Example #1
    def test_hess(self):
        #NOTE: I had to overwrite this to lessen the tolerance
        for test_params in self.params:
            he = self.mod.hessian(test_params)
            hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params, self.mod.score)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=DEC8)

            #NOTE: notice the accuracy below and the epsilon changes
            # this doesn't work well for score -> hessian with non-cs step
            # it's a little better around the optimum
            assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=7)
            hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, self.mod.score,
            assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=4)
            hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, self.mod.score, 1e-9,
            assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=2)

            hescs = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params, self.mod.score)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hescs, decimal=DEC8)

            hecs = numdiff.approx_hess_cs(test_params, self.mod.loglike)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=5)
            #NOTE: these just don't work well
            #hecs = numdiff.approx_hess1(test_params, self.mod.loglike, 1e-3)
            #assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=1)
            #hecs = numdiff.approx_hess2(test_params, self.mod.loglike, 1e-4)
            #assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=0)
            hecs = numdiff.approx_hess3(test_params, self.mod.loglike, 1e-4)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=0)
def test_logit_1d():

    y = np.r_[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
    g = np.r_[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]

    x = np.r_[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
    x = x[:, None]

    model = ConditionalLogit(y, x, groups=g)

    # Check the gradient for the denominator of the partial likelihood
    for x in -1, 0, 1, 2:
        params = np.r_[x, ]
        _, grad = model._denom_grad(0, params)
        ngrad = approx_fprime(params, lambda x: model._denom(0, x))
        assert_allclose(grad, ngrad)

    # Check the gradient for the loglikelihood
    for x in -1, 0, 1, 2:
        grad = approx_fprime(np.r_[x, ], model.loglike)
        score = model.score(np.r_[x, ])
        assert_allclose(grad, score, rtol=1e-4)

    result = model.fit()

    # From Stata
    assert_allclose(result.params, np.r_[0.9272407], rtol=1e-5)
    assert_allclose(result.bse, np.r_[1.295155], rtol=1e-5)
def test_logit_2d():

    y = np.r_[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
    g = np.r_[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]

    x1 = np.r_[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
    x2 = np.r_[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
    x = np.empty((10, 2))
    x[:, 0] = x1
    x[:, 1] = x2

    model = ConditionalLogit(y, x, groups=g)

    # Check the gradient for the denominator of the partial likelihood
    for x in -1, 0, 1, 2:
        params = np.r_[x, -1.5*x]
        _, grad = model._denom_grad(0, params)
        ngrad = approx_fprime(params, lambda x: model._denom(0, x))
        assert_allclose(grad, ngrad, rtol=1e-5)

    # Check the gradient for the loglikelihood
    for x in -1, 0, 1, 2:
        params = np.r_[-0.5*x, 0.5*x]
        grad = approx_fprime(params, model.loglike)
        score = model.score(params)
        assert_allclose(grad, score, rtol=1e-4)

    result = model.fit()

    # From Stata
    assert_allclose(result.params, np.r_[1.011074, 1.236758], rtol=1e-3)
    assert_allclose(result.bse, np.r_[1.420784, 1.361738], rtol=1e-5)

    def test_calc_project_jacobian(self):
        proj = TestProject.proj

        project_param_vector = np.zeros((3,))
        low_deg_idx = proj.project_param_idx['Group_1'][('Low',)]
        high_deg_idx = proj.project_param_idx['Group_1'][('High',)]
        synt_idx = proj.project_param_idx['k_synt']['Global']

        project_param_vector[high_deg_idx] = 0.01
        project_param_vector[low_deg_idx] = 0.001
        project_param_vector[synt_idx] = 0.01
        log_project_param_vector = np.log(project_param_vector)

        sens_jacobian = proj.calc_project_jacobian(log_project_param_vector)

        def get_scaled_sims(x):
            sims = proj.get_simulations(scaled=True)
            return sims.values[:, 0]

        num_global_jac = approx_fprime(log_project_param_vector, get_scaled_sims, centered=True)

        assert np.allclose(num_global_jac, sens_jacobian, atol=0.000001)

        project_param_vector[high_deg_idx] = 0.02
        project_param_vector[low_deg_idx] = 0.003
        project_param_vector[synt_idx] = 0.05
        log_project_param_vector = np.log(project_param_vector)

        sens_rss_grad = proj.calc_rss_gradient(log_project_param_vector)
        num_rss_jac = approx_fprime(log_project_param_vector, proj.calc_sum_square_residuals, centered=True)
        assert np.allclose(sens_rss_grad, num_rss_jac, atol=0.000001)
Example #5
def test_dtypes():
    def f(x):
        return 2*x

    desired = np.array([[2, 0],
                        [0, 2]])
    assert_allclose(approx_fprime(np.array([1, 2]), f), desired)
    assert_allclose(approx_fprime(np.array([1., 2.]), f), desired)
    assert_allclose(approx_fprime(np.array([1.+0j, 2.+0j]), f), desired)
Example #6
    def gradient_momcond(self, params, epsilon=1e-4, method='centered'):

        momcond = self.momcond_mean
        if method == 'centered':
            gradmoms = (approx_fprime(params, momcond, epsilon=epsilon) +
                    approx_fprime(params, momcond, epsilon=-epsilon))/2
            gradmoms = approx_fprime(params, momcond, epsilon=epsilon)

        return gradmoms
Example #7
 def test_grad_fun1_fd(self):
     for test_params in self.params:
         #gtrue = self.x.sum(0)
         gtrue = self.gradtrue(test_params)
         fun = self.fun()
         epsilon = 1e-6
         gfd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, fun, epsilon=epsilon,
         gfd += numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, fun, epsilon=-epsilon,
         gfd /= 2.
         assert_almost_equal(gtrue, gfd, decimal=DEC6)
Example #8
    def score(self, params):
        Gradient of log-likelihood evaluated at params
        from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime

        return approx_fprime(params, self.loglike, epsilon=1e-4, centered=True).ravel()
Example #9
    def compute_param_cov(self, params, backcast=None, robust=True):
        Computes parameter covariances using numerical derivatives.

