Example #1
def run(configObj=None):

    # start by interpreting filename and hdrlet inputs
    filename = parseinput.parseinput(configObj['filename'])[0]
    hdrlet = parseinput.parseinput(configObj['hdrlet'])[0]

    if configObj['primary']:
        # Call function with properly interpreted input parameters
        # Syntax: apply_headerlet_as_primary(filename, hdrlet, attach=True,
        #            archive=True, force=False, verbose=False)
        wcsname = configObj['wcsname']
        if wcsname in ['', ' ', 'INDEF']: wcsname = None
        wcskey = configObj['wcskey']
        if wcskey == '': wcskey = None
        # Call function with properly interpreted input parameters
        #         apply_headerlet_as_alternate(filename, hdrlet, attach=True,
        #                        wcskey=None, wcsname=None, verbose=False)
Example #2
def run(configObj=None):

    # start by interpreting filename and hdrlet inputs
    filename = parseinput.parseinput(configObj['filename'])[0]
    hdrlet = parseinput.parseinput(configObj['hdrlet'])[0]

    if configObj['primary']:
        # Call function with properly interpreted input parameters
        # Syntax: apply_headerlet_as_primary(filename, hdrlet, attach=True,
        #            archive=True, force=False, verbose=False)
                                             hdrlet, attach=configObj['attach'],
                                             archive=configObj['archive'], force=configObj['force'],
        wcsname = configObj['wcsname']
        if wcsname in ['', ' ', 'INDEF']: wcsname = None
        wcskey = configObj['wcskey']
        if wcskey == '': wcskey = None
        # Call function with properly interpreted input parameters
        #         apply_headerlet_as_alternate(filename, hdrlet, attach=True,
        #                        wcskey=None, wcsname=None, verbose=False)
                                               hdrlet, attach=configObj['attach'],
                                               wcsname=wcsname, wcskey=wcskey,
Example #3
def wf3ccd(input, output="", dqicorr="PERFORM", atodcorr="PERFORM",blevcorr="PERFORM",
        biascorr="PERFORM", flashcorr="PERFORM", verbose=False, quiet=True ):
    """Run the ``wf3ccd.e`` executable as from the shell."""

    call_list = ['wf3ccd.e']
    if verbose:
        call_list += ['-v','-t']
    if (dqicorr == "PERFORM"):
    if (atodcorr == "PERFORM"):
    if (blevcorr == "PERFORM"):
    if (biascorr == "PERFORM"):
    if (flashcorr == "PERFORM"):

    infiles, dummpy_out= parseinput.parseinput(input)
Example #4
def wf32d(input, output="", dqicorr="PERFORM", darkcorr="PERFORM",flatcorr="PERFORM",
        shadcorr="PERFORM", photcorr="PERFORM", verbose=False, quiet=True ):
    """  Call the wf32d.e executable """

    if verbose:
        call_list += ['-v','-t']
    if debug:
    if (darkcorr == "PERFORM"):
    if (dqicorr == "PERFORM"):
    if (flatcorr == "PERFORM"):
    if (shadcorr == "PERFORM"):
    if (photcorr == "PERFORM"):

    infiles, dummpy_out= parseinput.parseinput(input)

Example #5
def wf3cte(input, out=None, parallel=True, verbose=False, log_func=print):

    """Run the ``wf3cte.e`` executable as from the shell."""

    call_list = ['wf3cte.e']

    if verbose:

    if not parallel:

    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)
    if out:

    proc = subprocess.Popen(
    if log_func is not None:
        for line in proc.stdout:

    return_code = proc.wait()
    if return_code != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("wf3cte.e exited with code {}".format(return_code))
Example #6
def acssum(input, output, exec_path='', time_stamps=False, verbose=False,
    Run the acssum.e executable as from the shell.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*flt.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    output : str
        Output filename.
        If `output` is '' and `input` is '\*_asn.fits',
        `output` will be automatically set to '\*_sfl.fits'.
        Otherwise, it is an error not to provide a specific `output`.

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACSSUM executable.
        If not given, run ACSSUM given by 'acssum.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acssum.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acssum.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)


    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:

Example #7
def calwf3(input=None, output=None, printtime=False, save_tmp=False,
           verbose=False, debug=False, parallel=True, version=False,

    call_list = ['calwf3.e']
    return_code = None

    if version and input is None:
        if printtime:

        if save_tmp:

        if verbose:

        if debug:

        if not parallel:

        infiles, dummy = parseinput.parseinput(input)
        if len(parseinput.irafglob(input)) == 0:
            raise IOError("No valid image specified")
        if len(parseinput.irafglob(input)) > 1:
            raise IOError("calwf3 can only accept 1 file for"
                          "input at a time: {0}".format(infiles))

        for image in infiles:
            if not os.path.exists(image):
                raise IOError("Input file not found: {0}".format(image))


        if output:

    proc = subprocess.Popen(

    if log_func is not None:
        for line in proc.stdout:

    return_code = proc.wait()
    ec = error_code(return_code)
    if ec:
        if ec is None:
            print("Unknown return code found!")
            ec = return_code
        raise RuntimeError("calwf3.e exited with code {}".format(ec))
Example #8
def run(input,
    """ Control the entire shift finding operation. """

    print('Tweakshifts Version ', __version__, '\n')

    # Start by determining what input files we are to work with...
    flist, outfile = parseinput.parseinput(input)
    verbose = False
    if 'verbose' in input_dict and input_dict['verbose']:
        print('Computing shifts for :')
        verbose = input_dict['verbose']
    # Insure that a valid filename gets setup for reference WCS
    if reference != None:
        refname = reference
        if os.path.exists(refname):
            err_str = 'Output Reference WCS "' + refname + '" already exists! Please delete.'
            raise ValueError(err_str)
        refname = 'tweak_wcs.fits'

    # split remainder of parameters into algorithm specific sets
    # and use them for depending on what algorithm was selected.
    if findmode == 'catalog':
        match_pars = parseInputPars(input_dict, MATCH_PARS)
        match_pars['input'] = input
        shift_dict = runCatalog(flist, refname, match_pars)
        # Insure that flist does not include the name of the
        # reference WCS as well.
        ref_img = input_dict['crossref']
        if flist.count(ref_img) > 0: flist.remove(ref_img)

        # Refname can not be derived from 'refimage' parameter
        # as the refimage parameter serves as an output, not an
        # input, as needed here... WJH 11 May 2005
        crosscor_pars = parseInputPars(input_dict, CROSSCORR_PARS)
        shift_dict = runCrosscorr(flist, ref_img, crosscor_pars)
        w = wcsutil.WCSObject(ref_img)

    if len(shift_dict['order']) > 1:
        writeShiftFile(shift_dict, output, refname)
        if 'updatehdr' in input_dict and input_dict['updatehdr']:
            update_file_headers(shift_dict, refname, verbose=verbose)
        print('No suitable data for finding shifts.')
        print('No shift file written out.')
        if os.path.exists(refname):
Example #9
def readWCS(input, exts=None, extname=None):
    if isinstance(input, str):
        if input[0] == '@':
            # input is an @ file
            filelist = irafglob.irafglob(input)
                filelist, output = parseinput.parseinput(input)
            except IOError:
    elif isinstance(input, list):
        if isinstance(input[0], wcsutil.HSTWCS):
            # a list of HSTWCS objects
            return input
            filelist = input[:]
    wcso = []
    fomited = []
    # figure out which FITS extension(s) to use
    if exts is None and extname is None:
        # Assume it's simple FITS and the data is in the primary HDU
        for f in filelist:
                wcso = wcsutil.HSTWCS(f)
            except AttributeError:
    elif exts is not None and validateExt(exts):
        exts = [exts]
        for f in filelist:
                wcso.extend([wcsutil.HSTWCS(f, ext=e) for e in exts])
            except KeyError:
    elif extname is not None:
        for f in filelist:
            fobj = fits.open(f)
            for i in range(len(fobj)):
                    ename = fobj[i].header['EXTNAME']
                except KeyError:
                if ename.lower() == extname.lower():
                    wcso.append(wcsutil.HSTWCS(f, ext=i))
    if fomited != []:
        print("These files were skipped:")
        for f in fomited:
    return wcso
Example #10
def run(configObj=None):

    # Interpret primary parameters from configObj instance
    extname = configObj['extname']
    input = configObj['input']

    # create dictionary of remaining parameters, deleting extraneous ones
    # such as those above
    cdict = configObj.dict()
    # remove any rules defined for the TEAL interface
    if "_RULES_" in cdict: del cdict['_RULES_']
    del cdict['_task_name_']
    del cdict['input']
    del cdict['extname']

    # parse input
    input, altfiles = parseinput.parseinput(configObj['input'])

    # Insure that all input files have a correctly archived
    #    set of OPUS WCS keywords
    # Legacy files from OTFR, like all WFPC2 data from OTFR, will only
    #   have the OPUS WCS keywords archived using a prefix of 'O'
    # These keywords need to be converted to the Paper I alternate WCS
    #   standard using a wcskey (suffix) of 'O'
    # If an alternate WCS with wcskey='O' already exists, this will copy
    #   the values from the old prefix-'O' WCS keywords to insure the correct
    #   OPUS keyword values get archived for use with updatewcs.
    for file in input:
        # Check to insure that there is a valid reference file to be used
        idctab = fits.getval(file, 'idctab')
        if not os.path.exists(fileutil.osfn(idctab)):
            print('No valid distortion reference file ', idctab, ' found in ',
                  file, '!')
            raise ValueError

    # Re-define 'cdict' to only have switches for steps supported by that instrument
    # the set of supported steps are defined by the dictionary
    #    updatewcs.apply_corrections.allowed_corrections
    for file in input:
        # get instrument name from input file
        instr = fits.getval(file, 'INSTRUME')
        # make copy of input parameters dict for this file
        fdict = cdict.copy()
        # Remove any parameter that is not part of this instrument's allowed corrections
        for step in allowed_corr_dict:
            if allowed_corr_dict[
                    step] not in updatewcs.apply_corrections.allowed_corrections[
        # Call 'updatewcs' on correctly archived file
        updatewcs.updatewcs(file, **fdict)
Example #11
    def __init__( self, input_file, edit_type=None, hdr_key=None, err_key=None, nref_par=None,
                  force=None, noclean=False, dry_run=1, verbosity=0):


        input_file : string
            name of the file or filelist to be processed
        edit_type : string type of file to update
        hdr_key : string
            name of keyword to update in file
        err_key : string
            name of keyword for error estimate
        nref_par : string
            name of the directory containing the nonlinearity file
        force : string
            name of algorithm whose value is to be returned
        noclean : {'True', 'False'}
            flag to force use of UNCLEANed 0th read.
        dry_run : {0,1} [Default: 1]
            flag to force not writing to header
        verbosity : {0,1,2}
            verbosity level (0 for quiet, 1 verbose, 2 very verbose)


        if (edit_type == None):  edit_type = tfbutil.edit_type
        if (hdr_key == None):  hdr_key = tfbutil.hdr_key
        if (err_key == None):  err_key = tfbutil.err_key
        if (force == None):  force = tfbutil.force

        self.input_file = input_file
        self.edit_type = edit_type
        self.hdr_key = hdr_key
        self.err_key = err_key
        self.nref_par = nref_par
        self.force = force
        self.noclean = noclean
        self.dry_run = dry_run
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.tfb_version = __version__
        self.tfb_run = time.asctime()

        outlist = parseinput.parseinput(input_file)
        self.num_files =  parseinput.countinputs(input_file)[0]
        self.outlist0 = outlist[0]

        if (( dry_run == 0) & (self.verbosity >0)):
            print(' The dry_run option has been selected so keys will not be written.')

        if (self.verbosity >1):
           print(' Temp_from_bias run on ',self.tfb_run, ', version: ', self.tfb_version)
Example #12
def countInput(input):
    files = parseinput.parseinput(input)
    count = len(files[0])
    for f in files[0]:
        if fileutil.isFits(f)[0]:
                ins = fits.getval(f, 'INSTRUME')
            except: # allow odd fits files; do not stop the count
                ins = None
            if ins == 'STIS':
                count += (stisObsCount(f)-1)
    return count
Example #13
def countInput(input):
    files = parseinput.parseinput(input)
    count = len(files[0])
    for f in files[0]:
        if fileutil.isFits(f)[0]:
                ins = fits.getval(f, 'INSTRUME')
            except:  # allow odd fits files; do not stop the count
                ins = None
            if ins == 'STIS':
                count += (stisObsCount(f) - 1)
    return count
Example #14
def readWCS(input, exts=None, extname=None):
    if isinstance(input, str):
        if input[0] == '@':
            # input is an @ file
            filelist = irafglob.irafglob(input)
                filelist, output = parseinput.parseinput(input)
            except IOError: raise
    elif isinstance(input, list):
        if isinstance(input[0], wcsutil.HSTWCS):
            # a list of HSTWCS objects
            return input
            filelist = input[:]
    wcso = []
    fomited = []
    # figure out which FITS extension(s) to use
    if exts is None and extname is None:
        # Assume it's simple FITS and the data is in the primary HDU
        for f in filelist:
                wcso = wcsutil.HSTWCS(f)
            except AttributeError:
    elif exts is not None and validateExt(exts):
        exts = [exts]
        for f in filelist:
                wcso.extend([wcsutil.HSTWCS(f, ext=e) for e in exts])
            except KeyError:
    elif extname is not None:
        for f in filelist:
            fobj = fits.open(f)
            for i in range(len(fobj)):
                    ename = fobj[i].header['EXTNAME']
                except KeyError:
                if ename.lower() == extname.lower():
                    wcso.append(wcsutil.HSTWCS(f, ext=i))
    if fomited != []:
        print("These files were skipped:")
        for f in fomited:
    return wcso
Example #15
def run(configObj=None):
    flist, oname = parseinput.parseinput(configObj['filename'])
    if len(flist) == 0:
        print('=' * 60)
        print('    No valid "filename" parameter value provided!')
        print('    Please check the working directory and restart this task.')
        print('=' * 60)

    if configObj['hdrname'] in ['', ' ', 'INDEF']:
        print('=' * 60)
        print('    No valid "hdrname" parameter value provided!')
            '    Please restart this task and provide a value for this parameter.'
        print('=' * 60)

    if configObj['output'] in ['', ' ', 'INDEF']:
        configObj['output'] = None

    str_kw = [
        'wcsname', 'destim', 'sipname', 'npolfile', 'd2imfile', 'descrip',
        'history', 'author', 'output', 'catalog'

    # create dictionary of remaining parameters, deleting extraneous ones
    # such as those above
    cdict = configObj.dict()
    # remove any rules defined for the TEAL interface
    if "_RULES_" in cdict: del cdict['_RULES_']
    del cdict['_task_name_']
    del cdict['filename']
    del cdict['hdrname']

    # Convert blank string input as None
    for kw in str_kw:
        if cdict[kw] == '': cdict[kw] = None
    if cdict['wcskey'].lower() == 'primary': cdict['wcskey'] = ' '

