Example #1
def options_for_ajax(options):
    js_options = build_callbacks(options)

    js_options['asynchronous'] = str(
        options.get('type') != 'synchronous').lower()
    if options.get('method'):
        if isinstance(options['method'],
                      str) and options['method'].startswith("'"):
            js_options['method'] = options['method']
            js_options['method'] = "'%s'" % options['method']
    if options.get('position'):
        js_options['insertion'] = "Insertion.%s" % camelize(
    js_options['evalScripts'] = str(
        options.get('script') is None or options['script']).lower()

    if options.get('form'):
        js_options['parameters'] = 'Form.serialize(this)'
    elif options.get('submit'):
        js_options['parameters'] = "Form.serialize('%s')" % options['submit']
    elif options.get('with_'):
        js_options['parameters'] = options['with_']

    return options_for_javascript(js_options)
Example #2
def update_element_function(element_id, **options):
    Returns a JavaScript function (or expression) that'll update a DOM 
        The content to use for updating.
        Valid options are 'update' (assumed by default), 'empty', 'remove'
        If the ``action`` is 'update', you can optionally specify one of the
        following positions: 'before', 'top', 'bottom', 'after'.
        <% javascript_tag(update_element_function("products", 
            position='bottom', content="<p>New product!</p>")) %>
    This method can also be used in combination with remote method call 
    where the result is evaluated afterwards to cause multiple updates on
    a page. Example::
        # Calling view
        <% form_remote_tag(url=url(action="buy"), 
                complete=evaluate_remote_response()) %>
            all the inputs here...
        # Controller action
        def buy(self, **params):
            c.product = Product.find(1)
            return render_response('/buy.myt')
        # Returning view (buy.myt)
        <% update_element_function(
                "cart", action='update', position='bottom', 
                content="<p>New Product: %s</p>" % c.product.name) %>
        <% update_element_function("status", binding='binding',
                content="You've bought a new product!") %>
    content = escape_javascript(options.get('content', ''))
    opval = options.get('action', 'update')
    if opval == 'update':
        if options.get('position'):
            jsf = "new Insertion.%s('%s','%s')" % (camelize(
                options['position']), element_id, content)
            jsf = "$('%s').innerHTML = '%s'" % (element_id, content)
    elif opval == 'empty':
        jsf = "$('%s').innerHTML = ''" % element_id
    elif opval == 'remove':
        jsf = "Element.remove('%s')" % element_id
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid action, choose one of update, remove, or empty")

    jsf += ";\n"
    if options.get('binding'):
        return jsf + options['binding']
        return jsf
Example #3
def update_element_function(element_id, **options):
    Return a JavaScript function (or expression) that'll update a DOM 
        The content to use for updating.
        Valid options are 'update' (assumed by default), 'empty', 'remove'
        If the ``action`` is 'update', you can optionally specify one of 
        the following positions: 'before', 'top', 'bottom', 'after'.
        <% javascript_tag(update_element_function("products", 
            position='bottom', content="<p>New product!</p>")) %>
    This method can also be used in combination with remote method call 
    where the result is evaluated afterwards to cause multiple updates on
    a page. Example::
        # Calling view
        <% form_remote_tag(url=url(action="buy"), 
                complete=evaluate_remote_response()) %>
            all the inputs here...
        # Controller action
        def buy(self, **params):
            c.product = Product.find(1)
            return render_response('/buy.myt')
        # Returning view (buy.myt)
        <% update_element_function(
                "cart", action='update', position='bottom', 
                content="<p>New Product: %s</p>" % c.product.name) %>
        <% update_element_function("status", binding='binding',
                content="You've bought a new product!") %>
    content = escape_javascript(options.get('content', ''))
    opval = options.get('action', 'update')
    if opval == 'update':
        if options.get('position'):
            jsf = "new Insertion.%s('%s','%s')" % (camelize(options['position']), element_id, content)
            jsf = "$('%s').innerHTML = '%s'" % (element_id, content)
    elif opval == 'empty':
        jsf = "$('%s').innerHTML = ''" % element_id
    elif opval == 'remove':
        jsf = "Element.remove('%s')" % element_id
        raise ValueError("Invalid action, choose one of update, remove, or empty")
    jsf += ";\n"
    if options.get('binding'):
        return jsf + options['binding']
        return jsf
def visual_effect(name, element_id=False, **js_options):
    Returns a JavaScript snippet to be used on the Ajax callbacks for
    starting visual effects.
        <% link_to_remote("Reload",  
                     complete=visual_effect('highlight', "posts", duration=0.5))) %>
    If no element_id is given, it assumes "element" which should be a local
    variable in the generated JavaScript execution context. This can be 
    used for example with drop_receiving_element::
        <% drop_receving_element('some_element', loading=visual_effect('fade')) %>
    This would fade the element that was dropped on the drop receiving 
    For toggling visual effects, you can use ``toggle_appear``, ``toggle_slide``, and
    ``toggle_blind`` which will alternate between appear/fade, slidedown/slideup, and
    blinddown/blindup respectively.
    You can change the behaviour with various options, see
    http://script.aculo.us for more documentation.
    element = (element_id and json.dumps(element_id)) or "element"
    if isinstance(js_options.get('queue'), dict):
        js_options['queue'] = '{%s}' % ','.join([
            "%s:%s" % (k, (k == 'limit' and v) or "'%s'" % v)
            for k, v in js_options['queue'].iteritems()
    elif js_options.has_key('queue'):
        js_options['queue'] = "'%s'" % js_options['queue']

