Example #1
def vector_weights(vector1: type_alias.TensorLike,
                   vector2: type_alias.TensorLike,
                   percent: Union[type_alias.Float, type_alias.TensorLike],
                   eps: Optional[type_alias.Float] = None,
                   name: str = "vector_weights") -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]:
  """Spherical linear interpolation (slerp) between two unnormalized vectors.

  This function applies geometric slerp to unnormalized vectors by first
  normalizing them to return the interpolation weights. It reduces to lerp when
  input vectors are exactly anti-parallel.

    In the following, A1 to An are optional batch dimensions.

    vector1: A tensor of shape `[A1, ... , An, M]`, which stores a normalized
      vector in its last dimension.
    vector2: A tensor of shape `[A1, ... , An, M]`, which stores a normalized
      vector in its last dimension.
    percent: A `float` or tensor with shape broadcastable to the shape of input
    eps: A small float for operation safety. If left None, its value is
      automatically selected using dtype of input vectors.
    name: A name for this op. Defaults to "vector_weights".

    ValueError: if the shape of `vector1`, `vector2`, or `percent` is not

    Two tensors of shape `[A1, ... , An, 1]`, representing interpolation weights
    for each input vector.
  with tf.name_scope(name):
    vector1 = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=vector1)
    vector2 = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=vector2)
    percent = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=percent, dtype=vector1.dtype)

    if percent.shape.ndims == 0:
      percent = tf.expand_dims(percent, axis=0)
        tensors=(vector1, vector2),
        tensor_names=("vector1", "vector2"))
        tensors=(vector1, vector2, percent),
        last_axes=(-2, -2, -1),
        tensor_names=("vector1", "vector2", "percent"))
    normalized1 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(vector1, axis=-1)
    normalized2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(vector2, axis=-1)

    dot_product = _safe_dot(normalized1, normalized2, eps)

    theta = tf.acos(dot_product)
    scale1 = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta, 1.0 - percent, eps)
    scale2 = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta, percent, eps)
    return scale1, scale2
Example #2
    def test_safe_sinpx_div_sinx(self):
        """Tests for edge cases and continuity for sin(px)/sin(x)."""
        angle_step = np.pi / 16.0

        with self.subTest(name="all_angles"):
            theta = tf.range(-2.0 * np.pi, 2.0 * np.pi + angle_step / 2.0,
            factor = np.random.uniform(size=(1, ))

            division = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta, factor)
            division_l = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta + 1e-10, factor)
            division_r = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta - 1e-10, factor)

            self.assertAllClose(division, division_l, rtol=1e-9)
            self.assertAllClose(division, division_r, rtol=1e-9)

        with self.subTest(name="theta_is_zero"):
            theta = 0.0
            factor = tf.range(0.0, 1.0, 0.001)

            division = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta, factor)
            division_l = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta + 1e-10, factor)
            division_r = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta - 1e-10, factor)

            self.assertAllClose(division, division_l, atol=1e-9)
            self.assertAllClose(division, division_r, atol=1e-9)
            # According to l'Hopital rule, limit should be factor
            self.assertAllClose(division, factor, atol=1e-9)

        with self.subTest(name="theta_is_pi"):
            theta = np.pi
            factor = tf.range(0.0, 1.001, 0.001)

            division = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta, factor)
            division_l = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta + 1e-10, factor)
            division_r = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta - 1e-10, factor)

            self.assertAllClose(division, division_l, atol=1e-9)
            self.assertAllClose(division, division_r, atol=1e-9)
Example #3
def quaternion_weights(
    quaternion1: type_alias.TensorLike,
    quaternion2: type_alias.TensorLike,
    percent: Union[type_alias.Float, type_alias.TensorLike],
    eps: Optional[type_alias.Float] = None,
    name: str = "quaternion_weights") -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]:
  """Calculates slerp weights for two normalized quaternions.

  Given a percent and two normalized quaternions, this function returns the
  slerp weights. It can also produce extrapolation weights when percent is
  outside of the [0, 1] range. It reduces to lerp when input quaternions are
  almost parallel or anti-parallel. Input quaternions are assumed to be
  normalized. The tf.graphics debug flag TFG_ADD_ASSERTS_TO_GRAPH defined
  in tfg_flags.py can be set to add assertions to the graph that check whether
  the inputs are normalized, and whether Inf or Nan values are produced.

    In the following, A1 to An are optional batch dimensions.

    quaternion1: A tensor of shape `[A1, ... , An, 4]` storing normalized
      quaternions in its last dimension.
    quaternion2: A tensor of shape `[A1, ... , An, 4]` storing normalized
      quaternions in its last dimension.
    percent: A `float` or a tensor with a shape broadcastable to the shape `[A1,
      ... , An]`.
    eps: A `float` used to make operations safe. When left as None, the function
      automatically picks the best epsilon based on the dtype and the operation.
    name: A name for this op. Defaults to "quaternion_weights".

    ValueError: If the shapes of quaternions do not match, if the last
      dimensions of quaternions are not 4, or if percent is neither a float, nor
      a tensor with last dimension 1.

    Two tensors of shape `[A1, ... , An, 1]` each, which are the two slerp
      weights for each quaternion.
  with tf.name_scope(name):
    quaternion1 = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=quaternion1)
    quaternion2 = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=quaternion2)
    percent = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=percent, dtype=quaternion1.dtype)

    if percent.shape.ndims == 0:
      percent = tf.expand_dims(percent, axis=0)
        tensor=quaternion1, tensor_name="quaternion1", has_dim_equals=(-1, 4))
        tensor=quaternion2, tensor_name="quaternion2", has_dim_equals=(-1, 4))
        tensors=(quaternion1, quaternion2, percent),
        last_axes=(-2, -2, -1),
        tensor_names=("quaternion1", "quaternion2", "percent"))
    quaternion1 = asserts.assert_normalized(quaternion1)
    quaternion2 = asserts.assert_normalized(quaternion2)

    dot_product = _safe_dot(quaternion1, quaternion2, eps)

    # Take the shorter path
    theta = tf.acos(tf.abs(dot_product))

    # safe_sinpx_div_sinx returns p for very small x, which means slerp reduces
    # to lerp automatically.
    scale1 = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta, 1.0 - percent, eps)
    scale2 = safe_ops.safe_sinpx_div_sinx(theta, percent, eps)

    # Flip the sign of scale1 if quaternions are in different hemispheres.
    # tf.sign can make scale1 zero if quaternions are orthogonal.
    scale1 *= safe_ops.nonzero_sign(dot_product)
    return scale1, scale2