    # Call function with properly interpreted input parameters
    # Syntax: write_headerlet(filename, hdrname, output, sciext='SCI',
    #                    wcsname=None, wcskey=None, destim=None,
    #                    sipname=None, npolfile=None, d2imfile=None,
    #                    author=None, descrip=None, history=None,
    #                    attach=True, clobber=False)
    headerlet.write_headerlet(flist, configObj['hdrname'], **cdict)
Example #16
def parseMultipleInput(input):
    if isinstance(input, str):
        if input[0] == '@':
            # input is an @ file
            filelist = irafglob.irafglob(input)
                filelist, output = parseinput.parseinput(input)
            except IOError: raise
    elif isinstance(input, list):
        #if isinstance(input[0], HSTWCS):
            ## a list of HSTWCS objects
            #return input
        filelist = input[:]
    return filelist
Example #17
def parse_input(input, prodonly=False, sort_wildcards=True):
    catlist = None

    if (isinstance(input, list) == False) and \
       ('_asn' in input or '_asc' in input) :
        # Input is an association table
        # Get the input files
        oldasndict = asnutil.readASNTable(input, prodonly=prodonly)
        filelist = [
            fileutil.buildRootname(fname) for fname in oldasndict['order']

    elif (isinstance(input, list) == False) and \
       (input[0] == '@') :
        # input is an @ file
        f = open(input[1:])
        # Read the first line in order to determine whether
        # catalog files have been specified in a second column...
        line = f.readline()
        # Parse the @-file with irafglob to extract the input filename
        filelist = irafglob.irafglob(input, atfile=atfile_sci)
        # If there are additional columns for catalog files...
        if len(line.split()) > 1:
            # ...parse out the names of the catalog files as well
            catlist, catdict = parse_atfile_cat(input)
    elif (isinstance(input, list)):
        # input a python list
        filelist = []
        for fn in input:
            flist, output = parse_input(fn, prodonly=prodonly)
            # if wild-cards are given, sort for uniform usage:
            if fn.find('*') > -1 and sort_wildcards:
            filelist += flist
        # input is either a string or something unrecognizable, so give it a try:
            filelist, output = parseinput.parseinput(input)
            # if wild-cards are given, sort for uniform usage:
            if input.find('*') > -1 and sort_wildcards:
        except IOError:

    return filelist, catlist
Example #18
def run(configObj=None):

    if configObj['hdrname'] == '' and configObj['hdrext'] is None and \
            configObj['distname'] == '':
        print('=' * 60)
        print('    No valid "hdrname", "hdrext" or "distname" parameter value provided!')
        print('    Please restart this task and provide a value for one of these parameters.')
        print('=' * 60)
    filename = parseinput.parseinput(configObj['filename'])[0]
    # Call function with properly interpreted input parameters
    # Syntax: delete_headerlet(filename, hdrname=None, hdrext=None, distname=None)
Example #19
def run(configObj=None):

    if configObj['hdrname'] == '' and configObj['hdrext'] is None and \
            configObj['distname'] == '':
        print('=' * 60)
        print('    No valid "hdrname", "hdrext" or "distname" parameter value provided!')
        print('    Please restart this task and provide a value for one of these parameters.')
        print('=' * 60)
    filename = parseinput.parseinput(configObj['filename'])[0]
    # Call function with properly interpreted input parameters
    # Syntax: delete_headerlet(filename, hdrname=None, hdrext=None, distname=None)
Example #20
def parse_input(input, prodonly=False, sort_wildcards=True):
    catlist = None

    if (isinstance(input, list) == False) and \
       ('_asn' in input or '_asc' in input) :
        # Input is an association table
        # Get the input files
        oldasndict = asnutil.readASNTable(input, prodonly=prodonly)
        filelist = [fileutil.buildRootname(fname) for fname in oldasndict['order']]

    elif (isinstance(input, list) == False) and \
       (input[0] == '@') :
        # input is an @ file
        f = open(input[1:])
        # Read the first line in order to determine whether
        # catalog files have been specified in a second column...
        line = f.readline()
        # Parse the @-file with irafglob to extract the input filename
        filelist = irafglob.irafglob(input, atfile=atfile_sci)
        # If there are additional columns for catalog files...
        if len(line.split()) > 1:
            # ...parse out the names of the catalog files as well
            catlist,catdict = parse_atfile_cat(input)
    elif (isinstance(input, list)):
        # input a python list
        filelist = []
        for fn in input:
            flist, output = parse_input(fn, prodonly=prodonly)
            # if wild-cards are given, sort for uniform usage:
            if fn.find('*') > -1 and sort_wildcards:
            filelist += flist
        # input is either a string or something unrecognizable, so give it a try:
            filelist, output = parseinput.parseinput(input)
            # if wild-cards are given, sort for uniform usage:
            if input.find('*') > -1 and sort_wildcards:
        except IOError: raise

    return filelist,catlist
Example #21
def wf3ir(input, output=None, verbose=False, quiet=True, log_func=print):
    """Call the wf3ir.e executable """

    call_list = ['wf3ir.e']
    return_code = None

    if verbose:
        call_list += ['-v', '-t']

    infiles, dummy = parseinput.parseinput(input)
    if "_asn" in input:
        raise IOError("wf3ir does not accept association tables")
    if len(parseinput.irafglob(input)) == 0:
        raise IOError("No valid image specified")
    if len(parseinput.irafglob(input)) > 1:
        raise IOError("wf3ir can only accept 1 file for"
                      "input at a time: {0}".format(infiles))

    for image in infiles:
        if not os.path.exists(image):
            raise IOError("Input file not found: {0}".format(image))


    if output:

    proc = subprocess.Popen(
    if log_func is not None:
        for line in proc.stdout:

    return_code = proc.wait()
    ec = error_code(return_code)
    if return_code:
        if ec is None:
            print("Unknown return code found!")
            ec = return_code
        raise RuntimeError("wf3ir.e exited with code {}".format(ec))
Example #22
def wf3ir(input, output=None, verbose=False, quiet=True, log_func=print):
    """Call the wf3ir.e executable """

    call_list = ['wf3ir.e']
    return_code = None

    if verbose:
        call_list += ['-v', '-t']

    infiles, dummy = parseinput.parseinput(input)
    if "_asn" in input:
        raise IOError("wf3ir does not accept association tables")
    if len(parseinput.irafglob(input)) == 0:
        raise IOError("No valid image specified")
    if len(parseinput.irafglob(input)) > 1:
        raise IOError("wf3ir can only accept 1 file for"
                      "input at a time: {0}".format(infiles))

    for image in infiles:
        if not os.path.exists(image):
            raise IOError("Input file not found: {0}".format(image))


    if output:

    proc = subprocess.Popen(
    if log_func is not None:
        for line in proc.stdout:

    return_code = proc.wait()
    ec = error_code(return_code)
    if return_code:
        if ec is None:
            print("Unknown return code found!")
            ec = return_code
        raise RuntimeError("wf3ir.e exited with code {}".format(ec))
Example #23
def _process_input_wcs(infiles, wcskey, updatewcs):
    This is a subset of process_input(), for internal use only.  This is the
    portion of input handling which sets/updates WCS data, and is a performance
    hit - a target for parallelization. Returns the expanded list of filenames.

    # Run parseinput though it's likely already been done in processFilenames
    outfiles = parseinput.parseinput(infiles)[0]

    # Disable parallel processing here for now until hardware I/O gets "wider".
    # Since this part is IO bound, parallelizing doesn't help more than a little
    # in most cases, and may actually slow this down on some desktop nodes.
    #   cfgval_num_cores = None # get this from paramDict
    #   pool_size = util.get_pool_size(cfgval_num_cores, len(outfiles))
    pool_size = 1

    # do the WCS updating
    if wcskey in ['', ' ', 'INDEF', None]:
        if updatewcs:
            log.info('Updating input WCS using "updatewcs"')
        log.info('Resetting input WCS to be based on WCS key = %s' % wcskey)

    if pool_size > 1:
        log.info('Executing %d parallel workers' % pool_size)
        subprocs = []
        mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('fork')

        for fname in outfiles:
            p = mp_ctx.Process(
                name='processInput._process_input_wcs()',  # for err msgs
                args=(fname, wcskey, updatewcs))
        mputil.launch_and_wait(subprocs, pool_size)  # blocks till all done
        log.info('Executing serially')
        for fname in outfiles:
            _process_input_wcs_single(fname, wcskey, updatewcs)

    return outfiles
Example #24
    def __init__(self,
        set initial parameters, call class functions for preforming selection
        and formatting to masked astropy table.

        self.filename_list = parseinput.parseinput(filename_list)[0]
        self.final_key_dict = {}
        self.keyword_list = keyword_list.split(",")
        self.final_key_set = set()
        self.extension = extension
        self.expr = expr
        self.table = Table()

Example #25
def _process_input_wcs(infiles, wcskey, updatewcs):
    This is a subset of process_input(), for internal use only.  This is the
    portion of input handling which sets/updates WCS data, and is a performance
    hit - a target for parallelization. Returns the expanded list of filenames.

    # Run parseinput though it's likely already been done in processFilenames
    outfiles = parseinput.parseinput(infiles)[0]

    # Disable parallel processing here for now until hardware I/O gets "wider".
    # Since this part is IO bound, parallelizing doesn't help more than a little
    # in most cases, and may actually slow this down on some desktop nodes.
#   cfgval_num_cores = None # get this from paramDict
#   pool_size = util.get_pool_size(cfgval_num_cores, len(outfiles))
    pool_size = 1

    # do the WCS updating
    if wcskey in ['', ' ', 'INDEF', None]:
        if updatewcs:
            log.info('Updating input WCS using "updatewcs"')
        log.info('Resetting input WCS to be based on WCS key = %s' % wcskey)

    if pool_size > 1:
        log.info('Executing %d parallel workers' % pool_size)
        subprocs = []
        for fname in outfiles:
            p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_process_input_wcs_single,
                name='processInput._process_input_wcs()', # for err msgs
                args=(fname, wcskey, updatewcs) )
        mputil.launch_and_wait(subprocs, pool_size) # blocks till all done
        log.info('Executing serially')
        for fname in outfiles:
            _process_input_wcs_single(fname, wcskey, updatewcs)

    return outfiles
Example #26
def replace(input, **pars):
    """ Replace pixels in `input` that have a value of `pixvalue`
        with a value given by `newvalue`.

    pixvalue = pars.get('pixvalue', np.nan)
    if pixvalue is None: pixvalue = np.nan # insure that None == np.nan

    newvalue = pars.get('newvalue', 0.0)
    ext = pars.get('ext',None)
    if ext in ['',' ','None',None]:
        ext = None

    files = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]

    for f in files:
        fimg = fits.open(f, mode='update')

        if ext is None:
            # replace pixels in ALL extensions
            extn = [i for i in fimg]
            if type(ext) == type([]):
                extn = [fimg[e] for e in ext]
                extn = [fimg[ext]]

        for e in extn:
            if e.data is not None and e.is_image: # ignore empty Primary HDUs
                print("Converting {}[{},{}] value of {} to {}".format(
                if np.isnan(pixvalue):
                    e.data[np.isnan(e.data)] = newvalue
                    e.data[np.where(e.data == pixvalue)] = newvalue

Example #27
def replace(input, **pars):
    """ Replace pixels in `input` that have a value of `pixvalue`
        with a value given by `newvalue`.

    pixvalue = pars.get('pixvalue', np.nan)
    if pixvalue is None: pixvalue = np.nan  # insure that None == np.nan

    newvalue = pars.get('newvalue', 0.0)
    ext = pars.get('ext', None)
    if ext in ['', ' ', 'None', None]:
        ext = None

    files = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]

    for f in files:
        fimg = fits.open(f, mode='update')

        if ext is None:
            # replace pixels in ALL extensions
            extn = [i for i in fimg]
            if type(ext) == type([]):
                extn = [fimg[e] for e in ext]
                extn = [fimg[ext]]

        for e in extn:
            if e.data is not None and e.is_image:  # ignore empty Primary HDUs
                print("Converting {}[{},{}] value of {} to {}".format(
                    f, e.name, e.ver, pixvalue, newvalue))
                if np.isnan(pixvalue):
                    e.data[np.isnan(e.data)] = newvalue
                    e.data[np.where(e.data == pixvalue)] = newvalue

Example #28
def acssum(input,
    Run the acssum.e executable as from the shell.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*flt.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    output : str
        Output filename.
        If `output` is '' and `input` is '\*_asn.fits',
        `output` will be automatically set to '\*_sfl.fits'.
        Otherwise, it is an error not to provide a specific `output`.

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACSSUM executable.
        If not given, run ACSSUM given by 'acssum.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    exe_args : list, optional
        Arbitrary arguments passed to underlying executable call.
        Note: Implementation uses subprocess.call and whitespace is not
        permitted. E.g. use exe_args=['--nThreads', '1']

    from stsci.tools import parseinput  # Optional package dependency

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acssum.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acssum.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)


    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:

    if exe_args:

Example #29
def acscteforwardmodel(input,
    Run the acscteforwardmodel.e executable as from the shell.

    Expect input to be ``*_blc_tmp.fits`` or ``*_flc.fits``.
    Output is automatically named ``*_ctefmod.fits``.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a single filename ('j1234567q_blc_tmp.fits')
            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*blc_tmp.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACSCTE forward model executable.
        If not given, run ACSCTE given by 'acscteforwardmodel.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    single_core : bool, optional
        CTE correction in the ACSCTE forward model will by default try to use
        all available CPUs on your computer. Set this to True to force the use
        of just one CPU.

    exe_args : list, optional
        Arbitrary arguments passed to underlying executable call.
        Note: Implementation uses subprocess.call and whitespace is not
        permitted. E.g. use exe_args=['--nThreads', '1']

    from stsci.tools import parseinput  # Optional package dependency

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acscteforwardmodel.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acscte.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)

    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:

    if single_core:

    if exe_args:

    subprocess.check_call(call_list)  # nosec
Example #30
def create_astrometric_catalog(inputs, **pars):
    """Create an astrometric catalog that covers the inputs' field-of-view.

    input : str
        Filenames of images to be aligned to astrometric catalog

    catalog : str, optional
        Name of catalog to extract astrometric positions for sources in the
        input images' field-of-view. Default: GAIADR2. Options available are
        documented on the catalog web page.

    output : str, optional
        Filename to give to the astrometric catalog read in from the master
        catalog web service.  If 'None', no file will be written out.
        Default: ref_cat.ecsv

    gaia_only : bool, optional
        Specify whether or not to only use sources from GAIA in output catalog
        Default: False

    existing_wcs : HST.wcs object
        existing WCS object specified by the user

    note ::
        This function will point to astrometric catalog web service defined
        through the use of the ASTROMETRIC_CATALOG_URL environment variable.

    ref_table : object
        Astropy Table object of the catalog

    # interpret input parameters
    catalog = pars.get("catalog", 'GAIADR2')
    output = pars.get("output", 'ref_cat.ecsv')
    gaia_only = pars.get("gaia_only", False)
    table_format = pars.get("table_format", 'ascii.ecsv')
    existing_wcs = pars.get("existing_wcs", None)

    inputs, _ = parseinput.parseinput(inputs)
    # start by creating a composite field-of-view for all inputs
    # This default output WCS will have the same plate-scale and orientation
    # as the first chip in the list, which for WFPC2 data means the PC.
    # Fortunately, for alignment, this doesn't matter since no resampling of
    # data will be performed
    if existing_wcs:
        outwcs = existing_wcs
        outwcs = build_reference_wcs(inputs)
    radius = compute_radius(outwcs)
    ra, dec = outwcs.wcs.crval

    # perform query for this field-of-view
    ref_dict = get_catalog(ra, dec, sr=radius, catalog=catalog)
    colnames = ('ra', 'dec', 'mag', 'objID', 'GaiaID')
    col_types = ('f8', 'f8', 'f4', 'U25', 'U25')
    ref_table = Table(names=colnames, dtype=col_types)

    # rename coordinate columns to be consistent with tweakwcs
    ref_table.rename_column('ra', 'RA')
    ref_table.rename_column('dec', 'DEC')

    # extract just the columns we want...
    num_sources = 0
    for source in ref_dict:
        if 'GAIAsourceID' in source:
            g = source['GAIAsourceID']
            if gaia_only and g.strip() is '':
            g = -1  # indicator for no source ID extracted
        r = float(source['ra'])
        d = float(source['dec'])
        m = -999.9  # float(source['mag'])
        o = source['objID']
        num_sources += 1
        ref_table.add_row((r, d, m, o, g))

    # Write out table to a file, if specified
    if output:
        ref_table.write(output, format=table_format)
    print("Created catalog '{}' with {} sources".format(output, num_sources))

    return ref_table
Example #31
def updatewcs(input, vacorr=True, tddcorr=True, npolcorr=True, d2imcorr=True,
              checkfiles=True, verbose=False, use_db=True):

    Updates HST science files with the best available calibration information.
    This allows users to retrieve from the archive self contained science files
    which do not require additional reference files.

