Example #1
    def test_exact_fhmm(self):
        n_chains = 3
        n_states = 4
        n_features = 2

        obs = [np.array([[-600, 100], [-300, 200], [0, 300]])]

        means = np.array([[162.2636, 154.0879],
                          [-299.5184,   0.1605],
                          [-313.1509,  -4.3836],
                          [ -15.0993,  94.9669],
                          [-102.5866,  65.8045],
                          [ -88.9765,  70.3412],
                          [-135.6746,  54.7751],
                          [-138.2674,  53.9109],
                          [-147.2465,  50.9178],
                          [-135.9769,  54.6744],
                          [-33.4946,  88.8351],
                          [-148.7870,  50.4043]])
        means = means.reshape((n_chains, n_states, n_features))

        covar = 1.0e+03 * np.array([[9.1968, 3.0656],
                                   [3.0656, 1.0219]])

        transmat = np.array([[0.3660, 0.0045, 0.0072, 0.6223],
                             [0.2442, 0.0546, 0.0053, 0.6959],
                             [0.0037, 0.0887, 0.0503, 0.8573],
                             [0.9465, 0.0006, 0.0004, 0.0525],
                             [0.1922, 0.5774, 0.0381, 0.1923],
                             [0.3122, 0.4747, 0.0784, 0.1347],
                             [0.0432, 0.6053, 0.2195, 0.1320],
                             [0.3434, 0.2505, 0.0443, 0.3618],
                             [0.0864, 0.3736, 0.5159, 0.0241],
                             [0.2319, 0.2389, 0.5001, 0.0291],
                             [0.0741, 0.1285, 0.6239, 0.1735],
                             [0.3229, 0.2213, 0.2160, 0.2398]])
        transmat = transmat.reshape((n_chains, n_states, n_states))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(transmat, axis=2), 1))

        startprob = np.array([[0.0012, 0.1196, 0.3150],
                              [0.5932, 0.1659, 0.3572],
                              [0.4049, 0.1440, 0.0027],
                              [0.0007, 0.5705, 0.3251]])
        startprob = startprob.T.reshape((n_chains, n_states))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(startprob, axis=1), 1.0))

        fhmm = ExactGaussianFHMM(n_states=n_states, n_chains=n_chains, topology='full', n_training_iterations=1)
        fhmm.fit([np.random.random((20, 2))])
        fhmm.log_startprob = np.log(startprob)
        fhmm.log_transmat = np.log(transmat)
        fhmm.means = means
        fhmm.covar = covar

        actual_loglikelihood = fhmm.loglikelihood(obs[0])
        # The loglikelihood calculated by the reference impl is -15.0552, which is probably due to to the fact that we
        # calculate in logs and the ref implementation uses scaling
        loglikelihood = -11.425412024522673
        self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_loglikelihood, loglikelihood)
Example #2
    def test_exact_fhmm_train(self):
        path = os.path.join(TESTDATA_PATH, 'X.mat')
        X = loadmat(path)['X']
        obs = [X]

        fhmm_exact = ExactGaussianFHMM(n_chains=2, n_states=3, n_training_iterations=20, training_threshold=0.01, topology='full')
        print 'exact:', fhmm_exact.loglikelihood(obs[0])

        fhmm_seq = SequentialGaussianFHMM(n_chains=2, n_states=3, n_training_iterations=20, training_threshold=0.01, topology='full')
        print 'seq:', fhmm_seq.loglikelihood(obs[0])
def get_classifier(args):
    if args.model == 'hmmlearn':
        model = HMMLearnModel()
    elif args.model == 'fhmm-exact':
        model = ExactGaussianFHMM(n_chains=args.n_chains)
    elif args.model == 'fhmm-seq':
        model = SequentialGaussianFHMM(n_chains=args.n_chains)
    elif args.model == 'pomegranate':
        model = PomegranateModel()
        model = None
    assert model is not None
    model.n_training_iterations = args.n_iterations
    model.n_states = args.n_states
    model.topology = args.topology
    return HMMClassifier(model, n_jobs=args.n_jobs)
def get_classifier(args):
    if args.model == 'hmm':
        model = GaussianHMM()
    elif args.model == 'fhmm-exact':
        model = ExactGaussianFHMM(n_chains=args.n_chains)
    elif args.model == 'fhmm-seq':
        model = SequentialGaussianFHMM(n_chains=args.n_chains)
        model = None
    assert model is not None
    model.n_training_iterations = args.n_training_iter
    model.n_states = args.n_states
    model.topology = args.topology
    model.verbose = args.verbose
    model.transition_init = args.transition_init
    model.emission_init = args.emission_init
    model.covar_type = args.covar_type
    return HMMClassifier(model, n_jobs=args.n_jobs)
Example #5
 def test_foo(self):
     obs = [np.array([[-600, 100], [-300, 200], [0, 300]]) for _ in xrange(10)]
     fhmm = ExactGaussianFHMM(n_chains=2, n_states=3)
     print fhmm.loglikelihood(obs[0])