Example #1
def do_guest_install(dut, kind, guest, encrypt_vhd=False, busy_stop=False, url=None):
    """Inner guest install function"""
    os_name, name = name_split(guest)
    if kind == 'iso':
        iso_file = '/storage/isos/%s.iso' % os_name
        download_image(dut, kind, guest, iso_file)
    def vhd_path_callback(vhd_path):
        """vhd_path is now known"""
        if kind in ['vhd', 'with_tools']:
            download_image(dut, kind, guest, vhd_path, url)
    iso_name = ('xc-tools' if kind  != 'iso' else os_name)+'.iso'
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: using', iso_name, 'for', kind, guest
    vm_address = create_vm(dut, guest, iso_name=iso_name, 
              vhd_path_callback=vhd_path_callback, encrypt_vhd=encrypt_vhd,
              start_timeout=7200 if kind == 'iso' else 1200, 
    if kind == 'iso': 
        # this is ugly...
        if os_name.startswith("ubuntu"):
            method = "ssh"
            method = "exec_daemon"
        # we cannot use xenmgr here as tools are not installed
        soft_shutdown_guest(dut, guest, timeout=600, method=method)
        archive_vhd(dut, guest, have_tools=False)
Example #2
def wait_for_guest(host, guest, method=None, timeout=600):
    """Return address for guest on host, checking that it is responding
    and retrying as necessary"""
    if method is None:
        method = get_default_exec_method(host, guest)
    assert method in ['exec_daemon', "ssh"]
    print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM: contacting', guest, 'using', method
    _, name = name_split(guest)
    start = time()
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'switch'], host=host)
    def check_running():
        """check VM is running"""
        count = 0
            out = run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'get', 'state'], word_split=True, host=host)
            print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM: VM', name, 'state', out[0]
            if out[0] == 'stopped':
                if count > 4: raise SystemStoppedWhileWaitingForSystem(out, guest, host)
                else: count+=1
            else: break

    def get_address():
        """get address for VM """
        return domain_address(host, guest, timeout=5)

    address = retry(get_address, 'get %s address on %s' % (guest, host),
                    timeout=timeout, propagate=[SystemStoppedWhileWaitingForSystem])
    delta = time() - start
    rtimeout = max(30, int(timeout - delta))
    print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM: remainining timeout', rtimeout, 'of', timeout
    def check_windows_version():
        """Check that VM is still running"""
        out = call_exec_daemon('windowsVersion', [], host=address, timeout=60)
        print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM: windows version returned', out
    def check_ssh_access():
        """Check that VM is available over ssh"""
        run(['echo', 'test succeeded'], host=address, timeout=60, check_host_key=False)
        print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM: ssh command execution succeeded'
    if method == "exec_daemon":
            ver = retry(check_windows_version,
                        description='run windowsVersion on '+host+' '+guest,
        except error:
            raise UnableToContactGuestService(host, guest, timeout, error)
        print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM:', guest, 'on', host, \
            'replied with windows version', ver, 'from address', address
    elif method == "ssh":
          description='run ssh check on '+host+' '+guest,
        print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM:', guest, 'on', host, \
            'ssh test succeed on', address
    return address
Example #3
def do_guest_install(dut, kind, guest, encrypt_vhd=False, busy_stop=False, url=None):
    """Inner guest install function"""
    os_name, name = name_split(guest)
    if kind == 'iso':
        iso_file = '/storage/isos/%s.iso' % os_name
        download_image(dut, kind, guest, iso_file, url)
    def vhd_path_callback(vhd_path):
        """vhd_path is now known"""
        if kind in ['vhd', 'with_tools']:
            download_image(dut, kind, guest, vhd_path, url)
    iso_name = ('xc-tools' if kind  != 'iso' else os_name)+'.iso'
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: using', iso_name, 'for', kind, guest
    vm_address = create_vm(dut, guest, iso_name=iso_name, 
              vhd_path_callback=vhd_path_callback, encrypt_vhd=encrypt_vhd,
              start_timeout=7200 if kind == 'iso' else 1200, 
    if kind == 'iso': 
        # this is ugly...
        if os_name.startswith("ubuntu"):
            method = "ssh"
            method = "exec_daemon"
        # we cannot use xenmgr here as tools are not installed
        soft_shutdown_guest(dut, guest, timeout=600, method=method)
        archive_vhd(dut, guest, have_tools=False)
Example #4
File: launch.py Project: OpenXT/bvt
def is_test_available(case, dut, current_install, domlist, build):
    """Can we run case on dut? Return boolean and a reason why not"""
    unsuitable = case.get('unsuitable_duts', list())
    if dut in unsuitable:
        return False, dut+' unsuitable'
    if current_install and case['trigger'] in ['first', 'platform install']:
        return False, 'restricted to current install'
    guest = case.get('guest')
    if guest is not None:
        guest_os_name, _ = name_split(guest)
        guest_os_name = None
    if guest and case.get('trigger') != 'VM install':
        if not [dom for dom in domlist if dom['name'] == guest
                and dom['status'] == 'running']:
            return False, "requires "+guest+" VM"
    if 'futile' not in case:
        futile = ''
            with time_limit(10, 'futility check'):
                futile = case['futile'](dut, guest, guest_os_name, build, domlist) 
        except Exception, exc:
            futile = 'futility check failed %r' % exc
Example #5
def reboot_windows_vm(dut, domain):
    """Triger a reboot of guest"""
    _, name = name_split(domain)
    domain = find_domain(dut, name)
    print 'INFO: rebooting guest', domain
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'reboot'], host=dut)
    wait_for_domid_change(dut, name, domain['dom_id'])
    print 'INFO: reboot of', domain, 'completed'
Example #6
def install_tools(dut, guest):
    """Install tools on guest on dut"""
    if not isfile(XC_TOOLS_ISO, host=dut):
        raise ToolsIsoMissing(dut, XC_TOOLS_ISO)
    os, name = name_split(guest)
    domain = find_domain(dut, guest)
    start_vm_if_not_running(dut, domain['name'])
    return _proxy_call(dut, name, 'install_tools', dut, name)
Example #7
def reboot_windows_vm(dut, domain):
    """Triger a reboot of guest"""
    _, name = name_split(domain)
    domain = find_domain(dut, name)
    print 'INFO: rebooting guest', domain
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'reboot'], host=dut)
    wait_for_domid_change(dut, name, domain['dom_id'])
    print 'INFO: reboot of', domain, 'completed'
Example #8
def construct_arg_dict(options, guest, test_parameters, test_case, result_id,
                       vhd_url, vhd_name):
    """Work out test arguments given options, guest and test parameters.
    Also returns an expanded test_paramters"""
    if guest is None:
        os_name = 'dom0'
        os_name, _ = name_split(guest)
        os_name = dict(test_names.ordering).get(os_name, os_name)