        params : 1-d array
            Model parameters
        robust : bool, optional
            Flag indicating whether to use robust standard errors (True) or
            classic MLE (False)

        resids = self.resids(self.starting_values())
        var_bounds = self.volatility.variance_bounds(resids)
        nobs = resids.shape[0]
        if backcast is None and self._backcast is None:
            backcast = self.volatility.backcast(resids)
            self._backcast = backcast
        elif backcast is None:
            backcast = self._backcast

        kwargs = {"sigma2": np.zeros_like(resids), "backcast": backcast, "var_bounds": var_bounds, "individual": False}

        hess = approx_hess(params, self._loglikelihood, kwargs=kwargs)
        hess /= nobs
        inv_hess = np.linalg.inv(hess)
        if robust:
            kwargs["individual"] = True
            scores = approx_fprime(params, self._loglikelihood, kwargs=kwargs)
            score_cov = np.cov(scores.T)
            return inv_hess.dot(score_cov).dot(inv_hess) / nobs
            return inv_hess / nobs
def test_poisson_2d():

    y = np.r_[3, 1, 4, 8, 2, 5, 4, 7, 2, 6]
    g = np.r_[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]

    x1 = np.r_[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
    x2 = np.r_[2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 0, 1]
    x = np.empty((10, 2))
    x[:, 0] = x1
    x[:, 1] = x2

    model = ConditionalPoisson(y, x, groups=g)

    # Check the gradient for the loglikelihood
    for x in -1, 0, 1, 2:
        params = np.r_[-0.5*x, 0.5*x]
        grad = approx_fprime(params, model.loglike)
        score = model.score(params)
        assert_allclose(grad, score, rtol=1e-4)

    result = model.fit()

    # From Stata
    assert_allclose(result.params, np.r_[-.9478957, -.0134279], rtol=1e-3)
    assert_allclose(result.bse, np.r_[.3874942, .1686712], rtol=1e-5)

Example #11
    def deriv2(self, p):
        """Second derivative of the link function g''(p)

        implemented through numerical differentiation
        from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime
        # Note: speciaf function for norm.ppf does not support complex
        return np.diag(approx_fprime(p, self.deriv, centered=True))
Example #12
 def deriv(self, mu):
     Derivative of the variance function v'(mu)
     from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime_cs, approx_fprime
     #return approx_fprime_cs(mu, self)  # TODO fix breaks in `fabs
     # TODO: diag is workaround problem with numdiff for 1d
     return np.diag(approx_fprime(mu, self))
    def fit_map(self, method="BFGS", minim_opts=None, scale_fe=False):
        Construct the Laplace approximation to the posterior

        method : string
            Optimization method for finding the posterior mode.
        minim_opts : dict-like
            Options passed to scipy.minimize.
        scale_fe : bool
            If true, the columns of the fixed effects design matrix
            are centered and scaled to unit variance before fitting
            the model.  The results are back-transformed so that the
            results are presented on the original scale.

        BayesMixedGLMResults instance.

        if scale_fe:
            mn = self.exog.mean(0)
            sc = self.exog.std(0)
            self._exog_save = self.exog
            self.exog = self.exog.copy()
            ixs = np.flatnonzero(sc > 1e-8)
            self.exog[:, ixs] -= mn[ixs]
            self.exog[:, ixs] /= sc[ixs]

        def fun(params):
            return -self.logposterior(params)

        def grad(params):
            return -self.logposterior_grad(params)

        start = self._get_start()

        r = minimize(fun, start, method=method, jac=grad, options=minim_opts)
        if not r.success:
            msg = ("Laplace fitting did not converge, |gradient|=%.6f" %

        from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime
        hess = approx_fprime(r.x, grad)
        cov = np.linalg.inv(hess)

        params = r.x

        if scale_fe:
            self.exog = self._exog_save
            del self._exog_save
            params[ixs] /= sc[ixs]
            cov[ixs, :][:, ixs] /= np.outer(sc[ixs], sc[ixs])

        return BayesMixedGLMResults(self, params, cov, optim_retvals=r)
Example #14
    def test_score(self):
        # this test the score at parameters different from the optimum.

        import statsmodels.tools.numdiff as nd
        score_by_numdiff = nd.approx_fprime(self.res1.params * 2, \
                                            self.mod1.loglike, centered=True)

        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.mod1.score(self.res1.params * 2),
                                   score_by_numdiff, rtol=RTOL_4, atol=ATOL_1)
Example #15
    def test_grad_fun1_fdc(self):
        for test_params in self.params:
            #gtrue = self.x.sum(0)
            gtrue = self.gradtrue(test_params)
            fun = self.fun()

            epsilon = 1e-6  #default epsilon 1e-6 is not precise enough
            gfd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, fun, epsilon=1e-8,
                                         args=self.args, centered=True)
            assert_almost_equal(gtrue, gfd, decimal=DEC5)
Example #16
    def test_score(self):
        for test_params in self.params:
            sc = self.mod.score(test_params)
            scfd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params.ravel(),
            assert_almost_equal(sc, scfd, decimal=1)