    Basic WCS keywords are updated in the process and new keywords (following WCS
    Paper IV and the SIP convention) as well as new extensions are added to the science files.

    >>> from stwcs import updatewcs
    >>> updatewcs.updatewcs(filename)



    input : a python list of file names or a string (wild card
             characters allowed) input files may be in fits, geis or
             waiver fits format
    vacorr : boolean
              If True, vecocity aberration correction will be applied
    tddcorr : boolean
             If True, time dependent distortion correction will be applied
    npolcorr : boolean
              If True, a Lookup table distortion will be applied
    d2imcorr : boolean
              If True, detector to image correction will be applied
    checkfiles : boolean
              If True, the format of the input files will be checked,
              geis and waiver fits files will be converted to MEF format.
              Default value is True for standalone mode.
    use_db : boolean
              If True, attempt to add astrometric solutions from the
              MAST astrometry database.
              Default value is True.
    if not verbose:
        write_db_log = False
        fmt = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
        formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt)
        log_filename = 'stwcs.log'
        fh = logging.FileHandler(log_filename, mode='w')
        write_db_log = True
    args = "vacorr=%s, tddcorr=%s, npolcorr=%s, d2imcorr=%s, checkfiles=%s, \
    " % (str(vacorr), str(tddcorr), str(npolcorr),
         str(d2imcorr), str(checkfiles))
    logger.info('\n\tStarting UPDATEWCS: %s', time.asctime())

    toclose = True

    if isinstance(input, fits.HDUList):
        input = [input]

    if isinstance(input, list) and isinstance(input[0], fits.HDUList):
        files = input
        file_names = [inp.filename() for inp in files]
        toclose = False
        file_names = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]

        files = []
        for item in file_names:
            files.append(fits.open(item, mode='update'))

    logger.info("\n\tInput files: {}".format(file_names))
    logger.info("\n\tInput arguments: %s" % args)

    if checkfiles:
        files = checkFiles(files)
        file_names = [inp.filename() for inp in files]
        if not files:
            print('No valid input, quitting ...\n')

    if use_db:
        # Establish any available connection to
        #  an accessible astrometry web-service
        astrometry = astrometry_utils.AstrometryDB(write_log=write_db_log)

    for f in files:
        acorr = apply_corrections.setCorrections(f, vacorr=vacorr, tddcorr=tddcorr,
                                                 npolcorr=npolcorr, d2imcorr=d2imcorr)
        if 'MakeWCS' in acorr and newIDCTAB(f):
            logger.warning("\n\tNew IDCTAB file detected. All current WCSs will be deleted")
        makecorr(f, acorr)

        if use_db:
            # Add any new astrometry solutions available from
            #  an accessible astrometry web-service

        if toclose:

    return file_names
Example #32
def clean(input,
    r"""Remove horizontal stripes from ACS WFC post-SM4 data.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*flt.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    suffix : str
        The string to use to add to each input file name to
        indicate an output product. This string will be appended
        to the suffix in each input filename to create the
        new output filename. For example, setting `suffix='csck'`
        will create '\*_csck.fits' images.

    stat : { 'pmode1', 'pmode2', 'mean', 'mode', 'median', 'midpt' } (Default = 'pmode1')
        Specifies the statistics to be used for computation of the
        background in image rows:

        * 'pmode1' - SEXTRACTOR-like mode estimate based on a
          modified `Pearson's rule <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonparametric_skew#Pearson.27s_rule>`_:
        * 'pmode2' - mode estimate based on
          `Pearson's rule <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonparametric_skew#Pearson.27s_rule>`_:
        * 'mean' - the mean of the distribution of the "good" pixels (after
          clipping, masking, etc.);
        * 'mode' - the mode of the distribution of the "good" pixels;
        * 'median' - the median of the distribution of the "good" pixels;
        * 'midpt' - estimate of the median of the distribution of the "good"
          pixels based on an algorithm similar to IRAF's ``imagestats`` task

        .. note::
            The midpoint and mode are computed in two passes through the
            image. In the first pass the standard deviation of the pixels
            is calculated and used with the *binwidth* parameter to compute
            the resolution of the data histogram. The midpoint is estimated
            by integrating the histogram and computing by interpolation
            the data value at which exactly half the pixels are below that
            data value and half are above it. The mode is computed by
            locating the maximum of the data histogram and fitting the peak
            by parabolic interpolation.

    maxiter : int
        This parameter controls the maximum number of iterations
        to perform when computing the statistics used to compute the
        row-by-row corrections.

    sigrej : float
        This parameters sets the sigma level for the rejection applied
        during each iteration of statistics computations for the
        row-by-row corrections.

    lower : float, None (Default = None)
        Lower limit of usable pixel values for computing the background.
        This value should be specified in the units of the input image(s).

    upper : float, None (Default = None)
        Upper limit of usable pixel values for computing the background.
        This value should be specified in the units of the input image(s).

    binwidth : float (Default = 0.1)
        Histogram's bin width, in sigma units, used to sample the
        distribution of pixel brightness values in order to compute the
        background statistics. This parameter is aplicable *only* to *stat*
        parameter values of `'mode'` or `'midpt'`.

    clobber : bool
        Specify whether or not to 'clobber' (delete then replace)
        previously generated products with the same names.

    mask1 : str, numpy.ndarray, None, or list of these types
        Mask images for ``SCI,1``, one for each input file.
        Pixels with zero values will be masked out, in addition to clipping.

    mask2 : str, numpy.ndarray, None, or list of these types
        Mask images for ``SCI,2``, one for each input file.
        Pixels with zero values will be masked out, in addition to clipping.
        This is not used for subarrays.

    dqbits : int, str, None (Default = None)
        Integer sum of all the DQ bit values from the input image's DQ array
        that should be considered "good" when building masks for de-striping
        computations. For example, if pixels in the DQ array can be
        combinations of 1, 2, 4, and 8 flags and one wants to consider
        DQ "defects" having flags 2 and 4 as being acceptable for de-striping
        computations, then `dqbits` should be set to 2+4=6. Then a DQ pixel
        having values 2,4, or 6 will be considered a good pixel, while a DQ
        pixel with a value, e.g., 1+2=3, 4+8=12, etc. will be flagged
        as a "bad" pixel.

        Alternatively, one can enter a comma- or '+'-separated list of
        integer bit flags that should be added to obtain the final
        "good" bits. For example, both ``4,8`` and ``4+8`` are equivalent to
        setting `dqbits` to 12.

        | Set `dqbits` to 0 to make *all* non-zero pixels in the DQ
          mask to be considered "bad" pixels, and the corresponding image
          pixels not to be used for de-striping computations.

        | Default value (`None`) will turn off the use of image's DQ array
          for de-striping computations.

        | In order to reverse the meaning of the `dqbits`
          parameter from indicating values of the "good" DQ flags
          to indicating the "bad" DQ flags, prepend '~' to the string
          value. For example, in order not to use pixels with
          DQ flags 4 and 8 for sky computations and to consider
          as "good" all other pixels (regardless of their DQ flag),
          set `dqbits` to ``~4+8``, or ``~4,8``. To obtain the
          same effect with an `int` input value (except for 0),
          enter -(4+8+1)=-9. Following this convention,
          a `dqbits` string value of ``'~0'`` would be equivalent to
          setting ``dqbits=None``.

        .. note::
            DQ masks (if used), *will be* combined with user masks specified
            in the `mask1` and `mask2` parameters (if any).

    rpt_clean : int
        An integer indicating how many *additional* times stripe cleaning
        should be performed on the input image. Default = 0.

    atol : float, None
        The threshold for maximum absolute value of bias stripe correction
        below which repeated cleanings can stop. When `atol` is `None`
        cleaning will be repeated `rpt_clean` number of times.
        Default = 0.01 [e].

    verbose : bool
        Print informational messages. Default = True.

    from stsci.tools import parseinput  # Optional package dependency

    flist = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]

    if isinstance(mask1, str):
        mlist1 = parseinput.parseinput(mask1)[0]
    elif isinstance(mask1, np.ndarray):
        mlist1 = [mask1.copy()]
    elif mask1 is None:
        mlist1 = []
    elif isinstance(mask1, list):
        mlist1 = []
        for m in mask1:
            if isinstance(m, np.ndarray):
            elif isinstance(m, str):
                mlist1 += parseinput.parseinput(m)[0]
                raise TypeError("'mask1' must be a list of str or "
                                "numpy.ndarray values.")
        raise TypeError("'mask1' must be either a str, or a "
                        "numpy.ndarray, or a list of the two type of "

    if isinstance(mask2, str):
        mlist2 = parseinput.parseinput(mask2)[0]
    elif isinstance(mask2, np.ndarray):
        mlist2 = [mask2.copy()]
    elif mask2 is None:
        mlist2 = []
    elif isinstance(mask2, list):
        mlist2 = []
        for m in mask2:
            if isinstance(m, np.ndarray):
            elif isinstance(m, str):
                mlist2 += parseinput.parseinput(m)[0]
                raise TypeError("'mask2' must be a list of str or "
                                "numpy.ndarray values.")
        raise TypeError("'mask2' must be either a str or a "
                        "numpy.ndarray, or a list of the two type of "

    n_input = len(flist)
    n_mask1 = len(mlist1)
    n_mask2 = len(mlist2)

    if n_input == 0:
        raise ValueError("No input file(s) provided or "
                         "the file(s) do not exist")

    if n_mask1 == 0:
        mlist1 = [None] * n_input
    elif n_mask1 != n_input:
        raise ValueError('Insufficient masks for [SCI,1]')

    if n_mask2 == 0:
        mlist2 = [None] * n_input
    elif n_mask2 != n_input:
        raise ValueError('Insufficient masks for [SCI,2]')

    for image, maskfile1, maskfile2 in zip(flist, mlist1, mlist2):
        # Skip processing pre-SM4 images
        if (fits.getval(image, 'EXPSTART') <= SM4_MJD):
            LOG.warning(f'{image} is pre-SM4. Skipping...')

        # Data must be in ELECTRONS
        if (fits.getval(image, 'BUNIT', ext=1) != 'ELECTRONS'):
            LOG.warning(f'{image} is not in ELECTRONS. Skipping...')

        # Skip processing CTECORR-ed images
        if (fits.getval(image, 'PCTECORR') == 'COMPLETE'):
            LOG.warning(f'{image} already has PCTECORR applied. Skipping...')

        # generate output filename for each input based on specification
        # of the output suffix
        output = image.replace('.fits', '_' + suffix + '.fits')
        LOG.info('Processing ' + image)

        # verify masks defined (or not) simultaneously:
        if (fits.getval(image, 'CCDAMP') == 'ABCD'
                and ((mask1 is not None and mask2 is None) or
                     (mask1 is None and mask2 is not None))):
            raise ValueError("Both 'mask1' and 'mask2' must be specified "
                             "or not specified together.")

        maskdata = _read_mask(maskfile1, maskfile2)
        LOG.info(output + ' created')
Example #33
def acscte(input, exec_path='', time_stamps=False, verbose=False, quiet=False,
    Run the acscte.e executable as from the shell.

    Expect input to be ``*_blv_tmp.fits``.
    Output is automatically named ``*_blc_tmp.fits``.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a single filename ('j1234567q_blv_tmp.fits')
            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*blv_tmp.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACSCTE executable.
        If not given, run ACSCTE given by 'acscte.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    single_core : bool, optional
        CTE correction in ACSCTE will by default try to use all available
        CPUs on your computer. Set this to True to force the use of just
        one CPU.

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acscte.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acscte.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)

    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:

    if single_core:

Example #34
def acsccd(input, exec_path='', time_stamps=False, verbose=False, quiet=False):
    Run the acsccd.e executable as from the shell.

    Expect input to be ``*_raw.fits``.
    Output is automatically named ``*_blv_tmp.fits``.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a single filename ('j1234567q_raw.fits')
            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*raw.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACSCCD executable.
        If not given, run ACSCCD given by 'acsccd.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acsccd.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acsccd.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)

    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:

    #if dqicorr:
    #    call_list.append('-dqi')

    #if atodcor:
    #    call_list.append('-atod')

    #if blevcorr:
    #    call_list.append('-blev')

    #if biascorr:
    #    call_list.append('-bias')

Example #35
def wf3rej(input, output="", crrejtab="", scalense="", initgues="",
    skysub="", crsigmas="", crradius=0, crthresh=0, 
    badinpdq=0, crmask=False, shadcorr=False, verbose=False):
    """call the calwf3.e executable"""

    call_list = ["wf3rej.e"]

    infiles, dummy_out= parseinput.parseinput(input)
    if verbose:
    if (shadcorr):
    if (crmask):
    if (crrejtab != ""):
        call_list += ["-table",crrejtab]
    if (scalense != ""):
        call_list += ["-scale",str(scalense)]
    if (initgues != ""):
        if initgues not in options:
            print("Invalid option for intigues")
            return ValueError
            call_list += ["-init",str(initgues)]
    if (skysub != ""):
        if skysub not in options:
            print(("Invalid skysub option: %s")%(skysub))
            return ValueError
            call_list += ["-sky",str(skysub)]
    if (crsigmas != ""):
        call_list += ["-sigmas",str(crsigmas)]
    if (crradius >= 0.):
        call_list += ["-radius",str(crradius)]
        print("Invalid crradius specified")
        return ValueError
    if (crthresh >= 0.):
        call_list += ["-thresh",str(crthresh)]
        print("Invalid crthresh specified")
        return ValueError
    if (badinpdq >= 0):
        call_list += ["-pdq",str(badinpdq)]
        print("Invalid DQ value specified")
        return ValueError
Example #36
def acs2d(input,
    Run the acs2d.e executable as from the shell.

    Output is automatically named based on input suffix:

        | INPUT              | OUTPUT         | EXPECTED DATA                |
        | ``*_raw.fits``     | ``*_flt.fits`` | SBC image.                   |
        | ``*_blv_tmp.fits`` | ``*_flt.fits`` | ACSCCD output.               |
        | ``*_blc_tmp.fits`` | ``*_flc.fits`` | ACSCCD output with PCTECORR. |
        | ``*_crj_tmp.fits`` | ``*_crj.fits`` | ACSREJ output.               |
        | ``*_crc_tmp.fits`` | ``*_crc.fits`` | ACSREJ output with PCTECORR. |

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a single filename ('j1234567q_blv_tmp.fits')
            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*blv_tmp.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACS2D executable.
        If not given, run ACS2D given by 'acs2d.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    exe_args : list, optional
        Arbitrary arguments passed to underlying executable call.
        Note: Implementation uses subprocess.call and whitespace is not
        permitted. E.g. use exe_args=['--nThreads', '1']

    from stsci.tools import parseinput  # Optional package dependency

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acs2d.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acs2d.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)

    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:

    if exe_args:

Example #37
def acsrej(input,
    Run the acsrej.e executable as from the shell.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*flt.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    output : str
        Output filename.