    specials = {
        '$(OS_NAME)': os_name,
        '$(VHD_URL)': vhd_url,
        #'$(PRESEVE_DATABASE)' : options.preserve_database,
        '$(RESULT_ID)': result_id,
        '$(GUEST)': guest,
        '$(VHD_NAME)': vhd_name
    if options.machine:
        specials['$(DUT)'] = options.machine

    arg_dict = {}
    for name, value in test_case['arguments']:
        if type(value) == type('') and value.startswith('$('):
            print value
            if value == '$(BUILD)':
                if options.build:
                    #if options.build or options.release:
                    ov = options.build
                    ov = determine_build(options.machine)
                    #ov = get_build(options.machine)
            elif value == '$(RELEASE)':
                ov = options.release
            elif value == '$(MAC_ADDRESS)':
                ov = options.mac_address
            elif value in specials:
                ov = specials[value]
            elif value.startswith('$(') and value.endswith(')'):
                option_form = value[2:-1].lower()
                if hasattr(options, option_form):
                    ov = getattr(options, option_form)
                    raise NoValueForArgument(name, value)
            ov = value
        arg_dict[name] = ov

    des = test_case['description']
    for specialk, value in specials.items():
        if value is not None:
            des = des.replace(specialk, str(value))
    tpout = dict(test_parameters)
    tpout['description'] = des
    for k in test_case:
        tpout.setdefault(k, test_case[k])
    return arg_dict, tpout
Example #9
def construct_arg_dict(options, guest, test_parameters, test_case, result_id, vhd_url, vhd_name):
    """Work out test arguments given options, guest and test parameters.
    Also returns an expanded test_paramters"""
    if guest is None: 
        os_name = 'dom0'
        os_name, _ = name_split(guest)
        os_name = dict(test_names.ordering).get(os_name, os_name)

    specials = {
        '$(OS_NAME)' : os_name,
        '$(VHD_URL)': vhd_url,
        #'$(PRESEVE_DATABASE)' : options.preserve_database,
        '$(RESULT_ID)' : result_id,
        '$(GUEST)' : guest,
        '$(VHD_NAME)': vhd_name}
    if options.machine:
        specials['$(DUT)'] = options.machine
    arg_dict = {}
    for name, value in test_case['arguments']:
        if type(value) == type('') and value.startswith('$('):
            print value
            if value == '$(BUILD)':
                if options.build:
                #if options.build or options.release:
                    ov = options.build
                    ov = determine_build(options.machine)
                    #ov = get_build(options.machine)
            elif value == '$(RELEASE)':
                ov = options.release
            elif value == '$(MAC_ADDRESS)':
                ov = options.mac_address
            elif value in specials:
                ov = specials[value]
            elif value.startswith('$(') and value.endswith(')'):
                option_form = value[2:-1].lower()
                if hasattr(options, option_form):
                    ov = getattr(options, option_form)
                    raise NoValueForArgument(name, value)
            ov = value
        arg_dict[name] = ov

