def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): month = kwargs.get('month') year = kwargs.get('year') year, month = utils.parse_year_month(year, month, default=None) now = if not month or not year: # show choose form choose_month_form = ChooseMonthForm() return render(request, 'tours/initialize_choose_month.html', {'form': choose_month_form}) try: month = int(month) year = int(year) except: raise Http404 # make sure this month isn't initialized or out of allowed range date_obj = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1) current = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) last_allowed = utils.add_months(current, 12, True) # make sure this month isn't initialized or out of allowed range if tours_utils.is_initialized( month=month, year=year) or date_obj < current or date_obj > last_allowed: raise PermissionDenied weeks = calendar.Calendar().monthdays2calendar(year, month) return render(request, 'tours/initialize_month.html', { 'weeks': weeks, 'month': month, 'year': year })
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): month = kwargs.get("month") year = kwargs.get("year") year, month = utils.parse_year_month(year, month, default=None) now = if not month or not year: # show choose form choose_month_form = ChooseMonthForm() return render(request, "tours/initialize_choose_month.html", {"form": choose_month_form}) try: month = int(month) year = int(year) except: raise Http404 # make sure this month isn't initialized or out of allowed range date_obj = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1) current = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) last_allowed = utils.add_months(current, 12, True) # make sure this month isn't initialized or out of allowed range if tours_utils.is_initialized(month=month, year=year) or date_obj < current or date_obj > last_allowed: raise PermissionDenied weeks = calendar.Calendar().monthdays2calendar(year, month) return render(request, "tours/initialize_month.html", {"weeks": weeks, "month": month, "year": year})
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("public"): # make sure this user is active if not request.user.person.is_active: raise PermissionDenied else: # make sure this is a board member try: request.user.groups.get(name="Board Members") except Group.DoesNotExist: raise PermissionDenied now = year = kwargs.get("year") month = kwargs.get("month") year, month = utils.parse_year_month(year, month) months_list = [(num, name) for num, name in enumerate(list(calendar.month_name)) if num != 0] date =, month, 1) next_month = date + relativedelta(months=1) prev_month = date + relativedelta(months=-1) primary_tour_coordinator = get_person_by_position("Tour Coordinator (Primary)", "Tour Coordinator") is_open, date_closes = tours_utils.month_is_open(month=month, year=year, return_tuple=True) if is_open: public_url = request.build_absolute_uri( unicode(reverse("public:month", kwargs={"year": year, "month": month})) ) else: public_url = None open_eligible = tours_utils.open_eligible(month=month, year=year) weeks_with_tours = tours_utils.weeks_with_tours(month=month, year=year) context = { "months_list": months_list, "weeks": weeks_with_tours, "now": now, "month": month, "year": year, "next_year": (year + 1), "prev_year": (year - 1), "next_month": next_month, "prev_month": prev_month, "month_initialized": tours_utils.is_initialized(month=month, year=year), "is_open": is_open, "date_closes": date_closes, "open_eligible": open_eligible, "public_url": public_url, "primary_tour_coordinator": primary_tour_coordinator, } if kwargs.get("public"): return render(request, "public/month.html", context) elif kwargs.get("print") is True: return render(request, "tours/month_print.html", context) else: return render(request, "tours/month.html", context)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('public'): # make sure this user is active if not request.user.person.is_active: raise PermissionDenied else: # make sure this is a board member try: request.user.groups.get(name='Board Members') except Group.DoesNotExist: raise PermissionDenied now = year = kwargs.get('year') month = kwargs.get('month') year, month = utils.parse_year_month(year, month) months_list = [(num, name) for num, name in enumerate(list(calendar.month_name)) if num != 0] date =, month, 1) next_month = date + relativedelta(months=1) prev_month = date + relativedelta(months=-1) primary_tour_coordinator = get_person_by_position( 'Tour Coordinator (Primary)', 'Tour Coordinator') is_open, date_closes = tours_utils.month_is_open(month=month, year=year, return_tuple=True) if is_open: public_url = request.build_absolute_uri( unicode( reverse('public:month', kwargs={ 'year': year, 'month': month }))) else: public_url = None open_eligible = tours_utils.open_eligible(month=month, year=year) weeks_with_tours = tours_utils.weeks_with_tours(month=month, year=year) context = { 'months_list': months_list, 'weeks': weeks_with_tours, 'now': now, 'month': month, 'year': year, 'next_year': (year + 1), 'prev_year': (year - 1), 'next_month': next_month, 'prev_month': prev_month, 'month_initialized': tours_utils.is_initialized(month=month, year=year), 'is_open': is_open, 'date_closes': date_closes, 'open_eligible': open_eligible, 'public_url': public_url, 'primary_tour_coordinator': primary_tour_coordinator, } if kwargs.get('public'): return render(request, 'public/month.html', context) elif kwargs.get('print') is True: return render(request, 'tours/month_print.html', context) else: return render(request, 'tours/month.html', context)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): month = kwargs.get('month') year = kwargs.get('year') year, month = utils.parse_year_month(year, month) now = try: month = int(month) year = int(year) except: raise Http404 # make sure this month isn't initialized or out of allowed range date_obj = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1) current = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) last_allowed = utils.add_months(current, 12, True) # make sure this month isn't initialized or out of allowed range if tours_utils.is_initialized( month=month, year=year) or date_obj < current or date_obj > last_allowed: raise PermissionDenied # process form selected_days = request.POST.get('selected_days', None) if selected_days is None: return HttpResponseBadRequest # make a counter of all selected days (i.e., days on which to have tours) if selected_days != '': selected_days_counter = Counter( [int(i) for i in selected_days.split(',')]) else: selected_days_counter = Counter() # make a counter of all days in the month month_dates_counter = Counter([ i for i in calendar.Calendar().itermonthdays(year, month) if i != 0 ]) canceled_days_counter = month_dates_counter - selected_days_counter for num, times in canceled_days_counter.items(): date =, month, num) canceled_day = CanceledDay(date=date) # add default tours on non-blacked out days default_tours = DefaultTour.objects.all() weeks = calendar.Calendar().monthdatescalendar(year, month) for week in weeks: for date in week: if date.month == month and not CanceledDay.objects.filter( date=date): for default_tour in default_tours.filter( day_num=date.weekday): add_tour = Tour.objects.create( source=default_tour.source, time=datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month,, default_tour.hour, default_tour.minute), notes=default_tour.notes, length=default_tour.length, default_tour=True) # mark month as initialized initialized_month = InitializedMonth.objects.create(month=month, year=year) return redirect('tours:month', month=month, year=year)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): month = kwargs.get("month") year = kwargs.get("year") year, month = utils.parse_year_month(year, month) now = try: month = int(month) year = int(year) except: raise Http404 # make sure this month isn't initialized or out of allowed range date_obj = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1) current = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) last_allowed = utils.add_months(current, 12, True) # make sure this month isn't initialized or out of allowed range if tours_utils.is_initialized(month=month, year=year) or date_obj < current or date_obj > last_allowed: raise PermissionDenied # process form selected_days = request.POST.get("selected_days", None) if selected_days is None: return HttpResponseBadRequest # make a counter of all selected days (i.e., days on which to have tours) if selected_days != "": selected_days_counter = Counter([int(i) for i in selected_days.split(",")]) else: selected_days_counter = Counter() # make a counter of all days in the month month_dates_counter = Counter([i for i in calendar.Calendar().itermonthdays(year, month) if i != 0]) canceled_days_counter = month_dates_counter - selected_days_counter for num, times in canceled_days_counter.items(): date =, month, num) canceled_day = CanceledDay(date=date) # add default tours on non-blacked out days default_tours = DefaultTour.objects.all() weeks = calendar.Calendar().monthdatescalendar(year, month) for week in weeks: for date in week: if date.month == month and not CanceledDay.objects.filter(date=date): for default_tour in default_tours.filter(day_num=date.weekday): add_tour = Tour.objects.create( source=default_tour.source, time=datetime.datetime( date.year, date.month,, default_tour.hour, default_tour.minute ), notes=default_tour.notes, length=default_tour.length, default_tour=True, ) # mark month as initialized initialized_month = InitializedMonth.objects.create(month=month, year=year) return redirect("tours:month", month=month, year=year)