def it_handles_no_error_type(self): payload = { 'errors': [ { 'code': 'unique_user_constraint', 'message': 'User already exists.' } ], 'request_id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'type': 'error.list' } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.sessions.Session.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.MultipleMatchingUsersError): self.client.get('/users', {}) payload = { 'errors': [ { 'code': 'parameter_not_found', 'message': 'missing data parameter' } ], 'request_id': None, 'type': 'error.list' } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.sessions.Session.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.BadRequestError): self.client.get('/users', {})
def it_handles_no_error_type(self): payload = { 'errors': [ { 'code': 'unique_user_constraint', 'message': 'User already exists.' } ], 'request_id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'type': 'error.list' } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.MultipleMatchingUsersError): Intercom.get('/users') payload = { 'errors': [ { 'code': 'parameter_not_found', 'message': 'missing data parameter' } ], 'request_id': None, 'type': 'error.list' } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.BadRequestError): Intercom.get('/users')
def it_handles_empty_responses(self): resp = mock_response('', status_code=202) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp Request.send_request_to_path('GET', 'events', ('x', 'y'), resp) resp = mock_response(' ', status_code=202) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp Request.send_request_to_path('GET', 'events', ('x', 'y'), resp)
def it_raises_service_unavailable_error(self): resp = mock_response(None, status_code=503) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.ServiceUnavailableError): request = Request('GET', 'notes') request.send_request_to_path('', ('x', 'y'), resp)
def it_raises_bad_gateway_error(self): resp = mock_response(None, status_code=502) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.BadGatewayError): request = Request('GET', 'notes') request.send_request_to_path('', ('x', 'y'), resp)
def it_raises_authentication_error_forbidden(self): resp = mock_response(None, status_code=403) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.AuthenticationError): request = Request('GET', 'notes') request.send_request_to_path('', ('x', 'y'), resp)
def it_raises_resource_not_found(self): resp = mock_response(None, status_code=404) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.ResourceNotFound): request = Request('GET', 'notes') request.send_request_to_path('', ('x', 'y'), resp)
def it_handles_no_encoding(self): resp = mock_response( ' ', status_code=200, encoding=None, headers=None) resp.apparent_encoding = 'utf-8' with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp Request.send_request_to_path('GET', 'events', ('x', 'y'), resp)
def it_needs_encoding_or_apparent_encoding(self): payload = '{}' if not hasattr(payload, 'decode'): # python 3 payload = payload.encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response( payload, status_code=200, encoding=None, headers=None) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(TypeError): Request.send_request_to_path('GET', 'events', ('x', 'y'), resp)
def it_handles_accented_characters(self): # create a user dict with a name that contains accented characters payload = get_user(name='Jóe Schmö') # create bytes content content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') # create mock response resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.sessions.Session.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp user = self.client.users.find(email='*****@*****.**') try: # Python 2 eq_(unicode('Jóe Schmö', 'utf-8'), except NameError: # Python 3 eq_('Jóe Schmö',
def it_raises_token_unauthorized(self): payload = { 'type': 'error.list', 'errors': [ { 'type': 'token_unauthorized', 'message': 'The PAT is not authorized for this action.' } ] } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.sessions.Session.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.TokenUnauthorizedError): self.client.get('/users', {})
def it_raises_a_multiple_matching_users_error(self): payload = { 'type': 'error.list', 'errors': [ { 'type': 'conflict', 'message': 'Two many cooks.' } ] } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.MultipleMatchingUsersError): Intercom.get('/users')
def it_raises_a_service_unavailable_error(self): payload = { 'type': 'error.list', 'errors': [ { 'type': 'service_unavailable', 'message': 'Zzzzz.' } ] } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.ServiceUnavailableError): Intercom.get('/users')
def it_raises_resource_not_found_by_type(self): payload = { 'type': 'error.list', 'errors': [ { 'type': 'not_found', 'message': 'Waaaaally?' } ] } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.ResourceNotFound): Intercom.get('/users')
def it_handles_accented_characters(self): # create a user dict with a name that contains accented characters payload = get_user(name='Jóe Schmö') # create bytes content content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') # create mock response resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp user = User.find(email='*****@*****.**') try: # Python 2 eq_(unicode('Jóe Schmö', 'utf-8'), except NameError: # Python 3 eq_('Jóe Schmö',
def it_raises_rate_limit_exceeded(self): payload = { 'type': 'error.list', 'errors': [ { 'type': 'rate_limit_exceeded', 'message': 'Fair use please.' } ] } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.RateLimitExceeded): Intercom.get('/users')
def it_raises_a_multiple_matching_users_error_when_receiving_a_conflict(self): # noqa payload = { 'type': 'error.list', 'errors': [ { 'code': 'conflict', 'message': 'Multiple existing users match this email address - must be more specific using user_id' # noqa } ] } # create bytes content content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') # create mock response resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.sessions.Session.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(MultipleMatchingUsersError): self.client.get('/users', {})
def it_raises_an_authentication_error(self): payload = { 'type': 'error.list', 'errors': [ { 'type': 'unauthorized', 'message': 'Your name\'s not down.' } ] } for code in ['unauthorized', 'forbidden']: payload['errors'][0]['type'] = code content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.AuthenticationError): Intercom.get('/users')
def it_raises_an_unexpected_untyped_error(self): payload = { 'type': 'error.list', 'errors': [ { 'message': 'UNIVAC' } ] } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp try: Intercom.get('/users')'UnexpectedError not raised.') except (UnexpectedError) as err: ok_("An unexpected error occured." in err.message) eq_(err.context['application_error_code'], None)
def it_raises_a_bad_request_error(self): payload = { 'type': 'error.list', 'errors': [ { 'type': None, 'message': 'email is required' } ] } for code in ['missing_parameter', 'parameter_invalid', 'bad_request']: payload['errors'][0]['type'] = code content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.BadRequestError): Intercom.get('/users')
def it_raises_an_unexpected_typed_error(self): payload = { 'type': 'error.list', 'errors': [ { 'type': 'hopper', 'message': 'The first compiler.' } ] } content = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') resp = mock_response(content) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp try: Intercom.get('/users')'UnexpectedError not raised.') except (UnexpectedError) as err: ok_("The error of type 'hopper' is not recognized" in err.message) # noqa eq_(err.context['http_code'], 200) eq_(err.context['application_error_code'], 'hopper')
def it_raises_authentication_error_unauthorized(self): resp = mock_response('{}', status_code=401) with patch('requests.request') as mock_method: mock_method.return_value = resp with assert_raises(intercom.AuthenticationError): Request.send_request_to_path('GET', 'notes', ('x', 'y'), resp)