            sccs = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params.ravel(),
            assert_almost_equal(sc, sccs, decimal=11)
def test_statsmodels_numdiff_std(avg=AVG, std=STD, f=F):
    c = clock()
    j = numdiff.approx_fprime(avg, f, centered=True)
    LOGGER.debug('\t1> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    std = np.abs(j.diagonal()*std)  # np.sqrt(j*std*std*j)
    LOGGER.debug('\t2> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    avg = f(avg)
    LOGGER.debug('\t3> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    dt = np.dtype([('avg', float), ('std', float)])
    LOGGER.debug('\t4> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    return np.array(zip(avg, std), dtype=dt)
def test_statsmodels_numdiff_std(avg=AVG, std=STD, f=F):
    c = clock()
    j = numdiff.approx_fprime(avg, f, centered=True)
    LOGGER.debug('\t1> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    std = [np.linalg.norm(j[n] * std) for n in xrange(NARGS)]
    LOGGER.debug('\t2> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    avg = f(avg)
    LOGGER.debug('\t3> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    dt = np.dtype([('avg', float), ('std', float)])
    LOGGER.debug('\t4> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    return np.array(zip(avg, std), dtype=dt)
Example #19
def test_deriv():
    # Check link function derivatives using numeric differentiation.


    for link in Links:
        for k in range(10):
            p = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
            d = link.deriv(p)
            da = nd.approx_fprime(np.r_[p], link)
            assert_allclose(d, da, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6,
def test_conditional_mlogit_grad():

    df = gen_mlogit(90)
    model = ConditionalMlogit.from_formula("y ~ 0 + x1 + x2",
              time="time", groups="g", data=df)

    # Compare the gradients to numeric gradients
    for _ in range(5):
        za = np.random.normal(size=4)
        grad = model.score(za)
        ngrad = approx_fprime(za, model.loglike)
        assert_allclose(grad, ngrad, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-3)
def test_statsmodels_numdiff_cov(avg=AVG, cov=COV, f=F):
    c = clock()
    j = numdiff.approx_fprime(avg, f, centered=True)
    LOGGER.debug('\t1> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    cov = np.dot(np.dot(j, cov), j.T)
    LOGGER.debug('\t2> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    avg = f(avg)
    LOGGER.debug('\t3> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    cov = np.reshape(cov.diagonal(), avg.shape)
    LOGGER.debug('\t4> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    dt = np.dtype([('avg', float), ('cov', float)])
    LOGGER.debug('\t5> %g [s]', clock() - c)
    return np.array(zip(avg, cov), dtype=dt)
Example #22
    def score(self, params):
        Return the gradient of the loglike at params

        params : list

        Return numerical gradient
        loglike = self.loglike
        return approx_fprime(params, loglike, epsilon=1e-8)
Example #23
    def score(self, AB_mask):
        Return the gradient of the loglike at AB_mask.

        AB_mask : unknown values of A and B matrix concatenated

        Return numerical gradient
        loglike = self.loglike
        return approx_fprime(AB_mask, loglike, epsilon=1e-8)
Example #24
    def score(self, params):
        Return the gradient of the loglikelihood at params.

        params : array-like
            The parameter values at which to evaluate the score function.

        Returns numerical gradient.
        loglike = self.loglike
        return approx_fprime(params, loglike, epsilon=1e-8)
Example #25
    def test_derivatives(self):
        pen = self.pen
        x = self.params

        ps = np.array([pen.deriv(np.atleast_1d(xi)) for xi in x])
        psn = np.array([approx_fprime(np.atleast_1d(xi), pen.func) for xi in x])
        assert_allclose(ps, psn, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8)

        ph = np.array([pen.deriv2(np.atleast_1d(xi)) for xi in x])
        phn = np.array([approx_hess(np.atleast_1d(xi), pen.func) for xi in x])
        if ph.ndim == 2:
            # SmoothedSCAD returns only diagonal if hessian if independent
            # TODO should ww allow this also in L@?
            ph = np.array([np.diag(phi) for phi in ph])
        assert_allclose(ph, phn, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8)
    def test_hess(self):
        for test_params in self.params:
            he = self.mod.hessian(test_params)
            hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params, self.mod.score)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=DEC8)

            #NOTE: notice the accuracy below
            assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=7)
            hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, self.mod.score,
            assert_allclose(he, hefd, rtol=5e-10)
            hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, self.mod.score,
            assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=4)

            hescs = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params.ravel(),
            assert_allclose(he, hescs, rtol=1e-13)

            hecs = numdiff.approx_hess_cs(test_params.ravel(),
            assert_allclose(he, hecs, rtol=1e-9)

            #NOTE: Look at the lack of precision - default epsilon not always
            grad = self.mod.score(test_params)
            hecs, gradcs = numdiff.approx_hess1(test_params, self.mod.loglike,
                                              1e-6, return_grad=True)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=1)
            assert_almost_equal(grad, gradcs, decimal=1)
            hecs, gradcs = numdiff.approx_hess2(test_params, self.mod.loglike,
                                1e-4, return_grad=True)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=3)
            assert_almost_equal(grad, gradcs, decimal=1)
            hecs = numdiff.approx_hess3(test_params, self.mod.loglike, 1e-5)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=4)
Example #27
    def test_derivatives(self):
        pen = self.pen
        x = self.params

        ps = np.array([pen.deriv(np.atleast_1d(xi)) for xi in x])
        psn = np.array([approx_fprime(np.atleast_1d(xi), pen.func) for xi in x])
        assert_allclose(ps, psn, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8)