    des = test_case['description']
    for specialk, value in specials.items():
        if value is not None:
            des = des.replace(specialk, str(value))
    tpout = dict(test_parameters)
    tpout['description'] = des
    for k in test_case:
        tpout.setdefault(k, test_case[k])
    return arg_dict, tpout
Example #10
def install_guest(dut, guest='xp', kind='iso', busy_stop=False, 
                  encrypt_vhd=False, url=None):
    """Install guest on dut from media of type kind"""
    os_name, name = name_split(guest)
    print 'HEADLINE: installing', name, '('+os_name+')', 'on', dut, \
        'from', kind, 'BUSY_STOP' if busy_stop else 'STANDARD', \
        'ENCRYPTED' if encrypt_vhd else 'CLEAR'
    for already in list_vms(dut):
        if already['name'] == name_split(guest)[1]:
            if already['status'] == 'running':
                run(['xec-vm', '-u', already['uuid'], 'shutdown'], host=dut)
            run(['xec-vm', '-u', already['uuid'], 'delete'], host=dut)

    check_free(dut, target_os=guest)
    assert kind in ['iso', 'vhd', 'with_tools']
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: ready to install', name
    do_guest_install(dut, kind, guest, encrypt_vhd, busy_stop=busy_stop,
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST:', guest, 'installed on', dut
    return run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'get', 'uuid'], host = dut).strip()
Example #11
def install_guest(dut, guest='xp', kind='iso', busy_stop=False, 
                  encrypt_vhd=False, url=None):
    """Install guest on dut from media of type kind"""
    os_name, name = name_split(guest)
    print 'HEADLINE: installing', name, '('+os_name+')', 'on', dut, \
        'from', kind, 'BUSY_STOP' if busy_stop else 'STANDARD', \
        'ENCRYPTED' if encrypt_vhd else 'CLEAR'
    for already in list_vms(dut):
        if already['name'] == name_split(guest)[1]:
            if already['status'] == 'running':
                run(['xec-vm', '-u', already['uuid'], 'shutdown'], host=dut)
            run(['xec-vm', '-u', already['uuid'], 'delete'], host=dut)

    check_free(dut, target_os=guest)
    assert kind in ['iso', 'vhd', 'with_tools']
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: ready to install', name
    do_guest_install(dut, kind, guest, encrypt_vhd, busy_stop=busy_stop,
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST:', guest, 'installed on', dut
    return run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'get', 'uuid'], host = dut).strip()
Example #12
def start_vm_if_not_running(dut, guest, timeout=600, busy_stop=False):
    """Start guest if it is not already running on dut"""
    _, name = name_split(guest)
    for domain in list_vms(dut, timeout=timeout):
        if domain['name'] == name and domain['status'] == 'running':
            print 'START_VM:', dut, 'on', guest, 'already running'
    print 'START_VM:', dut, 'on', guest, 'not running'
        return start_vm(dut, guest, timeout=timeout, busy_stop=busy_stop)
    except InsufficientMemoryToRunVM:
        if not busy_stop:
Example #13
def resource_leakage_test(dut, guest):
    print 'INFO: starting test for guest resource leakage'
    loopback_text = run(['losetup'], host=dut, split=True)
    print 'INFO: loopback text is', loopback_text
    old_loopbacks = len(loopback_text) - 1
    print 'INFO: there are', old_loopbacks, 'loopbacks'
    # there may be a loopback left over from the test framework
    # setting the VM up, so get rid of that
    if old_loopbacks > 0:
        for loopback in loopback_text:
            if len(loopback) > 0:
                loopback_device = rstrip(loopback[0], ':')
                print 'INFO: deleting', loopback_device
                run(['losetup', '-d', loopback_device], host=dut)
        loopback_text = run(['losetup'], host=dut, split=True)
        print 'INFO: new loopback text is', loopback_text
        old_loopbacks = len(loopback_text) - 1
    xec_before_test = run(['xec-vm'], host=dut)
    print 'INFO: before the test, xec showed', xec_before_test
    x, name = name_split(guest)
    print 'INFO: guest is', guest, 'and x is', x, 'and name is', name
    # should shut the VM down first, but how does that interact with getting its address?
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'shutdown'], host=dut)
    print 'INFO: waiting for guest', name, 'to stop on', dut
    wait_for_vm_to_stop(dut, name)
    start_and_stop_guest(dut, name)
    new_loopbacks = len(run(['losetup'], host=dut, line_split=True)) - 1 
    vm_uuids = [ vm['uuid'] for vm in list_vms(dut) ]
    print 'INFO: vm uuids are', vm_uuids
    known_vm_taps = []
    for uuid in vm_uuids:
        known_vm_taps.extend(list_vm_taps(dut, uuid))
    all_taps = [x[3].split(':')[1]
                for x in run(['tap-ctl', 'list'],
    print 'INFO: taps known to belong to vms are', known_vm_taps
    print 'INFO: all taps are', all_taps
    for tap in all_taps:
        if tap not in known_vm_taps:
            raise UnclaimedVHD(tap)
    for uuid in vm_uuids:
        if 'deadbeef' in uuid:
            raise VMHasDeadBeef(uuid )
    print 'INFO: after starting and stopping guest, there are', new_loopbacks, 'loopbacks'
    if new_loopbacks > old_loopbacks:
        raise GuestLeakingLoopbacks(new_loopbacks - old_loopbacks)
    print 'HEADLINE: verified no loopback leakage from guest'
def install_network_test_vm(dut, name):
    if not have_fresh_vhd(NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME):
        print 'HEADLINE: no fresh vhd for %s, building from scratch' % NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME
        build_network_test_vm(dut, NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME)
        soft_shutdown_guest(dut, NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME, method='ssh')
        run(['xec-vm', '-n', NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME, 'delete'], host=dut)

