Example #1
        def predict_fn_finite(t, fx_train_0, fx_test_0, k_test_train):
            t = np.array(t) * learning_rate
            t_shape, t_ndim = t.shape, t.ndim
            t = t.reshape((-1, 1))

            rhs = -y_train if fx_train_0 is None else fx_train_0 - y_train
            rhs = np.moveaxis(rhs, trace_axes,
                              last_t_axes).reshape((-1, ) + rhs_shape)
            shape = t_shape + k_train_train.shape[1::2] + rhs_shape

            if fx_train_0 is not None:
                dfx_train = expm1_fn(rhs, t).reshape(shape)
                dfx_train = np.moveaxis(dfx_train, last_t_axes, trace_axes)
                fx_train_t = fx_train_0 + dfx_train

            if fx_test_0 is not None:
                dfx_test = inv_expm1_fn(rhs, t).reshape(shape)
                dfx_test = np.tensordot(k_test_train, dfx_test,
                                        (odd, non_t_axes))
                dfx_test = np.moveaxis(
                    tuple(range(n_non_t_axes, n_non_t_axes + t_ndim)) +
                    tuple(range(t_ndim)) + trace_axes)
                fx_test_t = fx_test_0 + dfx_test

            if fx_train_0 is not None and fx_test_0 is not None:
                return fx_train_t, fx_test_t
            if fx_test_0 is None:
                return fx_train_t
            return fx_test_t
Example #2
        def predict_fn_inf(fx_train_0, fx_test_0, k_test_train):
            fx_train_t = y_train.astype(k_train_train.dtype)
            if fx_test_0 is None:
                return fx_train_t

            rhs = y_train if fx_train_0 is None else y_train - fx_train_0
            dfx_test = np.tensordot(k_test_train, solve(rhs, trace_axes),
                                    (odd, first))
            dfx_test = np.moveaxis(dfx_test, last_t_axes, trace_axes)
            fx_test_t = fx_test_0 + dfx_test

            if fx_train_0 is None:
                return fx_test_t
            return fx_train_t, fx_test_t
Example #3
        def dstate_dt(state_t: ODEState, unused_t) -> ODEState:
            fx_train_t, fx_test_t, qx_train_t, qx_test_t = (state_t.fx_train,

            dy_df_t = grad_loss(fx_train_t)

            fx_train_t = -np.moveaxis(
                np.tensordot(k_train_train, dy_df_t,
                             (odd, non_t_axes)), last_t_axes, trace_axes)
            if fx_test_t is not None:
                fx_test_t = -np.moveaxis(
                    np.tensordot(k_test_train, dy_df_t,
                                 (odd, non_t_axes)), last_t_axes, trace_axes)

            if momentum is None:
                return ODEState(fx_train_t, fx_test_t)  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-count

            fx_train_t += momentum * qx_train_t
            if qx_test_t is not None:
                fx_test_t += momentum * qx_test_t

            return ODEState(qx_train_t, qx_test_t, fx_train_t, fx_test_t)  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-count
Example #4
 def outer_product(a):
     return np.tensordot(a, a, 0)
Example #5
    def predict_fn(
        get: Get,
        nngp_test_test: np.ndarray = None
    ) -> Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, Gaussian]]:
        """`test`-set posterior given respective covariance matrices.

        string, the mode of the Gaussian process, either "nngp" or "ntk", or a
        tuple, or `None`. If `None` then both `nngp` and `ntk` predictions are
        test-train kernel. Can be (a) `np.ndarray`, (b) `Kernel` namedtuple, (c)
        `Kernel` object. Must contain the necessary `nngp` and/or `ntk` kernels
        for arguments provided to the returned `predict_fn` function. For
        example, if you request to compute posterior test [only] NTK covariance,
        `k_test_train` must contain both `ntk` and `nngp` kernels. If `None`,
        returns predictions on the training set. Note that train-set outputs are
        always `N(y_train, 0)` and mostly returned for API consistency.
        A test-test NNGP array. Provide if you want to compute test-test
        posterior covariance. `nngp_test_tes=None`, means to not compute it. If
        `k_test_train is None`, pass any non-`None` value (e.g. `True`) if you
        want to get non-regularized (`diag_reg=0`) train-train posterior
        covariance. Note that non-regularized train-set outputs will always be
        the zero-variance Gaussian `N(y_train, 0)` and mostly returned for API
        consistency. For regularized train-set posterior outputs according to a
        positive `diag_reg`, pass `k_test_train=k_train_train`, and, optionally,

      Either a `Gaussian('mean', 'variance')` namedtuple or `mean` of the GP
      posterior on the  `test` set.
        if get is None:
            get = ('nngp', 'ntk')

        out = {}

        for g in get:
            k_dd = _get_attr(k_train_train, g)
            k_td = None if k_test_train is None else _get_attr(k_test_train, g)

            if k_td is None:
                # Train set predictions.
                y = y_train.astype(k_dd.dtype)
                # Test set predictions.
                y = np.tensordot(k_td, k_inv_y(g), (odd, first))
                y = np.moveaxis(y, range(-len(trace_axes), 0), trace_axes)

            if nngp_test_test is not None:
                if k_td is None:
                    out[g] = Gaussian(y, np.zeros_like(k_dd, k_dd.dtype))
                    if (g == 'ntk' and (not hasattr(k_train_train, 'nngp')
                                        or not hasattr(k_test_train, 'nngp'))):
                        raise ValueError(
                            'If `"ntk" in get`, and `nngp_test_test is not None`, '
                            'and `k_test_train is not None`, i.e. you request the '
                            'NTK posterior covariance on the test set, you need '
                            'both NTK and NNGP train-train and test-train matrices'
                            'contained in `k_test_train` and `k_train_train`. '
                            'Hence they must be `namedtuple`s with `nngp` and '
                            '`ntk` attributes.')

                    k_td_nngp_inv_y = solve(g)(_get_attr(k_test_train, 'nngp'),

                    if g == 'nngp':
                        cov = np.tensordot(k_td, k_td_nngp_inv_y, (odd, first))
                        cov = nngp_test_test - utils.zip_axes(cov)
                        out[g] = Gaussian(y, cov)

                    elif g == 'ntk':
                        term_1 = solve(g)(k_td, even)
                        cov = np.tensordot(_get_attr(k_train_train, 'nngp'),
                                           term_1, (odd, first))
                        cov = np.tensordot(term_1, cov, (first, first))

                        term_2 = np.tensordot(k_td, k_td_nngp_inv_y,
                                              (odd, first))
                        term_2 += np.moveaxis(term_2, first, last)
                        cov = utils.zip_axes(cov - term_2) + nngp_test_test
                        out[g] = Gaussian(y, cov)

                        raise ValueError(g)

                out[g] = y

        return out