        ph = np.array([pen.deriv2(np.atleast_1d(xi)) for xi in x])
        phn = np.array([approx_hess(np.atleast_1d(xi), pen.func) for xi in x])
        if ph.ndim == 2:
            # SmoothedSCAD returns only diagonal if hessian if independent
            # TODO should ww allow this also in L@?
            ph = np.array([np.diag(phi) for phi in ph])
        assert_allclose(ph, phn, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8)
Example #28
    def score_numdiff(self, params, pen_weight=None, method='fd', **kwds):
        """score based on finite difference derivative

        if pen_weight is None:
            pen_weight = self.pen_weight

        loglike = lambda p: self.loglike(p, pen_weight=pen_weight, **kwds)

        if method == 'cs':
            return approx_fprime_cs(params, loglike)
        elif method == 'fd':
            return approx_fprime(params, loglike, centered=True)
            raise ValueError('method not recognized, should be "fd" or "cs"')
Example #29
    def test_hess(self):
        for test_params in self.params:
            he = self.mod.hessian(test_params)
            hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params, self.mod.score)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=DEC8)

            #NOTE: notice the accuracy below
            assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=7)
            hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, self.mod.score,
            assert_allclose(he, hefd, rtol=1e-9)
            hefd = numdiff.approx_fprime(test_params, self.mod.score,
            assert_almost_equal(he, hefd, decimal=4)

            hescs = numdiff.approx_fprime_cs(test_params.ravel(),
            assert_allclose(he, hescs, rtol=1e-13)

            hecs = numdiff.approx_hess_cs(test_params.ravel(),
            assert_allclose(he, hecs, rtol=1e-9)

            #NOTE: Look at the lack of precision - default epsilon not always
            grad = self.mod.score(test_params)
            hecs, gradcs = numdiff.approx_hess1(test_params, self.mod.loglike,
                                              1e-6, return_grad=True)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=1)
            assert_almost_equal(grad, gradcs, decimal=1)
            hecs, gradcs = numdiff.approx_hess2(test_params, self.mod.loglike,
                                1e-4, return_grad=True)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=3)
            assert_almost_equal(grad, gradcs, decimal=1)
            hecs = numdiff.approx_hess3(test_params, self.mod.loglike, 1e-5)
            assert_almost_equal(he, hecs, decimal=4)
Example #30
    def score_numdiff(self, params, pen_weight=None, method='fd', **kwds):
        """score based on finite difference derivative

        if pen_weight is None:
            pen_weight = self.pen_weight

        loglike = lambda p: self.loglike(p, pen_weight=pen_weight, **kwds)

        if method == 'cs':
            return approx_fprime_cs(params, loglike)
        elif method == 'fd':
            return approx_fprime(params, loglike, centered=True)
            raise ValueError('method not recognized, should be "fd" or "cs"')
Example #31
    def score(self, params):
        Return the gradient of the loglikelihood at params.

        params : array-like
            The parameter values at which to evaluate the score function.

        Returns numerical gradient.
        loglike = self.loglike
        return approx_fprime(params, loglike, epsilon=1e-8)
Example #32
    def score_obs(self, params):
        Generic Zero Inflated model score (gradient) vector of the log-likelihood

        params : array_like
            The parameters of the model

        score : ndarray, 1-D
            The score vector of the model, i.e. the first derivative of the
            loglikelihood function, evaluated at `params`
        params_infl = params[:self.k_inflate]
        params_main = params[self.k_inflate:]

        y = self.endog
        w = self.model_infl.predict(params_infl)
        w = np.clip(w, np.finfo(float).eps, 1 - np.finfo(float).eps)
        score_main = self.model_main.score_obs(params_main)
        llf_main = self.model_main.loglikeobs(params_main)
        llf = self.loglikeobs(params)
        zero_idx = np.nonzero(y == 0)[0]
        nonzero_idx = np.nonzero(y)[0]

        mu = self.model_main.predict(params_main)

        # TODO: need to allow for complex to use CS numerical derivatives
        dldp = np.zeros((self.exog.shape[0], self.k_exog), dtype=np.float64)
        dldw = np.zeros_like(self.exog_infl, dtype=np.float64)

        dldp[zero_idx,:] = (score_main[zero_idx].T *
                     (1 - (w[zero_idx]) / np.exp(llf[zero_idx]))).T
        dldp[nonzero_idx,:] = score_main[nonzero_idx]

        if self.inflation == 'logit':
            dldw[zero_idx,:] =  (self.exog_infl[zero_idx].T * w[zero_idx] *
                                 (1 - w[zero_idx]) *
                                 (1 - np.exp(llf_main[zero_idx])) /
            dldw[nonzero_idx,:] = -(self.exog_infl[nonzero_idx].T *
        elif self.inflation == 'probit':
            return approx_fprime(params, self.loglikeobs)

        return np.hstack((dldw, dldp))
Example #33
def se_params(final, data, gamma):  # for t-test

    moms = moments(final, data, gamma)  #(T*K)
    Omega = weight(moms)  #(K*K)
    obs = moms.shape[0]
    omegahat = Omega
    se_d = approx_fprime(final,
    cov = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(se_d.T, np.dot(omegahat, se_d)))

    return np.sqrt(np.diag(cov / obs))  # 1*3 vector
Example #34
    def score(self, params):
        Compute the gradient of the log-likelihood at params.

        params : array_like
            The parameter values at which to evaluate the score function.