    assert have_fresh_vhd(NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME)  # won't work outside of CBG

    os_name, vm_name = name_split(name)
    assert os_name == NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME, "Only %s is supported as a network test VM" % NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME
    vm_uuid = install_guest(dut, guest=name, kind='vhd')
    configure_v4v_rules(dut, vm_name)
    soft_reboot_and_wait(dut, vm_name)  # apply v4v rules

    return NetworkTestVM(dut, vm_uuid)
Example #15
def install_network_test_vm(dut, name):
    if not have_fresh_vhd(NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME):
        print 'HEADLINE: no fresh vhd for %s, building from scratch' % NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME
        build_network_test_vm(dut, NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME)
        soft_shutdown_guest(dut, NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME, method='ssh')
        run(['xec-vm', '-n', NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME, 'delete'], host=dut)

    assert have_fresh_vhd(NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME) # won't work outside of CBG

    os_name, vm_name = name_split(name)
    assert os_name == NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME, "Only %s is supported as a network test VM" % NETWORK_TEST_OS_NAME
    vm_uuid = install_guest(dut, guest=name, kind='vhd')
    configure_v4v_rules(dut, vm_name)
    soft_reboot_and_wait(dut, vm_name) # apply v4v rules

    return NetworkTestVM(dut, vm_uuid)
Example #16
def stubdom_boot(dut, guest):
    """Test guest still boots on dut when running with studbom"""
    _, name = name_split(guest)
    vm_address = domain_address(dut, guest)
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'start'], host=dut)
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'switch'], host=dut)
    wait_for_vm_to_stop(dut, guest)
    status = find_domain(dut, guest)
    print 'INFO: domain status', status
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'set', 'cd', 'xc-tools.iso'], host=dut)
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'set', 'stubdom', 'true'], host=dut)
    print 'INFO: booting', guest, 'with stubdom'
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'start'], host=dut)
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'switch'], host=dut)
    print 'HEADLINE: verified', guest, 'works with stubdom=true'
Example #17
def stubdom_boot(dut, guest):
    """Test guest still boots on dut when running with studbom"""
    _, name = name_split(guest)
    vm_address = domain_address(dut, guest)
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'start'], host=dut)
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'switch'], host=dut)
    wait_for_vm_to_stop(dut, guest)
    status = find_domain(dut, guest)
    print 'INFO: domain status', status
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'set', 'cd', 'xc-tools.iso'], host=dut)
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'set', 'stubdom', 'true'], host=dut)
    print 'INFO: booting', guest, 'with stubdom'
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'start'], host=dut)
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'switch'], host=dut)
    print 'HEADLINE: verified', guest, 'works with stubdom=true'
Example #18
def start_vm(dut, guest, may_already_be_running=False, timeout=600,
             busy_stop=False, check_method=None):
    """Start guest on dut"""
    check_method = check_method or get_default_exec_method(dut, guest)
    print 'INFO: Guest is '+guest
    _, name = name_split(guest)
    print 'START_VM:', guest, '->', name
    for i in range(3, 0, -1):
            run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'start'], timeout=300, host=dut)
        except SubprocessError, exc:
            if 'VM is already created' in repr(exc) and may_already_be_running: 
                print 'START_VM:', guest, 'is already running'
            elif 'Not enough free memory!' in repr(exc):
                print 'START_VM: not enough memory at the moment to run', \
                    guest, busy_stop
                if (not busy_stop) or i == 1:
                    raise InsufficientMemoryToRunVM(dut, guest, busy_stop)
                do_busy_stop(dut, guest)
Example #19
def ensure(dut, guest, busy_stop=True):
    """Ensure guest is installed with tools on dut.
    If busy_stop is true and then shut down other VMs to make more memory"""
    print 'INFO: contacting and determining build on', dut
    build = try_get_build(dut)
    os_name, name = name_split(guest)
        print 'INFO: looking for domain', guest
        domain1 = find_domain(dut, guest)
    except CannotFindDomain:
        print 'INFO:', guest, 'does not exist yet'
        print 'INFO: found domain', domain1
        if domain1['status'] != 'running':
            print 'INFO: starting', guest
            vm_address = start_vm(dut, guest, busy_stop=busy_stop)
            print 'INFO: contacting', guest
            vm_address = wait_for_guest(dut, name)
        problems = tools_install_problems(dut, guest)
        if problems is None:
            print 'HEADLINE: already have suitable VM with tools'
            maybe_kill_prompt_remover(dut, guest, vm_address)
            return vm_address
            print 'HEADLINE: already have', guest, 'but', problems
            install_tools(dut, guest)
            maybe_kill_prompt_remover(dut, guest, vm_address)
            return vm_address