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACSREJ executable.
        If not given, run ACSREJ given by 'acsrej.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    shadcorr : bool, optional
        Perform shutter shading correction.
        If this is False but SHADCORR is set to PERFORM in
        the header of the first image, the correction will
        be applied anyway.
        Only use this with CCD image, not SBC MAMA.

    crrejtab : str, optional
        CRREJTAB to use. If not given, will use CRREJTAB
        given in the primary header of the first input image.

    crmask : bool, optional
        Flag CR-rejected pixels in input files.
        If False, will use CRMASK value in CRREJTAB.

    scalense : float, optional
        Multiplicative scale factor (in percents) applied to noise.
        Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive.
        If None, will use SCALENSE from CRREJTAB.

    initgues : {'med', 'min'}, optional
        Scheme for computing initial-guess image.
        If not given, will use INITGUES from CRREJTAB.

    skysub : {'none', 'mode'}, optional
        Scheme for computing sky levels to be subtracted.
        If not given, will use SKYSUB from CRREJTAB.

    crsigmas : str, optional
        Cosmic ray rejection thresholds given in the format of 'sig1,sig2,...'.
        Number of sigmas given will be the number of rejection
        iterations done. At least 1 and at most 20 sigmas accepted.
        If not given, will use CRSIGMAS from CRREJTAB.

    crradius : float, optional
        Radius (in pixels) to propagate the cosmic ray.
        If None, will use CRRADIUS from CRREJTAB.

    crthresh : float, optional
        Cosmic ray rejection propagation threshold.
        If None, will use CRTHRESH from CRREJTAB.

    badinpdq : int, optional
        Data quality flag used for cosmic ray rejection.
        If None, will use BADINPDQ from CRREJTAB.

    newbias : bool, optional
        This option has been deprecated. Use ``readnoise_only``.

    readnoise_only : bool, optional
        ERR is just read noise, not Poisson noise.
        This is used for BIAS images.

    exe_args : list, optional
        Arbitrary arguments passed to underlying executable call.
        Note: Implementation uses subprocess.call and whitespace is not
        permitted. E.g. use exe_args=['--nThreads', '1']

    from stsci.tools import parseinput  # Optional package dependency

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acsrej.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acsrej.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)


    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if shadcorr:

    if crrejtab:
        call_list += ['-table', crrejtab]

    if crmask:

    if scalense is not None:
        if scalense < 0 or scalense > 100:
            raise ValueError('SCALENSE must be 0 to 100')
        call_list += ['-scale', str(scalense)]

    if initgues:
        if initgues not in ('med', 'min'):
            raise ValueError('INITGUES must be "med" or "min"')
        call_list += ['-init', initgues]

    if skysub:
        if skysub not in ('none', 'mode'):
            raise ValueError('SKYSUB must be "none" or "mode"')
        call_list += ['-sky', skysub]

    if crsigmas:
        call_list += ['-sigmas', crsigmas]

    if crradius is not None:
        call_list += ['-radius', str(crradius)]

    if crthresh is not None:
        call_list += ['-thresh ', str(crthresh)]

    if badinpdq is not None:
        call_list += ['-pdq', str(badinpdq)]

    # Backward-compatibility for readnoise_only.
    # TODO: Remove this option entirely in a future release.
    if newbias:
        warnings.warn('newbias is deprecated, use readnoise_only',
        readnoise_only = newbias

    if readnoise_only:

    if exe_args:

Example #38
def updatewcs(input,

    Updates HST science files with the best available calibration information.
    This allows users to retrieve from the archive self contained science files
    which do not require additional reference files.

    Basic WCS keywords are updated in the process and new keywords (following WCS
    Paper IV and the SIP convention) as well as new extensions are added to the science files.

    >>>from stwcs import updatewcs


    input: a python list of file names or a string (wild card characters allowed)
             input files may be in fits, geis or waiver fits format
    vacorr: boolean
              If True, vecocity aberration correction will be applied
    tddcorr: boolean
             If True, time dependent distortion correction will be applied
    npolcorr: boolean
              If True, a Lookup table distortion will be applied
    d2imcorr: boolean
              If True, detector to image correction will be applied
    checkfiles: boolean
              If True, the format of the input files will be checked,
              geis and waiver fits files will be converted to MEF format.
              Default value is True for standalone mode.
    if verbose == False:
        formatter = logging.Formatter(
            "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
        log_filename = 'stwcs.log'
        fh = logging.FileHandler(log_filename, mode='w')
    args = "vacorr=%s, tddcorr=%s, npolcorr=%s, d2imcorr=%s, checkfiles=%s, \
    " % (str(vacorr), str(tddcorr), str(npolcorr), str(d2imcorr),
    logger.info('\n\tStarting UPDATEWCS: %s', time.asctime())

    files = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]
    logger.info("\n\tInput files: %s, " % [i for i in files])
    logger.info("\n\tInput arguments: %s" % args)
    if checkfiles:
        files = checkFiles(files)
        if not files:
            print('No valid input, quitting ...\n')

    for f in files:
        acorr = apply_corrections.setCorrections(f, vacorr=vacorr, \
            tddcorr=tddcorr,npolcorr=npolcorr, d2imcorr=d2imcorr)
        if 'MakeWCS' in acorr and newIDCTAB(f):
                "\n\tNew IDCTAB file detected. All current WCSs will be deleted"

        makecorr(f, acorr)

    return files
Example #39
def process_input(input, output=None, ivmlist=None, updatewcs=True, prodonly=False, shiftfile=None):

    ivmlist = None
    oldasndict = None

    if (isinstance(input, list) == False) and \
       ('_asn' in input or '_asc' in input) :
        # Input is an association table
        # Get the input files, and run makewcs on them
        oldasndict = asnutil.readASNTable(input, prodonly=prodonly)
        if not output:
            output = oldasndict['output']

        filelist = [fileutil.buildRootname(fname) for fname in oldasndict['order']]

    elif (isinstance(input, list) == False) and \
       (input[0] == '@') :
        # input is an @ file
        f = open(input[1:])
        # Read the first line in order to determine whether
        # IVM files have been specified in a second column...
        line = f.readline()
        # Parse the @-file with irafglob to extract the input filename
        filelist = irafglob.irafglob(input, atfile=atfile_sci)
        # If there is a second column...
        if len(line.split()) == 2:
            # ...parse out the names of the IVM files as well
            ivmlist = irafglob.irafglob(input, atfile=atfile_ivm)
        #input is a string or a python list
            filelist, output = parseinput.parseinput(input, outputname=output)
        except IOError: raise

    # sort the list of input files
    # this ensures the list of input files has the same order on all platforms
    # it can have ifferent order because listdir() uses inode order, not unix type order
    newfilelist, ivmlist = checkFiles(filelist, ivmlist)

    if not newfilelist:
        return None, None, output

    #make an asn table at the end
    if updatewcs:
        pydr_input = runmakewcs(newfilelist)
        pydr_input = newfilelist

    # AsnTable will handle the case when output==None
    if not oldasndict:
        oldasndict = asnutil.ASNTable(pydr_input, output=output)

    if shiftfile:

    asndict = update_member_names(oldasndict, pydr_input)

    # Build output filename
    drz_extn = '_drz.fits'
    for img in newfilelist:
        # special case logic to automatically recognize when _flc.fits files
        # are provided as input and produce a _drc.fits file instead
        if '_flc.fits' in img:
            drz_extn = '_drc.fits'

    if output in [None,'']:
        output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(asndict['output'],
        if '.fits' in output.lower():
        elif drz_extn[:4] not in output.lower():
            output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(output, extn=drz_extn)

    print('Setting up output name: ',output)

    return asndict, ivmlist, output
Example #40
def destripe_plus(inputfile, suffix='strp', stat='pmode1', maxiter=15,
                  sigrej=2.0, lower=None, upper=None, binwidth=0.3,
                  scimask1=None, scimask2=None,
                  dqbits=None, rpt_clean=0, atol=0.01,
                  cte_correct=True, clobber=False, verbose=True):
    """Calibrate post-SM4 ACS/WFC exposure(s) and use
    standalone :ref:`acsdestripe`.

    This takes a RAW image and generates a FLT file containing
    its calibrated and destriped counterpart.
    If CTE correction is performed, FLC will also be present.

    inputfile : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*raw.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    suffix : str
        The string to use to add to each input file name to
        indicate an output product of ``acs_destripe``.
        This only affects the intermediate output file that will
        be automatically renamed to ``*blv_tmp.fits`` during the processing.

    stat : { 'pmode1', 'pmode2', 'mean', 'mode', 'median', 'midpt' } (Default = 'pmode1')
        Specifies the statistics to be used for computation of the
        background in image rows:

        * 'pmode1' - SEXTRACTOR-like mode estimate based on a
          modified `Pearson's rule <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonparametric_skew#Pearson.27s_rule>`_:
        * 'pmode2' - mode estimate based on
          `Pearson's rule <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonparametric_skew#Pearson.27s_rule>`_:
        * 'mean' - the mean of the distribution of the "good" pixels (after
          clipping, masking, etc.);
        * 'mode' - the mode of the distribution of the "good" pixels;
        * 'median' - the median of the distribution of the "good" pixels;
        * 'midpt' - estimate of the median of the distribution of the "good"
          pixels based on an algorithm similar to IRAF's `imagestats` task

        .. note::
            The midpoint and mode are computed in two passes through the
            image. In the first pass the standard deviation of the pixels
            is calculated and used with the *binwidth* parameter to compute
            the resolution of the data histogram. The midpoint is estimated
            by integrating the histogram and computing by interpolation
            the data value at which exactly half the pixels are below that
            data value and half are above it. The mode is computed by
            locating the maximum of the data histogram and fitting the peak
            by parabolic interpolation.

    maxiter : int
        This parameter controls the maximum number of iterations
        to perform when computing the statistics used to compute the
        row-by-row corrections.

    sigrej : float
        This parameters sets the sigma level for the rejection applied
        during each iteration of statistics computations for the
        row-by-row corrections.

    lower : float, None (Default = None)
        Lower limit of usable pixel values for computing the background.
        This value should be specified in the units of the input image(s).

    upper : float, None (Default = None)
        Upper limit of usable pixel values for computing the background.
        This value should be specified in the units of the input image(s).

    binwidth : float (Default = 0.1)
        Histogram's bin width, in sigma units, used to sample the
        distribution of pixel brightness values in order to compute the
        background statistics. This parameter is aplicable *only* to *stat*
        parameter values of `'mode'` or `'midpt'`.

    clobber : bool
        Specify whether or not to 'clobber' (delete then replace)
        previously generated products with the same names.

    scimask1 : str or list of str
        Mask images for *calibrated* ``SCI,1``, one for each input file.
        Pixels with zero values will be masked out, in addition to clipping.

    scimask2 : str or list of str
        Mask images for *calibrated* ``SCI,2``, one for each input file.
        Pixels with zero values will be masked out, in addition to clipping.
        This is not used for subarrays.

    dqbits : int, str, None (Default = None)
        Integer sum of all the DQ bit values from the input image's DQ array
        that should be considered "good" when building masks for de-striping
        computations. For example, if pixels in the DQ array can be
        combinations of 1, 2, 4, and 8 flags and one wants to consider
        DQ "defects" having flags 2 and 4 as being acceptable for de-striping
        computations, then `dqbits` should be set to 2+4=6. Then a DQ pixel
        having values 2,4, or 6 will be considered a good pixel, while a DQ
        pixel with a value, e.g., 1+2=3, 4+8=12, etc. will be flagged
        as a "bad" pixel.

        Alternatively, one can enter a comma- or '+'-separated list of
        integer bit flags that should be added to obtain the final
        "good" bits. For example, both ``4,8`` and ``4+8`` are equivalent to
        setting `dqbits` to 12.

        | Set `dqbits` to 0 to make *all* non-zero pixels in the DQ
          mask to be considered "bad" pixels, and the corresponding image
          pixels not to be used for de-striping computations.

        | Default value (`None`) will turn off the use of image's DQ array
          for de-striping computations.

        | In order to reverse the meaning of the `dqbits`
          parameter from indicating values of the "good" DQ flags
          to indicating the "bad" DQ flags, prepend '~' to the string
          value. For example, in order not to use pixels with
          DQ flags 4 and 8 for sky computations and to consider
          as "good" all other pixels (regardless of their DQ flag),
          set `dqbits` to ``~4+8``, or ``~4,8``. To obtain the
          same effect with an `int` input value (except for 0),
          enter -(4+8+1)=-9. Following this convention,
          a `dqbits` string value of ``'~0'`` would be equivalent to
          setting ``dqbits=None``.

        .. note::
            DQ masks (if used), *will be* combined with user masks specified
            in the `scimask1` and `scimask2` parameters (if any).

    rpt_clean : int
        An integer indicating how many *additional* times stripe cleaning
        should be performed on the input image. Default = 0.

    atol : float, None
        The threshold for maximum absolute value of bias stripe correction
        below which repeated cleanings can stop. When `atol` is `None`
        cleaning will be repeated `rpt_clean` number of times.
        Default = 0.01 [e].

    cte_correct : bool
        Perform CTE correction.

    verbose : bool
        Print informational messages. Default = True.

        ``stsci.tools`` not found.

        Input file does not exist.

        Invalid header values or CALACS version.

    # Optional package dependencies
    from stsci.tools import parseinput
        from stsci.tools.bitmask import interpret_bit_flags
    except ImportError:
        from stsci.tools.bitmask import (
            interpret_bits_value as interpret_bit_flags

    # process input file(s) and if we have multiple input files - recursively
    # call acs_destripe_plus for each input image:
    flist = parseinput.parseinput(inputfile)[0]

    if isinstance(scimask1, str):
        mlist1 = parseinput.parseinput(scimask1)[0]
    elif isinstance(scimask1, np.ndarray):
        mlist1 = [ scimask1.copy() ]
    elif scimask1 is None:
        mlist1 = []
    elif isinstance(scimask1, list):
        mlist1 = []
        for m in scimask1:
            if isinstance(m, np.ndarray):
            elif isinstance(m, str):
                mlist1 += parseinput.parseinput(m)[0]
                raise TypeError("'scimask1' must be a list of str or "
                                "numpy.ndarray values.")
        raise TypeError("'scimask1' must be either a str, or a "
                        "numpy.ndarray, or a list of the two type of "

    if isinstance(scimask2, str):
        mlist2 = parseinput.parseinput(scimask2)[0]
    elif isinstance(scimask2, np.ndarray):
        mlist2 = [ scimask2.copy() ]
    elif scimask2 is None:
        mlist2 = []
    elif isinstance(scimask2, list):
        mlist2 = []
        for m in scimask2:
            if isinstance(m, np.ndarray):
            elif isinstance(m, str):
                mlist2 += parseinput.parseinput(m)[0]
                raise TypeError("'scimask2' must be a list of str or "
                                "numpy.ndarray values.")
        raise TypeError("'scimask2' must be either a str, or a "
                        "numpy.ndarray, or a list of the two type of "

    n_input = len(flist)
    n_mask1 = len(mlist1)
    n_mask2 = len(mlist2)

    if n_input == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            'No input file(s) provided or the file(s) do not exist')

    if n_mask1 == 0:
        mlist1 = [None] * n_input
    elif n_mask1 != n_input:
        raise ValueError('Insufficient masks for [SCI,1]')

    if n_mask2 == 0:
        mlist2 = [None] * n_input
    elif n_mask2 != n_input:
        raise ValueError('Insufficient masks for [SCI,2]')

    if n_input > 1:
        for img, mf1, mf2 in zip(flist, mlist1, mlist2):
                inputfile=img, suffix=suffix, stat=stat,
                lower=lower, upper=upper, binwidth=binwidth,
                maxiter=maxiter, sigrej=sigrej,
                scimask1=scimask1, scimask2=scimask2, dqbits=dqbits,
                cte_correct=cte_correct, clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose

    inputfile = flist[0]
    scimask1 = mlist1[0]
    scimask2 = mlist2[0]

    # verify that the RAW image exists in cwd
    cwddir = os.getcwd()
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cwddir, inputfile)):
        raise IOError("{0} does not exist.".format(inputfile))

    # get image's primary header:
    header = fits.getheader(inputfile)

    # verify masks defined (or not) simultaneously:
    if header['CCDAMP'] == 'ABCD' and \
       ((scimask1 is not None and scimask2 is None) or \
        (scimask1 is None and scimask2 is not None)):
        raise ValueError("Both 'scimask1' and 'scimask2' must be specified "
                         "or not specified together.")

    calacs_str = subprocess.check_output(['calacs.e', '--version']).split()[0]
    calacs_ver = [int(x) for x in calacs_str.decode().split('.')]
    if calacs_ver < [8, 3, 1]:
        raise ValueError('CALACS {0} is incomptible. '
                         'Must be 8.3.1 or later.'.format(calacs_str))

    # check date for post-SM4 and if 2K subarray or full frame
    is_sub2K = False
    ctecorr = header['PCTECORR']
    aperture = header['APERTURE']
    detector = header['DETECTOR']
    date_obs = Time(header['DATE-OBS'])

