Example #1
	def plotEffMap( self, name, x, y, Lumi, **keywords ):
		""".. method:: plotEff2D( name, varX, varY, Lumi ) 

		Giving a RooDataSet name in directory-like format,
		the function will do a bi-dimensional plot of 
		efficiency with ``varX`` and ``varY`` variables. Also, it
		will stores the graph within the dataset dictionary
		:param name: name of the dataset
		:type name: string
		:param varX: binned variable to be used in the x-axis
		:type varX: string
		:param varY:  binned variable to be used in the y-axis
		:type varY: string
		:param Lumi: luminosity
		:type Lumi: string

		:raise KeyError: the dataset is not in the root file (to be changed to NameError)
		:raise KeyError: some binned variables is not in the dataset

		import ROOT
		import pytnp.steerplots.rootlogon
		from tnputils import getBinning,listTableEff,getEff

		#FIXME: Meter los errores en la misma linea (ahora te salta
		#       de linea (TEXT option)
			dataSet = self.RooDataSet[name]
		except KeyError:
			message = """There is no RooDataSet with name '%s'""" % name
			printError( self.__module__+'.plotEfMap', message, AttributeError )
		#-- Are the variables in the RooDataSet?
		varNotInDatasetList = filter( lambda var:  not var in self[name]['binnedVar'].keys(), [x, y] )
		if len(varNotInDatasetList) != 0:
			message = 'No binned variable: '
			for var in varNotInDatasetList:
				message += "'%s' " % var
			message += "in the RooDataSet '%s'. Skipping plot generation..." % name
			printWarning( self.__module__+'.plotEffMap', message )
			# --- Skipping plot generation
		#--- Name for the histo and for the plot file to be saved
		histoName = 'TH2F_'+name
		#--- Checking if the histo is already stored and plotted
		if self[name].has_key('TH2'):  #### FIXME: has_key o has_attribute ???
			#-- Skipping, work it's done!
			return None
		#---- Preparing all the stuff
		title = self.resLatex+', '+self[name]['objectType']+' '+self[name]['effType']+' '+dataSet.GetTitle()
		yNbins = self[name]['variables'][y]['binN']
		#arrayBinsY = self[name]['variables'][y]['arrayBins']---> # I need the PyDoubleBuffer
		__argSet__ = dataSet.get()
		dum, arrayBinsY = getBinning( __argSet__[y] )
		xNbins = self[name]['variables'][x]['binN']
		#arrayBinsX = self[name]['variables'][x]['arrayBins']---> # I need the PyDoubleBuffer
		dum, arrayBinsX = getBinning( __argSet__[x] )
		hTitleOfHist = name.replace('/','_')
		h = ROOT.TH2F( hTitleOfHist, '', xNbins, arrayBinsX, yNbins, arrayBinsY ) 
	  	hlo = h.Clone("eff_lo")
		hlo.SetName( 'low_'+hTitleOfHist )
		hhi = h.Clone("eff_hi")
		hhi.SetName( 'high_'+hTitleOfHist )
		#-- Getting the efficiencies
		_listTableEffList = listTableEff(self.RooDataSet[name])
		#skipPoints = False
		for binDict in _listTableEffList:
			#-- Extract error values
			#if abs(binDict[self[name]['eff']][0]-self.badPoint[0]) < 1e-9:
			#	skipPoints = True
			#	continue
			b = h.FindBin( binDict[x][0] , binDict[y][0] )
			h.SetBinContent(b, binDict[self[name]['eff']][0])
			h.SetBinError(b, (binDict[self[name]['eff']][2]-binDict[self[name]['eff']][1])/2.0 ) # WATCH: Error 'Simetrized' 
			hlo.SetBinContent(b, binDict[self[name]['eff']][1])
			hhi.SetBinContent(b, binDict[self[name]['eff']][2])
		c = ROOT.TCanvas()
		#h.SetTitle( title ) --> Out titles
		h.SetTitle( '  CMS Preliminary,'+Lumi+' #sqrt{s}=7 TeV  ' )
		#h.SetTitle('' ) 
		htext = h.Clone('htext')
		#if isLog[1]:
		#	ROOT.gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("1.2f")
		#	htext.Draw('ESAMETEXT0')
		#plotName = self.resonance+'_'+name.replace('/','_')+isLog[0]+'.eps'
		plotName = self.resonance+'_'+name.replace('/','_')+'.eps'

