Example #1
def clean(context, **kwargs):
    Clean workdirs, guests or images.

    Without any command, clean everything, stop the guests, remove
    all runs and then remove all images. Search for runs in
    /var/tmp/tmt, if runs are stored elsewhere, the path to them can
    be set using a subcommand (either runs or guests subcommand).
    clean_obj = tmt.Clean(parent=context.obj, context=context)
    context.obj.clean = clean_obj
    exit_code = 0
    if context.invoked_subcommand is None:
        echo(style('clean', fg='red'))
        # Set path to default
        context.params['path'] = tmt.utils.WORKDIR_ROOT
        # Create another level to the hierarchy so that logging indent is
        # consistent between the command and subcommands
        clean_obj = tmt.Clean(parent=clean_obj, context=context)
        if os.path.exists(tmt.utils.WORKDIR_ROOT):
            if not clean_obj.guests():
                exit_code = 1
            if not clean_obj.runs():
                exit_code = 1
                f"Directory '{tmt.utils.WORKDIR_ROOT}' does not exist, "
                f"skipping guest and run cleanup.")
        raise SystemExit(exit_code)
Example #2
def images(context, **kwargs):
    Remove images of supported provision methods.

    Currently supported methods are:
     - testcloud
    echo(style('clean', fg='red'))
    # FIXME: If there are more provision methods supporting this,
    #        we should add options to specify which provision should be
    #        cleaned, similarly to guests.
    tmt.Clean(parent=context.obj.clean, context=context).images()
Example #3
def guests(context, path, last, id_, **kwargs):
    Stop running guests of runs.

    Stop guests of all runs in /var/tmp/tmt by default. Path to where
    runs should be searched can be specified using PATH argument.
    echo(style('clean', fg='red'))
    if last and id_ is not None:
        raise tmt.utils.GeneralError(
            "Options --last and --id cannot be used together.")
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise tmt.utils.GeneralError(f"Path '{path}' doesn't exist.")
    exit_code = 0
    if not tmt.Clean(parent=context.obj.clean, context=context).guests():
        exit_code = 1
    raise SystemExit(exit_code)
Example #4
def runs(context, path, last, id_, keep, **kwargs):
    Clean workdirs of past runs.

    Remove all runs in /var/tmp/tmt by default. Path to where runs
    should be searched can be specified using PATH argument.
    echo(style('clean', fg='red'))
    defined = [last is True, id_ is not None, keep is not None]
    if defined.count(True) > 1:
        raise tmt.utils.GeneralError(
            "Options --last, --id and --keep cannot be used together.")
    if keep is not None and keep < 0:
        raise tmt.utils.GeneralError("--keep must not be a negative number.")
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise tmt.utils.GeneralError(f"Path '{path}' doesn't exist.")
    exit_code = 0
    if not tmt.Clean(parent=context.obj.clean, context=context).runs():
        exit_code = 1
    raise SystemExit(exit_code)