    # intermediate filenames
    blvtmp_name = inputfile.replace('raw', 'blv_tmp')
    blctmp_name = inputfile.replace('raw', 'blc_tmp')

    # output filenames
    tra_name = inputfile.replace('_raw.fits', '.tra')
    flt_name = inputfile.replace('raw', 'flt')
    flc_name = inputfile.replace('raw', 'flc')

    if detector != 'WFC':
        raise ValueError("{0} is not a WFC image, please check the 'DETECTOR'"
                         " keyword.".format(inputfile))

    if date_obs < SM4_DATE:
        raise ValueError(
            "{0} is a pre-SM4 image.".format(inputfile))

    if header['SUBARRAY'] and cte_correct:
        if aperture in SUBARRAY_LIST:
            is_sub2K = True
            LOG.warning('Using non-2K subarray, turning CTE correction off')
            cte_correct = False

    # delete files from previous CALACS runs
    if clobber:
        for tmpfilename in [blvtmp_name, blctmp_name, flt_name, flc_name,
            if os.path.exists(tmpfilename):

    # run ACSCCD on RAW subarray

    # modify user mask with DQ masks if requested
    dqbits = interpret_bit_flags(dqbits)
    if dqbits is not None:
        # save 'tra' file in memory to trick the log file
        # not to save first acs2d log as this is done only
        # for the purpose of obtaining DQ masks.
        # WISH: it would have been nice is there was an easy way of obtaining
        #       just the DQ masks as if data were calibrated but without
        #       having to recalibrate them with acs2d.
        if os.path.isfile(tra_name):
            fh = open(tra_name)
            tra_lines = fh.readlines()
            tra_lines = None

        # apply flats, etc.
        acs2d.acs2d(blvtmp_name, verbose=False, quiet=True)

        # extract DQ arrays from the FLT image:
        dq1, dq2 = _read_DQ_arrays(flt_name)
        if isinstance(scimask1, str):
            if scimask1.strip() is '':
                mask1 = None
                scimask1 = None
                mask1 = fits.getdata(scimask1)
        elif isinstance(scimask1, np.ndarray):
            mask1 = scimask1.copy()
        elif scimask1 is None:
            mask1 = None
            raise TypeError("'scimask1' must be either a str file name, "
                            "a numpy.ndarray, or None.")

        scimask1 = acs_destripe._mergeUserMaskAndDQ(dq1, mask1, dqbits)

        if isinstance(scimask2, str):
            if scimask2.strip() is '':
                mask2 = None
                scimask2 = None
                mask2 = fits.getdata(scimask2)
        elif isinstance(scimask2, np.ndarray):
            mask2 = scimask2.copy()
        elif scimask2 is None:
            mask2 = None
            raise TypeError("'scimask2' must be either a str file name, "
                            "a numpy.ndarray, or None.")

        if dq2 is not None:
            scimask2 = acs_destripe._mergeUserMaskAndDQ(dq2, mask2, dqbits)

        # reconstruct trailer file:
        if tra_lines is not None:
            fh = open(tra_name, mode='w')

        # delete temporary FLT image:
        if os.path.isfile(flt_name):

    # execute destriping of the subarray (post-SM4 data only)
        blvtmp_name, suffix, stat=stat, maxiter=maxiter, sigrej=sigrej,
        lower=lower, upper=upper, binwidth=binwidth,
        mask1=scimask1, mask2=scimask2, dqbits=dqbits,
        rpt_clean=rpt_clean, atol=atol, clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose)
    blvtmpsfx = 'blv_tmp_{0}'.format(suffix)
    os.rename(inputfile.replace('raw', blvtmpsfx), blvtmp_name)

    # update subarray header
    if is_sub2K and cte_correct:
        fits.setval(blvtmp_name, 'PCTECORR', value='PERFORM')
        ctecorr = 'PERFORM'

    # perform CTE correction on destriped image
    if cte_correct:
        if ctecorr == 'PERFORM':
                "PCTECORR={0}, cannot run CTE correction".format(ctecorr))
            cte_correct = False

    # run ACS2D to get FLT and FLC images
    if cte_correct:

    # delete intermediate files
    if cte_correct and os.path.isfile(blctmp_name):

    info_str = 'Done.\nFLT: {0}\n'.format(flt_name)
    if cte_correct:
        info_str += 'FLC: {0}\n'.format(flc_name)
Example #41
def buildEmptyDRZ(input, output):

    METHOD  : _buildEmptyDRZ
    PURPOSE : Create an empty DRZ file in a valid FITS format so that the HST
              pipeline can handle the Multidrizzle zero expossure time exception
              where all data has been excluded from processing.
    INPUT   : None
    OUTPUT  : DRZ file on disk

    if output == None:
        if len(input) == 1:
            oname = fu.buildNewRootname(input[0])
            oname = 'final'
        _drzextn = '_drz.fits'
        if '_flc.fits' in input[0]:
            _drzextn = '_drc.fits'
        output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(oname,extn=_drzextn)
        if 'drz' not in output:
            output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(output,extn='_drz.fits')

    print('Setting up output name: ',output)

    # Open the first image of the excludedFileList to use as a template to build
    # the DRZ file.
    inputfile = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]
    try :
        img = pyfits.open(inputfile[0])
        raise IOError('Unable to open file %s \n' %inputfile)

    # Create the fitsobject
    fitsobj = pyfits.HDUList()
    # Copy the primary header
    hdu = img[0].copy()

    # Modify the 'NEXTEND' keyword of the primary header to 3 for the
    #'sci, wht, and ctx' extensions of the newly created file.
    fitsobj[0].header['NEXTEND'] = 3

    # Create the 'SCI' extension
    hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(header=img['sci',1].header.copy(),data=None)
    hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'SCI'

    # Create the 'WHT' extension
    hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(header=img['sci',1].header.copy(),data=None)
    hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'WHT'

    # Create the 'CTX' extension
    hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(header=img['sci',1].header.copy(),data=None)
    hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'CTX'

    # Add HISTORY comments explaining the creation of this file.
    fitsobj[0].header.add_history("** Multidrizzle has created this empty DRZ **")
    fitsobj[0].header.add_history("** product because all input images were   **")
    fitsobj[0].header.add_history("** excluded from processing because their  **")
    fitsobj[0].header.add_history("** header EXPTIME values were 0.0.  If you **")
    fitsobj[0].header.add_history("** still wish to use this data make the    **")
    fitsobj[0].header.add_history("** EXPTIME values in the header non-zero.  **")

    # Change the filename in the primary header to reflect the name of the output
    # filename.
    fitsobj[0].header['FILENAME'] = str(output) #+"_drz.fits"

    # Change the ROOTNAME keyword to the ROOTNAME of the output PRODUCT
    _drzsuffix = 'drz'
    if 'drc' in output:
        _drzsuffix = 'drc'
    fitsobj[0].header['ROOTNAME'] = str(output.split('_%s.fits'%_drzsuffix)[0])
    print('self.output', output)
    # Modify the ASN_MTYP keyword to contain "PROD-DTH" so it can be properly
    # ingested into the archive catalog.
    fitsobj[0].header['ASN_MTYP'] = 'PROD-DTH'

    errstr =  "#############################################\n"
    errstr += "#                                           #\n"
    errstr += "# ERROR:                                    #\n"
    errstr += "#  Multidrizzle has created this empty DRZ  #\n"
    errstr += "#  product because all input images were    #\n"
    errstr += "#  excluded from processing because their   #\n"
    errstr += "#  header EXPTIME values were 0.0.  If you  #\n"
    errstr += "#  still wish to use this data make the     #\n"
    errstr += "#  EXPTIME values in the header non-zero.   #\n"
    errstr += "#                                           #\n"
    errstr += "#############################################\n\n"

    # If the file is already on disk delete it and replace it with the
    # new file
    dirfiles = os.listdir(os.curdir)
    if (dirfiles.count(output) > 0):
        print("       Replacing "+output+"...")

    # Write out the empty DRZ file
Example #42
def processFilenames(input=None,output=None,infilesOnly=False):
    """Process the input string which contains the input file information and
       return a filelist,output
    ivmlist = None
    oldasndict = None

    if input is None:
        print("No input files provided to processInput")
        raise ValueError

    if not isinstance(input, list) and ('_asn' in input or '_asc' in input):
        # Input is an association table
        # Get the input files, and run makewcs on them
        oldasndict = asnutil.readASNTable(input, prodonly=infilesOnly)

        if not infilesOnly:
            if output in ["",None,"None"]:
                output = oldasndict['output'].lower() # insure output name is lower case

        asnhdr = fits.getheader(input, memmap=False)
        # Only perform duplication check if not already completed...
        dupcheck = asnhdr.get('DUPCHECK',default="PERFORM") == "PERFORM"

        #filelist = [fileutil.buildRootname(fname) for fname in oldasndict['order']]
        filelist = buildASNList(oldasndict['order'],input,check_for_duplicates=dupcheck)

    elif (not isinstance(input, list)) and \
       (input[0] == '@') :
        # input is an @ file
        f = open(input[1:])
        # Read the first line in order to determine whether
        # IVM files have been specified in a second column...
        line = f.readline()
        # Parse the @-file with irafglob to extract the input filename
        filelist = irafglob.irafglob(input, atfile=util.atfile_sci)
        # If there is a second column...
        if len(line.split()) == 2:
            # ...parse out the names of the IVM files as well
            ivmlist = irafglob.irafglob(input, atfile=util.atfile_ivm)
        if output in ['',None,"None"]:
            if len(filelist) == 1:
                output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(filelist[0])
                output = 'final'
        #input is a string or a python list
            filelist, output = parseinput.parseinput(input, outputname=output)
            if output in ['',None,"None"]:
                if len(filelist) == 1:
                    output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(filelist[0])
                    output = 'final'
            if not isinstance(input, list):
        except IOError: raise

    # sort the list of input files
    # this ensures the list of input files has the same order on all platforms
    # it can have ifferent order because listdir() uses inode order, not unix type order

    return filelist, output, ivmlist, oldasndict
Example #43
def acssum(input, output, exec_path='', time_stamps=False, verbose=False,
           quiet=False, exe_args=None):
    Run the acssum.e executable as from the shell.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*flt.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    output : str
        Output filename.
        If `output` is '' and `input` is '\*_asn.fits',
        `output` will be automatically set to '\*_sfl.fits'.
        Otherwise, it is an error not to provide a specific `output`.

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACSSUM executable.
        If not given, run ACSSUM given by 'acssum.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    exe_args : list, optional
        Arbitrary arguments passed to underlying executable call.
        Note: Implementation uses subprocess.call and whitespace is not
        permitted. E.g. use exe_args=['--nThreads', '1']

    from stsci.tools import parseinput  # Optional package dependency

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acssum.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acssum.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)


    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:

    if exe_args:

Example #44
def buildEmptyDRZ(input, output):
    Create an empty DRZ file.

    This module creates an empty DRZ file in a valid FITS format so that the HST
    pipeline can handle the Multidrizzle zero expossure time exception
    where all data has been excluded from processing.

    input : str
        filename of the initial input to process_input
    output : str
        filename of the default empty _drz.fits file to be generated


    # Identify the first input image
    inputfile = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]
    if not inputfile:
        print('\n******* ERROR *******', file=sys.stderr)
              'No input file found!  Check specification of parameter '
              '"input". ', file=sys.stderr)
        print('Quitting...',  file=sys.stderr)
        print('******* ***** *******\n',  file=sys.stderr)
        return # raise IOError, "No input file found!"

    # Set up output file here...
    if output is None:
        if len(input) == 1:
            oname = fileutil.buildNewRootname(input[0])
            oname = 'final'
        output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(oname, extn='_drz.fits')
        if 'drz' not in output:
            output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(output, extn='_drz.fits')

    log.info('Setting up output name: %s' % output)

    # Open the first image (of the excludedFileList?) to use as a template to build
    # the DRZ file.
    try :
        log.info('Building empty DRZ file from %s' % inputfile[0])
        img = fits.open(inputfile[0], memmap=False)
        raise IOError('Unable to open file %s \n' % inputfile)

    # Create the fitsobject
    fitsobj = fits.HDUList()
    # Copy the primary header
    hdu = img[0].copy()

    # Modify the 'NEXTEND' keyword of the primary header to 3 for the
    #'sci, wht, and ctx' extensions of the newly created file.
    fitsobj[0].header['NEXTEND'] = 3

    # Create the 'SCI' extension
    hdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=img['sci', 1].header.copy())
    hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'SCI'

    # Create the 'WHT' extension
    hdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=img['sci', 1].header.copy())
    hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'WHT'

    # Create the 'CTX' extension
    hdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=img['sci', 1].header.copy())
    hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'CTX'

    # Add HISTORY comments explaining the creation of this file.
    fitsobj[0].header.add_history("** AstroDrizzle has created this empty "
                                  "DRZ product because**")
    fitsobj[0].header.add_history("** all input images were excluded from "

    # Change the filename in the primary header to reflect the name of the output
    # filename.
    fitsobj[0].header['FILENAME'] = str(output)  # +"_drz.fits"

    # Change the ROOTNAME keyword to the ROOTNAME of the output PRODUCT
    fitsobj[0].header['ROOTNAME'] = str(output.split('_drz.fits')[0])
    # Modify the ASN_MTYP keyword to contain "PROD-DTH" so it can be properly
    # ingested into the archive catalog.

    # stis has this keyword in the [1] header, so I am directing the code
    #t o first look in the primary, then the 1
        fitsobj[0].header['ASN_MTYP'] = 'PROD-DTH'
        fitsobj[1].header['ASN_MTYP'] = 'PROD-DTH'

    # If the file is already on disk delete it and replace it with the
    # new file
    dirfiles = os.listdir(os.curdir)
    if dirfiles.count(output) > 0:
        log.info("       Replacing %s..." % output)

    # Write out the empty DRZ file

        'ERROR:\nAstroDrizzle has created an empty DRZ product because all '
        'input images were excluded from processing or a user requested the '
        'program to stop.') + '\n', file=sys.stderr)

Example #45
def tweakback(drzfile, input=None,  origwcs = None,
                newname = None, wcsname = None,
                extname='SCI', force=False, verbose=False):
    Apply WCS solution recorded in drizzled file to distorted input images
    (``_flt.fits`` files) used to create the drizzled file.  This task relies on
    the original WCS and updated WCS to be recorded in the drizzled image's
    header as the last 2 alternate WCSs.

    drzfile : str (Default = '')
        filename of undistorted image which contains the new WCS
        and WCS prior to being updated

    newname : str (Default = None)
        Value of ``WCSNAME`` to be used to label the updated solution in the
        output (eq., ``_flt.fits``) files.  If left blank or None, it will
        default to using the current ``WCSNAME`` value from the input drzfile.

    input : str (Default = '')
        filenames of distorted images to be updated using new WCS
        from 'drzfile'.  These can be provided either as an ``@-file``,
        a comma-separated list of filenames or using wildcards.

        .. note:: A blank value will indicate that the task should derive the
           filenames from the 'drzfile' itself, if possible. The filenames will be
           derived from the ``D*DATA`` keywords written out by
           ``AstroDrizzle``. If they can not be found, the task will quit.

    origwcs : str (Default = None)
        Value of ``WCSNAME`` keyword prior to the drzfile image being updated
        by ``TweakReg``.  If left blank or None, it will default to using the
        second to last ``WCSNAME*`` keyword value found in the header.

    wcsname : str (Default = None)
        Value of WCSNAME for updated solution written out by ``TweakReg`` as
        specified by the `wcsname` parameter from ``TweakReg``.  If this is
        left blank or `None`, it will default to the current ``WCSNAME``
        value from the input drzfile.

    extname : str (Default = 'SCI')
        Name of extension in `input` files to be updated with new WCS

    force : bool  (Default = False)
        This parameters specified whether or not to force an update of the WCS
        even though WCS already exists with this solution or `wcsname`?

    verbose : bool (Default = False)
        This parameter specifies whether or not to print out additional
        messages during processing.

    The algorithm used by this function is based on linearization of
    the exact compound operator that converts input image coordinates
    to the coordinates (in the input image) that would result in
    alignment with the new drizzled image WCS.