            The gradient computed using numerical methods.
        loglike = self.loglike
        return approx_fprime(params, loglike, epsilon=1e-8)
Example #35
def test_deriv():
    # Check link function derivatives using numeric differentiation.


    for link in Links:
        for k in range(10):
            p = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
            d = link.deriv(p)
            da = nd.approx_fprime(np.r_[p], link)
            assert_allclose(d, da, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6,
            if not isinstance(link, (type(inverse_power),
                # check monotonically increasing
                assert_array_less(-d, 0)
Example #36
    def score_obs(self, params):
        Generic Zero Inflated model score (gradient) vector of the log-likelihood

        params : array-like
            The parameters of the model

        score : ndarray, 1-D
            The score vector of the model, i.e. the first derivative of the
            loglikelihood function, evaluated at `params`
        params_infl = params[:self.k_inflate]
        params_main = params[self.k_inflate:]

        y = self.endog
        w = self.model_infl.predict(params_infl)
        w = np.clip(w, np.finfo(float).eps, 1 - np.finfo(float).eps)
        score_main = self.model_main.score_obs(params_main)
        llf_main = self.model_main.loglikeobs(params_main)
        llf = self.loglikeobs(params)
        zero_idx = np.nonzero(y == 0)[0]
        nonzero_idx = np.nonzero(y)[0]

        mu = self.model_main.predict(params_main)

        dldp = np.zeros((self.exog.shape[0], self.k_exog), dtype=np.float64)
        dldw = np.zeros_like(self.exog_infl, dtype=np.float64)

        dldp[zero_idx,:] = (score_main[zero_idx].T *
                     (1 - (w[zero_idx]) / np.exp(llf[zero_idx]))).T
        dldp[nonzero_idx,:] = score_main[nonzero_idx]

        if self.inflation == 'logit':
            dldw[zero_idx,:] =  (self.exog_infl[zero_idx].T * w[zero_idx] *
                                 (1 - w[zero_idx]) *
                                 (1 - np.exp(llf_main[zero_idx])) /
            dldw[nonzero_idx,:] = -(self.exog_infl[nonzero_idx].T *
        elif self.inflation == 'probit':
            return approx_fprime(params, self.loglikeobs)

        return np.hstack((dldw, dldp))
Example #37
def test_deriv2():
    # Check link function second derivatives using numeric differentiation.


    for link in Links:
        # TODO: Resolve errors with the numeric derivatives
        if type(link) == type(probit):
        for k in range(10):
            p = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
            p = np.clip(p, 0.01, 0.99)
            if type(link) == type(cauchy):
                p = np.clip(p, 0.03, 0.97)
            d = link.deriv2(p)
            da = nd.approx_fprime(np.r_[p], link.deriv)
            assert_allclose(d, da, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6, err_msg=str(link))
def test_score_numdiff():

    y, x_mean, x_sc, x_sm, x_no, time, groups = setup1(1000, model1)

    preg = ProcessMLE(y, x_mean, x_sc, x_sm, x_no, time, groups)

    def loglike(x):
        return preg.loglike(x)
    q = x_mean.shape[1] + x_sc.shape[1] + x_sm.shape[1] + x_no.shape[1]


    for _ in range(5):
        par0 = preg._get_start()
        par = par0 + 0.1 * np.random.normal(size=q)
        score = preg.score(par)
        score_nd = nd.approx_fprime(par, loglike, epsilon=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(score, score_nd, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-4)
Example #39
def test_score_numdiff():

    y, x_mean, x_sc, x_sm, x_no, time, groups = setup1(1000, model1)

    preg = ProcessMLE(y, x_mean, x_sc, x_sm, x_no, time, groups)

    def loglike(x):
        return preg.loglike(x)

    q = x_mean.shape[1] + x_sc.shape[1] + x_sm.shape[1] + x_no.shape[1]


    for _ in range(5):
        par0 = preg._get_start()
        par = par0 + 0.1 * np.random.normal(size=q)
        score = preg.score(par)
        score_nd = nd.approx_fprime(par, loglike, epsilon=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(score, score_nd, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-4)
Example #40
def test_deriv2():
    # Check link function second derivatives using numeric differentiation.


    for link in Links:
        # TODO: Resolve errors with the numeric derivatives
        if type(link) == type(probit):
        for k in range(10):
            p = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
            p = np.clip(p, 0.01, 0.99)
            if type(link) == type(cauchy):
                p = np.clip(p, 0.03, 0.97)
            d = link.deriv2(p)
            da = nd.approx_fprime(np.r_[p], link.deriv)
            assert_allclose(d, da, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6,
def Sts_interference(func, result, names: list) -> pd.DataFrame:

    " With the numercial estimation of Jacobian, use BHHH estimator to calcualte\
    covariance matrix, with the virtue of non-negative definite, so that standard\
    errors, T-statistic and P-values could all be calculated."

    params = result.x
    jac = approx_fprime(params, func)
    btt = jac.T.dot(jac)
    inv_btt = np.linalg.inv(btt)
    stderr = np.sqrt(np.diag(inv_btt))
    params_df = pd.Series(params, index=names, name='Coef')
    stderr_df = pd.Series(stderr, index=names, name="std_err")
    tvalues_df = pd.Series(params / stderr, index=names, name='t')
    pvalues_df = pd.Series(stats.norm.sf(np.abs(params / stderr)) * 2,

    return pd.concat([params_df, stderr_df, tvalues_df, pvalues_df], axis=1)
Example #42
    def _hessian_finite_difference(self, params, approx_centered=False,
        params = np.array(params, ndmin=1)

        warnings.warn('Calculation of the Hessian using finite differences'
                      ' is usually subject to substantial approximation'
                      ' errors.', PrecisionWarning)

        if not approx_centered:
            epsilon = _get_epsilon(params, 3, None, len(params))
            epsilon = _get_epsilon(params, 4, None, len(params)) / 2
        hessian = approx_fprime(params, self._score_finite_difference,
                                epsilon=epsilon, kwargs=kwargs,