    if 'toggle' in name:
        return "Effect.toggle(%s,'%s',%s);" % (
            element, name.replace('toggle_',
                                  ''), options_for_javascript(js_options))
    return "new Effect.%s(%s,%s);" % (camelize(name), element,
Example #5
def options_for_ajax(options):
    js_options = build_callbacks(options)
    js_options['asynchronous'] = str(options.get('type') != 'synchronous').lower()
    if options.get('method'):
        if isinstance(options['method'], str) and options['method'].startswith("'"):
            js_options['method'] = options['method']
            js_options['method'] = "'%s'" % options['method']
    if options.get('position'):
        js_options['insertion'] = "Insertion.%s" % camelize(options['position'])
    js_options['evalScripts'] = str(options.get('script') is None or options['script']).lower()
    if options.get('form'):
        js_options['parameters'] = 'Form.serialize(this)'
    elif options.get('submit'):
        js_options['parameters'] = "Form.serialize('%s')" % options['submit']
    elif options.get('with'):
        js_options['parameters'] = options['with']
    return options_for_javascript(js_options)
Example #6
def visual_effect(name, element_id=False, **js_options):
    Return JavaScript for Ajax callbacks for starting visual effects.
        <% link_to_remote("Reload",  
                complete=visual_effect('highlight', "posts", duration=0.5))) %>
    If no element_id is given, it assumes "element" which should be a local
    variable in the generated JavaScript execution context. This can be 
    used for example with drop_receiving_element::
        <% drop_receving_element('some_element', loading=visual_effect('fade')) %>
    This would fade the element that was dropped on the drop receiving 
    For toggling visual effects, you can use ``toggle_appear``, 
    ``toggle_slide``, and ``toggle_blind`` which will alternate between 
    appear/fade, slidedown/slideup, and blinddown/blindup respectively.
    You can change the behaviour with various options, see
    http://script.aculo.us for more documentation.
    element = (element_id and _elements_to_js(element_id)) or "element"
    if isinstance(js_options.get('queue'), dict):
        js_options['queue'] = '{%s}' % \
            ','.join(["%s:%s" % (k, (k == 'limit' and v) or "'%s'" % v) \
                          for k,v in js_options['queue'].iteritems()])
    elif js_options.has_key('queue'):
        js_options['queue'] = "'%s'" % js_options['queue']
    if 'toggle' in name:
        return "Effect.toggle(%s,'%s',%s);" % (element, name.replace('toggle_',''), options_for_javascript(js_options))
    return "new Effect.%s(%s,%s);" % (camelize(name), element, options_for_javascript(js_options))