def get_detection_labels(filename, det, anl, beam, configuration, plane=0): print "Detecting islands in %s" % (filename,) print "Thresholding with det = %f sigma, analysis = %f sigma" % (det, anl) ff = open_accessor(filename, beam=beam, plane=plane) imagedata = sourcefinder_image_from_accessor(ff, **configuration) labels, labelled_data = imagedata.label_islands(det * imagedata.rmsmap, anl * imagedata.rmsmap) return labels, labelled_data
def get_detection_labels(filename, det, anl, beam, configuration, plane=0): print "Detecting islands in %s" % (filename, ) print "Thresholding with det = %f sigma, analysis = %f sigma" % (det, anl) ff = open_accessor(filename, beam=beam, plane=plane) imagedata = sourcefinder_image_from_accessor(ff, **configuration) labels, labelled_data = imagedata.label_islands(det * imagedata.rmsmap, anl * imagedata.rmsmap) return labels, labelled_data
def run_sourcefinder(files, options): """ Iterate over the list of files, running a sourcefinding step on each in turn. If specified, a DS9-compatible region file and/or a FITS file showing the residuals after Gaussian fitting are dumped for each file. A string containing a human readable list of sources is returned. """ output = StringIO() beam = get_beam(options.bmaj, options.bmin, options.bpa) configuration = get_sourcefinder_configuration(options) if options.mode == "detimage": labels, labelled_data = get_detection_labels(options.detection_image, options.detection, options.analysis, beam, configuration) else: labels, labelled_data = [], None for counter, filename in enumerate(files): print "Processing %s (file %d of %d)." % (filename, counter + 1, len(files)) imagename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] ff = open_accessor(filename, beam=beam, plane=0) imagedata = sourcefinder_image_from_accessor(ff, **configuration) if options.mode == "fixed": sr = imagedata.fit_fixed_positions( options.fixed_coords, options.ffbox * max(imagedata.beam[0:2])) else: if options.mode == "fdr": print "Using False Detection Rate algorithm with alpha = %f" % ( options.alpha, ) sr = imagedata.fd_extract( alpha=options.alpha, deblend_nthresh=options.deblend_thresholds, force_beam=options.force_beam) else: if labelled_data is None: print "Thresholding with det = %f sigma, analysis = %f sigma" % ( options.detection, options.analysis) sr = imagedata.extract( det=options.detection, anl=options.analysis, labelled_data=labelled_data, labels=labels, deblend_nthresh=options.deblend_thresholds, force_beam=options.force_beam) if options.regions: regionfile = imagename + ".reg" regionfile = open(regionfile, 'w') regionfile.write(regions(sr)) regionfile.close() if options.residuals or options.islands: gaussian_map, residual_map = generate_result_maps(, sr) if options.residuals: residualfile = imagename + ".residuals.fits" writefits(residualfile, residual_map, pyfits.getheader(filename)) if options.islands: islandfile = imagename + ".islands.fits" writefits(islandfile, gaussian_map, pyfits.getheader(filename)) if options.rmsmap: rmsfile = imagename + ".rms.fits" writefits(rmsfile, numpy.array(imagedata.rmsmap), pyfits.getheader(filename)) if options.sigmap: sigfile = imagename + ".sig.fits" writefits(sigfile, numpy.array(imagedata.data_bgsubbed / imagedata.rmsmap), pyfits.getheader(filename)) if options.skymodel: with open(imagename + ".skymodel", 'w') as skymodelfile: if ff.freq_eff: skymodelfile.write(skymodel(sr, ff.freq_eff)) else: print "WARNING: Using default reference frequency for %s" % (, ) skymodelfile.write(skymodel(sr)) if options.csv: with open(imagename + ".csv", 'w') as csvfile: csvfile.write(csv(sr)) print >> output, summary(filename, sr), return output.getvalue()
def run_sourcefinder(files, options): """ Iterate over the list of files, running a sourcefinding step on each in turn. If specified, a DS9-compatible region file and/or a FITS file showing the residuals after Gaussian fitting are dumped for each file. A string containing a human readable list of sources is returned. """ output = StringIO() beam = get_beam(options.bmaj, options.bmin, options.bpa) configuration = get_sourcefinder_configuration(options) if options.mode == "detimage": labels, labelled_data = get_detection_labels( options.detection_image, options.detection, options.analysis, beam, configuration ) else: labels, labelled_data = [], None for counter, filename in enumerate(files): print "Processing %s (file %d of %d)." % (filename, counter + 1, len(files)) imagename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] ff = open_accessor(filename, beam=beam, plane=0) imagedata = sourcefinder_image_from_accessor(ff, **configuration) if options.mode == "fixed": sr = imagedata.fit_fixed_positions(options.fixed_coords, options.ffbox * max(imagedata.beam[0:2])) else: if options.mode == "fdr": print "Using False Detection Rate algorithm with alpha = %f" % (options.alpha,) sr = imagedata.fd_extract( alpha=options.alpha, deblend_nthresh=options.deblend_thresholds, force_beam=options.force_beam ) else: if labelled_data is None: print "Thresholding with det = %f sigma, analysis = %f sigma" % ( options.detection, options.analysis, ) sr = imagedata.extract( det=options.detection, anl=options.analysis, labelled_data=labelled_data, labels=labels, deblend_nthresh=options.deblend_thresholds, force_beam=options.force_beam, ) if options.regions: regionfile = imagename + ".reg" regionfile = open(regionfile, "w") regionfile.write(regions(sr)) regionfile.close() if options.residuals or options.islands: gaussian_map, residual_map = generate_result_maps(, sr) if options.residuals: residualfile = imagename + ".residuals.fits" writefits(residualfile, residual_map, pyfits.getheader(filename)) if options.islands: islandfile = imagename + ".islands.fits" writefits(islandfile, gaussian_map, pyfits.getheader(filename)) if options.rmsmap: rmsfile = imagename + ".rms.fits" writefits(rmsfile, numpy.array(imagedata.rmsmap), pyfits.getheader(filename)) if options.sigmap: sigfile = imagename + ".sig.fits" writefits(sigfile, numpy.array(imagedata.data_bgsubbed / imagedata.rmsmap), pyfits.getheader(filename)) if options.skymodel: with open(imagename + ".skymodel", "w") as skymodelfile: if ff.freq_eff: skymodelfile.write(skymodel(sr, ff.freq_eff)) else: print "WARNING: Using default reference frequency for %s" % (,) skymodelfile.write(skymodel(sr)) if options.csv: with open(imagename + ".csv", "w") as csvfile: csvfile.write(csv(sr)) print >> output, summary(filename, sr), return output.getvalue()