Example #1
def prep_job(job_config, log_file_path, archive_dir):
    job_id = job_config['job_id']
    safe_archive = safepath.munge(job_config['name'])
    job_config['worker_log'] = log_file_path
    archive_path_full = os.path.join(archive_dir, safe_archive, str(job_id))
    job_config['archive_path'] = archive_path_full

    # If the teuthology branch was not specified, default to master and
    # store that value.
    teuthology_branch = job_config.get('teuthology_branch', 'master')
    job_config['teuthology_branch'] = teuthology_branch
    teuthology_sha1 = job_config.get('teuthology_sha1')
    if not teuthology_sha1:
        repo_url = build_git_url('teuthology', 'ceph')
        teuthology_sha1 = ls_remote(repo_url, teuthology_branch)
        if not teuthology_sha1:
            reason = "Teuthology branch {} not found; marking job as dead".format(
                job_config, dict(status='dead', failure_reason=reason))
            raise SkipJob()
        log.info('Using teuthology sha1 %s', teuthology_sha1)

        if teuth_config.teuthology_path is not None:
            teuth_path = teuth_config.teuthology_path
            teuth_path = fetch_teuthology(branch=teuthology_branch,
        # For the teuthology tasks, we look for suite_branch, and if we
        # don't get that, we look for branch, and fall back to 'master'.
        # last-in-suite jobs don't have suite_branch or branch set.
        ceph_branch = job_config.get('branch', 'master')
        suite_branch = job_config.get('suite_branch', ceph_branch)
        suite_sha1 = job_config.get('suite_sha1')
        suite_repo = job_config.get('suite_repo')
        if suite_repo:
            teuth_config.ceph_qa_suite_git_url = suite_repo
        job_config['suite_path'] = os.path.normpath(
                fetch_qa_suite(suite_branch, suite_sha1),
                job_config.get('suite_relpath', ''),
    except (BranchNotFoundError, CommitNotFoundError) as exc:
        log.exception("Requested version not found; marking job as dead")
                                 dict(status='dead', failure_reason=str(exc)))
        raise SkipJob()
    except MaxWhileTries as exc:
        log.exception("Failed to fetch or bootstrap; marking job as dead")
                                 dict(status='dead', failure_reason=str(exc)))
        raise SkipJob()

    teuth_bin_path = os.path.join(teuth_path, 'virtualenv', 'bin')
    if not os.path.isdir(teuth_bin_path):
        raise RuntimeError("teuthology branch %s at %s not bootstrapped!" %
                           (teuthology_branch, teuth_bin_path))
    return job_config, teuth_bin_path
Example #2
 def get_sha1(url):
     # Ceph (and other projects) uses annotated tags for releases. This
     # has the side-effect of making git ls-remote return the sha1 for
     # the annotated tag object and not the last "real" commit in that
     # tag. By contrast, when a person (or a build system) issues a
     # "git checkout <tag>" command, HEAD will be the last "real" commit
     # and not the tag.
     # Below we have to append "^{}" to the tag value to work around
     # this in order to query for the sha1 that the build system uses.
     return repo_utils.ls_remote(url, "%s^{}" % self.tag)
Example #3
def git_ls_remote(project_or_url, branch, project_owner='ceph'):
    Find the latest sha1 for a given project's branch.

    :param project_or_url: Either a project name or a full URL
    :param branch:         The branch to query
    :param project_owner:  The GitHub project owner. Only used when a project
                           name is passed; not when a URL is passed
    :returns: The sha1 if found; else None
    if '://' in project_or_url:
        url = project_or_url
        url = build_git_url(project_or_url, project_owner)
    return repo_utils.ls_remote(url, branch)