= 0.5] = 1

    # get GM and WM values in slice
    data_in_gm = data[data_gm == 1]
    data_in_wm = data[data_wm == 1]
    med_data_gm = np.median(data_in_gm)
    med_data_wm = np.median(data_in_wm)
    std_data = np.mean([np.std(data_in_gm), np.std(data_in_wm)])

    # compute normalized data
    # if median values are too close: use min and max to normalize data
    if abs(med_data_gm - med_data_wm) < std_data and val_min is not None and val_max is not None:
            min_data = min(np.min(data_in_gm[data_in_gm.nonzero()]), np.min(data_in_wm[data_in_wm.nonzero()]))
            max_data = max(np.max(data_in_gm[data_in_gm.nonzero()]), np.max(data_in_wm[data_in_wm.nonzero()]))
            new_data = ((data - min_data) * (val_max - val_min) / (max_data - min_data)) + val_min
        except ValueError:
            printv('WARNING: an incomplete slice will not be normalized', 1, 'warning')
            return data
    # else (=normal data): use median values to normalize data
        new_data = ((data - med_data_wm) * (val_gm - val_wm) / (med_data_gm - med_data_wm)) + val_wm

    # put almost zero background to zero
    new_data[data < 0.01] = 0  # put at 0 the background
    new_data[new_data < 0.01] = 0  # put at 0 the background

    # return normalized data
    return new_data
Example #12
    def tmp2ofolder(self):

        os.chdir(self.curdir)  # go back to original directory

        printv('\nSave resulting files...', self.param.verbose, 'normal')
        for f in self.fname_metric_lst:  # Copy from tmp folder to ofolder
            copy(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, self.fname_metric_lst[f]),
                     os.path.join(self.param.path_results, self.fname_metric_lst[f]))
def main():
    parser = get_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args(args=None if sys.argv[1:] else ['--help'])

    # Deal with model
    if args.list_models:

    # Deal with task
    if args.list_tasks:

    if args.install_model is not None:

    if args.install_task is not None:
        for name_model in deepseg.models.TASKS[args.install_task]['models']:

    # Deal with input/output
    if not os.path.isfile(args.i):
        parser.error("This file does not exist: {}".format(args.i))

    # Check if at least a model or task has been specified
    if args.model is None and args.task is None:
        parser.error("You need to specify a model or a task.")

    # Get pipeline model names
    if args.task is not None:
        name_models = deepseg.models.TASKS[args.task]['models']

    if args.model is not None:
        name_models = args.model

    # Run pipeline by iterating through the models
    fname_prior = None
    for name_model in name_models:
        # Check if this is an official model
        if name_model in list(deepseg.models.MODELS.keys()):
            # If it is, check if it is installed
            path_model = deepseg.models.folder(name_model)
            if not deepseg.models.is_valid(path_model):
                printv("Model {} is not installed. Installing it now...".format(name_model))
        # If it is not, check if this is a path to a valid model
            path_model = os.path.abspath(name_model)
            if not deepseg.models.is_valid(path_model):
                parser.error("The input model is invalid: {}".format(path_model))

        # Call segment_nifti
        fname_seg = deepseg.core.segment_nifti(args.i, path_model, fname_prior, vars(args))
        # Use the result of the current model as additional input of the next model
        fname_prior = fname_seg

    display_viewer_syntax([args.i, fname_seg], colormaps=['gray', 'red'], opacities=['', '0.7'])
 def _measure_length(self, im_data, p_lst, idx):
     length_cur = np.sum([
         np.cos(self.angles[zz]) * p_lst[2]
         for zz in np.unique(np.where(im_data)[2])
     self.measure_pd.loc[idx, 'length [mm]'] = length_cur
     printv('  (S-I) length : ' + str(np.round(length_cur, 2)) + ' mm',
    def label_lesion(self):
        printv('\nLabel connected regions of the masked image...', self.verbose, 'normal')
        im = Image(self.fname_mask)
        im_2save = im.copy() = label(, connectivity=2)

        self.measure_pd['label'] = [l for l in np.unique( if l]
        printv('Lesion count = ' + str(len(self.measure_pd['label'])), self.verbose, 'info')
def resample_image(fname, suffix='_resampled.nii.gz', binary=False, npx=0.3, npy=0.3, thr=0.0, interpolation='spline'):
    Resampling function: add a padding, resample, crop the padding
    :param fname: name of the image file to be resampled
    :param suffix: suffix added to the original fname after resampling
    :param binary: boolean, image is binary or not
    :param npx: new pixel size in the x direction
    :param npy: new pixel size in the y direction
    :param thr: if the image is binary, it will be thresholded at thr (default=0) after the resampling
    :param interpolation: type of interpolation used for the resampling
    :return: file name after resampling (or original fname if it was already in the correct resolution)
    im_in = Image(fname)
    orientation = im_in.orientation
    if orientation != 'RPI':
        fname = add_suffix(im_in.absolutepath, "_rpi"), mutable=True)

