Example #1
    def test_string_gauge(self):
        gauge = monitoring.StringGauge('test/gauge', 'test gauge')
        self.assertEqual(gauge.get_cell().value(), 'left')
        self.assertEqual(gauge.get_cell().value(), 'right')

        gauge1 = monitoring.StringGauge('test/gauge1', 'test gauge1', 'label1')
        self.assertEqual(gauge1.get_cell('foo').value(), 'start')
class TFLiteMetrics(metrics_interface.TFLiteMetricsInterface):
  """TFLite metrics helper for prod (borg) environment.

    model_hash: A string containing the hash of the model binary.
    model_path: A string containing the path of the model for debugging

  _counter_debugger_creation = monitoring.Counter(
      'Counter for the number of debugger created.')

  _counter_interpreter_creation = monitoring.Counter(
      'Counter for number of interpreter created in Python.', 'language')

  # The following are conversion metrics. Attempt and success are kept separated
  # instead of using a single metric with a label because the converter may
  # raise exceptions if conversion failed. That may lead to cases when we are
  # unable to capture the conversion attempt. Increasing attempt count at the
  # beginning of conversion process and the success count at the end is more
  # suitable in these cases.
  _counter_conversion_attempt = monitoring.Counter(
      'Counter for number of conversion attempts.')

  _counter_conversion_success = monitoring.Counter(
      'Counter for number of successful conversions.')

  _gauge_conversion_params = monitoring.StringGauge(
      'Gauge for keeping conversion parameters.', 'name')

  def __init__(self,
               model_hash: Optional[Text] = None,
               model_path: Optional[Text] = None) -> None:
    del self  # Temporarily removing self until parameter logic is implemented.
    if model_hash and not model_path or not model_hash and model_path:
      raise ValueError('Both model metadata(model_hash, model_path) should be '
                       'given at the same time.')
    if model_hash:
      # TODO(b/180400857): Create stub once the service is implemented.

  def increase_counter_debugger_creation(self):

  def increase_counter_interpreter_creation(self):

  def increase_counter_converter_attempt(self):

  def increase_counter_converter_success(self):

  def set_converter_param(self, name, value):
Example #3
from tensorflow.python.eager import monitoring
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import errors
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import sparse_tensor
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import training_generator
from tensorflow.python.keras.engine.base_layer import Layer
from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import tf_utils
from tensorflow.python.ops import sparse_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_tensor
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import keras_export

_kpl_gauge = monitoring.StringGauge(
    'keras preprocessing layers usage', 'TFVersion')

class PreprocessingLayer(Layer):
  """Base class for PreprocessingLayers."""
  _must_restore_from_config = True

  def adapt(self, data, reset_state=True):
    # TODO(momernick): Add examples.
    """Fits the state of the preprocessing layer to the data being passed.

        data: The data to train on. It can be passed either as a tf.data
Example #4
# The following are conversion metrics. Attempt and success are kept separated
# instead of using a single metric with a label because the converter may
# raise exceptions if conversion failed. That may lead to cases when we are
# unable to capture the conversion attempt. Increasing attempt count at the
# beginning of conversion process and the success count at the end is more
# suitable in these cases.
_counter_conversion_attempt = monitoring.Counter(
    'Counter for number of conversion attempts.')

_counter_conversion_success = monitoring.Counter(
    'Counter for number of successful conversions.')

_gauge_conversion_params = monitoring.StringGauge(
    'Gauge for keeping conversion parameters.', 'name')

_gauge_conversion_errors = monitoring.StringGauge(
    'Gauge for collecting conversion errors. The value represents the error '
    'message.', 'component', 'subcomponent', 'op_name', 'error_code')

_gauge_conversion_latency = monitoring.IntGauge(
    '/tensorflow/lite/convert/latency', 'Conversion latency in ms.')

class TFLiteMetrics(metrics_interface.TFLiteMetricsInterface):
    """TFLite metrics helper for prod (borg) environment.

# The following are conversion metrics. Attempt and success are kept separated
# instead of using a single metric with a label because the converter may
# raise exceptions if conversion failed. That may lead to cases when we are
# unable to capture the conversion attempt. Increasing attempt count at the
# beginning of conversion process and the success count at the end is more
# suitable in these cases.
_counter_conversion_attempt = monitoring.Counter(
    'Counter for number of conversion attempts.')

_counter_conversion_success = monitoring.Counter(
    'Counter for number of successful conversions.')

_gauge_conversion_params = monitoring.StringGauge(
    'Gauge for keeping conversion parameters.', 'name')

class TFLiteMetrics(metrics_interface.TFLiteMetricsInterface):
    """TFLite metrics helper for prod (borg) environment.

    model_hash: A string containing the hash of the model binary.
    model_path: A string containing the path of the model for debugging
    def __init__(self,
                 model_hash: Optional[Text] = None,
                 model_path: Optional[Text] = None) -> None:
        del self  # Temporarily removing self until parameter logic is implemented.