	#	if skipPoints:
	#		message = '\033[1;33mplotEff2D Warning: Some efficiencies points are failed in the fit, the last plot will skip '\
	#                         'values with %.4f\033[1;m' % self.badPoint[0]
	#		print message

		#FIXME: attribute o llave del diccionario del rootdataset??
			self[name]['TH2'][histoName] = (h, hlo, hhi)
		except KeyError:
			self[name]['TH2F']  = {} 
			self[name]['TH2F'][histoName] = (h, hlo, hhi)
Example #2
	def plotEff1D( self, name, inputVarName, Lumi ):
		""".. method:: plotEff1D( dataname, variable, Lumi ) 
		Given a name directory-like for a ROOT.RooDataSet object,
	 	the function creates a 1-dim plot of 'variable_name' extracted 
		from the object and it will save it in a eps file. Also
		it will store the graph object creating a new key in the
		dataset dictionary::

		   self[nameRooDataSet]['tgraphs'] = { 'class_graph_name': TGraphAsymmErrors, ... }

		:param name: name of the dataset
		:type name: string
		:param variable: binned variable to use
		:type variable: string
		:param Lumi: luminosity
		:type Lumi: string

		:raise KeyError: the dataset is not in the root file (to be changed to NameError)
		:raise KeyError: the binned variable is not in the dataset

		#import rootlogon
		from tnputils import listTableEff,getEff, graphclassname
		from pytnp.steerplots.plotfunctions import plotAsymGraphXY

		dataset = None
		#-- Getting the class graph name
		_graphclassname = graphclassname( self, name )
		#-- Checking if the object exists
			dataset = self.RooDataSet[name]
		except KeyError:
		  	message = """you must introduce a valid name, '%s' is not a RooDataSet in the root file""" % name
			printError( self.__module__, message, KeyError )
		#--- Empty dataset
		if self.RooDataSet[name].numEntries() == 0:
			message = """Empty RooDataSet '%s'. Skipping...""" % name
			printWarning( self.__module__+'.plotEff1D',message)
			return None
		#--- Checking variable
		if not inputVarName in self[name]['binnedVar'].keys():
		  	message = """you must introduce a valid binned variable name, '%s' is not in the '%s' RooDataSet\n""" % (inputVarName,name )
			message += """The list of binned variables are '%s'""" % str(self[name]['binnedVar'].keys())  
			printError( self.__module__, message, KeyError )
		self[name]['tgraphs'] = { _graphclassname: {} }		
		# Special case: we have only one variable
		if len(self[name]['binnedVar']) == 1:
			graphName = self.resonance+'_'+self[name]['effType']+'_'+self[name]['objectType']+'_'+\
                        if self[name]['isMC'] == 1:
				graphName += '__mcTrue'
			#--- Extracting the efficiency values per bin
			plotList = listTableEff( dataset )
			_min = 0
			_max = 0
			#--- Setting the points and extracting the min and max value
			#--- in order to build the frame to plot
			XPoints = []
			YPoints = []
			for varDict in plotList:  
				(eff,effLo,effHi) = varDict[self.effName]
				(var,varLo,varHi) = varDict[inputVarName]
				XPoints.append( (var, varLo, varHi) )
				YPoints.append( (eff, effLo, effHi) )

