Example #1
def local_inv_1_plus_exp(node):
    1/(1+exp(x)) -> sigm(-x)

    # this optimization should be done for numerical stability
    # so we don't care to check client counts
    if node.op == tensor.inv:
        inv_arg = node.inputs[0]
        if inv_arg.owner and inv_arg.owner.op == tensor.add:
            scalars, scalar_inputs, nonconsts = opt.scalarconsts_rest(
                inv_arg.owner.inputs, only_process_constants=True)
            # scalar_inputs are potentially dimshuffled and fill'd scalars
            if len(nonconsts) == 1:
                if nonconsts[0].owner and nonconsts[0].owner.op == tensor.exp:
                    if scalars and np.allclose(np.sum(scalars), 1):
                        out = opt._fill_chain(
                        # keep combined stack traces of
                        #     exp(x):           nonconsts[0],
                        #     1 + exp(x):       inv_arg,
                        #     1 / (1 + exp(x)): node.outputs[0]
                            [nonconsts[0], inv_arg, node.outputs[0]], out)
                        return out
Example #2
def is_1pexp(t):
    If 't' is of the form (1+exp(x)), return (False, x).
    Else return None.
    if t.owner and t.owner.op == tensor.add:
        scalars, scalar_inputs, nonconsts = \
        # scalar_inputs are potentially dimshuffled and fill'd scalars
        if len(nonconsts) == 1:
            maybe_exp = nonconsts[0]
            if maybe_exp.owner and maybe_exp.owner.op == tensor.exp:
                # Verify that the constant terms sum to 1.
                if scalars:
                    scal_sum = scalars[0]
                    for s in scalars[1:]:
                        scal_sum = scal_sum + s
                    if numpy.allclose(scal_sum, 1):
                        return False, maybe_exp.owner.inputs[0]
                # Before 7987b51 there used to be a bug where *any* constant
                # was considered as if it was equal to 1, and thus this
                # function would incorrectly identify it as (1 + exp(x)).
                if config.warn.identify_1pexp_bug:
                        'Although your current code is fine, please note that '
                        'Theano versions prior to 0.5 (more specifically, '
                        'prior to commit 7987b51 on 2011-12-18) may have '
                        'yielded an incorrect result. To remove this warning, '
                        'either set the `warn.identify_1pexp_bug` config '
                        'option to False, or `warn.ignore_bug_before` to at '
                        'least \'0.4.1\'.')
    return None
Example #3
def local_inv_1_plus_exp(node):
    1/(1+exp(x)) -> sigm(-x)

    # this optimization should be done for numerical stability
    # so we don't care to check client counts
    if node.op == tensor.inv:
        inv_arg = node.inputs[0]
        if inv_arg.owner and inv_arg.owner.op == tensor.add:
            scalars, scalar_inputs, nonconsts = \
                opt.scalarconsts_rest(inv_arg.owner.inputs, only_process_constants=True)
            # scalar_inputs are potentially dimshuffled and fill'd scalars
            if len(nonconsts) == 1:
                if nonconsts[0].owner and nonconsts[0].owner.op == tensor.exp:
                    if scalars and numpy.allclose(numpy.sum(scalars), 1):
                        out = opt._fill_chain(
                        # keep combined stack traces of
                        #     exp(x):           nonconsts[0],
                        #     1 + exp(x):       inv_arg,
                        #     1 / (1 + exp(x)): node.outputs[0]
                            [nonconsts[0], inv_arg, node.outputs[0]], out)
                        return out
Example #4
def is_1pexp(t):
    # if t is of form (1+exp(x)), return x
    # else return None
    if t.owner and t.owner.op == tensor.add:
        scalars, scalar_inputs, nonconsts = \
        # scalar_inputs are potentially dimshuffled and fill'd scalars
        if len(nonconsts) == 1:
            maybe_exp = nonconsts[0]
            if maybe_exp.owner and maybe_exp.owner.op == tensor.exp:
                return False, maybe_exp.owner.inputs[0]
    return None
Example #5
def local_inv_1_plus_exp(node):
    1/(1+exp(x)) -> sigm(-x)

    # this optimization should be done for numerical stability
    # so we don't care to check client counts
    if node.op == tensor.inv:
        inv_arg = node.inputs[0]
        if inv_arg.owner and inv_arg.owner.op == tensor.add:
            scalars, scalar_inputs, nonconsts = opt.scalarconsts_rest(inv_arg.owner.inputs)
            # scalar_inputs are potentially dimshuffled and fill'd scalars
            if len(nonconsts) == 1:
                if nonconsts[0].owner and nonconsts[0].owner.op == tensor.exp:
                    if scalars and numpy.allclose(numpy.sum(scalars), 1):
                        return opt._fill_chain(sigmoid(tensor.neg(nonconsts[0].owner.inputs[0])), scalar_inputs)
Example #6
def local_inv_1_plus_exp(node):
    1/(1+exp(x)) -> sigm(-x)
    # this optimization should be done for numerical stability
    # so we don't care to check client counts
    if node.op == tensor.inv:
        inv_arg = node.inputs[0]
        if inv_arg.owner and inv_arg.owner.op == tensor.add:
            scalars, scalar_inputs, nonconsts = \
            # scalar_inputs are potentially dimshuffled and fill'd scalars
            if len(nonconsts) == 1:
                if nonconsts[0].owner and nonconsts[0].owner.op == tensor.exp:
                    if scalars and numpy.allclose(numpy.sum(scalars), 1):
                        return opt._fill_chain(