Example #1
def get_specification_privacy_filter(user):
    # Circular imports.
    from lp.registry.model.accesspolicy import AccessPolicyGrant
    public_spec_filter = (

    if user is None:
        return [public_spec_filter]
    elif IPersonRoles.providedBy(user):
        user = user.person

    artifact_grant_query = Coalesce(
                   where=(TeamParticipation.person == user))), False)

    policy_grant_query = Coalesce(
                               TeamParticipation, TeamParticipation.teamID ==
                   where=(TeamParticipation.person == user))), False)

    return [Or(public_spec_filter, artifact_grant_query, policy_grant_query)]
Example #2
 def find_active(cls, store, branch: Branch, user: LoginUser):
     profile = user.profile
     now = localnow()
     query = And(
         # All fields are optional, so default to the current user (or now) if they are missing
         Coalesce(cls.expire_at, now) >= now,
         Coalesce(cls.branch_id, branch.id) == branch.id,
         Coalesce(cls.user_id, user.id) == user.id,
         Coalesce(cls.profile_id, profile.id) == profile.id,
     return store.find(cls, query)
Example #3
class WorkOrderPackageView(Viewable):
    """A view for |workorderpackages|

    This is used to get the most information of a |workorderpackage|
    without doing lots of database queries.

    _BranchSource = ClassAlias(Branch, "branch_source")
    _BranchDestination = ClassAlias(Branch, "branch_destination")
    _PersonSource = ClassAlias(Person, "person_source")
    _PersonDestination = ClassAlias(Person, "person_destination")
    _CompanySource = ClassAlias(Company, "company_source")
    _CompanyDestination = ClassAlias(Company, "company_destination")

    #: the |workorderpackage| object
    package = WorkOrderPackage

    # WorkOrderPackage
    id = WorkOrderPackage.id
    identifier = WorkOrderPackage.identifier
    send_date = WorkOrderPackage.send_date
    receive_date = WorkOrderPackage.receive_date

    # Branch
    source_branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(_CompanySource.fancy_name, u''),
    destination_branch_name = Coalesce(
        NullIf(_CompanyDestination.fancy_name, u''), _PersonDestination.name)

    # WorkOrder
    quantity = Coalesce(Field('_package_items', 'quantity'), 0)

    tables = [
                 WorkOrderPackage.source_branch_id == _BranchSource.id),
        LeftJoin(_PersonSource, _BranchSource.person_id == _PersonSource.id),
        LeftJoin(_CompanySource, _CompanySource.person_id == _PersonSource.id),
            WorkOrderPackage.destination_branch_id == _BranchDestination.id),
                 _BranchDestination.person_id == _PersonDestination.id),
                 _CompanyDestination.person_id == _PersonDestination.id),
                 Field('_package_items', 'package_id') == WorkOrderPackage.id),

    def find_by_destination_branch(cls, store, branch):
        return store.find(cls,
                          WorkOrderPackage.destination_branch_id == branch.id)
Example #4
class DailyInPaymentView(InPaymentView):

    SalesPersonPerson = ClassAlias(Person, 'salesperson_person')
    ClientPerson = ClassAlias(Person, 'client_person')
    PersonBranch = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_branch')
    BranchCompany = ClassAlias(Company, 'branch_company')

    salesperson_name = SalesPersonPerson.name
    client_name = ClientPerson.name
    branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(BranchCompany.fancy_name, u''),

    sale_subtotal = Field('_sale_items', 'subtotal')

    tables = InPaymentView.tables[:]
        Join(PersonBranch, Branch.person_id == PersonBranch.id),
        Join(BranchCompany, Branch.person_id == BranchCompany.person_id),
        LeftJoin(SalesPerson, Sale.salesperson_id == SalesPerson.id),
                 SalesPerson.person_id == SalesPersonPerson.id),
        LeftJoin(Client, Sale.client_id == Client.id),
        LeftJoin(ClientPerson, Client.person_id == ClientPerson.id),
                 Field('_sale_items', 'sale_id') == Sale.id),
Example #5
def get_contributions(pofile, potmsgset_ids):
    """Map all users' most recent contributions to a `POFile`.

    Returns a dict mapping `Person` id to the creation time of their most
    recent `TranslationMessage` in `POFile`.

    This leaves some small room for error: a contribution that is masked by
    a diverged entry in this POFile will nevertheless produce a
    POFileTranslator record.  Fixing that would complicate the work more than
    it is probably worth.

