Example #1
def test__parser__grammar_sequence(seg_list, caplog):
    """Test the Sequence grammar."""
    bs = StringParser("bar", KeywordSegment)
    fs = StringParser("foo", KeywordSegment)
    g = Sequence(bs, fs)
    # If running in the test environment, assert that Sequence recognises this
    if getenv("SQLFLUFF_TESTENV", ""):
        assert g.test_env
    gc = Sequence(bs, fs, allow_gaps=False)
    with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx:
        with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqlfluff.parser"):
            # Should be able to match the list using the normal matcher
            logging.info("#### TEST 1")
            m = g.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx)
            assert m
            assert len(m) == 3
            assert m.matched_segments == (
                KeywordSegment("bar", seg_list[0].pos_marker),
                seg_list[1],  # This will be the whitespace segment
                KeywordSegment("foo", seg_list[2].pos_marker),
            # Shouldn't with the allow_gaps matcher
            logging.info("#### TEST 2")
            assert not gc.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx)
            # Shouldn't match even on the normal one if we don't start at the beginning
            logging.info("#### TEST 2")
            assert not g.match(seg_list[1:], parse_context=ctx)
Example #2
def test__parser__grammar_oneof_take_longest_match(seg_list):
    """Test that the OneOf grammar takes the longest match."""
    fooRegex = ReSegment.make(r"fo{2}")
    baar = KeywordSegment.make(
    foo = KeywordSegment.make(
    fooBaar = Sequence(

    # Even if fooRegex comes first, fooBaar
    # is a longer match and should be taken
    g = OneOf(fooRegex, fooBaar)
    with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx:
        assert fooRegex.match(seg_list[2:], parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == (
            fooRegex("foo", seg_list[2].pos_marker),
        assert g.match(seg_list[2:], parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == (
            foo("foo", seg_list[2].pos_marker),
            baar("baar", seg_list[3].pos_marker),
Example #3
def test__parser__grammar_sequence_indent_conditional(seg_list, caplog):
    """Test the Sequence grammar with indents."""
    bs = StringParser("bar", KeywordSegment)
    fs = StringParser("foo", KeywordSegment)
    # We will assume the default config has indented_joins = False.
    # We're testing without explictly setting the `config_type` because
    # that's the assumed way of using the grammar in practice.
    g = Sequence(
        Conditional(Indent, indented_joins=False),
        Conditional(Indent, indented_joins=True),
    with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx:
        with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqlfluff.parser"):
            m = g.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx)
            assert m
            # Check we get an Indent.
            assert isinstance(m.matched_segments[0], Indent)
            assert isinstance(m.matched_segments[1], KeywordSegment)
            # check the whitespace is still there
            assert isinstance(m.matched_segments[2], WhitespaceSegment)
            # Check the second Indent does not appear
            assert not isinstance(m.matched_segments[3], Indent)
            assert isinstance(m.matched_segments[3], KeywordSegment)
Example #4
def test__parser__grammar_oneof_exclude(seg_list):
    """Test the OneOf grammar exclude option."""
    fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo")
    bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar")
    g = OneOf(bs, exclude=Sequence(bs, fs))
    with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx:
        # Just against the first alone
        assert g.match(seg_list[:1], parse_context=ctx)
        # Now with the bit to exclude included
        assert not g.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx)
Example #5
def test__parser__grammar__base__longest_trimmed_match__adv(seg_list, caplog):
    """Test the _longest_trimmed_match method of the BaseGrammar."""
    bs = StringParser("bar", KeywordSegment)
    fs = StringParser("foo", KeywordSegment)
    matchers = [
        Sequence(bs, fs),  # This should be the winner.
        OneOf(bs, fs),
        Sequence(bs, fs),  # Another to check we return the first
    with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx:
        # Matching the first element of the list
        with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqluff.parser"):
            match, matcher = BaseGrammar._longest_trimmed_match(seg_list, matchers, ctx)
    # Check we got a match
    assert match
    # Check we got the right one.
    assert matcher is matchers[2]
    # And it matched the first three segments
    assert len(match) == 3
Example #6
def test__parser__grammar_sequence_indent(seg_list, caplog):
    """Test the Sequence grammar with indents."""
    bs = StringParser("bar", KeywordSegment)
    fs = StringParser("foo", KeywordSegment)
    g = Sequence(Indent, bs, fs)
    with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx:
        with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqlfluff.parser"):
            m = g.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx)
            assert m
            # check we get an indent.
            assert isinstance(m.matched_segments[0], Indent)
            assert isinstance(m.matched_segments[1], KeywordSegment)
Example #7
def test__parser__grammar_sequence(seg_list, caplog):
    """Test the Sequence grammar."""
    fs = KeywordSegment.make("foo")
    bs = KeywordSegment.make("bar")
    g = Sequence(bs, fs)
    gc = Sequence(bs, fs, allow_gaps=False)
    with RootParseContext(dialect=None) as ctx:
        with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqlfluff.parser"):
            # Should be able to match the list using the normal matcher
            logging.info("#### TEST 1")
            m = g.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx)
            assert m
            assert len(m) == 3
            assert m.matched_segments == (
                bs("bar", seg_list[0].pos_marker),
                seg_list[1],  # This will be the whitespace segment
                fs("foo", seg_list[2].pos_marker),
            # Shouldn't with the allow_gaps matcher
            logging.info("#### TEST 2")
            assert not gc.match(seg_list, parse_context=ctx)
            # Shouldn't match even on the normal one if we don't start at the beginning
            logging.info("#### TEST 2")
            assert not g.match(seg_list[1:], parse_context=ctx)