    If no input distorted files are specified as input, this task will attempt
    to generate the list of filenames from the drizzled input file's own

    An image named ``acswfc_mos2_drz.fits`` was created from 4 images using
    astrodrizzle. This drizzled image was then aligned to another image using
    tweakreg and the header was updated using the ``WCSNAME`` = ``TWEAK_DRZ``.
    The new WCS can then be used to update each of the 4 images that were
    combined to make up this drizzled image using:

    >>> from drizzlepac import tweakback
    >>> tweakback.tweakback('acswfc_mos2_drz.fits')

    If the same WCS should be applied to a specific set of images, those images
    can be updated using:

    >>> tweakback.tweakback('acswfc_mos2_drz.fits',
    ...                     input='img_mos2a_flt.fits,img_mos2e_flt.fits')

    See Also
    stwcs.wcsutil.altwcs: Alternate WCS implementation

    print("TweakBack Version {:s}({:s}) started at: {:s}\n"

    # Interpret input list/string into list of filename(s)
    fltfiles = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]

    if fltfiles is None or len(fltfiles) == 0:
        # try to extract the filenames from the drizzled file's header
        fltfiles = extract_input_filenames(drzfile)
        if fltfiles is None:
            print('* ERROR:')
            print('*    No input filenames found! ')
            print('*    Please specify "fltfiles" or insure that input drizzled')
            print('*    image contains D*DATA keywords. ')
            raise ValueError

    if not isinstance(fltfiles,list):
        fltfiles = [fltfiles]

    sciext = determine_extnum(drzfile, extname='SCI')
    scihdr = fits.getheader(drzfile, ext=sciext, memmap=False)

    ### Step 1: Read in updated and original WCS solutions
    # determine keys for all alternate WCS solutions in drizzled image header
    wkeys = wcsutil.altwcs.wcskeys(drzfile, ext=sciext)
    wnames = wcsutil.altwcs.wcsnames(drzfile, ext=sciext)
    if not util.is_blank(newname):
        final_name = newname
        final_name = wnames[wkeys[-1]]

    # Read in HSTWCS objects for final,updated WCS and previous WCS from
    # from drizzled image header
    # The final solution also serves as reference WCS when using updatehdr
    if not util.is_blank(wcsname):
        for k in wnames:
            if wnames[k] == wcsname:
                wcskey = k
        wcskey = wkeys[-1]
    final_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(drzfile, ext=sciext, wcskey=wkeys[-1])

    if not util.is_blank(origwcs):
        for k in wnames:
            if wnames[k] == origwcs:
                orig_wcskey = k
                orig_wcsname = origwcs
        orig_wcsname,orig_wcskey = determine_orig_wcsname(scihdr,wnames,wkeys)

    orig_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(drzfile,ext=sciext,wcskey=orig_wcskey)

    # read in RMS values reported for new solution
    crderr1kw = 'CRDER1'+wkeys[-1]
    crderr2kw = 'CRDER2'+wkeys[-1]

    if crderr1kw in scihdr:
        crderr1 = fits.getval(drzfile, crderr1kw, ext=sciext, memmap=False)
        crderr1 = 0.0

    if crderr2kw in scihdr:
        crderr2 = fits.getval(drzfile, crderr2kw, ext=sciext, memmap=False)
        crderr2 = 0.0
    del scihdr

    ### Step 2: Apply solution to input file headers
    for fname in fltfiles:
        logstr = "....Updating header for {:s}...".format(fname)
        if verbose:

        # reset header WCS keywords to original (OPUS generated) values
        imhdulist = fits.open(fname, mode='update', memmap=False)
        extlist = get_ext_list(imhdulist, extname='SCI')
        if not extlist:
            extlist = [0]

        # insure that input PRIMARY WCS has been archived before overwriting
        # with new solution
        wcsutil.altwcs.archiveWCS(imhdulist, extlist, reusekey=True)

        # Process MEF images...
        for ext in extlist:
            logstr = "Processing {:s}[{:s}]".format(imhdulist.filename(),
            if verbose:
            chip_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(imhdulist, ext=ext)

            update_chip_wcs(chip_wcs, orig_wcs, final_wcs,
                            xrms=crderr1, yrms = crderr2)

            # Update FITS file with newly updated WCS for this chip
            extnum = imhdulist.index(imhdulist[ext])
            updatehdr.update_wcs(imhdulist, extnum, chip_wcs,
                                 wcsname=final_name, reusename=False,

Example #46
def acsccd(input, exec_path='', time_stamps=False, verbose=False, quiet=False):
    Run the acsccd.e executable as from the shell.

    Expect input to be ``*_raw.fits``.
    Output is automatically named ``*_blv_tmp.fits``.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a single filename ('j1234567q_raw.fits')
            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*raw.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACSCCD executable.
        If not given, run ACSCCD given by 'acsccd.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    from stsci.tools import parseinput  # Optional package dependency

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acsccd.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acsccd.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)

    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:

    #if dqicorr:
    #    call_list.append('-dqi')

    #if atodcor:
    #    call_list.append('-atod')

    #if blevcorr:
    #    call_list.append('-blev')

    #if biascorr:
    #    call_list.append('-bias')

Example #47
def acscteforwardmodel(input, exec_path='', time_stamps=False, verbose=False,
                       quiet=False, single_core=False, exe_args=None):
    Run the acscteforwardmodel.e executable as from the shell.

    Expect input to be ``*_blc_tmp.fits`` or ``*_flc.fits``.
    Output is automatically named ``*_ctefmod.fits``.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a single filename ('j1234567q_blc_tmp.fits')
            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*blc_tmp.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACSCTE forward model executable.
        If not given, run ACSCTE given by 'acscteforwardmodel.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    single_core : bool, optional
        CTE correction in the ACSCTE forward model will by default try to use
        all available CPUs on your computer. Set this to True to force the use
        of just one CPU.

    exe_args : list, optional
        Arbitrary arguments passed to underlying executable call.
        Note: Implementation uses subprocess.call and whitespace is not
        permitted. E.g. use exe_args=['--nThreads', '1']

    from stsci.tools import parseinput  # Optional package dependency

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acscteforwardmodel.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acscte.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)

    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:

    if single_core:

    if exe_args:

Example #48
def tweakback(drzfile,
    Apply WCS solution recorded in drizzled file to distorted input images
    (``_flt.fits`` files) used to create the drizzled file.  This task relies on
    the original WCS and updated WCS to be recorded in the drizzled image's
    header as the last 2 alternate WCSs.

    drzfile : str (Default = '')
        filename of undistorted image which contains the new WCS
        and WCS prior to being updated

    newname : str (Default = None)
        Value of ``WCSNAME`` to be used to label the updated solution in the
        output (eq., ``_flt.fits``) files.  If left blank or None, it will
        default to using the current ``WCSNAME`` value from the input drzfile.

    input : str (Default = '')
        filenames of distorted images to be updated using new WCS
        from 'drzfile'.  These can be provided either as an ``@-file``,
        a comma-separated list of filenames or using wildcards.

        .. note:: A blank value will indicate that the task should derive the
           filenames from the 'drzfile' itself, if possible. The filenames will be
           derived from the ``D*DATA`` keywords written out by
           ``AstroDrizzle``. If they can not be found, the task will quit.

    origwcs : str (Default = None)
        Value of ``WCSNAME`` keyword prior to the drzfile image being updated
        by ``TweakReg``.  If left blank or None, it will default to using the
        second to last ``WCSNAME*`` keyword value found in the header.

    wcsname : str (Default = None)
        Value of WCSNAME for updated solution written out by ``TweakReg`` as
        specified by the `wcsname` parameter from ``TweakReg``.  If this is
        left blank or `None`, it will default to the current ``WCSNAME``
        value from the input drzfile.

    extname : str (Default = 'SCI')
        Name of extension in `input` files to be updated with new WCS

    force : bool  (Default = False)
        This parameters specified whether or not to force an update of the WCS
        even though WCS already exists with this solution or `wcsname`?

    verbose : bool (Default = False)
        This parameter specifies whether or not to print out additional
        messages during processing.

    The algorithm used by this function is based on linearization of
    the exact compound operator that converts input image coordinates
    to the coordinates (in the input image) that would result in
    alignment with the new drizzled image WCS.

    If no input distorted files are specified as input, this task will attempt
    to generate the list of filenames from the drizzled input file's own

    An image named ``acswfc_mos2_drz.fits`` was created from 4 images using
    astrodrizzle. This drizzled image was then aligned to another image using
    tweakreg and the header was updated using the ``WCSNAME`` = ``TWEAK_DRZ``.
    The new WCS can then be used to update each of the 4 images that were
    combined to make up this drizzled image using:

    >>> from drizzlepac import tweakback
    >>> tweakback.tweakback('acswfc_mos2_drz.fits')

    If the same WCS should be applied to a specific set of images, those images
    can be updated using:

    >>> tweakback.tweakback('acswfc_mos2_drz.fits',
    ...                     input='img_mos2a_flt.fits,img_mos2e_flt.fits')

    See Also
    stwcs.wcsutil.altwcs: Alternate WCS implementation

    print("TweakBack Version {:s} started at: {:s}\n".format(

    # Interpret input list/string into list of filename(s)
    fltfiles = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]

    if fltfiles is None or len(fltfiles) == 0:
        # try to extract the filenames from the drizzled file's header
        fltfiles = extract_input_filenames(drzfile)
        if fltfiles is None:
            print('*' * 60)
            print('* ERROR:')
            print('*    No input filenames found! ')
                '*    Please specify "fltfiles" or insure that input drizzled')
            print('*    image contains D*DATA keywords. ')
            print('*' * 60)
            raise ValueError

    if not isinstance(fltfiles, list):
        fltfiles = [fltfiles]

    sciext = determine_extnum(drzfile, extname='SCI')
    scihdr = fits.getheader(drzfile, ext=sciext, memmap=False)

    ### Step 1: Read in updated and original WCS solutions
    # determine keys for all alternate WCS solutions in drizzled image header
    wkeys = wcsutil.altwcs.wcskeys(drzfile, ext=sciext)
    if len(wkeys) < 2:
        raise ValueError(
            f"'{drzfile}' must contain at least two valid WCS: original and updated."
    wnames = wcsutil.altwcs.wcsnames(drzfile, ext=sciext)
    if not util.is_blank(newname):
        final_name = newname
        final_name = wnames[wkeys[-1]]

    # Read in HSTWCS objects for final,updated WCS and previous WCS from
    # from drizzled image header
    # The final solution also serves as reference WCS when using updatehdr

    if not util.is_blank(wcsname):
        for wkey, wname in wnames.items():
            if wname == wcsname:
                wcskey = wkey
            raise ValueError(
                f"WCS with name '{wcsname}' not found in '{drzfile}'")
        wcskey = wkeys[-1]

    final_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(drzfile, ext=sciext, wcskey=wcskey)

    if not util.is_blank(origwcs):
        for wkey, wname in wnames.items():
            if wname == origwcs:
                orig_wcskey = wkey
            raise ValueError(
                f"WCS with name '{origwcs}' not found in '{drzfile}'")
        _, orig_wcskey = determine_orig_wcsname(scihdr, wnames, wkeys)

    orig_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(drzfile, ext=sciext, wcskey=orig_wcskey)

    # read in RMS values reported for new solution
    crderr1kw = 'CRDER1' + wkeys[-1]
    crderr2kw = 'CRDER2' + wkeys[-1]

    if crderr1kw in scihdr:
        crderr1 = fits.getval(drzfile, crderr1kw, ext=sciext, memmap=False)
        crderr1 = 0.0

    if crderr2kw in scihdr:
        crderr2 = fits.getval(drzfile, crderr2kw, ext=sciext, memmap=False)
        crderr2 = 0.0
    del scihdr

    ### Step 2: Apply solution to input file headers
    for fname in fltfiles:
        logstr = "....Updating header for {:s}...".format(fname)
        if verbose:

        # reset header WCS keywords to original (OPUS generated) values
        imhdulist = fits.open(fname, mode='update', memmap=False)
        extlist = get_ext_list(imhdulist, extname='SCI')
        if not extlist:
            extlist = [0]

        # Process MEF images...
        for ext in extlist:
            logstr = "Processing {:s}[{:s}]".format(imhdulist.filename(),
            if verbose:
            chip_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(imhdulist, ext=ext)


            # Update FITS file with newly updated WCS for this chip
            extnum = imhdulist.index(imhdulist[ext])

Example #49
def destripe_plus(inputfile,
    r"""Calibrate post-SM4 ACS/WFC exposure(s) and use
    standalone :ref:`acsdestripe`.

    This takes a RAW image and generates a FLT file containing
    its calibrated and destriped counterpart.
    If CTE correction is performed, FLC will also be present.

    inputfile : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*raw.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    suffix : str
        The string to use to add to each input file name to
        indicate an output product of ``acs_destripe``.
        This only affects the intermediate output file that will
        be automatically renamed to ``*blv_tmp.fits`` during the processing.

    stat : { 'pmode1', 'pmode2', 'mean', 'mode', 'median', 'midpt' } (Default = 'pmode1')
        Specifies the statistics to be used for computation of the
        background in image rows:

        * 'pmode1' - SEXTRACTOR-like mode estimate based on a
          modified `Pearson's rule <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonparametric_skew#Pearson.27s_rule>`_:
        * 'pmode2' - mode estimate based on
          `Pearson's rule <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonparametric_skew#Pearson.27s_rule>`_:
        * 'mean' - the mean of the distribution of the "good" pixels (after
          clipping, masking, etc.);
        * 'mode' - the mode of the distribution of the "good" pixels;
        * 'median' - the median of the distribution of the "good" pixels;
        * 'midpt' - estimate of the median of the distribution of the "good"
          pixels based on an algorithm similar to IRAF's `imagestats` task

        .. note::
            The midpoint and mode are computed in two passes through the
            image. In the first pass the standard deviation of the pixels
            is calculated and used with the *binwidth* parameter to compute
            the resolution of the data histogram. The midpoint is estimated
            by integrating the histogram and computing by interpolation
            the data value at which exactly half the pixels are below that
            data value and half are above it. The mode is computed by
            locating the maximum of the data histogram and fitting the peak
            by parabolic interpolation.

    maxiter : int
        This parameter controls the maximum number of iterations
        to perform when computing the statistics used to compute the
        row-by-row corrections.

    sigrej : float
        This parameters sets the sigma level for the rejection applied
        during each iteration of statistics computations for the
        row-by-row corrections.

    lower : float, None (Default = None)
        Lower limit of usable pixel values for computing the background.
        This value should be specified in the units of the input image(s).

    upper : float, None (Default = None)
        Upper limit of usable pixel values for computing the background.
        This value should be specified in the units of the input image(s).

    binwidth : float (Default = 0.1)
        Histogram's bin width, in sigma units, used to sample the
        distribution of pixel brightness values in order to compute the
        background statistics. This parameter is aplicable *only* to *stat*
        parameter values of `'mode'` or `'midpt'`.

    clobber : bool
        Specify whether or not to 'clobber' (delete then replace)
        previously generated products with the same names.

    scimask1 : str or list of str
        Mask images for *calibrated* ``SCI,1``, one for each input file.
        Pixels with zero values will be masked out, in addition to clipping.

    scimask2 : str or list of str
        Mask images for *calibrated* ``SCI,2``, one for each input file.
        Pixels with zero values will be masked out, in addition to clipping.
        This is not used for subarrays.

    dqbits : int, str, None (Default = None)
        Integer sum of all the DQ bit values from the input image's DQ array
        that should be considered "good" when building masks for de-striping
        computations. For example, if pixels in the DQ array can be
        combinations of 1, 2, 4, and 8 flags and one wants to consider
        DQ "defects" having flags 2 and 4 as being acceptable for de-striping
        computations, then `dqbits` should be set to 2+4=6. Then a DQ pixel
        having values 2,4, or 6 will be considered a good pixel, while a DQ
        pixel with a value, e.g., 1+2=3, 4+8=12, etc. will be flagged
        as a "bad" pixel.