        with_tools_vhd = VHD_WITH_TOOLS_PATTERN % {
            'build': build,
            'name': os_name,
            'encrypted': ''
        suitable = exists(with_tools_vhd)
        print 'INFO: set VHD_WITH_TOOLS_PATTERN to enable use of VHDs with tools installed'
        suitable = False
    if suitable:
        age = (time() - (stat(with_tools_vhd).st_ctime)) / (24 * 60 * 60.0)
        print 'INFO: found prepared VHD', with_tools_vhd, 'which is', age, 'days old'
        if age > MAXIMUM_VHD_AGE_DAYS:
            print 'INFO: not using ready made VHD since it is', age, 'days old'
            valid = False
            valid = True
        valid = False
    if valid:
        print 'HEADLINE: have ready made VHD at', with_tools_vhd
        vhd_path_callback = lambda vhd_path: download_image(
            dut, 'with_tools', os_name, vhd_path)
        vm_address2 = create_vm(dut,
        problem = retry(lambda: tools_install_problems(dut, guest),
                        description='determine whether tools are installed',
        if problem is not None:
            raise ToolsNotInstalledInImage(with_tools_vhd, problem)
        maybe_kill_prompt_remover(dut, guest, vm_address2)
        return vm_address2
    sans_tools_vhd = VHD_SANS_TOOLS_PATTERN % {
        'name': os_name,
        'encrypted': ''
    kind2 = 'vhd' if have_fresh_vhd(os_name) else 'iso'
    install_guest(dut, guest, kind2, busy_stop=True)
    install_tools(dut, guest)
Example #20
def wait_for_guest(host, guest, method=None, timeout=600):
    """Return address for guest on host, checking that it is responding
    and retrying as necessary"""
    if method is None:
        method = get_default_exec_method(host, guest)
    assert method in ['exec_daemon', "ssh"]
    print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM: contacting', guest, 'using', method
    _, name = name_split(guest)
    start = time()
    run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'switch'], host=host)

    def check_running():
        """check VM is running"""
        count = 0
        while (1):
            out = run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'get', 'state'],
            print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM: VM', name, 'state', out[0]
            if out[0] == 'stopped':
                if count > 4:
                    raise SystemStoppedWhileWaitingForSystem(out, guest, host)
                    count += 1

    def get_address():
        """get address for VM """
        return domain_address(host, guest, timeout=5)

    address = retry(get_address,
                    'get %s address on %s' % (guest, host),
    delta = time() - start
    rtimeout = max(30, int(timeout - delta))
    print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM: remainining timeout', rtimeout, 'of', timeout

    def check_windows_version():
        """Check that VM is still running"""
        out = call_exec_daemon('windowsVersion', [], host=address, timeout=60)
        print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM: windows version returned', out

    def check_ssh_access():
        """Check that VM is available over ssh"""
        run(['echo', 'test succeeded'],
        print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM: ssh command execution succeeded'