    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_in.dim

    if np.round(px, 2) != np.round(npx, 2) or np.round(py, 2) != np.round(npy, 2):
        name_resample = extract_fname(fname)[1] + suffix
        if binary:
            interpolation = 'nn'

        if nz == 1:
            # when data is 2d: we convert it to a 3d image in order to avoid conversion problem with 2d data
            # TODO: check if this above problem is still present (now that we are using nibabel instead of nipy)
            run_proc(['sct_image', '-i', ','.join([fname, fname]), '-concat', 'z', '-o', fname])

        run_proc(['sct_resample', '-i', fname, '-mm', str(npx) + 'x' + str(npy) + 'x' + str(pz), '-o', name_resample, '-x', interpolation])

        if nz == 1:  # when input data was 2d: re-convert data 3d-->2d
            run_proc(['sct_image', '-i', name_resample, '-split', 'z'])
            im_split = Image(name_resample.split('.nii.gz')[0] + '_Z0000.nii.gz')

        if binary:
            img = Image(name_resample)
   = binarize(, thr)

        if orientation != 'RPI':
            img = Image(name_resample)
            name_resample = add_suffix(img.absolutepath, "_{}".format(orientation.lower()))
  , mutable=True)

        return name_resample
        if orientation != 'RPI':
            fname = add_suffix(fname, "_RPI")
            im_in = change_orientation(im_in, orientation).save(fname)

        printv('Image resolution already ' + str(npx) + 'x' + str(npy) + 'xpz')
        return fname
def main():
    parser = get_parser()
    arguments = parser.parse_args(args=None if sys.argv[1:] else ['--help'])

    # Set param arguments ad inputted by user
    fname_in = arguments.i
    contrast = arguments.c

    # Segmentation or Centerline line
    if arguments.s is not None:
        fname_seg = arguments.s
        if not os.path.isfile(fname_seg):
            fname_seg = None
            printv('WARNING: -s input file: "' + arguments.s + '" does not exist.\nDetecting PMJ without using segmentation information', 1, 'warning')
        fname_seg = None

    # Output Folder
    if arguments.ofolder is not None:
        path_results = arguments.ofolder
        if not os.path.isdir(path_results) and os.path.exists(path_results):
            printv("ERROR output directory %s is not a valid directory" % path_results, 1, 'error')
        if not os.path.exists(path_results):
        path_results = '.'

    path_qc = arguments.qc

    # Remove temp folder
    rm_tmp = bool(arguments.r)

    verbose = arguments.v
    init_sct(log_level=verbose, update=True)  # Update log level

    # Initialize DetectPMJ
    detector = DetectPMJ(fname_im=fname_in,

    # run the extraction
    fname_out, tmp_dir = detector.apply()

    # Remove tmp_dir
    if rm_tmp:

    # View results
    if fname_out is not None:
        if path_qc is not None:
            from spinalcordtoolbox.reports.qc import generate_qc
            generate_qc(fname_in, fname_seg=fname_out, args=sys.argv[1:], path_qc=os.path.abspath(path_qc), process='sct_detect_pmj')

        display_viewer_syntax([fname_in, fname_out], colormaps=['gray', 'red'])
    def measure(self):
        im_lesion = Image(self.fname_label)
        im_lesion_data =
        p_lst = im_lesion.dim[4:7]  # voxel size

        label_lst = [l for l in np.unique(im_lesion_data) if l]  # lesion label IDs list

        if self.path_template is not None:
            if os.path.isfile(self.path_levels):
                img_vert = Image(self.path_levels)
                im_vert_data =
                self.vert_lst = [v for v in np.unique(im_vert_data) if v]  # list of vertebral levels available in the input image

                im_vert_data = None
                printv('ERROR: the file ' + self.path_levels + ' does not exist. Please make sure the template was correctly registered and warped (sct_register_to_template or sct_register_multimodal and sct_warp_template)', type='error')

            # In order to open atlas images only one time
            atlas_data_dct = {}  # dict containing the np.array of the registrated atlas
            for fname_atlas_roi in self.atlas_roi_lst:
                tract_id = int(fname_atlas_roi.split('_')[-1].split('.nii.gz')[0])
                img_cur = Image(fname_atlas_roi)
                img_cur_copy = img_cur.copy()
                atlas_data_dct[tract_id] =
                del img_cur

        self.volumes = np.zeros((im_lesion.dim[2], len(label_lst)))

        # iteration across each lesion to measure statistics
        for lesion_label in label_lst:
            im_lesion_data_cur = np.copy(im_lesion_data == lesion_label)
            printv('\nMeasures on lesion #' + str(lesion_label) + '...', self.verbose, 'normal')

            label_idx = self.measure_pd[self.measure_pd.label == lesion_label].index
            self._measure_volume(im_lesion_data_cur, p_lst, label_idx)
            self._measure_length(im_lesion_data_cur, p_lst, label_idx)
            self._measure_diameter(im_lesion_data_cur, p_lst, label_idx)

            # compute lesion distribution for each lesion
            if self.path_template is not None:

        if self.path_template is not None:
            # compute total lesion distribution
            self._measure_totLesion_distribution(im_lesion=np.copy(im_lesion_data > 0),

        if self.fname_ref is not None:
            # Compute mean and std value in each labeled lesion
            self._measure_within_im(im_lesion=im_lesion_data, im_ref=Image(self.fname_ref).data, label_lst=label_lst)
 def update(self, param_user):
     list_objects = param_user.split(',')
     for object in list_objects:
         if len(object) < 2:
             printv('ERROR: Wrong usage.', 1, type='error')
         obj = object.split('=')
         if obj[0] == 'gaussian_std':
             setattr(self, obj[0], float(obj[1]))
             setattr(self, obj[0], int(obj[1]))
def main(argv=None):
    parser = get_parser()
    arguments = parser.parse_args(argv)
    verbose = arguments.v

    param = Param()

    fname_src = arguments.d
    fname_transfo = arguments.w
    warp_atlas = arguments.a
    warp_spinal_levels = arguments.s
    folder_out = arguments.ofolder
    path_template = arguments.t
    path_qc = arguments.qc
    qc_dataset = arguments.qc_dataset
    qc_subject = arguments.qc_subject
    folder_template = param.folder_template
    folder_atlas = param.folder_atlas
    folder_spinal_levels = param.folder_spinal_levels
    file_info_label = param.file_info_label
    list_labels_nn = param.list_labels_nn

    # call main function
    w = WarpTemplate(fname_src, fname_transfo, warp_atlas, warp_spinal_levels, folder_out, path_template,
                     folder_template, folder_atlas, folder_spinal_levels, file_info_label, list_labels_nn, verbose)

    path_template = os.path.join(w.folder_out, w.folder_template)

    # Deal with QC report
    if path_qc is not None:
            fname_wm = os.path.join(
                w.folder_out, w.folder_template, spinalcordtoolbox.metadata.get_file_label(path_template, id_label=4))  # label = 'white matter mask (probabilistic)'
                fname_src, fname_seg=fname_wm, args=sys.argv[1:], path_qc=os.path.abspath(path_qc), dataset=qc_dataset,
                subject=qc_subject, process='sct_warp_template')
        # If label is missing, get_file_label() throws a RuntimeError
        except RuntimeError:
            printv("QC not generated since expected labels are missing from template", type="warning")

    # Deal with verbose
             spinalcordtoolbox.metadata.get_file_label(path_template, id_label=1, output="filewithpath"),  # label = 'T2-weighted template'
             spinalcordtoolbox.metadata.get_file_label(path_template, id_label=5, output="filewithpath"),  # label = 'gray matter mask (probabilistic)'
             spinalcordtoolbox.metadata.get_file_label(path_template, id_label=4, output="filewithpath")],  # label = 'white matter mask (probabilistic)'
            colormaps=['gray', 'gray', 'red-yellow', 'blue-lightblue'],
            opacities=['1', '1', '0.5', '0.5'],
            minmax=['', '0,4000', '0.4,1', '0.4,1'],
    # If label is missing, continue silently
    except RuntimeError:
 def _measure_diameter(self, im_data, p_lst, idx):
     area_lst = [
         np.sum(im_data[:, :, zz]) * np.cos(self.angles[zz]) * p_lst[0] *
         p_lst[1] for zz in range(im_data.shape[2])
     diameter_cur = 2 * np.sqrt(max(area_lst) / (4 * np.pi))
     self.measure_pd.loc[idx, 'max_equivalent_diameter [mm]'] = diameter_cur
     printv('  Max. equivalent diameter : ' +
            str(np.round(diameter_cur, 2)) + ' mm',
    def detect(self):
        """Run the classifier on self.slice2D_im."""
        printv('\nRun PMJ detector', self.verbose, 'normal')
        os.environ["FSLOUTPUTTYPE"] = "NIFTI_PAIR"
        cmd_pmj = ['isct_spine_detect', self.pmj_model, self.slice2D_im.split('.nii')[0], self.dection_map_pmj]
        run_proc(cmd_pmj, verbose=0, is_sct_binary=True)