    :param pofile: The `POFile` to find contributions for.
    :param potmsgset_ids: The ids of the `POTMsgSet`s to look for, as returned
        by `get_potmsgset_ids`.
    store = IStore(pofile)
    language_id = pofile.language.id
    template_id = pofile.potemplate.id
    contribs = store.find(
        (TranslationMessage.submitterID, TranslationMessage.date_created),
        TranslationMessage.languageID == language_id,
        TranslationMessage.msgstr0 != None,
        Coalesce(TranslationMessage.potemplateID, template_id) == template_id)
    contribs = contribs.config(distinct=(TranslationMessage.submitterID, ))
    contribs = contribs.order_by(TranslationMessage.submitterID,
    return dict(contribs)
    def _queryTranslatableFiles(self, no_older_than=None, languages=None):
        """Get `POFile`s this person could help translate.

        :param no_older_than: Oldest involvement to consider.  If the
            person last worked on a `POFile` before this date, that
            counts as not having worked on it.
        :param languages: Optional set of languages to restrict search to.
        :return: An unsorted query yielding `POFile`s.
        if self.person.is_team:
            return []

        tables = self._composePOFileReviewerJoins(expect_reviewer_status=False)

        join_condition = And(
            POFileTranslator.personID == self.person.id,
            POFileTranslator.pofileID == POFile.id,
            POFile.language != getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).english)

        if no_older_than is not None:
            join_condition = And(
                POFileTranslator.date_last_touched >= no_older_than)

        translator_join = Join(POFileTranslator, join_condition)

        translated_count = (
            POFile.currentcount + POFile.updatescount + POFile.rosettacount)

        conditions = translated_count < POTemplate.messagecount

        # The person must not be a reviewer for this translation (unless
        # it's in the sense that any user gets review permissions
        # for it).
        permission = Coalesce(
        Reviewership = ClassAlias(TeamParticipation, 'Reviewership')
        # XXX JeroenVermeulen 2009-08-28 bug=420364: Storm's Coalesce()
        # can't currently infer its return type from its inputs, leading
        # to a "can't adapt" error.  Using the enum's .value works
        # around the problem.
        not_reviewer = Or(
            permission == TranslationPermission.OPEN.value,
                permission == TranslationPermission.STRUCTURED.value,
                Translator.id == None),
                permission == TranslationPermission.RESTRICTED.value,
                Translator.id != None,
                Reviewership.id == None))

        conditions = And(conditions, not_reviewer)

        if languages is not None:
            conditions = And(conditions, POFile.languageID.is_in(languages))

        return Store.of(self.person).using(*tables).find(POFile, conditions)
Example #7
    def getBuildQueueSizes(self):
        """See `IBuilderSet`."""
        results = ISlaveStore(BuildQueue).find(
            (Count(), Sum(BuildQueue.estimated_duration), Processor,
             Coalesce(BuildQueue.virtualized, True)),
            Processor.id == BuildQueue.processorID,
            BuildQueue.status == BuildQueueStatus.WAITING).group_by(
                Processor, Coalesce(BuildQueue.virtualized, True))

        result_dict = {'virt': {}, 'nonvirt': {}}
        for size, duration, processor, virtualized in results:
            if virtualized is False:
                virt_str = 'nonvirt'
                virt_str = 'virt'
            result_dict[virt_str][processor.name] = (size, duration)

        return result_dict
Example #8
class BaseTransferView(Viewable):
    BranchDest = ClassAlias(Branch, 'branch_dest')
    PersonDest = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_dest')
    CompanyDest = ClassAlias(Company, 'company_dest')

    transfer_order = TransferOrder

    identifier = TransferOrder.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(TransferOrder.identifier, 'text')
    status = TransferOrder.status
    open_date = TransferOrder.open_date
    finish_date = Coalesce(TransferOrder.receival_date,
    source_branch_id = TransferOrder.source_branch_id
    destination_branch_id = TransferOrder.destination_branch_id
    source_branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), Person.name)
    destination_branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(CompanyDest.fancy_name, u''),

    group_by = [TransferOrder, source_branch_name, destination_branch_name]

    tables = [
             TransferOrder.id == TransferOrderItem.transfer_order_id),
        # Source
        LeftJoin(Branch, TransferOrder.source_branch_id == Branch.id),
        LeftJoin(Person, Branch.person_id == Person.id),
        LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id == Person.id),
        # Destination
                 TransferOrder.destination_branch_id == BranchDest.id),
        LeftJoin(PersonDest, BranchDest.person_id == PersonDest.id),
        LeftJoin(CompanyDest, CompanyDest.person_id == PersonDest.id),