    if method == "exec_daemon":
            ver = retry(check_windows_version,
                        description='run windowsVersion on ' + host + ' ' +
        except error:
            raise UnableToContactGuestService(host, guest, timeout, error)
        print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM:', guest, 'on', host, \
            'replied with windows version', ver, 'from address', address
    elif method == "ssh":
              description='run ssh check on ' + host + ' ' + guest,
        print 'WAIT_FOR_SYSTEM:', guest, 'on', host, \
            'ssh test succeed on', address
    return address
Example #21
def tools_install_problems(dut, guest):
    """Return a string describing reasons why the tools install is bad or None
    if it is good for vm_addresss"""
    os_name, name = name_split(guest)
    return _proxy_call(dut, name, 'tools_install_problems', dut, name)
Example #22
def create_vm(dut, guest, encrypt_vhd=False, 
              iso_name=None, vhd_path_callback = lambda x: None,
              start_timeout=1200, busy_stop=False,
    """Create and boot VM on dut called guest, with access to iso_name
    if specified.  Wait start_timeout for it to boot. Invoke
    vhd_path_callback between creating and booting it with its vhd_path"""
    os_name, name = name_split(guest)
    current = list_vms(dut)
    print 'INFO: have VMs', current
    for already in list_vms(dut):
        if already['name'] == name:
            raise DomainAlreadyExists(dut, guest)

    memsize = 256 if os_name == 'xp' else 1024
    is_windows = not os_name.startswith("ubuntu")
    check_method = "exec_daemon" if is_windows else "ssh"
    go = specify(timeout=120, host=dut)
    dbus_path = go(["xec",  "create-vm"], word_split=True)[0]
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: dbus path', dbus_path
    vm_go = lambda x: go(['xec', '-o', dbus_path, '-i',
                          'com.citrix.xenclient.xenmgr.vm']+ x, word_split=True)
    vm_go(['set', 'name', name])
    imgpath = IMAGE_PATHS.get(os_name)
    if imgpath:
        vm_go(['set', 'image-path', imgpath])
    # set image-path correctly?
    vm_go(['set', 'memory', str(memsize)])
    vm_go(['set', 'wired-network', 'brbridged'])
    vm_go(['set', 'vcpus', '2'])
    vm_go(['set', 'description', name])
    vm_go(['set', 'stubdom', 'true'])
    if is_windows:
        vm_go(['set', 'os', 'windows'])
        vm_go(['set', 'os', 'linux'])
        vm_go(['set', 'xci-cpuid-signature', 'true'])
        vm_go(['set', 'viridian', 'false'])
    if iso_name:
        vm_go(['set', 'cd', iso_name])
    if networked:
        nic_list = vm_go(['list-nics'])
        print 'INFO: nic list', repr(nic_list)
        num_existing_nics = len(nic_list)
        no_nics_expected = get_xc_config_field(dut, 'NoDefaultNicsInTemplates', default_value=False)
        print 'INFO: found', num_existing_nics, 'NICs'
        if num_existing_nics == 0: 
            if not no_nics_expected:
                print 'WARNING: No NICs were present on the newly-created VM, but the config file does not indicate that there should be no NICs'
                wired_nic_path = vm_go(['add-nic'])[0]
                wireless = run(['xec', '-o', '/host', 'get', 'wireless-model'], host=dut, word_split=True)
                if len(wireless) > 0:
                    wireless_nic_path = vm_go(['add-nic'])[0]
                    go(['xec', '-o', wireless_nic_path, 'set', 'wireless-driver', 'true'])
                    go(['xec', '-o', wireless_nic_path, 'set', 'network', '/wifi/0/shared'])
                    print 'INFO: wired_nic_path is', wired_nic_path, 'and wireless_nic_path is', wireless_nic_path
                    print 'INFO: wired_nic_path is', wired_nic_path
            if no_nics_expected:
                print 'WARNING: Some NICs were present on the newly-created VM, but the config file does not indicate that there should be any NICs'
    vhd_path = go(['xec', 'create-vhd', '80000'], split=True)[0][0]
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST:', 'VHD path', vhd_path
    assert vhd_path.endswith('.vhd')
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: after configuration %r' % (go(
        ['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'getall']))
    disk_dbus_path = (go(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'add_disk'], split=True))[0][0]
    disk_number = disk_dbus_path.split('/')[-1]
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: disk path',  disk_dbus_path, 'number', disk_number
    go(['xec-vm', '-n', name, '--disk', disk_number, 'attach_vhd', vhd_path])
    if encrypt_vhd:
        key_dir = run(['xec', 'get', 'platform-crypto-key-dirs'], 
                      host=dut, line_split=True)[0]
        run(['mkdir', '-p', key_dir], host=dut)
        phys_path = run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, '--disk', '1', 
                        'get', 'phys-path'], host=dut, line_split=True)[0]
        print 'INFO: VHD physical path', phys_path
        assert basename(phys_path).endswith('.vhd')
        vm_vhd_uuid = basename(phys_path)[:-4]
        key_file = (key_dir + '/'+vm_vhd_uuid+',aes-xts-plain,'+
        print 'INFO: VHD key', key_file
        # /dev/random can take more than 60 seconds to generate 512 bits
        # of randomness
        run(['dd', 'if=/dev/urandom', 'of='+key_file, 
             'count='+str(DISK_ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH/8), 'bs=1'],
        run(['vhd-util', 'key', '-n', phys_path, '-k', key_file, '-s'], 
        print 'INFO: set up encryption'
        print 'INFO: using an un-encrypted vhd'
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: starting', guest
    vm_address = start_vm(dut, guest, timeout=start_timeout, 
                          busy_stop=busy_stop, check_method=check_method)
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: start_vm returned, address', vm_address
    ensure_stable(vm_address, 30, method=check_method, description = guest + ' on '+dut)
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: VM stable'
    return vm_address
Example #23
File: ensure.py Project: OpenXT/bvt
def ensure(dut, guest, busy_stop=True):
    """Ensure guest is installed with tools on dut.
    If busy_stop is true and then shut down other VMs to make more memory"""
    print 'INFO: contacting and determining build on', dut
    build = try_get_build(dut)
    os_name, name = name_split(guest)
        print 'INFO: looking for domain', guest
        domain1 = find_domain(dut, guest)
    except CannotFindDomain:
        print 'INFO:', guest, 'does not exist yet'
        print 'INFO: found domain', domain1
        if domain1['status'] != 'running':
            print 'INFO: starting', guest
            vm_address = start_vm(dut, guest, busy_stop=busy_stop)
            print 'INFO: contacting', guest
            vm_address = wait_for_guest(dut, name)
        problems = tools_install_problems(dut, guest)
        if problems is None:
            print 'HEADLINE: already have suitable VM with tools'
            maybe_kill_prompt_remover(dut, guest, vm_address)
            return vm_address
            print 'HEADLINE: already have', guest, 'but', problems
            install_tools(dut, guest)
            maybe_kill_prompt_remover(dut, guest, vm_address)
            return vm_address

