Example #1
File: lvm.py Project: zofuthan/vdsm
def getVGBlockSizes(vgUUID):
    pvs = listPVNames(vgUUID)
    if not pvs:
        raise se.VolumeGroupDoesNotExist("vg_uuid: %s" % vgUUID)
    # Returning the block size of the first pv is correct since we don't allow
    # devices with different block size to be on the same VG.
    return _getpvblksize(pvs[0])
Example #2
File: lvm.py Project: zofuthan/vdsm
def getVGbyUUID(vgUUID):
    # cycle through all the VGs until the one with the given UUID found
    for vg in getAllVGs():
            if vg.uuid == vgUUID:
                return vg
        except AttributeError as e:
            # An unreloadable VG found but may be we are not looking for it.
            log.debug("%s" % e.message, exc_info=True)
    # If not cry loudly
    raise se.VolumeGroupDoesNotExist("vg_uuid: %s" % vgUUID)
Example #3
File: lvm.py Project: zofuthan/vdsm
def getVG(vgName):
    vg = _lvminfo.getVg(vgName)  # returns single VG namedtuple
    if not vg:
        raise se.VolumeGroupDoesNotExist(vgName)
        return vg
Example #4
File: lvm.py Project: zofuthan/vdsm
def checkVGBlockSizes(vgUUID, vgBlkSize=None):
    pvs = listPVNames(vgUUID)
    if not pvs:
        raise se.VolumeGroupDoesNotExist("vg_uuid: %s" % vgUUID)
    _checkpvsblksize(pvs, vgBlkSize)
Example #5

# TODO: lvm VG UUID should not be exposed.
# Remove this function when hsm.public_createVG is removed.
def getVGbyUUID(vgUUID):
    # cycle through all the VGs until the one with the given UUID found
    for vg in getAllVGs():
            if vg.uuid == vgUUID:
                return vg
        except AttributeError, e:
            # An unreloadable VG found but may be we are not looking for it.
            log.debug("%s" % e.message, exc_info=True)
    # If not cry loudly
    raise se.VolumeGroupDoesNotExist("vg_uuid: %s" % vgUUID)

def getLV(vgName, lvName=None):
    lv = _lvminfo.getLv(vgName, lvName)
    #getLV() should not return None
    if not lv:
        raise se.LogicalVolumeDoesNotExistError("%s/%s" % (vgName, lvName))
        return lv

# Public Volume Group interface