    def branch(self):
        # We need this property for the acronym to appear in the identifier
        return self.store.get(Branch, self.source_branch_id)
    def recalculateCounts(self):
        """See `ITranslatedLanguage`."""
        templates = self.parent.getCurrentTemplatesCollection()
        pofiles = templates.joinOuterPOFile(self.language)
        total_count_results = list(
            pofiles.select(Coalesce(Sum(POTemplate.messagecount), 0),
                           Coalesce(Sum(POFile.currentcount), 0),
                           Coalesce(Sum(POFile.updatescount), 0),
                           Coalesce(Sum(POFile.rosettacount), 0),
                           Coalesce(Sum(POFile.unreviewed_count), 0),
        total, imported, changed, rosetta, unreviewed, date_changed = (
        translated = imported + rosetta
        new = rosetta - changed
        self.setCounts(total, translated, new, changed, unreviewed)

        # We have to add a timezone to the otherwise naive-datetime object
        # (because we've gotten it using Max() aggregate function).
        if date_changed is not None:
            date_changed = date_changed.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
        self.last_changed_date = date_changed
Example #10
class MedicSoldItemsView(Viewable):
    branch = Branch

    id = Sellable.id
    identifier = Sale.identifier
    code = Sellable.code
    description = Sellable.description
    category = SellableCategory.description
    manufacturer = ProductManufacturer.name
    batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'')
    batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date
    sale_id = Sale.id
    open_date = Sale.open_date
    confirm_date = Sale.confirm_date

    branch_name = Company.fancy_name
    medic_name = Person.name
    crm_number = OpticalMedic.crm_number
    partner = OpticalMedic.partner

    quantity = Sum(SaleItem.quantity)
    total = Sum(SaleItem.quantity * SaleItem.price)

    tables = [
        LeftJoin(Product, Product.id == Sellable.id),
                 Sellable.category_id == SellableCategory.id),
                 Product.manufacturer_id == ProductManufacturer.id),
        Join(SaleItem, SaleItem.sellable_id == Sellable.id),
        Join(Sale, SaleItem.sale_id == Sale.id),
        LeftJoin(StorableBatch, StorableBatch.id == SaleItem.batch_id),
        Join(Branch, Sale.branch_id == Branch.id),
        Join(Company, Branch.person_id == Company.person_id),
        Join(WorkOrderItem, WorkOrderItem.sale_item_id == SaleItem.id),
        Join(WorkOrder, WorkOrder.id == WorkOrderItem.order_id),
        Join(OpticalWorkOrder, OpticalWorkOrder.work_order_id == WorkOrder.id),
        Join(OpticalMedic, OpticalMedic.id == OpticalWorkOrder.medic_id),
        Join(Person, Person.id == OpticalMedic.person_id),

    clause = Sale.status == Sale.STATUS_CONFIRMED

    group_by = [
        id, branch_name, code, description, category, manufacturer,
        StorableBatch.id, OpticalMedic.id, Person.id, Sale.id, Branch.id
Example #11
def summarize_contributors(potemplate_id, language_id, potmsgset_ids):
    """Return the set of ids of persons who contributed to a `POFile`.

    This is a limited version of `get_contributions` that is easier to
    store = IStore(POFile)
    contribs = store.find(
        TranslationMessage.languageID == language_id,
        TranslationMessage.msgstr0 != None,
                 potemplate_id) == potemplate_id)
    return set(contribs)
Example #12
class ProductFullStockItemView(ProductFullStockView):
    # ProductFullStockView already joins with a 1 to Many table (Sellable
    # with ProductStockItem).
    # This is why we must join PurchaseItem (another 1 to many table) in a
    # subquery

    minimum_quantity = Storable.minimum_quantity
    maximum_quantity = Storable.maximum_quantity
    to_receive_quantity = Coalesce(Field('_purchase_total', 'to_receive'), 0)

    difference = ProductFullStockView.stock - Storable.minimum_quantity

    tables = ProductFullStockView.tables[:]
        LeftJoin(Alias(_PurchaseItemTotal, '_purchase_total'),
                 Field('_purchase_total', 'sellable_id') == Sellable.id))
Example #13
class ProductBrandStockView(Viewable):
    # Alias of Branch to Person table