        Alternatively, one can enter a comma- or '+'-separated list of
        integer bit flags that should be added to obtain the final
        "good" bits. For example, both ``4,8`` and ``4+8`` are equivalent to
        setting `dqbits` to 12.

        | Set `dqbits` to 0 to make *all* non-zero pixels in the DQ
          mask to be considered "bad" pixels, and the corresponding image
          pixels not to be used for de-striping computations.

        | Default value (`None`) will turn off the use of image's DQ array
          for de-striping computations.

        | In order to reverse the meaning of the `dqbits`
          parameter from indicating values of the "good" DQ flags
          to indicating the "bad" DQ flags, prepend '~' to the string
          value. For example, in order not to use pixels with
          DQ flags 4 and 8 for sky computations and to consider
          as "good" all other pixels (regardless of their DQ flag),
          set `dqbits` to ``~4+8``, or ``~4,8``. To obtain the
          same effect with an `int` input value (except for 0),
          enter -(4+8+1)=-9. Following this convention,
          a `dqbits` string value of ``'~0'`` would be equivalent to
          setting ``dqbits=None``.

        .. note::
            DQ masks (if used), *will be* combined with user masks specified
            in the `scimask1` and `scimask2` parameters (if any).

    rpt_clean : int
        An integer indicating how many *additional* times stripe cleaning
        should be performed on the input image. Default = 0.

    atol : float, None
        The threshold for maximum absolute value of bias stripe correction
        below which repeated cleanings can stop. When `atol` is `None`
        cleaning will be repeated `rpt_clean` number of times.
        Default = 0.01 [e].

    cte_correct : bool
        Perform CTE correction.

    verbose : bool
        Print informational messages. Default = True.

        ``stsci.tools`` not found.

        Input file does not exist.

        Invalid header values or CALACS version.

    # Optional package dependencies
    from stsci.tools import parseinput
        from stsci.tools.bitmask import interpret_bit_flags
    except ImportError:
        from stsci.tools.bitmask import (interpret_bits_value as

    # process input file(s) and if we have multiple input files - recursively
    # call acs_destripe_plus for each input image:
    flist = parseinput.parseinput(inputfile)[0]

    if isinstance(scimask1, str):
        mlist1 = parseinput.parseinput(scimask1)[0]
    elif isinstance(scimask1, np.ndarray):
        mlist1 = [scimask1.copy()]
    elif scimask1 is None:
        mlist1 = []
    elif isinstance(scimask1, list):
        mlist1 = []
        for m in scimask1:
            if isinstance(m, np.ndarray):
            elif isinstance(m, str):
                mlist1 += parseinput.parseinput(m)[0]
                raise TypeError("'scimask1' must be a list of str or "
                                "numpy.ndarray values.")
        raise TypeError("'scimask1' must be either a str, or a "
                        "numpy.ndarray, or a list of the two type of "

    if isinstance(scimask2, str):
        mlist2 = parseinput.parseinput(scimask2)[0]
    elif isinstance(scimask2, np.ndarray):
        mlist2 = [scimask2.copy()]
    elif scimask2 is None:
        mlist2 = []
    elif isinstance(scimask2, list):
        mlist2 = []
        for m in scimask2:
            if isinstance(m, np.ndarray):
            elif isinstance(m, str):
                mlist2 += parseinput.parseinput(m)[0]
                raise TypeError("'scimask2' must be a list of str or "
                                "numpy.ndarray values.")
        raise TypeError("'scimask2' must be either a str, or a "
                        "numpy.ndarray, or a list of the two type of "

    n_input = len(flist)
    n_mask1 = len(mlist1)
    n_mask2 = len(mlist2)

    if n_input == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            'No input file(s) provided or the file(s) do not exist')

    if n_mask1 == 0:
        mlist1 = [None] * n_input
    elif n_mask1 != n_input:
        raise ValueError('Insufficient masks for [SCI,1]')

    if n_mask2 == 0:
        mlist2 = [None] * n_input
    elif n_mask2 != n_input:
        raise ValueError('Insufficient masks for [SCI,2]')

    if n_input > 1:
        for img, mf1, mf2 in zip(flist, mlist1, mlist2):

    inputfile = flist[0]
    scimask1 = mlist1[0]
    scimask2 = mlist2[0]

    # verify that the RAW image exists in cwd
    cwddir = os.getcwd()
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cwddir, inputfile)):
        raise IOError(f"{inputfile} does not exist.")

    # get image's primary header:
    header = fits.getheader(inputfile)

    # verify masks defined (or not) simultaneously:
    if (header['CCDAMP'] == 'ABCD'
            and ((scimask1 is not None and scimask2 is None) or
                 (scimask1 is None and scimask2 is not None))):
        raise ValueError("Both 'scimask1' and 'scimask2' must be specified "
                         "or not specified together.")

    calacs_str = subprocess.check_output(['calacs.e', '--version'
                                          ]).split()[0]  # nosec # noqa
    calacs_ver = [int(x) for x in calacs_str.decode().split('.')]
    if calacs_ver < [8, 3, 1]:
        raise ValueError(f'CALACS {calacs_str} is incomptible. '
                         'Must be 8.3.1 or later.')

    # check date for post-SM4 and if supported subarray or full frame
    is_subarray = False
    ctecorr = header['PCTECORR']
    aperture = header['APERTURE']
    detector = header['DETECTOR']
    date_obs = Time(header['DATE-OBS'])

    # intermediate filenames
    blvtmp_name = inputfile.replace('raw', 'blv_tmp')
    blctmp_name = inputfile.replace('raw', 'blc_tmp')

    # output filenames
    tra_name = inputfile.replace('_raw.fits', '.tra')
    flt_name = inputfile.replace('raw', 'flt')
    flc_name = inputfile.replace('raw', 'flc')

    if detector != 'WFC':
        raise ValueError(f"{inputfile} is not a WFC image, please check the "
                         "'DETECTOR' keyword.")

    if date_obs < SM4_DATE:
        raise ValueError(f"{inputfile} is a pre-SM4 image.")

    if header['SUBARRAY'] and cte_correct:
        if aperture in SUBARRAY_LIST:
            is_subarray = True
            LOG.warning('Using non-supported subarray, '
                        'turning CTE correction off')
            cte_correct = False

    # delete files from previous CALACS runs
    if clobber:
        for tmpfilename in [
                blvtmp_name, blctmp_name, flt_name, flc_name, tra_name
            if os.path.exists(tmpfilename):

    # run ACSCCD on RAW

    # modify user mask with DQ masks if requested
    dqbits = interpret_bit_flags(dqbits)
    if dqbits is not None:
        # save 'tra' file in memory to trick the log file
        # not to save first acs2d log as this is done only
        # for the purpose of obtaining DQ masks.
        # WISH: it would have been nice is there was an easy way of obtaining
        #       just the DQ masks as if data were calibrated but without
        #       having to recalibrate them with acs2d.
        if os.path.isfile(tra_name):
            with open(tra_name) as fh:
                tra_lines = fh.readlines()
            tra_lines = None

        # apply flats, etc.
        acs2d.acs2d(blvtmp_name, verbose=False, quiet=True)

        # extract DQ arrays from the FLT image:
        dq1, dq2 = _read_DQ_arrays(flt_name)

        mask1 = _get_mask(scimask1, 1)
        scimask1 = acs_destripe._mergeUserMaskAndDQ(dq1, mask1, dqbits)

        mask2 = _get_mask(scimask2, 2)
        if dq2 is not None:
            scimask2 = acs_destripe._mergeUserMaskAndDQ(dq2, mask2, dqbits)
        elif mask2 is None:
            scimask2 = None

        # reconstruct trailer file:
        if tra_lines is not None:
            with open(tra_name, mode='w') as fh:

        # delete temporary FLT image:
        if os.path.isfile(flt_name):

    # execute destriping (post-SM4 data only)
    blvtmpsfx = f'blv_tmp_{suffix}'
    os.rename(inputfile.replace('raw', blvtmpsfx), blvtmp_name)

    # update subarray header
    if is_subarray and cte_correct:
        fits.setval(blvtmp_name, 'PCTECORR', value='PERFORM')
        ctecorr = 'PERFORM'

    # perform CTE correction on destriped image
    if cte_correct:
        if ctecorr == 'PERFORM':
            LOG.warning(f"PCTECORR={ctecorr}, cannot run CTE correction")
            cte_correct = False

    # run ACS2D to get FLT and FLC images
    if cte_correct:

    # delete intermediate files
    if cte_correct and os.path.isfile(blctmp_name):

    info_str = f'Done.\nFLT: {flt_name}\n'
    if cte_correct:
        info_str += f'FLC: {flc_name}\n'
Example #50
def acsccd(input, exec_path='', time_stamps=False, verbose=False, quiet=False,
    Run the acsccd.e executable as from the shell.

    Expect input to be ``*_raw.fits``.
    Output is automatically named ``*_blv_tmp.fits``.

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a single filename ('j1234567q_raw.fits')
            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*raw.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACSCCD executable.
        If not given, run ACSCCD given by 'acsccd.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    exe_args : list, optional
        Arbitrary arguments passed to underlying executable call.
        Note: Implementation uses subprocess.call and whitespace is not
        permitted. E.g. use exe_args=['--nThreads', '1']

    from stsci.tools import parseinput  # Optional package dependency

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acsccd.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acsccd.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)

    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:

    if exe_args:

    #if dqicorr:
    #    call_list.append('-dqi')

    #if atodcor:
    #    call_list.append('-atod')

    #if blevcorr:
    #    call_list.append('-blev')

    #if biascorr:
    #    call_list.append('-bias')

Example #51
def buildEmptyDRZ(input, output):
    Create an empty DRZ file.

    This module creates an empty DRZ file in a valid FITS format so that the HST
    pipeline can handle the Multidrizzle zero expossure time exception
    where all data has been excluded from processing.

    input : str
        filename of the initial input to process_input
    output : str
        filename of the default empty _drz.fits file to be generated


    # Identify the first input image
    inputfile = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]
    if not inputfile:
        print('\n******* ERROR *******', file=sys.stderr)
            'No input file found!  Check specification of parameter '
            '"input". ',
        print('Quitting...', file=sys.stderr)
        print('******* ***** *******\n', file=sys.stderr)
        return  # raise IOError, "No input file found!"

    # Set up output file here...
    if output is None:
        if len(input) == 1:
            oname = fileutil.buildNewRootname(input[0])
            oname = 'final'
        output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(oname, extn='_drz.fits')
        if '_drz' not in output:
            output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(output, extn='_drz.fits')

    print('Building emtpy DRZ file with output name: %s' % output)

    # Open the first image (of the excludedFileList?) to use as a template to build
    # the DRZ file.
        log.info('Building empty DRZ file from %s' % inputfile[0])
        img = fits.open(inputfile[0], memmap=False)
        raise IOError('Unable to open file %s \n' % inputfile)

    # Create the fitsobject
    fitsobj = fits.HDUList()
    # Copy the primary header
    hdu = img[0].copy()

    # Modify the 'NEXTEND' keyword of the primary header to 3 for the
    #'sci, wht, and ctx' extensions of the newly created file.
    fitsobj[0].header['NEXTEND'] = 3

    # Create the 'SCI' extension
    hdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=img['sci', 1].header.copy())
    hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'SCI'

    # Create the 'WHT' extension
    hdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=img['sci', 1].header.copy())
    hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'WHT'

    # Create the 'CTX' extension
    hdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=img['sci', 1].header.copy())
    hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'CTX'

    # Add HISTORY comments explaining the creation of this file.
    fitsobj[0].header.add_history("** AstroDrizzle has created this empty "
                                  "DRZ product because**")
    fitsobj[0].header.add_history("** all input images were excluded from "

    # Change the filename in the primary header to reflect the name of the output
    # filename.
    fitsobj[0].header['FILENAME'] = str(output)  # +"_drz.fits"

    # Change the ROOTNAME keyword to the ROOTNAME of the output PRODUCT
    fitsobj[0].header['ROOTNAME'] = str(output.split('_drz.fits')[0])
    # Modify the ASN_MTYP keyword to contain "PROD-DTH" so it can be properly
    # ingested into the archive catalog.

    # stis has this keyword in the [1] header, so I am directing the code
    #t o first look in the primary, then the 1
        fitsobj[0].header['ASN_MTYP'] = 'PROD-DTH'
        fitsobj[1].header['ASN_MTYP'] = 'PROD-DTH'

    # If the file is already on disk delete it and replace it with the
    # new file
    dirfiles = os.listdir(os.curdir)
    if dirfiles.count(output) > 0:
        log.info("       Replacing %s..." % output)

    # Write out the empty DRZ file

        'ERROR:\nAstroDrizzle has created an empty DRZ product because all '
        'input images were excluded from processing or a user requested the '
        'program to stop.') + '\n',

def blendheaders(drzfile,
    """ Blend headers that went into creating the original drzfile into a
    new header with table that contains keyword values from all input images.

    The drzfile will be used to determine the names of the input files, should
    no filenames be provided in the 'inputs' parameter.

    The drzfile will be updated 'in-place' with the new headers and table if
    no output filename has been provided.

    drzfile : str
        Name of drizzled image(s) with headers that need updating. This can
        be specified as a single filename, or using wildcards, or '@'-file or
        python list of filenames.
        When no value for 'inputs' has been provided, this file(or set of files)
        will be used to determine the names of the input (flt.fits) files
        whose headers need to be blended to create the new drzfile header.

    inputs : list, optional
        If provided, the filenames with extensions for each chip
        provided in this list will be used to get
        the headers which will be blended into the final output headers.
        For example, ['j9cd01kqq_flt.fits[sci,1]','j9cd01kqq_flt.fits[sci,2]']
        would create a blended header based on these chips headers.

    output : str, optional
        If specified, a new file will be written out that contains the updated
        (blended) headers.

    sciext: str, optional [Default: 'SCI']
        EXTNAME of extensions with science data from the input FITS files. The
        header of this extension will be used as the basis for the SCI header
        of the drizzled product FITS file.

    errext: str, optional [Default: 'ERR']
        EXTNAME of extensions with the error array from the input FITS files. The
        header of this extension will be used as the basis for the WHT header
        of the drizzled product FITS file. If blank or "INDEF", it will use
        the 'SCI' header as the basis for the output header for the WHT array.

    dqext: str, optional [Default: 'DQ']
        EXTNAME of extensions with the data quality array from the input FITS
        files. The header of this extension will be used as the basis for the
        CTX header of the drizzled product FITS file (when a CTX extension gets
        created). If blank or "INDEF", it will use the 'SCI' header as the
        basis for the header of any generated CTX array.

    verbose : bool, optional [Default: False]
        Print out additional messages during processing when specified.