        with_tools_vhd = VHD_WITH_TOOLS_PATTERN % {'build':build, 'name': os_name, 
        suitable = exists(with_tools_vhd)
        print 'INFO: set VHD_WITH_TOOLS_PATTERN to enable use of VHDs with tools installed'
        suitable = False
    if suitable:
        age = (time() - (stat(with_tools_vhd).st_ctime)) / (24*60*60.0)
        print 'INFO: found prepared VHD', with_tools_vhd, 'which is', age, 'days old'
        if age > MAXIMUM_VHD_AGE_DAYS:
            print 'INFO: not using ready made VHD since it is', age, 'days old'
            valid = False
            valid = True
        valid = False
    if valid:
        print 'HEADLINE: have ready made VHD at', with_tools_vhd
        vhd_path_callback = lambda vhd_path: download_image(
            dut, 'with_tools', os_name, vhd_path)
        vm_address2 = create_vm(dut, guest, 
        problem = retry(lambda: tools_install_problems(dut, guest),
              description='determine whether tools are installed',
        if problem is not None:
            raise ToolsNotInstalledInImage(with_tools_vhd, problem)
        maybe_kill_prompt_remover(dut, guest, vm_address2)
        return vm_address2
    sans_tools_vhd = VHD_SANS_TOOLS_PATTERN % {'name': os_name, 'encrypted': ''}
    kind2 = 'vhd' if have_fresh_vhd(os_name) else 'iso'
    install_guest(dut, guest, kind2, busy_stop=True)
    install_tools(dut, guest)        
Example #24
def create_vm(dut, guest, encrypt_vhd=False, 
              iso_name=None, vhd_path_callback = lambda x: None,
              start_timeout=1200, busy_stop=False,
    """Create and boot VM on dut called guest, with access to iso_name
    if specified.  Wait start_timeout for it to boot. Invoke
    vhd_path_callback between creating and booting it with its vhd_path"""
    os_name, name = name_split(guest)
    current = list_vms(dut)
    print 'INFO: have VMs', current
    for already in list_vms(dut):
        if already['name'] == name:
            raise DomainAlreadyExists(dut, guest)