    id = Product.brand
    brand = Coalesce(Product.brand, u'')

    quantity = Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity)

    tables = [
        LeftJoin(Storable, Storable.product_id == Product.id),
                 ProductStockItem.storable_id == Storable.id),
        LeftJoin(Branch, Branch.id == ProductStockItem.branch_id)
    group_by = [id, brand]

    def find_by_branch(cls, store, branch):
        if branch:
            return store.find(cls, ProductStockItem.branch_id == branch.id)

        return store.find(cls)
Example #14
class TransferItemView(BaseTransferView):
    id = TransferOrderItem.id
    item_quantity = TransferOrderItem.quantity
    item_description = Sellable.description

    sellable_id = Sellable.id
    batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'')
    batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date

    group_by = BaseTransferView.group_by[:]
    group_by.extend([TransferOrderItem, Sellable, batch_number, batch_date])

    tables = BaseTransferView.tables[:]
        Join(Sellable, Sellable.id == TransferOrderItem.sellable_id),
        LeftJoin(StorableBatch, StorableBatch.id == TransferOrderItem.batch_id)

    def find_by_branch(cls, store, sellable, branch):
        query = (cls.sellable_id == sellable.id,
                 Or(cls.source_branch_id == branch.id,
                    cls.destination_branch_id == branch.id))
        return store.find(cls, query)
Example #15
class SellableFullStockView(Viewable):
    """Stores information about products.
    This view is used to query stock information on a certain branch.

    :cvar id: the id of the asellable table
    :cvar barcode: the sellable barcode
    :cvar status: the sellable status
    :cvar cost: the sellable cost
    :cvar price: the sellable price
    :cvar description: the sellable description
    :cvar unit: the unit of the product or None
    :cvar product_id: the id of the product table or None
    :cvar branch_id: the id of branch table or None
    :cvar stock: the stock of the product or None

    sellable = Sellable

    id = Sellable.id
    code = Sellable.code
    barcode = Sellable.barcode
    status = Sellable.status
    cost = Sellable.cost
    description = Sellable.description
    on_sale_price = Sellable.on_sale_price
    on_sale_start_date = Sellable.on_sale_start_date
    on_sale_end_date = Sellable.on_sale_end_date
    base_price = Sellable.base_price
    max_discount = Sellable.max_discount

    product_id = Product.id
    model = Product.model

    unit = SellableUnit.description
    manufacturer = ProductManufacturer.name
    category_description = SellableCategory.description

    # Aggregates
    stock = Coalesce(Sum(ProductStockItem.quantity), 0)

    tables = [
        LeftJoin(SellableUnit, SellableUnit.id == Sellable.unit_id),
                 SellableCategory.id == Sellable.category_id),
        LeftJoin(Product, Product.sellable_id == Sellable.id),
        LeftJoin(Storable, Storable.product_id == Product.id),
                 ProductStockItem.storable_id == Storable.id),
                 Product.manufacturer_id == ProductManufacturer.id),

    group_by = [
        Sellable, SellableUnit, product_id, model, unit, manufacturer,

    def find_by_branch(cls, store, branch):
        if branch:
            # We need the OR part to be able to list services
            query = Or(ProductStockItem.branch == branch,
                       Eq(ProductStockItem.branch_id, None))
            return store.find(cls, query)

        return store.find(cls)

    def price(self):
        # See Sellable.price property
        if self.on_sale_price:
            today = localnow()
            start_date = self.on_sale_start_date
            end_date = self.on_sale_end_date
            if is_date_in_interval(today, start_date, end_date):
                return self.on_sale_price
        return self.base_price
Example #16
class StorableBatchView(Viewable):
    """A view for |batches|

    This is used to get the most information of a |batch|
    without doing lots of database queries.

    It's bestly used with :meth:`.find_by_storable`

    #: the |batch| object
    batch = StorableBatch

    #: the |branch| this batch is in
    branch = Branch

    # StorableBatch
    id = StorableBatch.id
    create_date = StorableBatch.create_date
    batch_number = StorableBatch.batch_number
    stock = Coalesce(Field('_stock_summary', 'stock'), 0)

    tables = [
                 Field('_stock_summary', 'batch_id') == StorableBatch.id),
        LeftJoin(Branch, Field('_stock_summary', 'branch_id') == Branch.id),

    def find_by_storable(cls, store, storable, branch=None):
        """Find results for this view that for *storable*

        Normally it's best to use this instead of *store.find* since
        it'll only |batches| for the given |storable|.