				_min = min( _min, varLo )
				_max = max( _max, varHi )
			#--- Cosmethics to storing the plot
			#title = self[name]['objectType']+' category'
			xtitle = self[name]['variables'][inputVarName]['latexName']+' '+self[name]['variables'][inputVarName]['unit']
			ytitle = 'efficiency'
			title = '  CMS Preliminary,'+Lumi+' #sqrt{s}=7 TeV  '

			self[name]['tgraphs'][_graphclassname][graphName] =  plotAsymGraphXY( XPoints, YPoints, xtitle, ytitle,\
						returnGraph=True, rangeFrame = (_min,0,_max,1.05), title=title, graphname=graphName ) 


		#-- More than one binned variable
		for varName in filter( lambda x: x != inputVarName, self[name]['binnedVar'].keys()):
                        _otherVarList_ = filter( lambda x: x != varName, self[name]['binnedVar'].keys() )
                        _otherVar_ = ''
                        for i in _otherVarList_:
                                _otherVar_ += i+', '
                        _otherVar_ = _otherVar_[:-2]
                        if len(_otherVar_ ) != 0:
                                _otherVar_ = ' in all the range of \'' +_otherVar_+'\''
			print '\033[1;34m'+name+': \''+varName+'\' bins'+_otherVar_+'\033[1;m'

                        #--- Extracting bins and array of bins
                        binsN = self[name]['variables'][varName]['binN']
                        arrayBins = self[name]['variables'][varName]['arrayBins']
                        for bin in xrange(binsN):
                                arrayBins = self[name]['variables'][varName]['arrayBins']
                                Lo = arrayBins[bin]
                                Hi = arrayBins[bin+1]
                                Central = (Hi+Lo)/2.0
				graphName = self.resonance+'_'+self[name]['effType']+'_'+self[name]['objectType']+'_'+\
                                #graphName = self.resonance+'_'+self[name]['methodUsed']+'_'+self[name]['effType']+'_'+\
                                #                self[name]['objectType']+'__'+varName+'_bin'+str(bin)+'_'
                                #Getting list of efficiency values plus variables
                                _plotList = eval('getEff(dataset,self.effName,'+varName+'='+str(Central)+')')
                                #print _plotList
                                #Extracting info to plot
                                (eff,effErrorLo,effErrorHi),otherVarDict = _plotList[0]

                                if len(filter( lambda (eff,__dic): eff[0] == 0.0, _plotList )) == len(_plotList):
					printWarning( self.__module__+'.plotEff1D',"Skipping... Efficiencies in the dataset not calculated")
                                _max = {}
                                _min = {}
				varPoints = {}
				effPoints = {}
                                for otherVarName, val in otherVarDict.iteritems():
					varPoints[otherVarName] = []
					effPoints[otherVarName] = []					
                                        _max[otherVarName] = 0.0
                                        _min[otherVarName] = 0.0
                                for (eff,effLo,effHi),otherVarDict in _plotList:
                                        for otherVarName, (central, low, high) in otherVarDict.iteritems():
                                                _min[otherVarName] = min( _min[otherVarName], low )
                                                _max[otherVarName] = max( _max[otherVarName], high )
						varPoints[otherVarName].append( (central,low,high) ) 
						effPoints[otherVarName].append( (eff, effLo, effHi) )

                                title = self.resLatex+', ('+str(Lo)+','+str(Hi)+') '+self[name]['variables'][varName]['latexName']+' range, '
                                title += self[name]['objectType']+' category'
                                for otherVarName, (central, low, high) in otherVarDict.iteritems():
					graphname = graphName+otherVarName
					if self[name]['isMC'] == 1:
						graphname += '__mcTrue'
					xtitle = self[name]['variables'][otherVarName]['latexName']+\
							' '+self[name]['variables'][otherVarName]['unit']
					ytitle = 'efficiency'
					title = 'CMS Preliminary,'+Lumi+' #sqrt{s}=7 TeV'
					ranges = (_min[otherVarName],0,_max[otherVarName],1.05)
					self[name]['tgraphs'][_graphclassname][graphname] = plotAsymGraphXY( varPoints[otherVarName], effPoints[otherVarName],\
							xtitle, ytitle, returnGraph=True, rangeFrame=ranges, title=title, graphname=graphname)