Example #1
    def retrieve_events(self, day=None):
        if day is not none, get the events in one day,
        for example, day= '2015-07-08', the where condition is 
        'timestamp'>'2015-07-08 00:00:00.000' and 'timestamp'<2015-07-09 00:00:00.000'

        get mouse, keyboard, copy events from database, combine mouse and keyboard

        self.day = day

        where_condition = ''
        if day:
            start_time = time_util.day2timestamp(day)
            end_time = time_util.next_day_timestamp(day)
            where_condition = " WHERE timestamp>'" + start_time + "' and timestamp<'" + end_time + "'"

        #print where_condition
        conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbfile, timeout=30)
        sql = 'select *, \'mouse\' as type from tbl_mouse_event' + where_condition
        self.mouse_events = sqlite_query(conn, sql)

        print sql
        print 'Mouse Events : %d' % (len(self.mouse_events,))

        sql = 'select * from tbl_click_action' + where_condition
        click_actions = sqlite_query(conn, sql)

        click_time_map = {c['timestamp']: idx for idx, c in enumerate(click_actions)}
        for i in range(len(self.mouse_events)):
            t = self.mouse_events[i]['timestamp']
            if t in click_time_map:

        sql = 'select *, \'key\' as type from tbl_key_event' + where_condition
        self.key_events = sqlite_query(conn, sql)

        print 'Key Events : %d' % (len(self.key_events,))

        sql = 'select * from tbl_key_action' + where_condition
        key_actions = sqlite_query(conn, sql)
        key_time_map = {c['timestamp']: idx for idx, c in enumerate(key_actions)}
        for i in range(len(self.key_events)):
            t = self.key_events[i]['timestamp']
            if t in key_time_map:

        strsql = 'select *, \'copy\' as type from tbl_copy_event'
        self.copy_events = sqlite_query(conn, strsql)

        self.combined_events = sorted(self.mouse_events + self.key_events, key=lambda k:k['timestamp'])
        total_length = len(self.combined_events)

        self.idle_times = []
        for i in range(0, total_length):
            if i == total_length - 1:
                self.combined_events[i]['duration'] = 0
                cur_t = self.combined_events[i]['timestamp']
                next_t = self.combined_events[i+1]['timestamp']
                interval = time_util.time_diff(cur_t, next_t)
                if interval > self.idle_threshold:
                    #print 'warning: maybe idle time. ', interval, cur_t, next_t
                    self.idle_times.append((cur_t, next_t, interval))
                    self.combined_events[i]['duration'] = 0
                    self.combined_events[i]['duration'] = interval

Example #2
    def stat(self, filename):
        #filename = self.day if self.day else 'all'
        with open(filename, 'w') as statfile:
            start_time = self.combined_events[0]['timestamp']
            end_time = self.combined_events[-1]['timestamp']
            total_duration = time_util.time_diff(start_time, end_time) 
            #print 'The time is from %s to %s, the total duration is %0.3f hour(s)' % (start_time, end_time, total_duration/3600)
            statfile.write('The time is from %s to %s, the total duration is %0.3f hour(s)\n\n' % (start_time, end_time, total_duration/3600))

            #print 'Bellow time may be idle time (idle threshold %d minutes):' % (self.idle_threshold/60,)
            statfile.write('Bellow time may be idle time (idle threshold %d minutes):\n' % (self.idle_threshold/60,))
            total_idle = 0
            for idle in self.idle_times:
                total_idle += idle[2]
                #print 'from %s to %s, duration is %0.3f minutes' % (idle[0], idle[1], idle[2]/60)
                statfile.write('from %s to %s, duration is %0.3f minutes\n' % (idle[0], idle[1], idle[2]/60))
            statfile.write('Total idle time: %0.3f hours, real working hours: %0.3f\n\n' % (total_idle/3600, (total_duration-total_idle)/3600))

