Example #1
def test_ratsimpmodprime():
    a = y**5 + x + y
    b = x - y
    F = [x * y**5 - x - y]
    assert ratsimpmodprime(a/b, F, x, y, order='lex') == \
        (x**2 + x*y + x + y) / (x**2 - x*y)

    a = x + y**2 - 2
    b = x + y**2 - y - 1
    F = [x * y - 1]
    assert ratsimpmodprime(a/b, F, x, y, order='lex') == \
        (1 + y - x)/(y - x)

    a = 5 * x**3 + 21 * x**2 + 4 * x * y + 23 * x + 12 * y + 15
    b = 7 * x**3 - y * x**2 + 31 * x**2 + 2 * x * y + 15 * y + 37 * x + 21
    F = [x**2 + y**2 - 1]
    assert ratsimpmodprime(a/b, F, x, y, order='lex') == \
        (1 + 5*y - 5*x)/(8*y - 6*x)

    a = x * y - x - 2 * y + 4
    b = x + y**2 - 2 * y
    F = [x - 2, y - 3]
    assert ratsimpmodprime(a/b, F, x, y, order='lex') == \
        Rational(2, 5)

    # Test a bug where denominators would be dropped
    assert ratsimpmodprime(x, [y - 2*x], order='lex') == \

    a = (x**5 + 2 * x**4 + 2 * x**3 + 2 * x**2 + x + 2 / x + x**(-2))
    assert ratsimpmodprime(a, [x + 1], domain=GF(2)) == 1
    assert ratsimpmodprime(a, [x + 1], domain=GF(3)) == -1
def invert_poly(f_poly, R_poly, p):
    inv_poly = None
    if is_prime(p):
        inv_poly = invert(f_poly, R_poly, domain=GF(p))
    elif is_2_power(p):
        inv_poly = invert(f_poly, R_poly, domain=GF(2))
        e = int(math.log(p, 2))
        for i in range(1, e):
            inv_poly = ((2 * inv_poly - f_poly * inv_poly**2) %
        raise Exception("Cannot invert polynomial in Z_{}".format(p))
    return inv_poly
Example #3
def invert_poly(f_poly, N, p):
    R_poly = MOD
    inv_poly = None
    if is_prime(p):
        log.debug("Inverting as p={} is prime".format(p))
        inv_poly = invert(f_poly, R_poly, domain=GF(p))
    elif is_2_power(p):
        log.debug("Inverting as p={} is 2 power".format(p))
        inv_poly = invert(f_poly, R_poly, domain=GF(2))
        e = int(math.log(p, 2))
        for i in range(1, e):
            log.debug("Inversion({}): {}".format(i, inv_poly))
            inv_poly = ((2 * inv_poly - f_poly * inv_poly**2) %
Example #4
def calc_gen():
    Calculate generator polynomial based on a given primitive polynomial.
    # Initialize primitive polynomial in GF(q).
    prim_poly = Poly(alpha**m + alpha**4 + 1, alpha).set_domain(GF(q))
    print('Primitive poly: %s' % prim_poly)

    gen_poly = None
    for i in range(1, t * 2):
        # No need to calculate for even i.
        if i % 2 is not 0:
            print('Current i: %d' % i)
            # On first loop, calculate only minimal polynomial.
            if gen_poly is None:
                gen_poly = min_poly(i, prim_poly)
            # Otherwise calculate lowest common multiplier using current value
            # of generator polynomial and minimal polynomial with current i.
                gen_poly = lcm(gen_poly, min_poly(i, prim_poly))