        # TODO: changed this to nobs_effective, has to be changed when merging
        # with statespace mlemodel
        return hessian / (self.nobs_effective)
def test_poisson_1d():

    y = np.r_[3, 1, 1, 4, 5, 2, 0, 1, 6, 2]
    g = np.r_[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    x = np.r_[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
    x = x[:, None]

    model = ConditionalPoisson(y, x, groups=g)

    # Check the gradient for the loglikelihood
    for x in -1, 0, 1, 2:
        grad = approx_fprime(np.r_[x, ], model.loglike)
        score = model.score(np.r_[x, ])
        assert_allclose(grad, score, rtol=1e-4)

    result = model.fit()

    # From Stata
    assert_allclose(result.params, np.r_[0.6466272], rtol=1e-4)
    assert_allclose(result.bse, np.r_[0.4170918], rtol=1e-5)
Example #44
    def initialize(self):
        Initialize (possibly re-initialize) a Model instance. For
        instance, the design matrix of a linear model may change
        and some things must be recomputed.
        if not self.score:
            self.score = lambda x: approx_fprime(x, self.loglike)
            if not self.hessian:
            if not self.hessian:

        if self.exog is not None:
            er = np.linalg.matrix_rank(self.exog)
            self.df_model = float(er - 1)
            self.df_resid = float(self.exog.shape[0] - er)
            self.df_model = np.nan
            self.df_resid = np.nan
        super(GenericLikelihoodModel_TobitTruncreg, self).initialize()
Example #45
File: base.py Project: lbrito1/arch
    def compute_param_cov(self, params, backcast=None, robust=True):
        Computes parameter covariances using numerical derivatives.

        params : 1-d array
            Model parameters
        robust : bool, optional
            Flag indicating whether to use robust standard errors (True) or
            classic MLE (False)

        resids = self.resids(self.starting_values())
        var_bounds = self.volatility.variance_bounds(resids)
        nobs = resids.shape[0]
        if backcast is None and self._backcast is None:
            backcast = self.volatility.backcast(resids)
            self._backcast = backcast
        elif backcast is None:
            backcast = self._backcast

        kwargs = {
            'sigma2': np.zeros_like(resids),
            'backcast': backcast,
            'var_bounds': var_bounds,
            'individual': False

        hess = approx_hess(params, self._loglikelihood, kwargs=kwargs)
        hess /= nobs
        inv_hess = np.linalg.inv(hess)
        if robust:
            kwargs['individual'] = True
            scores = approx_fprime(params, self._loglikelihood, kwargs=kwargs)
            score_cov = np.cov(scores.T)
            return inv_hess.dot(score_cov).dot(inv_hess) / nobs
            return inv_hess / nobs
    def fit_map(self, method="BFGS", minim_opts=None):
        Construct the Laplace approximation to the posterior

        method : string
            Optimization method for finding the posterior mode.
        minim_opts : dict-like
            Options passed to scipy.minimize.

        BayesMixedGLMResults instance.

        def fun(params):
            return -self.logposterior(params)

        def grad(params):
            return -self.logposterior_grad(params)

        start = self._get_start()

        r = minimize(fun, start, method=method, jac=grad, options=minim_opts)
        if not r.success:
            msg = ("Laplace fitting did not converge, |gradient|=%.6f" %

        from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime
        hess = approx_fprime(r.x, grad)
        hess_inv = np.linalg.inv(hess)

        return BayesMixedGLMResults(self, r.x, hess_inv, optim_retvals=r)
    def hessian(self, params):

        from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime
        hess = approx_fprime(params, self.score)
        hess = np.atleast_2d(hess)
        return hess
Example #48
 def grad(self, params=None, **kwds):
     if params is None:
         params = self.params
     kwds.setdefault('epsilon', 1e-4)
     from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime
     return approx_fprime(params, self.fun, **kwds)
Example #49
def margeff_cov_params(model, params, exog, cov_params, at, derivative,
                       dummy_ind, count_ind, method, J):
    Computes the variance-covariance of marginal effects by the delta method.

    model : model instance
        The model that returned the fitted results. Its pdf method is used
        for computing the Jacobian of discrete variables in dummy_ind and
    params : array-like
        estimated model parameters
    exog : array-like
        exogenous variables at which to calculate the derivative
    cov_params : array-like
        The variance-covariance of the parameters
    at : str
       Options are:

        - 'overall', The average of the marginal effects at each
        - 'mean', The marginal effects at the mean of each regressor.
        - 'median', The marginal effects at the median of each regressor.
        - 'zero', The marginal effects at zero for each regressor.
        - 'all', The marginal effects at each observation.

        Only overall has any effect here.you

    derivative : function or array-like
        If a function, it returns the marginal effects of the model with
        respect to the exogenous variables evaluated at exog. Expected to be
        called derivative(params, exog). This will be numerically
        differentiated. Otherwise, it can be the Jacobian of the marginal
        effects with respect to the parameters.
    dummy_ind : array-like
        Indices of the columns of exog that contain dummy variables
    count_ind : array-like
        Indices of the columns of exog that contain count variables

    For continuous regressors, the variance-covariance is given by

    Asy. Var[MargEff] = [d margeff / d params] V [d margeff / d params]'

    where V is the parameter variance-covariance.

