Example #1
def test__parser__lexer_fail_via_parse():
    """Test the how the parser fails and reports errors while lexing."""
    lexer = Lexer(config=FluffConfig())
    _, vs = lexer.lex("Select \u0394")
    assert vs
    assert len(vs) == 1
    err = vs[0]
    assert isinstance(err, SQLLexError)
    assert err.line_pos == 8
Example #2
def test__dialect__ansi__file_lex(raw, res, caplog):
    """Test we don't drop bits on simple examples."""
    config = FluffConfig(overrides=dict(dialect="ansi"))
    lexer = Lexer(config=config)
    with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
        tokens, _ = lexer.lex(raw)
    # From just the initial parse, check we're all there
    raw_list = [token.raw for token in tokens]
    assert "".join(token.raw for token in tokens) == raw
    assert raw_list == res
Example #3
def test__parser__lexer_fail():
    """Test the how the lexer fails and reports errors."""
    lex = Lexer(config=FluffConfig())

    _, vs = lex.lex("Select \u0394")

    assert len(vs) == 1
    err = vs[0]
    assert isinstance(err, SQLLexError)
    assert err.pos_marker().char_pos == 7
Example #4
def test__parser__lexer_fail():
    """Test the how the lexer fails and reports errors."""
    lex = Lexer(config=FluffConfig(overrides={"dialect": "ansi"}))

    _, vs = lex.lex("Select \u0394")

    assert len(vs) == 1
    err = vs[0]
    assert isinstance(err, SQLLexError)
    assert err.line_pos == 8
Example #5
def lex(raw, config):
    """Basic parsing for the tests below."""
    # Set up the lexer
    lex = Lexer(config=config)
    # Lex the string for matching. For a good test, this would
    # arguably happen as a fixture, but it's easier to pass strings
    # as parameters than pre-lexed segment strings.
    seg_list, vs = lex.lex(raw)
    assert not vs
    return seg_list
Example #6
def test__parser__lexer_obj(raw, res, caplog):
    """Test the lexer splits as expected in a selection of cases."""
    lex = Lexer(config=FluffConfig())
    with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
        lexing_segments, _ = lex.lex(raw)
        assert [seg.raw for seg in lexing_segments] == res
Example #7
    def _lex_templated_file(
        templated_file: TemplatedFile, config: FluffConfig
    ) -> Tuple[Optional[Sequence[BaseSegment]], List[SQLLexError],
        """Lex a templated file.

        NOTE: This potentially mutates the config, so make sure to
        use the returned one.
        violations = []
        linter_logger.info("LEXING RAW (%s)", templated_file.fname)
        # Get the lexer
        lexer = Lexer(config=config)
        # Lex the file and log any problems
            tokens, lex_vs = lexer.lex(templated_file)
            # We might just get the violations as a list
            violations += lex_vs
            linter_logger.info("Lexed tokens: %s",
                               [seg.raw for seg in tokens] if tokens else None)
        except SQLLexError as err:
            linter_logger.info("LEXING FAILED! (%s): %s", templated_file.fname,
            return None, violations, config

        if not tokens:  # pragma: no cover TODO?
            return None, violations, config

        # Check that we've got sensible indentation from the lexer.
        # We might need to suppress if it's a complicated file.
        templating_blocks_indent = config.get("template_blocks_indent",
        if isinstance(templating_blocks_indent, str):
            force_block_indent = templating_blocks_indent.lower().strip(
            ) == "force"
            force_block_indent = False
        templating_blocks_indent = bool(templating_blocks_indent)
        # If we're forcing it through we don't check.
        if templating_blocks_indent and not force_block_indent:
            indent_balance = sum(
                getattr(elem, "indent_val", 0)
                for elem in cast(Tuple[BaseSegment, ...], tokens))
            if indent_balance != 0:
                    "Indent balance test failed for %r. Template indents will not be "
                    "linted for this file.",
                # Don't enable the templating blocks.
                templating_blocks_indent = False

        # The file will have been lexed without config, so check all indents
        # are enabled.
        new_tokens = []
        for token in cast(Tuple[BaseSegment, ...], tokens):
            if token.is_meta:
                token = cast(MetaSegment, token)
                if token.indent_val != 0:
                    # Don't allow it if we're not linting templating block indents.
                    if not templating_blocks_indent:

        # Return new buffer
        return new_tokens, violations, config