            #print 'Application Usage:'
            statfile.write('Application Usage:\n')
            process_list = [(key, self.process_stat[key]) for key in self.process_stat if key not in ('UNKNOWN', 'explorer.exe')]
            process_list = sorted(process_list, key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
            for p in process_list:
                #print 'Process: %s, Time: %0.3f minutes' % (p[0], p[1]/60)
                statfile.write('Process: %s, Time: %0.3f minutes\n' % (p[0], p[1]/60))
            #print 'No Moniter Application Usage Time: %0.3f minutes' %  (self.process_stat['UNKNOWN']/60,)
            #print 'Windows Explorer or Taskbar Usage Time: %0.3f minutes' %  (self.process_stat['explorer.exe']/60,)
            statfile.write('No Moniter Application Usage Time: %0.3f minutes\n' %  (self.process_stat['UNKNOWN']/60,))
            statfile.write('Windows Explorer or Taskbar Usage Time: %0.3f minutes\n' %  (self.process_stat['explorer.exe']/60,))

            window_dict = {}
            for ws in self.window_slices:
                process_name, window_name, start, end = ws

                duration = 0
                for i in range(start, end+1):
                    duration += self.filter_events[i]['duration']

                if window_name in window_dict:
                    window_dict[window_name + ' - ' + process_name] += duration
                    window_dict[window_name + ' - ' + process_name] = duration

            window_list = [(key, window_dict[key]) for key in window_dict]
            window_list = sorted(window_list, key=lambda k:k[1], reverse=True)
            statfile.write('The top 10 longest application windows\n')
            for idx, w in enumerate(window_list):
                if idx<10:
                    statfile.write('Title: %s, Duration: %0.3f minutes\n' % (w[0], w[1]/60))
                    #print w[0], w[1]

            apptype_dict = {}
            for p in process_list:
                apptype = self.get_application(p[0]).type
                if apptype in apptype_dict:
                    apptype_dict[apptype] += p[1]
                    apptype_dict[apptype] = p[1]

            rt_list = [(key, self.rt_res[key]) for key in self.rt_res]
            rt_list = sorted(rt_list, key=lambda k:k[0])
            for res in rt_list:
                #print 'Reaction Time %f' % (res[0])
                statfile.write('Reaction Time %f\n' % (res[0]))
                total_duration = res[1]['total_duration']
                total_number = res[1]['total_number']

                durations = [(key, res[1][key]) for key in res[1] if key.find('_duration')>0 and key!='total_duration']
                #numbers = [(key, res[1][key]) for key in res[1] if key.find('_number')>0 and key!='total_number']
                durations = sorted(durations, key=lambda k:k[1], reverse=True)
                #numbers = sorted(numbers, key=lambda k:k[1], reverse=True)

                #print 'Total Reaction Time: %0.3f minutes, Number: %d' % (total_duration/60, total_number)
                for idx, d in enumerate(durations):
                    idx = d[0].find('_duration')
                    apptype = d[0][0:idx]
                    if d[1] > 0:
                        apptype_total = apptype_dict[apptype]
                        #print 'Application: %s, Duration: %0.3f minutes, Number: %d, Percentage: %0.2f%%' %(apptype, d[1]/60, res[1][apptype+'_number'], d[1]/apptype_total * 100)
                        statfile.write('Application: %s, Duration: %0.3f minutes, Number: %d, Percentage: %0.2f%%\n' %(apptype, d[1]/60, res[1][apptype+'_number'], d[1]/apptype_total * 100))

            #print 'The top 10 longest reaction time events:'
            statfile.write('The top 10 longest reaction time events:\n')
            for e in self.max_rt_events:
                #print 'Timestamp: %s, Process: %s, Window: %s, Reaction Time: %0.3f seconds' % (e['timestamp'],e['process_name'], self.get_window_title(e), e['duration'])
                statfile.write('Timestamp: %s, Process: %s, Window: %s, Reaction Time: %0.3f seconds\n' % (e['timestamp'],e['process_name'], self.get_window_title(e), e['duration']))