        :param store: the store that will be used to find the results
        :param storable: the |storable| used to filter the results
        :param branch: a |branch| that, if not ``None``, will be used to
            filter the results to only get batches on that branch.
        :returns: the matching views
        :rtype: a sequence of :class:`StorableBatchView`
        query = StorableBatch.storable_id == storable.id
        if branch is not None:
            query = And(query,
                        Field('_stock_summary', 'branch_id') == branch.id)
        return store.find(cls, query)

    def find_available_by_storable(cls, store, storable, branch=None):
        """Find results for this view that for *storable* that have stock

        The same as :meth:`.find_by_storable`, but only results with
        :obj:`.stock` > 0 will be fetched

        :param store: the store that will be used to find the results
        :param storable: the |storable| used to filter the results
        :param branch: a |branch| that, if not ``None``, will be used to
            filter the results to only get batches on that branch.
        :returns: the matching views
        :rtype: a sequence of :class:`StorableBatchView`
        results = cls.find_by_storable(store, storable, branch=branch)
        return results.find(Field('_stock_summary', 'stock') > 0)
Example #17
class WorkOrderWithPackageView(WorkOrderView):
    """A view for |workorders| in a |workorderpackage|

    This is the same as :class:`.WorkOrderView`, but package
    information is joined together

    _BranchSource = ClassAlias(Branch, "branch_source")
    _BranchDestination = ClassAlias(Branch, "branch_destination")
    _PersonSource = ClassAlias(Person, "person_source")
    _PersonDestination = ClassAlias(Person, "person_destination")
    _CompanySource = ClassAlias(Company, "company_source")
    _CompanyDestination = ClassAlias(Company, "company_destination")

    # WorkOrderPackage
    package_id = WorkOrderPackage.id
    package_identifier = WorkOrderPackage.identifier
    package_send_date = WorkOrderPackage.send_date
    package_receive_date = WorkOrderPackage.receive_date

    # WorkOrderPackageItem
    package_item_id = WorkOrderPackageItem.id
    package_notes = WorkOrderPackageItem.notes

    # Branch
    source_branch_name = Coalesce(_CompanySource.fancy_name,
    destination_branch_name = Coalesce(_CompanyDestination.fancy_name,

    tables = WorkOrderView.tables[:]
                 WorkOrderPackageItem.order_id == WorkOrder.id),
                 WorkOrderPackageItem.package_id == WorkOrderPackage.id),
                 WorkOrderPackage.source_branch_id == _BranchSource.id),
        LeftJoin(_PersonSource, _BranchSource.person_id == _PersonSource.id),
        LeftJoin(_CompanySource, _CompanySource.person_id == _PersonSource.id),
            WorkOrderPackage.destination_branch_id == _BranchDestination.id),
                 _BranchDestination.person_id == _PersonDestination.id),
                 _CompanyDestination.person_id == _PersonDestination.id),

    def find_by_package(cls, store, package):
        """Find results for this view that are in the *package*

        :param store: the store that will be used to find the
        :param package: the |workorderpackage| used to filter
            the results
        :returns: the matching views
        :rtype: a sequence of :class:`WorkOrderWithPackageView`
        return store.find(cls, package_id=package.id)
Example #18
class WorkOrderView(Viewable):
    """A view for |workorders|

    This is used to get the most information of a |workorder|
    without doing lots of database queries.

    # TODO: Maybe we should have a cache for branches, to avoid all this
    # joins just to get the company name.
    _BranchOriginalBranch = ClassAlias(Branch, "branch_original_branch")
    _BranchCurrentBranch = ClassAlias(Branch, "branch_current_branch")
    _PersonOriginalBranch = ClassAlias(Person, "person_original_branch")
    _PersonCurrentBranch = ClassAlias(Person, "person_current_branch")
    _CompanyOriginalBranch = ClassAlias(Company, "company_original_branch")
    _CompanyCurrentBranch = ClassAlias(Company, "company_current_branch")
    _PersonClient = ClassAlias(Person, "person_client")
    _PersonSalesPerson = ClassAlias(Person, "person_salesperson")