    # Truncate to GF(q).
    gen_poly = gen_poly.trunc(q)
    print('Generator poly: %s' % gen_poly)
    return prim_poly, gen_poly
Example #5
 def test_5x5(self):
     field = GF(2)
     matrix = array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
     correct_result = array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
     self.gaussian_comparer(matrix, field, correct_result, 2)
Example #6
 def reduce_mod(self, modulus):
     Returns the reduction modulo modulus
     Defined only for field == QQ
     if self.field != QQ:
         raise ValueError(f"Reducion can be done only for a vector over rationals but the field is {self.field}")
     mod_field = GF(modulus)
     result = SparseVector(self.dim, mod_field)
     for i in self._nonzero:
         entry = self._data[i]
         if mod_field.convert(entry.denominator) == 0:
             raise ZeroDivisionError(f"Division by zero while taking modulo {modulus}")
         entry_mod = mod_field.convert(entry.numerator) / mod_field.convert(entry.denominator)
         if entry_mod:
             result.__append__(i, entry_mod)
     return result
def invert_poly(f_poly, R_poly, p):
    inv_poly = None
    if is_prime(p):
        log.debug("Inverting as p={} is prime".format(p))
        inv_poly = invert(f_poly, R_poly, domain=GF(p))
    elif is_2_power(p):
        log.debug("Inverting as p={} is 2 power".format(p))
        inv_poly = invert(f_poly, R_poly, domain=GF(2))
        e = int(math.log(p, 2))
        for i in range(1, e):
            log.debug("Inversion({}): {}".format(i, inv_poly))
            inv_poly = ((2 * inv_poly - f_poly * inv_poly**2) %
        raise Exception("Cannot invert polynomial in Z_{}".format(p))
    log.debug("Inversion: {}".format(inv_poly))
    return inv_poly
 def __init__(self, universe: Set, rank: int):
     self.universe: frozenset = frozenset(universe)
     self._rank: int = rank
     self.field: GF = GF(nextprime(self.size))
     self.mapping: bidict = bidict(
         {value: i
          for i, value in enumerate(universe)})
     self._matrix: ndarray = UniformMatroid._create_matrix(
         self.size, rank, self.field)
Example #9
def invertmodprime(F, N, p):
    Fp = Zx([])
    f = F.coeffs[::-1]
    f_poly = make_poly(f)
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    t = sym.polys.polytools.invert(f_poly,
                                   x**N - 1,
                                   domain=GF(p, symmetric=False))
    Fp.coeffs = t.all_coeffs()[::-1]
    return Fp
Example #10
def power_dict(n, irr, p):
    result = {(1, ): 0}
    test_poly = Poly(1, alpha)
    for i in range(1, n - 1):
        test_poly = (Poly(Poly(alpha, alpha) * test_poly, alpha) %
        if tuple(test_poly.all_coeffs()) in result:
            return result
        result[tuple(test_poly.all_coeffs())] = i
    return result
Example #11
 def reduce_mod(self, modulus):
     Reduction modulo prime modulus.
     Works only for field == QQ
     if self.field != QQ:
         raise ValueError(f"Reducion can be done only for a vector over rationals but the field is {self.field}")
     result = Subspace(GF(modulus))
     for piv, vec in self._echelon_form.items():
         vec_red = vec.reduce_mod(modulus)
         if not vec_red.is_zero():
             result._echelon_form[piv] = vec_red
     return result
Example #12
 def reduce_mod(self, modulus):
     Returns the reduction modulo modulus
     Works only if field == QQ
     if self.field != QQ:
         raise ValueError(f"Reducion can be done only for a vector over rationals but the field is {self.field}")
     result = SparseRowMatrix(self.dim, GF(modulus))
     for i in self._nonzero:
         row_reduced = self._data[i].reduce_mod(modulus)
         if not row_reduced.is_zero():
             result._data[i] = row_reduced
     return result
Example #13
def first_alpha_power_root(poly, irr_poly, p, elements_to_check=None):
    poly = Poly([(Poly(coeff, alpha) % irr_poly).trunc(p).as_expr()
                 for coeff in poly.all_coeffs()], x)
    test_poly = Poly(1, alpha)
    log.debug(f"testing f:{poly}")
    for i in range(1, p**irr_poly.degree()):
        test_poly = (Poly(Poly(alpha, alpha) * test_poly, alpha) %
        if elements_to_check is not None and i not in elements_to_check:
        value = Poly((Poly(poly.eval(test_poly.as_expr()), alpha) % irr_poly),
        log.debug(f"testing alpha^{i} f({test_poly})={value}")
        if value.is_zero:
            return i
    return -1
Example #14
def flatten_frac(muls, m, p, pow_dict):
    if len(muls.args) == 0:
        return (Poly(muls, alpha) % m).set_domain(GF(p))
    log.debug("Dividing: {}".format(muls))
    if len(muls.args) != 2:
        raise Exception("Wrong case")
    inv = muls.args[0]
    add = muls.args[1]
    if type(add) == Pow:
        inv, add = add, inv
    log.debug("num: {}; denum: {}".format(add, inv))
    if type(add) != Add and type(add) != Symbol and type(add) != Pow:
        add = int(add)
        if add < 0:
            inv_poly = (Poly(muls.args[0]**-add) % m).set_domain(GF(p))
            if inv_poly.is_zero:
                raise Exception("Dividing by 0")
            result_pow = pow_dict[tuple(inv_poly.all_coeffs())]
            if result_pow < 0:
                result_pow += len(pow_dict)
            result = Poly(alpha**result_pow, alpha).set_domain(GF(p))
            log.debug("Dividing result: {}".format(result))
            return (result % m).set_domain(GF(p))
    if (inv.args[1] > 0):
        raise Exception("Wrong case")
    add_poly = (Poly(add) % m).set_domain(GF(p))
    if add_poly.is_zero:
        return add_poly
    i = pow_dict[tuple(add_poly.all_coeffs())]
    inv_poly = (Poly(inv.args[0]**-inv.args[1]) % m).set_domain(GF(p))
    if inv_poly.is_zero:
        raise Exception("Dividing by 0")
    j = pow_dict[tuple(inv_poly.all_coeffs())]
    result_pow = i - j
    if result_pow < 0:
        result_pow += len(pow_dict)
    result = Poly(alpha**result_pow, alpha).set_domain(GF(p))
    log.debug("Dividing result: {}".format(result))
    return (result % m).set_domain(GF(p))
 def test_1x2(self):
     field = GF(5)
     matrix = array([[1, 3]])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.determinant_comparer(matrix, field, 3)
 def test_dependent_row(self):
     field = GF(5)
     matrix = array([[3, 4], [1, 3]])
     self.determinant_comparer(matrix, field, 0)
Example #17
import sympy as sym
from sympy import GF

def make_poly(coeffs):
    """Create a polynomial in x."""
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    N = len(coeffs)
    coeffs = list(reversed(coeffs))
    y = 0
    for i in range(N):
        y += (x**i)*coeffs[i]
    y = sym.poly(y)
    return y