    The outer Jacobians are computed via numerical differentiation if
    derivative is a function.
    if callable(derivative):
        from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime_cs
        params = params.ravel('F')  # for Multinomial
            jacobian_mat = approx_fprime_cs(params,
                                            args=(exog, method))
        except TypeError:  # norm.cdf doesn't take complex values
            from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime
            jacobian_mat = approx_fprime(params,
                                         args=(exog, method))
        if at == 'overall':
            jacobian_mat = np.mean(jacobian_mat, axis=1)
            jacobian_mat = jacobian_mat.squeeze()  # exog was 2d row vector
        if dummy_ind is not None:
            jacobian_mat = _margeff_cov_params_dummy(model, jacobian_mat,
                                                     params, exog, dummy_ind,
                                                     method, J)
        if count_ind is not None:
            jacobian_mat = _margeff_cov_params_count(model, jacobian_mat,
                                                     params, exog, count_ind,
                                                     method, J)
        jacobian_mat = derivative

    #NOTE: this won't go through for at == 'all'
    return np.dot(np.dot(jacobian_mat, cov_params), jacobian_mat.T)
Example #50
    def test_compare_numdiff(self):

        n_grp = 200
        grpsize = 5
        k_fe = 3
        k_re = 2

        for use_sqrt in False, True:
            for reml in False, True:
                for profile_fe in False, True:

                    exog_fe = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp * grpsize, k_fe))
                    exog_re = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp * grpsize, k_re))
                    exog_re[:, 0] = 1
                    exog_vc = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp * grpsize, 3))
                    slopes = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp, k_re))
                    slopes[:, -1] *= 2
                    slopes = np.kron(slopes, np.ones((grpsize, 1)))
                    slopes_vc = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp, 3))
                    slopes_vc = np.kron(slopes_vc, np.ones((grpsize, 1)))
                    slopes_vc[:, -1] *= 2
                    re_values = (slopes * exog_re).sum(1)
                    vc_values = (slopes_vc * exog_vc).sum(1)
                    err = np.random.normal(size=n_grp * grpsize)
                    endog = exog_fe.sum(1) + re_values + vc_values + err
                    groups = np.kron(range(n_grp), np.ones(grpsize))

                    vc = {"a": {}, "b": {}}
                    for i in range(n_grp):
                        ix = np.flatnonzero(groups == i)
                        vc["a"][i] = exog_vc[ix, 0:2]
                        vc["b"][i] = exog_vc[ix, 2:3]

                    model = MixedLM(endog,
                    rslt = model.fit(reml=reml)

                    loglike = loglike_function(model,
                                               has_fe=not profile_fe)

                    # Test the score at several points.
                    for kr in range(5):
                        fe_params = np.random.normal(size=k_fe)
                        cov_re = np.random.normal(size=(k_re, k_re))
                        cov_re = np.dot(cov_re.T, cov_re)
                        vcomp = np.random.normal(size=2)**2
                        params = MixedLMParams.from_components(fe_params,
                        params_vec = params.get_packed(has_fe=not profile_fe,

                        # Check scores
                        gr = -model.score(params, profile_fe=profile_fe)
                        ngr = nd.approx_fprime(params_vec, loglike)
                        assert_allclose(gr, ngr, rtol=1e-3)

                    # Check Hessian matrices at the MLE (we don't have
                    # the profile Hessian matrix and we don't care
                    # about the Hessian for the square root
                    # transformed parameter).
                    if (profile_fe is False) and (use_sqrt is False):
                        hess = -model.hessian(rslt.params_object)
                        params_vec = rslt.params_object.get_packed(
                            use_sqrt=False, has_fe=True)
                        loglike_h = loglike_function(model,
                        nhess = nd.approx_hess(params_vec, loglike_h)
                        assert_allclose(hess, nhess, rtol=1e-3)
Example #51
    def hessian(self, params):

        hess = approx_fprime(params, self.score)
        return hess
Example #52
    def test_compare_numdiff(self):

        import statsmodels.tools.numdiff as nd

        n_grp = 200
        grpsize = 5
        k_fe = 3
        k_re = 2

        for jl in 0, 1:
            for reml in False, True:
                for cov_pen_wt in 0, 10:

                    cov_pen = penalties.PSD(cov_pen_wt)

                    exog_fe = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp * grpsize, k_fe))
                    exog_re = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp * grpsize, k_re))
                    exog_re[:, 0] = 1
                    slopes = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp, k_re))
                    slopes = np.kron(slopes, np.ones((grpsize, 1)))
                    re_values = (slopes * exog_re).sum(1)
                    err = np.random.normal(size=n_grp * grpsize)
                    endog = exog_fe.sum(1) + re_values + err
                    groups = np.kron(range(n_grp), np.ones(grpsize))

                    if jl == 0:
                        md = MixedLM(endog, exog_fe, groups, exog_re)
                        score = lambda x: -md.score_sqrt(x)
                        hessian = lambda x: -md.hessian_sqrt(x)
                        md = MixedLM(endog,
                        score = lambda x: -md.score_full(x)
                        hessian = lambda x: -md.hessian_full(x)
                    md.reml = reml
                    md.cov_pen = cov_pen
                    loglike = lambda x: -md.loglike(x)
                    rslt = md.fit()

                    # Test the score at several points.
                    for kr in range(5):
                        fe_params = np.random.normal(size=k_fe)
                        cov_re = np.random.normal(size=(k_re, k_re))
                        cov_re = np.dot(cov_re.T, cov_re)
                        params = MixedLMParams.from_components(
                            fe_params, cov_re)
                        if jl == 0:
                            params_vec = params.get_packed()
                            params_vec = params.get_packed(use_sqrt=False)

                        # Check scores
                        gr = score(params)
                        ngr = nd.approx_fprime(params_vec, loglike)
                        assert_allclose(gr, ngr, rtol=1e-2)

                        # Hessian matrices don't agree well away from
                        # the MLE.
                        #if cov_pen_wt == 0:
                        #    hess = hessian(params)
                        #    nhess = nd.approx_hess(params_vec, loglike)
                        #    assert_allclose(hess, nhess, rtol=1e-2)

