Example #1
def test_subcatchments_dataframe_from_rpt(test_model_02):

    sub_ro_summary = dataframe_from_rpt(test_model_02.rpt.path,
                                        'Subcatchment Runoff Summary')
    tot_ro = sub_ro_summary['TotalRunoffMG'].sum()
    assert tot_ro == pytest.approx(0.28, 0.001)

    # test retrieving timeseries results
    s1_results = dataframe_from_rpt(test_model_02.rpt.path,
                                    'Subcatchment Results', 'S1')
    assert s1_results['RunoffCFS'].max() == pytest.approx(0.5526, 0.00001)
Example #2
    def conduits(self):
        collect all useful and available data related model conduits and
        organize in one dataframe.

        # check if this has been done already and return that data accordingly
        if self._conduits_df is not None:
            return self._conduits_df

        # parse out the main objects of this model
        inp = self.inp
        rpt = self.rpt

        # create dataframes of relevant sections from the INP
        conduits_df = dataframe_from_inp(inp.path, "CONDUITS")
        xsections_df = dataframe_from_inp(inp.path, "XSECTIONS")
        conduits_df = conduits_df.join(xsections_df)

        if rpt:
            # create a dictionary holding data from an rpt file, if provided
            link_flow_df = dataframe_from_rpt(rpt.path, "Link Flow Summary")
            conduits_df = conduits_df.join(link_flow_df)

        # add conduit coordinates
        xys = conduits_df.apply(lambda r: get_link_coords(
            r, self.inp.coordinates, self.inp.vertices),
        df = conduits_df.assign(coords=xys.map(lambda x: x[0]))

        # add conduit up/down inverts and calculate slope
        elevs = self.nodes()[['InvertElev']]
        df = pd.merge(df,
        df = df.rename(index=str, columns={"InvertElev": "InletNodeInvert"})
        df = pd.merge(df,
        df = df.rename(index=str, columns={"InvertElev": "OutletNodeInvert"})
        df['UpstreamInvert'] = df.InletNodeInvert + df.InOffset
        df['DownstreamInvert'] = df.OutletNodeInvert + df.OutOffset
        df['SlopeFtPerFt'] = (df.UpstreamInvert -
                              df.DownstreamInvert) / df.Length

        df.InletNode = df.InletNode.astype(str)
        df.OutletNode = df.OutletNode.astype(str)

        self._conduits_df = df

        return df
Example #3
def test_links_dataframe_from_rpt(test_model_02):

    link_flow_summary = dataframe_from_rpt(test_model_02.rpt.path,
                                           'Link Flow Summary')
    # print(f'\n{link_flow_summary.to_string()}')
    s = '''
    Name   Type  MaxQ  MaxDay  MaxHr  MaxV  MaxQPerc  MaxDPerc                                                      
    C1:C2  CONDUIT  2.45       0  10:19  6.23      1.32      0.50
    C2.1   CONDUIT  0.00       0  00:00  0.00      0.00      0.50
    1      CONDUIT  2.54       0  10:00  3.48      1.10      0.89
    2      CONDUIT  2.38       0  10:03  3.64      1.03      0.85
    3      CONDUIT  1.97       0  09:59  2.92      0.67      1.00
    4      CONDUIT  0.16       0  10:05  0.44      0.10      0.63
    5      CONDUIT  0.00       0  00:00  0.00      0.00      0.50
    C2        PUMP  4.33       0  10:00  0.22       NaN       NaN
    C3        WEIR  7.00       0  10:00  0.33       NaN       NaN
    lfs_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s),
    assert (lfs_df.equals(link_flow_summary))
Example #4
    def __call__(self):
        collect all useful and available data related to the conduits and
        organize in one dataframe.
        >>> model = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES__NET_PATH)
        >>> conduits_section = ModelSection(model, 'conduits')
        >>> conduits_section()

        # concat inp sections with unique element IDs
        headers = get_inp_sections_details(self.inp.path)
        dfs = [
            dataframe_from_inp(self.inp.path, sect)
            for sect in self.inp_sections if sect.upper() in headers

        # return empty df if no inp sections found
        if len(dfs) == 0:
            return pd.DataFrame()

        df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, sort=False)

        # join to this any sections with matching IDs (e.g. XSECTIONS)
        for sect in self.join_sections:
            rsuffix = f"_{sect.replace(' ', '_')}"
            df = df.join(dataframe_from_inp(self.inp.path, sect),

        if df.empty:
            return df

        # if there is an RPT available, grab relevant sections
        if self.rpt:
            for rpt_sect in self.rpt_sections:
                df = df.join(dataframe_from_rpt(self.rpt.path, rpt_sect))

        # add coordinates
        if self.geomtype == 'point':
            df = df.join(self.inp.coordinates[['X', 'Y']])
            xys = df.apply(lambda r: nodexy(r), axis=1)
            df = df.assign(coords=xys)

        elif self.geomtype == 'linestring':
            # add conduit coordinates
            xys = df.apply(lambda r: get_link_coords(r, self.inp.coordinates,
            df = df.assign(coords=xys.map(lambda x: x[0]))

            # make inlet/outlet node IDs string type
            df.InletNode = df.InletNode.astype(str)
            df.OutletNode = df.OutletNode.astype(str)

        elif self.geomtype == 'polygon':
            p = self.inp.polygons

            # take stacked coordinates and orient in list of tuples,
            xys = p.groupby(by=p.index).apply(
                lambda r: [(xy['X'], xy['Y']) for ix, xy in r.iterrows()])
            # copy the first point to the last position
            xys = xys.apply(lambda r: r + [r[0]])
            df = df.assign(coords=xys)

        # confirm index name is string
        df = df.rename(index=str)

        # trim to desired columns
        if self.columns is not None:
            df = df[[c for c in self.columns if c in df.columns]]

        self._df = df
        return df
Example #5
 def fn(self):
     if private_df_name not in self.__dict__:
         self.__dict__[private_df_name] = dataframe_from_rpt(
             self.path, rpt_section)
     return self.__dict__[private_df_name]