    # interpret input
    drzfiles = parseinput.parseinput(drzfile)[0]

    # operate on each drzfile specified
    for drzfile in drzfiles:
        if inputs in [None, '', ' ', 'INDEF', 'None']:
            inputs = extract_filenames_from_drz(drzfile)

        if verbose:
            print('Creating blended headers from: ')
            for i in inputs:
                print('    ', i)

        newhdrs, newtab = get_blended_headers(inputs, verbose=verbose)

        # Remove distortion related keywords not included in rules
        for hdr in newhdrs:

        # open drizzle product to update headers with new headers
        open_mode = 'update'
        if output not in [None, '', ' ', 'INDEF', 'None']:
            open_mode = 'readonly'
        drzimg = fits.open(drzfile, mode=open_mode)

        # Determine whether we are working with a simple DRZ FITS file or
        # a full multi-extension DRZ FITS file.
        if len(drzimg) < 3:
            # We are working with a simple FITS image, so concatenate the
            # blended PRIMARY and SCI  headers
            drzimg[0].header = cat_headers(newhdrs[0], newhdrs[1])
            # We are working with a full MEF file, so update all extension headers
            for i, extn in enumerate(drzimg):
                if isinstance(extn, fits.BinTableHDU):
                # Update new headers with correct array sizes
                if isinstance(extn, fits.ImageHDU):
                    extn_naxis = extn.header['NAXIS']
                    newhdrs[i]['NAXIS'] = extn_naxis
                    newhdrs[i]['BITPIX'] = extn.header['BITPIX']
                    for card in newhdrs[i]['naxis*']:
                        if len(card.key) > 5:  # naxisj keywords
                            if extn_naxis > 0:
                                newhdrs[i][card.keyword] = extn.header[
                                    del newhdrs[i][card.keyword]
                                except KeyError:
                    for kw in WCS_KEYWORDS:
                        if kw in extn.header:
                            newhdrs[i][kw] = extn.header[kw]
                if isinstance(extn, fits.PrimaryHDU):
                    for card in extn.header['exp*']:
                        newhdrs[i][card.keyword] = card.value
                    newhdrs[i]['NEXTEND'] = len(drzimg) - 1
                    newhdrs[i]['ROOTNAME'] = extn.header['rootname']
                    newhdrs[i]['BITPIX'] = extn.header['bitpix']
                    # Determine which keywords are included in the table but not
                    # the new dict(header). These will be removed from the output
                    # header altogether
                    tabcols = newtab.data.dtype.names
                    hdrkws = list(newhdrs[i].keys())
                    del_kws = list(set(tabcols) - set(hdrkws))
                    for kw in extn.header:
                        if kw not in newhdrs[i] and kw not in del_kws:
                            newhdrs[i][kw] = extn.header[kw]

                extn.header = newhdrs[i]

        # Now append table with remaining header keyword values

        if 'nextend' in drzimg[0].header:
            drzimg[0].header['nextend'] = len(drzimg) - 1

        # Write out the updated product
        if open_mode == 'update':
            print('Updated ', drzfile, ' with blended headers.')
            if os.path.exists(output): os.remove(output)
            print('Created new file ', output, ' with blended headers.')

        # Clean up for the next run
        del drzimg, newhdrs, newtab
Example #53
def processFilenames(input=None, output=None, infilesOnly=False):
    """Process the input string which contains the input file information and
       return a filelist,output
    ivmlist = None
    oldasndict = None

    if input is None:
        print("No input files provided to processInput")
        raise ValueError

    if not isinstance(input, list) and ('_asn' in input or '_asc' in input):
        # Input is an association table
        # Get the input files, and run makewcs on them
        oldasndict = asnutil.readASNTable(input, prodonly=infilesOnly)

        if not infilesOnly:
            if output in ["", None, "None"]:
                output = oldasndict['output'].lower(
                )  # insure output name is lower case

        asnhdr = fits.getheader(input, memmap=False)
        # Only perform duplication check if not already completed...
        dupcheck = asnhdr.get('DUPCHECK', default="PERFORM") == "PERFORM"

        #filelist = [fileutil.buildRootname(fname) for fname in oldasndict['order']]
        filelist = buildASNList(oldasndict['order'],

    elif (not isinstance(input, list)) and \
       (input[0] == '@') :
        # input is an @ file
        f = open(input[1:])
        # Read the first line in order to determine whether
        # IVM files have been specified in a second column...
        line = f.readline()
        # Parse the @-file with irafglob to extract the input filename
        filelist = irafglob.irafglob(input, atfile=util.atfile_sci)
        # If there is a second column...
        if len(line.split()) == 2:
            # ...parse out the names of the IVM files as well
            ivmlist = irafglob.irafglob(input, atfile=util.atfile_ivm)
        if output in ['', None, "None"]:
            if len(filelist) == 1:
                output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(filelist[0])
                output = 'final'
        #input is a string or a python list
            filelist, output = parseinput.parseinput(input, outputname=output)
            if output in ['', None, "None"]:
                if len(filelist) == 1:
                    output = fileutil.buildNewRootname(filelist[0])
                    output = 'final'
            if not isinstance(input, list):
        except IOError:

    # sort the list of input files
    # this ensures the list of input files has the same order on all platforms
    # it can have ifferent order because listdir() uses inode order, not unix type order

    return filelist, output, ivmlist, oldasndict
Example #54
def create_astrometric_catalog(inputs, **pars):
    """Create an astrometric catalog that covers the inputs' field-of-view.

    input : str
        Filenames of images to be aligned to astrometric catalog

    catalog : str, optional
        Name of catalog to extract astrometric positions for sources in the
        input images' field-of-view. Default: GAIADR2. Options available are
        documented on the catalog web page.

    output : str, optional
        Filename to give to the astrometric catalog read in from the master
        catalog web service.  If 'None', no file will be written out.
        Default: ref_cat.ecsv

    gaia_only : bool, optional
        Specify whether or not to only use sources from GAIA in output catalog
        Default: False

    existing_wcs : HST.wcs object
        existing WCS object specified by the user

    note ::
        This function will point to astrometric catalog web service defined
        through the use of the ASTROMETRIC_CATALOG_URL environment variable.

    ref_table : object
        Astropy Table object of the catalog

    # interpret input parameters
    catalog = pars.get("catalog", 'GAIADR2')
    output = pars.get("output", 'ref_cat.ecsv')
    gaia_only = pars.get("gaia_only", False)
    table_format = pars.get("table_format", 'ascii.ecsv')
    existing_wcs = pars.get("existing_wcs", None)

    inputs, _ = parseinput.parseinput(inputs)
    # start by creating a composite field-of-view for all inputs
    # This default output WCS will have the same plate-scale and orientation
    # as the first chip in the list, which for WFPC2 data means the PC.
    # Fortunately, for alignment, this doesn't matter since no resampling of
    # data will be performed
    if existing_wcs:
        outwcs = existing_wcs
        outwcs = build_reference_wcs(inputs)
    radius = compute_radius(outwcs)
    ra, dec = outwcs.wcs.crval

    # perform query for this field-of-view
    ref_dict = get_catalog(ra, dec, sr=radius, catalog=catalog)
    colnames = ('ra','dec', 'mag', 'objID', 'GaiaID')
    col_types = ('f8', 'f8', 'f4', 'U25', 'U25')
    ref_table = Table(names = colnames, dtype=col_types)

    # Add catalog name as meta data
    ref_table.meta['gaia_only'] = gaia_only

    # rename coordinate columns to be consistent with tweakwcs
    ref_table.rename_column('ra', 'RA')
    ref_table.rename_column('dec', 'DEC')

    # extract just the columns we want...
    num_sources = 0
    for source in ref_dict:
        if 'GAIAsourceID' in source:
            g = source['GAIAsourceID']
            if gaia_only and g.strip() is '':
            g = -1  # indicator for no source ID extracted
        r = float(source['ra'])
        d = float(source['dec'])
        m = -999.9  # float(source['mag'])
        o = source['objID']
        num_sources += 1

    # Write out table to a file, if specified
    if output:
        ref_table.write(output, format=table_format)
        log.info("Created catalog '{}' with {} sources".format(output, num_sources))

    return ref_table
Example #55
def reset_dq_bits(input,bits,extver=None,extname='dq'):
    """ This function resets bits in the integer array(s) of a FITS file.

    filename : str
        full filename with path

    bits : str
        sum or list of integers corresponding to all the bits to be reset

    extver : int, optional
        List of version numbers of the DQ arrays
        to be corrected [Default Value: None, will do all]

    extname : str, optional
        EXTNAME of the DQ arrays in the FITS file
        [Default Value: 'dq']

    The default value of None for the 'extver' parameter specifies that all
    extensions with EXTNAME matching 'dq' (as specified by the 'extname'
    parameter) will have their bits reset.

        1. The following command will reset the 4096 bits in all
           the DQ arrays of the file input_file_flt.fits::

                reset_dq_bits("input_file_flt.fits", 4096)

        2. To reset the 2,32,64 and 4096 bits in the second DQ array,
           specified as 'dq,2', in the file input_file_flt.fits::

                reset_dq_bits("input_file_flt.fits", "2,32,64,4096", extver=2)

    # Interpret bits value
    bits = interpret_bit_flags(bits)

    flist, fcol = parseinput.parseinput(input)
    for filename in flist:
        # open input file in write mode to allow updating the DQ array in-place
        p = fits.open(filename, mode='update', memmap=False)

        # Identify the DQ array to be updated
        # If no extver is specified, build a list of all DQ arrays in the file
        if extver is None:
            extver = []
            for hdu in p:
                # find only those extensions which match the input extname
                # using case-insensitive name comparisons for 'extname'
                if 'extver' in hdu.header and \
                   hdu.header['extname'].lower() == extname.lower():
            # Otherwise, insure that input extver values are a list
            if not isinstance(extver, list): extver = [extver]

        # for each DQ array identified in the file...
        for extn in extver:
            dqarr = p[extname,extn].data
            dqdtype = dqarr.dtype
            # reset the desired bits
            p[extname,extn].data = (dqarr & ~bits).astype(dqdtype) # preserve original dtype
            log.info('Reset bit values of %s to a value of 0 in %s[%s,%s]' %
                     (bits, filename, extname, extn))
        # close the file with the updated DQ array(s)
Example #56
def update(input,refdir="jref$",local=None,interactive=False,wcsupdate=True):
    Updates headers of files given as input to point to the new reference files
    NPOLFILE and D2IMFILE required with the new C version of MultiDrizzle.

    input : string or list
                Name of input file or files acceptable forms:
                  - single filename with or without directory
                  - @-file
                  - association table
                  - python list of filenames
                  - wildcard specification of filenames

    refdir : string
                Path to directory containing new reference files, either
                environment variable or full path.

    local : boolean
                Specifies whether or not to copy new reference files to local
                directory for use with the input files.

    interactive : boolean
                Specifies whether or not to interactively ask the user for the
                exact names of the new reference files instead of automatically
                searching a directory for them.

    updatewcs : boolean
                Specifies whether or not to update the WCS information in this
                file to use the new reference files.

    1. A set of associated images specified by an ASN file can be updated to use
       the NPOLFILEs and D2IMFILE found in the local directory defined using
       the `myjref$` environment variable under PyRAF using::

            >>>import updatenpol
            >>>updatenpol.update('j8bt06010_asn.fits', 'myref$')

    2. Another use under Python would be to feed it a specific list of files
       to be updated using::

          >>> updatenpol.update(['file1_flt.fits','file2_flt.fits'],'myjref$')

    3. Files in another directory can also be processed using::

          >>> updatenpol.update('data$*flt.fits','../new/ref/')

    .. warning::
        This program requires access to the `jref$` directory in order
        to evaluate the DGEOFILE specified in the input image header.
        This evaluation allows the program to get the information it
        needs to identify the correct NPOLFILE.

    The use of this program now requires that a directory be set up with
    all the new NPOLFILE and D2IMFILE reference files for ACS (a single
    directory for all files for all ACS detectors will be fine, much like
    jref).  Currently, all the files generated by the ACS team has initially
    been made available at::


    The one known limitation to how this program works comes from
    confusion if more than 1 file could possibly be used as the new
    reference file. This would only happen when NPOLFILE reference files
    have been checked into CDBS multiple times, and there are several
    versions that apply to the same detector/filter combination.  However,
    that can be sorted out later if we get into that situation at all.

    print('UPDATENPOL Version',__version__+'('+__vdate__+')')
    # expand (as needed) the list of input files
    files,fcol = parseinput.parseinput(input)

    if not interactive:
        # expand reference directory name (if necessary) to
        # interpret IRAF or environment variable names
        rdir = fu.osfn(refdir)
        ngeofiles,ngcol = parseinput.parseinput(os.path.join(rdir,'*npl.fits'))
        # Find D2IMFILE in refdir for updating input file header as well
        d2ifiles,d2col = parseinput.parseinput(os.path.join(rdir,"*d2i.fits"))

    # Now, build a matched list of input files and DGEOFILE reference files
    # to use for selecting the appropriate new reference file from the
    # refdir directory.
    for f in files:
        print('Updating: ',f)
        fdir = os.path.split(f)[0]
        # Open each file...
        fimg = fits.open(f, mode='update')
        phdr = fimg['PRIMARY'].header
        fdet = phdr['detector']
        # get header of DGEOFILE
        dfile = phdr.get('DGEOFILE','')
        if dfile in ['N/A','',' ',None]:
            npolname = ''
            dhdr = fits.getheader(fu.osfn(dfile))
            if not interactive:
                # search all new NPOLFILEs for one that matches current DGEOFILE config
                npol = find_npolfile(ngeofiles,fdet,[phdr['filter1'],phdr['filter2']])
                if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
                    npol = input("Enter name of NPOLFILE for %s:"%f)
                    npol = raw_input("Enter name of NPOLFILE for %s:"%f)
                if npol == "": npol = None

            if npol is None:
                errstr =  "No valid NPOLFILE found in "+rdir+" for detector="+fdet+"\n"
                errstr += " filters = "+phdr['filter1']+","+phdr['filter2']
                raise ValueError(errstr)

            npolname = os.path.split(npol)[1]
            if local:
                npolname = os.path.join(fdir,npolname)
                # clobber any previous copies of this reference file
                if os.path.exists(npolname): os.remove(npolname)
                if '$' in refdir:
                    npolname = refdir+npolname
                    npolname = os.path.join(refdir,npolname)
        phdr.set('NPOLFILE', value=npolname,
                 comment="Non-polynomial corrections in Paper IV LUT",

        # Now find correct D2IFILE
        if not interactive:
            d2i = find_d2ifile(d2ifiles,fdet)
            if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
                d2i = input("Enter name of D2IMFILE for %s:"%f)
                d2i = raw_input("Enter name of D2IMFILE for %s:"%f)
            if d2i == "": d2i = None

        if d2i is None:
            print("    No valid D2IMFILE found in "+rdir+" for detector ="+fdet)
            print("    D2IMFILE correction will not be applied.")
            d2iname = ""
            d2iname = os.path.split(d2i)[1]
            if local:
                # Copy D2IMFILE to local data directory alongside input file as well
                d2iname = os.path.join(fdir,d2iname)
                # clobber any previous copies of this reference file
                if os.path.exists(d2iname): os.remove(d2iname)
                if '$' in refdir:
                    d2iname = refdir+d2iname
                    d2iname = os.path.join(refdir,d2iname)

        phdr.set('D2IMFILE', value=d2iname,
                 comment="Column correction table",

        # Close this input file header and go on to the next

        if wcsupdate:
Example #57
def acs2d(input, exec_path='', time_stamps=False, verbose=False, quiet=False):
    Run the acs2d.e executable as from the shell.

    Output is automatically named based on input suffix:

        | INPUT              | OUTPUT         | EXPECTED DATA                |
        | ``*_raw.fits``     | ``*_flt.fits`` | SBC image.                   |
        | ``*_blv_tmp.fits`` | ``*_flt.fits`` | ACSCCD output.               |
        | ``*_blc_tmp.fits`` | ``*_flc.fits`` | ACSCCD output with PCTECORR. |
        | ``*_crj_tmp.fits`` | ``*_crj.fits`` | ACSREJ output.               |
        | ``*_crc_tmp.fits`` | ``*_crc.fits`` | ACSREJ output with PCTECORR. |

    input : str or list of str
        Input filenames in one of these formats:

            * a single filename ('j1234567q_blv_tmp.fits')
            * a Python list of filenames
            * a partial filename with wildcards ('\*blv_tmp.fits')
            * filename of an ASN table ('j12345670_asn.fits')
            * an at-file (``@input``)

    exec_path : str, optional
        The complete path to ACS2D executable.
        If not given, run ACS2D given by 'acs2d.e'.

    time_stamps : bool, optional
        Set to True to turn on the printing of time stamps.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Set to True for verbose output.

    quiet : bool, optional
        Set to True for quiet output.

    if exec_path:
        if not os.path.exists(exec_path):
            raise OSError('Executable not found: ' + exec_path)
        call_list = [exec_path]
        call_list = ['acs2d.e']

    # Parse input to get list of filenames to process.
    # acs2d.e only takes 'file1,file2,...'
    infiles, dummy_out = parseinput.parseinput(input)

    if time_stamps:

    if verbose:

    if quiet:
