Example #1
    def set_media_type(self, media_type):
        """ Set media type for dual phy 1G ports.

        :param media_type: requested media type - EthernetCopper or EthernetFiber.

        if media_type != self.activephy.obj_type():
            new_phy = StcObject(parent=self, objType=media_type)
            self.set_targets(apply_=True, ActivePhy=new_phy.obj_ref())
            self.activephy = new_phy
class StcStats(object):
    """ Represents statistics view.

    The statistics dictionary represents a table:
    Statistics Name | Object 1 Value | Object 2 Value | ...
    object          |                |                |
    parents         |                |                |
    topLevelName    |                |                |
    Stat 1          |                |                |

    For example, generatorportresults statistics for two ports might look like the following:
    Statistics Name     | Object 1 Value           | Object 2 Value
    object              | analyzerportresults1     | analyzerportresults2
    parents             | project1/port1/analyzer1 | project1/port2/analyzer2
    topLevelName        | Port 1                   | Port 2
    GeneratorFrameCount | 1000                     | 2000

    statistics = {}

    def __init__(self, project, view):
        """ Subscribe to view with default configuration type as defined by config_2_type.

        :param project: parent project object for all statistics.
        :param view: statistics view to subscribe to. If view is None it is the test responsibility to subscribe with
            specific config_type.

        super(StcStats, self).__init__()
        self.project = project
        if view:
        self.statistics = {}

    def subscribe(self, view, config_type=None):
        """ Subscribe to statistics view.

        :parama view: statistics view to subscribe to.
        :parama config_type: configuration type to subscribe to.

        if view.lower() in view_2_config_type:
            if not config_type:
                config_type = view_2_config_type[view.lower()]
            rds = self.project.api.subscribe(Parent=self.project.obj_ref(), ResultParent=self.project.obj_ref(),
                                             ConfigType=config_type, ResultType=view)
            self.rds = StcObject(objType='ResultDataSet', parent=self.project, objRef=rds)
            drv = self.project.get_object_by_name(view)
            rc = self.project.command('SubscribeDynamicResultView', DynamicResultView=drv.ref)
            self.rds = StcObject(objType='DynamicResultView', parent=self.project, objRef=rc['DynamicResultView'])

    def unsubscribe(self):
        """ UnSubscribe from statistics view. """


    def read_stats(self, *stats):
        """ Reads the statistics view from STC and saves it in statistics dictionary.

        :param stats: list of statistics names to read, empty list will read all statistics.
            Relevant for system (not dynamic) result views only.

        :todo: add support for user statistics.

        self.statistics = {}
        if self.rds.type == 'dynamicresultview':

    def get_stats(self, row='topLevelName'):
        :param row: requested row (== statistic name)
        :returns: all statistics values for the requested row.
        return self.statistics[row]

    def get_object_stats(self, obj_id, obj_id_stat='topLevelName'):
        :param obj_id: requested object ID.
        :param obj_id_stat: which statistics name to use as object ID, sometimes topLevelName is
            not meaningful and it is better to use other unique identifier like stream ID.
        :returns: all statistics values for the requested object ID.

        obj_statistics = {}
        for counter in self.statistics.keys():
            if self.statistics[counter]:
                obj_statistics[counter] = self.get_stat(obj_id, counter, obj_id_stat)
        return obj_statistics

    def get_stat(self, obj_id, counter, obj_id_stat='topLevelName'):
        :param obj_id: requested object id.
        :param counter: requested statistics (note that some statistics are not counters).
        :param obj_id_stat: which statistics name to use as object ID, sometimes topLevelName is
            not meaningful and it is better to use other unique identifier like stream ID.
        :returns: the value of the requested counter for the requested object ID.
        obj_index = self.statistics[obj_id_stat].index(obj_id)
        return self.statistics[counter][obj_index]

    def get_counter(self, obj_id, counter, obj_id_stat='topLevelName'):
        :param obj_id: requested object ID.
        :param counter: requested statistics (note that some statistics are not counters).
        :param obj_id_stat: which statistics name to use as object ID, sometimes topLevelName is
            not meaningful and it is better to use other unique identifier like stream ID.
        :returns: the int value of the requested counter for the requested object ID.
        return int(self.get_stat(obj_id, counter, obj_id_stat))

    def get_all_stats(self, obj_id_stat='topLevelName'):
        all_statistics = OrderedDict()
        for obj_name in self.statistics[obj_id_stat]:
            all_statistics[obj_name] = self.get_object_stats(obj_name)
        return all_statistics

    def _read_custom_view(self):

        self.project.command('RefreshResultView', ResultDataSet=self.rds.ref)
        self.project.command('UpdateDynamicResultViewCommand', DynamicResultView=self.rds.ref)
        presentationResultQuery = self.rds.get_child('PresentationResultQuery')
        selectedProperties = presentationResultQuery.get_list_attribute('SelectProperties')
        self.objs_stats = []
        for rvd in presentationResultQuery.get_children('ResultViewData'):
            self._get_result_data(rvd, len(selectedProperties))
        self.statistics = dict(zip(selectedProperties, zip(*self.objs_stats)))

    def _get_result_data(self, rvd, num_columns):
        self.project.command('ExpandResultViewDataCommand', ResultViewData=rvd.ref)
        for child_rvd in rvd.get_children('ResultViewData'):
            if is_false(child_rvd.get_attribute('IsDummy')):
            self._get_result_data(child_rvd, num_columns)

    def _read_view(self, *stats):

        objs_stats = []
        self.project.command('RefreshResultView', ResultDataSet=self.rds.obj_ref())
        for page_number in range(1, int(self.rds.get_attribute('TotalPageCount')) + 1):
            for results in self.rds.get_objects_from_attribute('ResultHandleList'):
                parent = results.get_object_from_attribute('parent')
                parents = parent.obj_ref()
                name = ''
                while parent != self.project:
                    if not name and parent.obj_type().lower() in ('port', 'emulateddevice', 'streamblock'):
                        name = parent.get_name()
                    parent = parent.get_object_from_attribute('parent')
                    parents = parent.obj_ref() + '/' + parents
                obj_stats = ({'object': results.obj_ref(), 'parents': parents, 'topLevelName': name})
                obj_stats.pop('parent', None)
                obj_stats.pop('Name', None)
                obj_stats.pop('resultchild-Sources', None)
                keys = obj_stats.keys()
        if objs_stats:
            self.statistics = dict(zip(keys, zip(*objs_stats)))