                    # Check Hessian matrices at the MLE.
                    if cov_pen_wt == 0:
                        hess = hessian(rslt.params_object)
                        params_vec = rslt.params_object.get_packed()
                        nhess = nd.approx_hess(params_vec, loglike)
                        assert_allclose(hess, nhess, rtol=1e-2)
Example #53
 def _score_finite_difference(self, params, approx_centered=False,
     kwargs['transformed'] = True
     return approx_fprime(params, self.loglike, kwargs=kwargs,
Example #54
    def test_compare_numdiff(self, use_sqrt, reml, profile_fe):

        n_grp = 200
        grpsize = 5
        k_fe = 3
        k_re = 2

        exog_fe = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp * grpsize, k_fe))
        exog_re = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp * grpsize, k_re))
        exog_re[:, 0] = 1
        exog_vc = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp * grpsize, 3))
        slopes = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp, k_re))
        slopes[:, -1] *= 2
        slopes = np.kron(slopes, np.ones((grpsize, 1)))
        slopes_vc = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp, 3))
        slopes_vc = np.kron(slopes_vc, np.ones((grpsize, 1)))
        slopes_vc[:, -1] *= 2
        re_values = (slopes * exog_re).sum(1)
        vc_values = (slopes_vc * exog_vc).sum(1)
        err = np.random.normal(size=n_grp * grpsize)
        endog = exog_fe.sum(1) + re_values + vc_values + err
        groups = np.kron(range(n_grp), np.ones(grpsize))

        vc = {"a": {}, "b": {}}
        for i in range(n_grp):
            ix = np.flatnonzero(groups == i)
            vc["a"][i] = exog_vc[ix, 0:2]
            vc["b"][i] = exog_vc[ix, 2:3]

        model = MixedLM(endog,
        rslt = model.fit(reml=reml)

        loglike = loglike_function(model,
                                   has_fe=not profile_fe)

            # Test the score at several points.
            for kr in range(5):
                fe_params = np.random.normal(size=k_fe)
                cov_re = np.random.normal(size=(k_re, k_re))
                cov_re = np.dot(cov_re.T, cov_re)
                vcomp = np.random.normal(size=2)**2
                params = MixedLMParams.from_components(fe_params,
                params_vec = params.get_packed(has_fe=not profile_fe,

                # Check scores
                gr = -model.score(params, profile_fe=profile_fe)
                ngr = nd.approx_fprime(params_vec, loglike)
                assert_allclose(gr, ngr, rtol=1e-3)

            # Check Hessian matrices at the MLE (we do not have
            # the profile Hessian matrix and we do not care
            # about the Hessian for the square root
            # transformed parameter).
            if (profile_fe is False) and (use_sqrt is False):
                hess = -model.hessian(rslt.params_object)
                params_vec = rslt.params_object.get_packed(use_sqrt=False,
                loglike_h = loglike_function(model,
                nhess = nd.approx_hess(params_vec, loglike_h)
                assert_allclose(hess, nhess, rtol=1e-3)
        except AssertionError:
            # See GH#5628; because this test fails unpredictably but only on
            #  OSX, we only xfail it there.
            if PLATFORM_OSX:
                pytest.xfail("fails on OSX due to unresolved "
                             "numerical differences")
Example #55
tatsmodels\sandbox\regression\numdiff.py", line 81, in approx_fprime1
    nobs = np.size(f0) #len(f0)
TypeError: object of type 'numpy.float64' has no len()


res_bfgs = mod_norm2.fit(start_params=start_params, method="bfgs", fprime=None,
maxiter = 500, retall=0)

from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime, approx_hess
hb=-approx_hess(res_norm3.params, mod_norm2.loglike, epsilon=-1e-4)
hf=-approx_hess(res_norm3.params, mod_norm2.loglike, epsilon=1e-4)
hh = (hf+hb)/2.

grad = -approx_fprime(res_norm3.params, mod_norm2.loglike, epsilon=-1e-4)
gradb = -approx_fprime(res_norm3.params, mod_norm2.loglike, epsilon=-1e-4)
gradf = -approx_fprime(res_norm3.params, mod_norm2.loglike, epsilon=1e-4)


print("MLE - OLS parameter estimates")
print(res_norm3.params[:-1] - res2.params)
print("bse diff in percent")
Example #56
if __name__ == '__main__':  # FIXME: turn into tests or move/remove

    epsilon = 1e-6
    nobs = 200
    x = np.arange(nobs * 3).reshape(nobs, -1)
    x = np.random.randn(nobs, 3)

    xk = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    xk = np.array([1., 1., 1.])
    #xk = np.zeros(3)
    beta = xk
    y = np.dot(x, beta) + 0.1 * np.random.randn(nobs)
    xkols = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(x), y)

    print(approx_fprime((1, 2, 3), fun, epsilon, x))
    gradtrue = x.sum(0)
    gradcs = approx_fprime_cs((1, 2, 3), fun, (x, ), h=1.0e-20)
    print(gradcs, maxabs(gradcs, gradtrue))
    print(approx_hess_cs((1, 2, 3), fun, (x, ),
                         h=1.0e-20))  #this is correctly zero

        approx_hess_cs((1, 2, 3), fun2, (y, x), h=1.0e-20) -
        2 * np.dot(x.T, x))
    print(numdiff.approx_hess(xk, fun2, 1e-3, (y, x))[0] - 2 * np.dot(x.T, x))

    gt = (-x * 2 * (y - np.dot(x, [1, 2, 3]))[:, None])
    g = approx_fprime_cs((1, 2, 3), fun1, (y, x),
                         h=1.0e-20)  #.T   #this should not be transposed