        img = nib.load(self.dection_map_pmj + '_svm.hdr')  # convert .img and .hdr files to .nii, self.dection_map_pmj + '.nii')

        self.dection_map_pmj += '.nii'  # fname of the resulting detection map
    def _measure_within_im(self, im_lesion, im_ref, label_lst):
        printv('\nCompute reference image features...', self.verbose, 'normal')

        for lesion_label in label_lst:
            im_label_data_cur = im_lesion == lesion_label
            im_label_data_cur[np.where(im_ref == 0)] = 0  # if the ref object is eroded compared to the labeled object
            mean_cur, std_cur = np.mean(im_ref[np.where(im_label_data_cur)]), np.std(im_ref[np.where(im_label_data_cur)])

            label_idx = self.measure_pd[self.measure_pd.label == lesion_label].index
            self.measure_pd.loc[label_idx, 'mean_' + extract_fname(self.fname_ref)[1]] = mean_cur
            self.measure_pd.loc[label_idx, 'std_' + extract_fname(self.fname_ref)[1]] = std_cur
            printv('Mean+/-std of lesion #' + str(lesion_label) + ' in ' + extract_fname(self.fname_ref)[1] + ' file: ' + str(np.round(mean_cur, 2)) + '+/-' + str(np.round(std_cur, 2)), self.verbose, type='info')
    def tmp2ofolder(self):
        """Copy output files to the ofolder."""
        os.chdir(self.curdir)  # go back to original directory

        if self.pa_coord != -1:  # If PMJ has been detected
            printv('\nSave resulting file...', self.verbose, 'normal')
            copy(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, self.fname_out)),
                 os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.path_out, self.fname_out)))

            return os.path.join(self.path_out, self.fname_out)
            return None
    def __init__(self, fname_mask, fname_sc, fname_ref, path_template, path_ofolder, verbose):
        self.fname_mask = fname_mask

        self.fname_sc = fname_sc
        self.fname_ref = fname_ref
        self.path_template = path_template
        self.path_ofolder = path_ofolder
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.wrk_dir = os.getcwd()

        if not set(np.unique(Image(fname_mask).data)) == set([0.0, 1.0]):
            if set(np.unique(Image(fname_mask).data)) == set([0.0]):
                printv('WARNING: Empty masked image', self.verbose, 'warning')
                printv("ERROR input file %s is not binary file with 0 and 1 values" % fname_mask, 1, 'error')

        # create tmp directory
        self.tmp_dir = tmp_create()  # path to tmp directory

        # lesion file where each lesion has a different value
        self.fname_label = extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[1] + '_label' + extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[2]

        # initialization of measure sheet
        measure_lst = ['label', 'volume [mm3]', 'length [mm]', 'max_equivalent_diameter [mm]']
        if self.fname_ref is not None:
            for measure in ['mean', 'std']:
                measure_lst.append(measure + '_' + extract_fname(self.fname_ref)[1])
        measure_dct = {}
        for column in measure_lst:
            measure_dct[column] = None
        self.measure_pd = pd.DataFrame(data=measure_dct, index=range(0), columns=measure_lst)

        # orientation of the input image
        self.orientation = None

        # volume object
        self.volumes = None

        # initialization of proportion measures, related to registrated atlas
        if self.path_template is not None:
            self.path_atlas = os.path.join(self.path_template, "atlas")
            self.path_levels = os.path.join(self.path_template, "template", "PAM50_levels.nii.gz")
            self.path_atlas, self.path_levels = None, None
        self.vert_lst = None
        self.atlas_roi_lst = None
        self.distrib_matrix_dct = {}

        # output names
        self.pickle_name = extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[1] + '_analyzis.pkl'
        self.excel_name = extract_fname(self.fname_mask)[1] + '_analyzis.xls'
    def show_total_results(self):
        printv('\n\nAveraged measures...', self.verbose, 'normal')
        for stg, key in zip(['  Volume [mm^3] = ', '  (S-I) Length [mm] = ', '  Equivalent Diameter [mm] = '], ['volume [mm3]', 'length [mm]', 'max_equivalent_diameter [mm]']):
            printv(stg + str(np.round(np.mean(self.measure_pd[key]), 2)) + '+/-' + str(np.round(np.std(self.measure_pd[key]), 2)), self.verbose, type='info')

        printv('\nTotal volume = ' + str(np.round(np.sum(self.measure_pd['volume [mm3]']), 2)) + ' mm^3', self.verbose, 'info')
        printv('Lesion count = ' + str(len(self.measure_pd['volume [mm3]'].values)), self.verbose, 'info')
    def ifolder2tmp(self):
        """Copy data to tmp folder."""
        if self.fname_im is not None:  # copy input image
            copy(self.fname_im, self.tmp_dir)
            self.fname_im = ''.join(extract_fname(self.fname_im)[1:])
            printv('ERROR: No input image', self.verbose, 'error')

        if self.fname_seg is not None:  # copy segmentation image
            copy(self.fname_seg, self.tmp_dir)
            self.fname_seg = ''.join(extract_fname(self.fname_seg)[1:])

        self.curdir = os.getcwd()
        os.chdir(self.tmp_dir)  # go to tmp directory
Example #28
    def compute_texture(self):

        offset = int(self.param_glcm.distance)
        printv('\nCompute texture metrics...', self.param.verbose, 'normal')

        # open image and re-orient it to RPI if needed
        im_tmp = Image(self.param.fname_im)
        if self.orientation_im != self.orientation_extraction:

        dct_metric = {}
        for m in self.metric_lst:
            im_2save = zeros_like(im_tmp, dtype='float64')
            dct_metric[m] = im_2save
            # dct_metric[m] = Image(self.fname_metric_lst[m])

        with sct_progress_bar() as pbar:
            for im_z, seg_z, zz in zip(self.dct_im_seg['im'], self.dct_im_seg['seg'], range(len(self.dct_im_seg['im']))):
                for xx in range(im_z.shape[0]):
                    for yy in range(im_z.shape[1]):
                        if not seg_z[xx, yy]:
                        if xx < offset or yy < offset:
                        if xx > (im_z.shape[0] - offset - 1) or yy > (im_z.shape[1] - offset - 1):
                            continue  # to check if the whole glcm_window is in the axial_slice
                        if False in np.unique(seg_z[xx - offset: xx + offset + 1, yy - offset: yy + offset + 1]):
                            continue  # to check if the whole glcm_window is in the mask of the axial_slice

                        glcm_window = im_z[xx - offset: xx + offset + 1, yy - offset: yy + offset + 1]
                        glcm_window = glcm_window.astype(np.uint8)

                        dct_glcm = {}
                        for a in self.param_glcm.angle.split(','):  # compute the GLCM for self.param_glcm.distance and for each self.param_glcm.angle
                            dct_glcm[a] = greycomatrix(glcm_window,
                                                       [self.param_glcm.distance], [np.radians(int(a))],

                        for m in self.metric_lst:  # compute the GLCM property (m.split('_')[0]) of the voxel xx,yy,zz
                            dct_metric[m].data[xx, yy, zz] = greycoprops(dct_glcm[m.split('_')[2]], m.split('_')[0])[0][0]

                        pbar.set_postfix(pos="{}/{}".format(zz, len(self.dct_im_seg["im"])))

        for m in self.metric_lst:
            fname_out = add_suffix("".join(extract_fname(self.param.fname_im)[1:]), '_' + m)
            self.fname_metric_lst[m] = fname_out
Example #29
def main(argv=None):
    parser = get_parser()
    arguments = parser.parse_args(argv)
    verbose = arguments.v

    data_name = arguments.d
    if arguments.o is not None:
        dest_folder = arguments.o
        dest_folder = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), data_name)

    url = DICT_URL[data_name]
    install_data(url, dest_folder, keep=arguments.k)

    printv('Done!\n', verbose)
def main(argv=None):
    parser = get_parser()
    arguments = parser.parse_args(argv)
    verbose = arguments.v

    data_name = arguments.d
    if arguments.o is not None:
        dest_folder = arguments.o
        dest_folder = DATASET_DICT[data_name]['default_location']

    url = DATASET_DICT[data_name]["mirrors"]
    install_data(url, dest_folder, keep=arguments.k)

    printv('Done!\n', verbose)