    #: the |workorder| object
    work_order = WorkOrder

    #: the |workordercategory| object
    category = WorkOrderCategory

    #: the |client| object
    client = Client

    # WorkOrder
    id = WorkOrder.id
    identifier = WorkOrder.identifier
    status = WorkOrder.status
    equipment = WorkOrder.equipment
    open_date = WorkOrder.open_date
    approve_date = WorkOrder.approve_date
    finish_date = WorkOrder.finish_date

    # WorkOrderCategory
    category_name = WorkOrderCategory.name
    category_color = WorkOrderCategory.color

    # Client
    client_name = _PersonClient.name

    # SalesPerson
    salesperson_name = _PersonSalesPerson.name

    # Branch
    branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(_CompanyOriginalBranch.fancy_name, u''),
    current_branch_name = Coalesce(
        NullIf(_CompanyCurrentBranch.fancy_name, u''),

    # WorkOrderItem
    quantity = Coalesce(Field('_work_order_items', 'quantity'), 0)
    total = Coalesce(Field('_work_order_items', 'total'), 0)

    tables = [
        LeftJoin(Client, WorkOrder.client_id == Client.id),
        LeftJoin(_PersonClient, Client.person_id == _PersonClient.id),
        LeftJoin(Sale, WorkOrder.sale_id == Sale.id),
        LeftJoin(SalesPerson, Sale.salesperson_id == SalesPerson.id),
                 SalesPerson.person_id == _PersonSalesPerson.id),
                 WorkOrder.branch_id == _BranchOriginalBranch.id),
                 _BranchOriginalBranch.person_id == _PersonOriginalBranch.id),
                 _CompanyOriginalBranch.person_id == _PersonOriginalBranch.id),
                 WorkOrder.current_branch_id == _BranchCurrentBranch.id),
                 _BranchCurrentBranch.person_id == _PersonCurrentBranch.id),
                 _CompanyCurrentBranch.person_id == _PersonCurrentBranch.id),
                 WorkOrder.category_id == WorkOrderCategory.id),
                 Field('_work_order_items', 'order_id') == WorkOrder.id),

    def post_search_callback(cls, sresults):
        select = sresults.get_select_expr(Count(1), Sum(cls.total))
        return ('count', 'sum'), select

    def find_by_current_branch(cls, store, branch):
        return store.find(cls, WorkOrder.current_branch_id == branch.id)
Example #19
class ProductFullStockView(Viewable):
    """Stores information about products.
    This view is used to query stock information on a certain branch.

    :cvar id: the id of the asellable table
    :cvar barcode: the sellable barcode
    :cvar status: the sellable status
    :cvar cost: the sellable cost
    :cvar price: the sellable price
    :cvar description: the sellable description
    :cvar unit: the unit of the product
    :cvar product_id: the id of the product table
    :cvar location: the location of the product
    :cvar branch_id: the id of branch table
    :cvar stock: the stock of the product

    sellable = Sellable
    product = Product

    # Sellable
    id = Sellable.id
    code = Sellable.code
    barcode = Sellable.barcode
    status = Sellable.status
    cost = Sellable.cost
    description = Sellable.description
    image_id = Sellable.image_id
    base_price = Sellable.base_price
    on_sale_price = Sellable.on_sale_price
    on_sale_start_date = Sellable.on_sale_start_date
    on_sale_end_date = Sellable.on_sale_end_date

    # Product
    product_id = Product.id
    location = Product.location
    model = Product.model

    manufacturer = ProductManufacturer.name
    tax_description = SellableTaxConstant.description
    category_description = SellableCategory.description
    unit = SellableUnit.description

    # Aggregates
    total_stock_cost = Coalesce(Field('_stock_summary', 'total_stock_cost'), 0)
    stock = Coalesce(Field('_stock_summary', 'stock'), 0)

    tables = [
        # Keep this first 4 joins in this order, so find_by_branch may change it.
        Join(Product, Product.sellable_id == Sellable.id),
        LeftJoin(Storable, Storable.product_id == Product.id),
                 Field('_stock_summary', 'storable_id') == Storable.id),
                 SellableTaxConstant.id == Sellable.tax_constant_id),
                 SellableCategory.id == Sellable.category_id),
        LeftJoin(SellableUnit, Sellable.unit_id == SellableUnit.id),
                 Product.manufacturer_id == ProductManufacturer.id),

    clause = Sellable.status != Sellable.STATUS_CLOSED

    def post_search_callback(cls, sresults):
        select = sresults.get_select_expr(
            Count(Distinct(Sellable.id)), Sum(Field('_stock_summary',
        return ('count', 'sum'), select

    def find_by_branch(cls, store, branch):
        if branch is None:
            return store.find(cls)

        # When we need to filter on the branch, we also need to add the branch
        # column on the ProductStockItem subselect, so the filter works. We cant
        # keep the branch_id on the main subselect, since that will cause the
        # results to be duplicate when not filtering by branch (probably the
        # most common case). So, we need all of this workaround

        # Make sure that the join we are replacing is the correct one.
        assert cls.tables[3].right == _StockSummary

        # Highjack the class being queried, since we need to add the branch
        # on the ProductStockItem subselect to filter it later
        class HighjackedViewable(cls):
            tables = cls.tables[:]
            tables[3] = LeftJoin(
                Field('_stock_summary', 'storable_id') == Storable.id)

        # Also show products that were never purchased.
        query = Or(
            Field('_stock_summary', 'branch_id') == branch.id,
            Eq(Field('_stock_summary', 'branch_id'), None))

        return store.find(HighjackedViewable, query)

    def get_unit_description(self):
        unit = self.product.sellable.get_unit_description()
        if unit == u"":
            return u"un"
        return unit

    def get_product_and_category_description(self):
        """Returns the product and the category description in one string.
        The category description will be formatted inside square
        brackets, if any. Otherwise, only the product description will
        be returned.
        category_description = ''
        if self.category_description:
            category_description += '[' + self.category_description + '] '

        return category_description + self.description

    def stock_cost(self):
        if self.stock:
            return self.total_stock_cost / self.stock

        return 0

    def price(self):
        # See Sellable.price property
        if self.on_sale_price:
            today = localnow()
            start_date = self.on_sale_start_date
            end_date = self.on_sale_end_date
            if is_date_in_interval(today, start_date, end_date):
                return self.on_sale_price
        return self.base_price

    def has_image(self):
        return self.image_id is not None
Example #20
class PurchaseOrderView(Viewable):
    """General information about purchase orders

    :cvar id: the id of purchase_order table
    :cvar status: the purchase order status
    :cvar open_date: the date when the order was started
    :cvar quote_deadline: the date when the quotation expires
    :cvar expected_receival_date: expected date to receive products
    :cvar expected_pay_date: expected date to pay the products
    :cvar receival_date: the date when the products were received
    :cvar confirm_date: the date when the order was confirmed
    :cvar salesperson_name: the name of supplier's salesperson
    :cvar expected_freight: the expected freight value
    :cvar surcharge_value: the surcharge value for the order total
    :cvar discount_value: the discount_value for the order total
    :cvar supplier_name: the supplier name
    :cvar transporter_name: the transporter name
    :cvar branch_name: the branch company name
    :cvar ordered_quantity: the total quantity ordered
    :cvar received_quantity: the total quantity received
    :cvar subtotal: the order subtotal (sum of product values)
    :cvar total: subtotal - discount_value + surcharge_value

    Person_Supplier = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_supplier')
    Person_Transporter = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_transporter')
    Person_Branch = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_branch')
    Person_Responsible = ClassAlias(Person, 'person_responsible')

    purchase = PurchaseOrder
    branch = Branch

    id = PurchaseOrder.id
    identifier = PurchaseOrder.identifier
    identifier_str = Cast(PurchaseOrder.identifier, 'text')
    status = PurchaseOrder.status
    open_date = PurchaseOrder.open_date
    quote_deadline = PurchaseOrder.quote_deadline
    expected_receival_date = PurchaseOrder.expected_receival_date
    expected_pay_date = PurchaseOrder.expected_pay_date
    confirm_date = PurchaseOrder.confirm_date
    salesperson_name = NullIf(PurchaseOrder.salesperson_name, u'')
    expected_freight = PurchaseOrder.expected_freight
    surcharge_value = PurchaseOrder.surcharge_value
    discount_value = PurchaseOrder.discount_value

    branch_id = Branch.id
    supplier_id = Supplier.id
    supplier_name = Person_Supplier.name
    transporter_name = Coalesce(Person_Transporter.name, u'')
    branch_name = Coalesce(NullIf(Company.fancy_name, u''), Person_Branch.name)
    responsible_name = Person_Responsible.name

    receival_date = Field('_receiving_order', 'receival_date')

    ordered_quantity = Field('_purchase_item', 'ordered_quantity')
    received_quantity = Field('_purchase_item', 'received_quantity')
    subtotal = Field('_purchase_item', 'subtotal')
    total = Field('_purchase_item', 'subtotal') - \
        PurchaseOrder.discount_value + PurchaseOrder.surcharge_value

    tables = [
             Field('_purchase_item', 'order_id') == PurchaseOrder.id),

                 Field('_receiving_order', 'purchase_id') == PurchaseOrder.id),

        LeftJoin(Supplier, PurchaseOrder.supplier_id == Supplier.id),
        LeftJoin(Transporter, PurchaseOrder.transporter_id == Transporter.id),
        LeftJoin(Branch, PurchaseOrder.branch_id == Branch.id),
        LeftJoin(LoginUser, PurchaseOrder.responsible_id == LoginUser.id),

        LeftJoin(Person_Supplier, Supplier.person_id == Person_Supplier.id),
        LeftJoin(Person_Transporter, Transporter.person_id == Person_Transporter.id),
        LeftJoin(Person_Branch, Branch.person_id == Person_Branch.id),
        LeftJoin(Company, Company.person_id == Person_Branch.id),
        LeftJoin(Person_Responsible, LoginUser.person_id == Person_Responsible.id),

    def post_search_callback(cls, sresults):
        select = sresults.get_select_expr(Count(1), Sum(cls.total))
        return ('count', 'sum'), select

    # Public API

    def get_open_date_as_string(self):
        return self.open_date.strftime("%x")

    def status_str(self):
        return PurchaseOrder.translate_status(self.status)

    def find_confirmed(cls, store, due_date=None):
        query = cls.status == PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED

        if due_date:
            if isinstance(due_date, tuple):
                date_query = And(Date(cls.expected_receival_date) >= due_date[0],
                                 Date(cls.expected_receival_date) <= due_date[1])
                date_query = Date(cls.expected_receival_date) == due_date

            query = And(query, date_query)

        return store.find(cls, query)
Example #21
class InventoryItemsView(Viewable):
    """Holds information about |inventoryitems|

    This is used to get the most information of an inventory item
    without doing lots of database queries.

    It's best used with :meth:`.find_by_product`

    #: the |inventoryitem|
    inventory_item = InventoryItem

    #: the |inventory|
    inventory = Inventory

    #: the |sellable|
    sellable = Sellable

    #: The |StorableBatch|
    batch = StorableBatch

    branch = Branch

    # InventoryItem
    id = InventoryItem.id
    product_id = InventoryItem.product_id
    recorded_quantity = InventoryItem.recorded_quantity
    counted_quantity = InventoryItem.counted_quantity
    actual_quantity = InventoryItem.actual_quantity
    product_cost = InventoryItem.product_cost
    is_adjusted = InventoryItem.is_adjusted
    reason = InventoryItem.reason

    # Inventory
    inventory_identifier = Inventory.identifier
    open_date = Inventory.open_date
    close_date = Inventory.close_date

    #: The name of the person that performed the inventory
    responsible_name = Person.name

    #: The code of the sellable
    code = Sellable.code
    # XXX: Maybe we should have this in the database, since the price may change
    price = Sellable.base_price

    #: The description of the product
    description = Sellable.description

    #: The number of the batch that was adjusted
    batch_number = Coalesce(StorableBatch.batch_number, u'')
    batch_date = StorableBatch.create_date

    tables = [
        Join(Inventory, InventoryItem.inventory_id == Inventory.id),
        Join(Product, Product.id == InventoryItem.product_id),
        Join(Sellable, Sellable.id == Product.id),
        LeftJoin(StorableBatch, InventoryItem.batch_id == StorableBatch.id),
        Join(LoginUser, Inventory.responsible_id == LoginUser.id),
        Join(Person, LoginUser.person_id == Person.id),
        Join(Branch, Inventory.branch_id == Branch.id),

    def find_by_inventory(cls, store, inventory):
        """find results for this view that are related to the given inventory

        :param store: the store that will be used to find the results
        :param inventory: the |inventory| that should be filtered
        :returns: the matching views
        :rtype: a sequence of :class:`InventoryItemView`
        return store.find(cls, Inventory.id == inventory.id)

    def find_by_product(cls, store, product):
        """find results for this view that references *product*

        :param store: the store that will be used to find the results
        :param product: the |product| used to filter the results
        :returns: the matching views
        :rtype: a sequence of :class:`InventoryItemView`
        return store.find(cls, product_id=product.id)