    memsize = 256 if os_name == 'xp' else 1024
    is_windows = not os_name.startswith("ubuntu")
    check_method = "exec_daemon" if is_windows else "ssh"
    go = specify(timeout=120, host=dut)
    dbus_path = go(["xec",  "create-vm"], word_split=True)[0]
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: dbus path', dbus_path
    vm_go = lambda x: go(['xec', '-o', dbus_path, '-i',
                          'com.citrix.xenclient.xenmgr.vm']+ x, word_split=True)
    vm_go(['set', 'name', name])
    imgpath = IMAGE_PATHS.get(os_name)
    if imgpath:
        vm_go(['set', 'image-path', imgpath])
    # set image-path correctly?
    vm_go(['set', 'memory', str(memsize)])
    vm_go(['set', 'wired-network', 'brbridged'])
    vm_go(['set', 'vcpus', '2'])
    vm_go(['set', 'description', name])
    vm_go(['set', 'stubdom', 'true'])
    if is_windows:
        vm_go(['set', 'os', 'windows'])
        vm_go(['set', 'os', 'linux'])
        vm_go(['set', 'xci-cpuid-signature', 'true'])
        vm_go(['set', 'viridian', 'false'])
    if iso_name:
        vm_go(['set', 'cd', iso_name])
    if networked:
        nic_list = vm_go(['list-nics'])
        print 'INFO: nic list', repr(nic_list)
        num_existing_nics = len(nic_list)
        no_nics_expected = get_xc_config_field(dut, 'NoDefaultNicsInTemplates', default_value=False)
        print 'INFO: found', num_existing_nics, 'NICs'
        if num_existing_nics == 0: 
            if not no_nics_expected:
                print 'WARNING: No NICs were present on the newly-created VM, but the config file does not indicate that there should be no NICs'
                wired_nic_path = vm_go(['add-nic'])[0]
                wireless = run(['xec', '-o', '/host', 'get', 'wireless-model'], host=dut, word_split=True)
                if len(wireless) > 0:
                    wireless_nic_path = vm_go(['add-nic'])[0]
                    go(['xec', '-o', wireless_nic_path, 'set', 'wireless-driver', 'true'])
                    go(['xec', '-o', wireless_nic_path, 'set', 'network', '/wifi/0/shared'])
                    print 'INFO: wired_nic_path is', wired_nic_path, 'and wireless_nic_path is', wireless_nic_path
                    print 'INFO: wired_nic_path is', wired_nic_path
            if no_nics_expected:
                print 'WARNING: Some NICs were present on the newly-created VM, but the config file does not indicate that there should be any NICs'
    vhd_path = go(['xec', 'create-vhd', '80000'], split=True)[0][0]
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST:', 'VHD path', vhd_path
    assert vhd_path.endswith('.vhd')
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: after configuration %r' % (go(
        ['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'getall']))
    disk_dbus_path = (go(['xec-vm', '-n', name, 'add_disk'], split=True))[0][0]
    disk_number = disk_dbus_path.split('/')[-1]
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: disk path',  disk_dbus_path, 'number', disk_number
    go(['xec-vm', '-n', name, '--disk', disk_number, 'attach_vhd', vhd_path])
    if encrypt_vhd:
        key_dir = run(['xec', 'get', 'platform-crypto-key-dirs'], 
                      host=dut, line_split=True)[0]
        run(['mkdir', '-p', key_dir], host=dut)
        phys_path = run(['xec-vm', '-n', name, '--disk', '1', 
                        'get', 'phys-path'], host=dut, line_split=True)[0]
        print 'INFO: VHD physical path', phys_path
        assert basename(phys_path).endswith('.vhd')
        vm_vhd_uuid = basename(phys_path)[:-4]
        key_file = (key_dir + '/'+vm_vhd_uuid+',aes-xts-plain,'+
        print 'INFO: VHD key', key_file
        # /dev/random can take more than 60 seconds to generate 512 bits
        # of randomness
        run(['dd', 'if=/dev/urandom', 'of='+key_file, 
             'count='+str(DISK_ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH/8), 'bs=1'],
        run(['vhd-util', 'key', '-n', phys_path, '-k', key_file, '-s'], 
        print 'INFO: set up encryption'
        print 'INFO: using an un-encrypted vhd'
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: starting', guest
    vm_address = start_vm(dut, guest, timeout=start_timeout, 
                          busy_stop=busy_stop, check_method=check_method)
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: start_vm returned, address', vm_address
    ensure_stable(vm_address, 30, method=check_method, description = guest + ' on '+dut)
    print 'INSTALL_GUEST: VM stable'
    return vm_address
Example #25
    if build is None:
        raise NoMatchingBuilds(tag_regexp)
    print 'LATEST: latest build matching', tag_regexp, 'is', build['_id']
    return build['_id']

def is_test_available(case, dut, current_install, domlist, build):
    """Can we run case on dut? Return boolean and a reason why not"""
    unsuitable = case.get('unsuitable_duts', list())
    if dut in unsuitable:
        return False, dut + ' unsuitable'
    if current_install and case['trigger'] in ['first', 'platform install']:
        return False, 'restricted to current install'
    guest = case.get('guest')
    if guest is not None:
        guest_os_name, _ = name_split(guest)
        guest_os_name = None
    if guest and case.get('trigger') != 'VM install':
        if not [
                dom for dom in domlist
                if dom['name'] == guest and dom['status'] == 'running'
            return False, "requires " + guest + " VM"
    if 'futile' not in case:
        futile = ''
            with time_limit(10, 'futility check'):
                futile = case['futile'](dut, guest, guest_os_name, build,