N = 7
p = 3
q = 41

#-x^4 + x^3 + x^2 - x + 1
f = [-1,1,1,-1,1]

f_poly = make_poly(f)

x = sym.Symbol('x')

Fp = sym.polys.polytools.invert(f_poly,x**N-1,domain=GF(p, symmetric=False))
Fq = sym.polys.polytools.invert(f_poly,x**N-1,domain=GF(q, symmetric=False))

print('\nf =',f_poly)
print('\nFp =',Fp)
print('\nFq =',Fq)
Example #18
 def test_copy(self):
     field = GF(5)
     matrix = array([[1, 2], [2, 3]])
     matrix_copy = matrix.copy()
     gaussian_elimination(matrix, field)
     assert_array_equal(matrix, matrix_copy, "Matrix hasn't been copied")
Example #19
    return int(hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest(), 16)

def get_targets():
    target_vals = []
    for filename in os.listdir("target_files"):
        target_vals.append(fhash("target_files/" + filename))
    return target_vals

target_vals = get_targets()
pp = gen_prime(256, max(target_vals))
x = Symbol('x')
domain = range(10000)
pl = simplify(interpolate_lagrange(x, domain[:len(target_vals)], target_vals))
pl = poly(pl, domain=GF(pp))

print "PRNG polynomial: ", pl

print "The initial values of the PRNG:"
for i in range(10):
    tmp = pl.eval(i) % pp
    tmp = base58.b58encode_int(tmp)
    print "Qm" + tmp, base58.b58decode_int(tmp)

print "The target values are:", target_vals
print "Sanity check..."
for i in domain[:len(target_vals)]:
    print i, pl.eval(i) % pp
 def test_dependent_column(self):
     field = GF(5)
     matrix = array([[1, 2], [4, 3]])
     self.determinant_comparer(matrix, field, 0)
 def test_2x2(self):
     field = GF(11)
     matrix = array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
     self.determinant_comparer(matrix, field, 9)
Example #22
def invert_polynomial(f_polynomial, N, p):
    modulus_polynomial = MOD
    return invert(f_polynomial, modulus_polynomial, domain=GF(p))
Example #23
def runDomain(a, b, m):
    if m == 'rat':
        EuclidsAlgorithm(a, b, m, 'QQ')
        EuclidsAlgorithm(a, b, m, GF(m))
Example #24
 def test_2x2(self):
     field = GF(7)
     matrix = array([[1, 2], [4, 5]])
     correct_result = array([[4, 5], [0, 6]])
     self.gaussian_comparer(matrix, field, correct_result, 1)
 def test_1x1(self):
     field = GF(2)
     matrix = array([[1]])
     self.determinant_comparer(matrix, field, 1)
Example #26
 def test_3x3(self):
     field = GF(7)
     matrix = array([[6, 2, 3], [1, 4, 1], [2, 2, 5]])
     correct_result = array([[6, 2, 3], [0, 6, 4], [0, 0, 0]])
     self.gaussian_comparer(matrix, field, correct_result, 0)
Example #27
def power_dict(n, irr, p):
    result = dict()
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        test_poly = (Poly(alpha**i, alpha) % irr).set_domain(GF(p))
        result[tuple(test_poly.all_coeffs())] = i
    return result
Example #28
 def test_3x4(self):
     field = GF(11)
     matrix = array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 6, 9, 1], [2, 5, 4, 8]])
     correct_result = array([[3, 6, 9, 1], [0, 1, 9, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
     self.gaussian_comparer(matrix, field, correct_result, 2)
Example #29
""" extgcd """

def gen_poly(coeffs, N):
    """Create a polynomial in x."""
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    coeffs = list(coeffs)
    y = 0
    for i in range(N):
        y += (x**i) * coeffs[i]
    y = sym.poly(y)
    return y

f_poly = gen_poly(f, len(f))
x = sym.Symbol('x')

t1 = time.time()
fp = sym.polys.polytools.invert(f_poly,
                                x**N - 1,
                                domain=GF(3, symmetric=False))
t2 = time.time()
ans2 = fp.all_coeffs()
print('exgcd time \t\t\t:', t2 - t1)

print(f'\n{ans1 == ans2}')
 def test_3x3(self):
     field = GF(11)
     matrix = array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
     self.determinant_comparer(matrix, field, 0)