Example #1
def test_dataframeeditor_with_OutOfBoundsDatetime():  # Test for #6177
    df = DataFrame([{'DATETIME': datetime.strptime("9999-1-1T00:00",
    model = DataFrameModel(df)
        model.get_value(0, 0)
    except Exception:
        assert False
Example #2
def test_dataframemodel_basic():
    df = DataFrame({'colA': [1, 3], 'colB': ['c', 'a']})
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    assert dfm.rowCount() == 2
    assert dfm.columnCount() == 2
    assert data(dfm, 0, 0) == '1'
    assert data(dfm, 0, 1) == 'c'
    assert data(dfm, 1, 0) == '3'
    assert data(dfm, 1, 1) == 'a'
Example #3
def test_dataframemodel_sort():
    """Validate the data in the model."""
    df = DataFrame({'colA': [1, 3], 'colB': ['c', 'a']})
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    assert data(dfm, 0, 0) == '3'
    assert data(dfm, 1, 0) == '1'
    assert data(dfm, 0, 1) == 'a'
    assert data(dfm, 1, 1) == 'c'
Example #4
def test_dataframemodel_sort():
    df = DataFrame({'colA': [1, 3], 'colB': ['c', 'a']})
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    assert data(dfm, 0, 0) == '1'
    assert data(dfm, 0, 1) == '3'
    assert data(dfm, 0, 2) == 'a'
    assert data(dfm, 1, 0) == '0'
    assert data(dfm, 1, 1) == '1'
    assert data(dfm, 1, 2) == 'c'
Example #5
def test_dataframemodel_sort_is_stable():   # cf. issue 3010
    df = DataFrame([[2,14], [2,13], [2,16], [1,3], [2,9], [1,15], [1,17],
                    [2,2], [2,10], [1,6], [2,5], [2,8], [1,11], [1,1],
                    [1,12], [1,4], [2,7]])
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    col2 = [data(dfm, i, 2) for i in range(len(df))]
    assert col2 == [str(x) for x in [1, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 15, 17,
                                     2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16]]
Example #6
def test_dataframemodel_get_bgcolor_with_numbers_using_global_max():
    df = DataFrame([[0, 10], [1, 20], [2, 40]])
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    h0 = dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_NUMBER_MINHUE
    dh = dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_NUMBER_HUERANGE
    s = dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_NUMBER_SATURATION
    v = dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_NUMBER_VALUE
    a = dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_NUMBER_ALPHA
    assert colorclose(bgcolor(dfm, 0, 0), (h0 + dh,           s, v, a))
    assert colorclose(bgcolor(dfm, 1, 0), (h0 + 39 / 40 * dh, s, v, a))
    assert colorclose(bgcolor(dfm, 2, 0), (h0 + 38 / 40 * dh, s, v, a))
    assert colorclose(bgcolor(dfm, 0, 1), (h0 + 30 / 40 * dh, s, v, a))
    assert colorclose(bgcolor(dfm, 1, 1), (h0 + 20 / 40 * dh, s, v, a))
    assert colorclose(bgcolor(dfm, 2, 1), (h0,                s, v, a))
Example #7
def test_dataframemodel_set_data_complex(monkeypatch):
    """Test for #6115: Editing complex dtypes raises error in df editor"""
    MockQMessageBox = Mock()
    attr_to_patch = ('spyder.widgets.variableexplorer' +
    monkeypatch.setattr(attr_to_patch, MockQMessageBox)

    test_params = [(1, numpy.complex128), (2, numpy.complex64), (3, complex)]

    for count, complex_type in test_params:
        test_df = DataFrame(numpy.arange(10, 15), dtype=complex_type)
        model = DataFrameModel(test_df.copy())
        index = model.createIndex(2, 0)
        assert not model.setData(index, '42')
        MockQMessageBox.critical.assert_called_with(ANY, "Error", ANY)
        assert MockQMessageBox.critical.call_count == count
        assert numpy.sum(test_df[0].as_matrix() ==
                         model.df.as_matrix()) == len(test_df)
Example #8
def test_dataframemodel_set_data_bool(monkeypatch):
    """Test that bools are editible in df and false-y strs are detected"""
    MockQMessageBox = Mock()
    attr_to_patch = ('spyder.widgets.variableexplorer' +
    monkeypatch.setattr(attr_to_patch, MockQMessageBox)

    test_params = [numpy.bool_, numpy.bool, bool]
    test_strs = ['foo', 'false', 'f', '0', '0.', '0.0', '', ' ']
    expected_df = DataFrame([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=bool)

    for bool_type in test_params:
        test_df = DataFrame([0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], dtype=bool_type)
        model = DataFrameModel(test_df.copy())
        for idx, test_str in enumerate(test_strs):
            assert model.setData(model.createIndex(idx, 0), test_str)
            assert not MockQMessageBox.critical.called
        assert numpy.sum(expected_df[0].as_matrix() ==
                         model.df.as_matrix()[:, 0]) == len(expected_df)
Example #9
def test_dataframemodel_set_data_overflow(monkeypatch):
    """Test for #6114: Overflowing ints are caught and handled properly"""
    MockQMessageBox = Mock()
    attr_to_patch = ('spyder.widgets.variableexplorer' +
    monkeypatch.setattr(attr_to_patch, MockQMessageBox)

    # Numpy doesn't raise the OverflowError for ints smaller than 64 bits
    if platform.startswith('linux'):
        int32_bit_exponent = 66
        int32_bit_exponent = 34
    test_parameters = [(1, numpy.int32, int32_bit_exponent),
                       (2, numpy.int64, 66)]

    for idx, int_type, bit_exponent in test_parameters:
        test_df = DataFrame(numpy.arange(7, 11), dtype=int_type)
        model = DataFrameModel(test_df.copy())
        index = model.createIndex(2, 0)
        assert not model.setData(index, str(int(2 ** bit_exponent)))
        MockQMessageBox.critical.assert_called_with(ANY, "Error", ANY)
        assert MockQMessageBox.critical.call_count == idx
        assert numpy.sum(test_df[0].as_matrix() ==
                         model.df.as_matrix()) == len(test_df)
Example #10
def test_dataframemodel_max_min_col_update_constant():
    df = DataFrame([[1, 2.0], [1, 2.0], [1, 2.0]])
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    assert dfm.max_min_col == [[1, 0], [2.0, 1.0]]
Example #11
def test_dataframemodel_with_timezone_aware_timestamps(): # cf. issue 2940
    df = DataFrame([x] for x in date_range('20150101', periods=5, tz='UTC'))
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    assert dfm.max_min_col == [None]
Example #12
def test_dataframemodel_max_min_col_update():
    df = DataFrame([[1, 2.0], [2, 2.5], [3, 9.0]])
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    assert dfm.max_min_col == [[3, 1], [9.0, 2.0]]
Example #13
def test_dataframemodel_get_bgcolor_with_object():
    df = DataFrame([[None]])
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    h, s, v, dummy = QColor(dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_NONNUMBER_COLOR).getHsvF()
    a = dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_MISC_ALPHA
    assert colorclose(bgcolor(dfm, 0, 1), (h, s, v, a))
Example #14
def test_dataframemodel_get_bgcolor_with_string():
    df = DataFrame([['xxx']])
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    h, s, v, dummy = QColor(dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_NONNUMBER_COLOR).getHsvF()
    a = dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_STRING_ALPHA
    assert colorclose(bgcolor(dfm, 0, 1), (h, s, v, a))
Example #15
def test_dataframemodel_get_bgcolor_for_index():
    df = DataFrame([[0]])
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    h, s, v, dummy = QColor(dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_NONNUMBER_COLOR).getHsvF()
    a = dataframeeditor.BACKGROUND_INDEX_ALPHA
    assert colorclose(bgcolor(dfm, 0, 0), (h, s, v, a))
Example #16
def test_dataframemodel_with_categories(): # cf. issue 3308
    df = DataFrame({"id": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                    "raw_grade": ['a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'e']})
    df["grade"] = df["raw_grade"].astype("category")
    dfm = DataFrameModel(df)
    assert dfm.max_min_col == [[6, 1], None, None]